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Important New Poll Reveals Most Americans Know China Is Funding the Fentanyl Murder of More than 100,000 Americans Each Year by Lawrence Kadish


In a recent national poll, more than half of responding Americans believe that China is deliberately exporting fentanyl to the United States for the purpose of harming, or even destabilizing our nation.

Were that true, some might reasonably describe that strategy as an act of war.

For China, it would be historic payback time.

Having lost a generation, a nation, and an empire to opium introduced by Imperial Britain during the 1800s, no one knows better than the Chinese that a drug scourge can bring a country literally to its knees.

So, it should not surprise anyone that they have become a center of illicit fentanyl manufacturing, with drug traffickers exporting the killing chemical to the one nation China must strategically injure if they are to make good on their intent to dominate the rest of the 21st Century: the United States. More than simply turning a blind eye to those who are creating the drugs, the U.S. House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party reported this spring that China is directly supporting the creation of fentanyl and other drugs by offering “tax rebates and other financial benefits” to those manufacturers, as long as those drugs are sold outside of China:

“According to the report, Chinese officials encourage production of precursor chemicals by giving ‘monetary grants and awards to companies openly trafficking illicit fentanyl materials.'”

One does not have to be a CIA analyst to appreciate the “why” behind such an action.

The cause and effect have not been lost on the American public. That recent poll, undertaken by the nationally respected polling company McLaughlin & Associates, revealed that a stunning 52.4 percent of Americans suspect that the Chinese are exporting the deadly drug for the specific purpose of destabilizing our society. Some 19.4% disagreed and 28.3% did not have an opinion.


Iran Wants Trump Eliminated by Election Day https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/iran-trump-election-day/2024/08/21/id/1177404/


The Garbage That Starts Off the Democratic Party Platform https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-garbage-that-starts-off-the-democratic-party-platform/?


Liar-in-chief: Joe Biden’s astonishing legacy of falsehoods, deceptions and slander https://www.wnd.com/2024/08/liar-in-chief-joe-bidens-astonishing-legacy-of-falsehoods-deceptions-and-slander/


*** DNC Livewire Night 1 *** Bidens to Sing Swan Song, Hillary Clinton to Crow About Glass Ceiling Eight Years After Defeat https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/08/19/dnc-livewire-night-1-bidens-to-sing-swan-song-hillary-clinton-to-crow-about-glass-ceiling-eight-years-after-defeat/



Craig Bannister : Aug 20, 2024  MRCTV.org


‘Bizarre performance’: Douglas Murray analyses Biden’s DNC address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bBcrg4QPAM

WATCH WND LIVE: Dumb and Dumber at the DNC https://www.wnd.com/2024/08/watch-wnd-live-dumb-and-dumber-at-the-dnc/




CNN commentator leaves panel stunned after blasting Democrats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZJt8pfp92U


Pure Evil: Planned Parenthood Reportedly Ends Lives of 25 Innocent Babies with Medicated Abortions Offered at the DNC https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/pure-evil-planned-parenthood-reportedly-ends-lives-25/


Hillary Clinton receives loudest cheers of the night — seemingly bigger than Kamala Harris — at DNC as she smirks at ‘lock him up’ chants https://nypost.com/2024/08/19/us-news/hillary-clinton-receives-loudest-cheers-of-the-night-with-booming-standing-ovation-at-dnc/


Hillary Clinton: ‘Kamala will restore abortion rights nationwide’ https://www.christianpost.com/news/hillary-clinton-kamala-will-restore-abortion-rights-nationwide.html?clickType=link-topbar-news


Megyn Kelly Exposes the Truth About First Lady Michelle Obama’s Speech at the Democratic Convention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR7k3soyC6k


WATCH: Barack Obama mocks Trump’s ‘weird obsession with crowd sizes’ https://www.wnd.com/2024/08/watch-barack-obama-mocks-trumps-weird-obsession-with-crowd-sizes/




Kamala would be our most pro-Hamas president https://www.wnd.com/2024/08/kamala-would-be-our-most-pro-hamas-president/



Pro-Israel Group, Denied Permit to March, Gathers at ‘Hostage Square’ in Chicago https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2024/08/20/pro-israel-group-denied-permit-to-march-gathers-at-hostage-square-in-chicago/


Pro-Palestinian Protesters Breach Wall at Democratic National Convention https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/08/19/pro-palestinian-protesters-breach-wall-at-democratic-national-convention/


Donald Trump Blasts Kamala Harris’s Economic Plan: ‘Can’t Answer How She’d Pay for It’ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/08/19/donald-trump-blasts-kamala-harris-s-economic-plan-cant-answer-how-shed-pay-for-it/


UN exhibit memorializing terror victims completely ignores Jews, Erdan says https://www.jns.org/un-exhibit-memorializing-terror-victims-completely-ignores-jews-erdan-says/


By Ignoring the Bidenites’ Advice, Israel Managed to Eliminate Many Hamas Jihadis https://www.frontpagemag.com/by-ignoring-the-bidenites-advice-the-israelis-managed-to-eliminate-many-hamas-jihadis/?


Climate Meltdown: Ivy League Scientists Expose Climate Fraud https://libertysentinel.substack.com/p/climate-meltdown-ivy-league-scientists?


Keir Starmer accused of having ‘his head in the sand’ over migration crisis https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/outsiders/keir-starmer-accused-of-having-his-head-in-the-sand-over-migration-crisis/video/189652d2aeea6abdd11c8bac8b09324f

‘Furious’ – Netanyahu refusing to meet British FM after UK embraces ICC arrest warrant – report https://worldisraelnews.com/furious-netanyahu-refusing-to-meet-british-fm-after-uk-embraces-icc-arrest-warrant-report/?


Exposing The New York Times: A Legacy of Antisemitism and Deception https://rairfoundation.com/exposing-new-york-times-legacy-antisemitism-deception/



Danish Drugmaker Ready to Cash In with 10 Million Monkeypox Vaccine Doses Set for Production Following WHO’s Global Health Emergency Declaration https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/danish-drugmaker-ready-cash-10-million-monkeypox-vaccine/


South African group refutes WHO’s declaration of an mpox emergency and warns the public about the risks of the vaccines https://expose-news.com/2024/08/22/south-african-group-refutes-whos-declaration/

The Big Difference Between The U.S. And Venezuela Is Economic Policy Francis Menton


Here in the U.S., we are accustomed to economic growth almost every year. Look at a chart of U.S. GDP over the course of the last century, and the impression is of near-continuous and extremely robust growth. Here is such a chart from USA Facts, based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (Commerce Department).

The so-called “Great Recession” of 2008-09 registers as barely a blip. Same for the Covid-related dip of 2020. (Note in the graph that backing out inflation flattens the slope of the curves to some degree, but does not change the basic form of robust and continuous growth.)

This pattern of continual growth is unfortunately not true for all countries. For an extreme case of the opposite situation, consider Venezuela. Venezuela elected the socialist Hugo Chavez in 1998, and he and his ideologically-aligned successor Nicolas Maduro have ruled ever since. It is not easy to get useful economic data from Venezuela. The best I can find for its GDP since the Chavez election and to the present is from Statista. Here is their chart:

Liz Peek: Sudden shift in jobs data shows workers are struggling to survive Biden-Harris inflation


The government recently reported that job gains between March 2023 and March 2024 had been overstated by 818,000, a breath-taking “goof” by the official bean counters. All those reports that were cheered by the Biden-Harris administration? They were as phony as a three-dollar bill. 

Has the Biden-Harris White House been cooking the books, as some have claimed? Maybe, but there is another possible explanation for the significant downward revision in the jobs number — equally unflattering to the administration and its happy-talk about the economy. 

Simply put, many middle-class workers have taken on multiple jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. Those extra shifts are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics data as multiple jobs; they are, in reality, just overworked Americans trying to navigate the Biden-Harris inflation tsunami.

While it is normal for the BLS to issue modest annual revisions to the monthly jobs figures, this year’s restatement is the largest revision in 15 years, since the time when reporting was being muddled by the turmoil of the Great Recession.  

Given the importance that policy-makers attach to the BLS tallies, the revision is quite alarming — and also inexcusable.  

Economists have been warning that something is not right about the monthly employment reports. In June, when the government reported against all odds that 272,000 jobs had been created in May, even Fed Chairman Jay Powell expressed skepticism, saying there was the possibility the reports “may be a bit overstated.”  

Last year, job numbers were revised downward (never upward) for 10 months — not a stellar record. In June 2023, for instance, instead of adding 209,000 jobs, as originally reported, it turns out the economy added only 105,000. That kind of repeated error makes people suspicious.  

Reade Ben, Jordan McGillis Greener on the Other Side? Despite its flaws, America remains the land of opportunity.


European vacation season isn’t over yet, and this year more Americans than ever have been flying across the Atlantic. By August’s end, they’ll be returning by the 787-full, jetlagged but jubilant, ready to regale friends with tales of their travels—and often enough, the view that the Europeans really have this quality-of-life thing figured out.

Europe’s cities, towns, and countrysides surely are pleasant places to visit. But does their appeal go further? Are they superior to America as places to live? For an evidence-based answer, the natural starting points are big-figure economic numbers such as GDP per capita and disposable incomes. On that score, America clearly comes out ahead of Europe (we’ll focus on EU countries for our purposes here). According to the World Bank, 2023 per capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power in the United States is more than one-third higher than that of the EU, at $81,695 vs. $60,350. Disposable incomes favor the U.S. as well.

Of course, while it is widely accepted that Americans are on average more productive and richer than Europeans, both America and Europe are sufficiently diverse and vast that generalizing isn’t that useful. Given that newcomers to the EU are still climbing out of the hole dug by Communism, a comparison with the richer corners of Europe is more apt. Moreover, Americans tend to work more for the money they earn. If we’re trying to puzzle out who has it better, it makes sense to adjust for the more plentiful leisure time afforded Europeans.

Last year, The Economist performed an exercise of this kind, stacking European countries up against the United States on the basis of per capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power and hours worked. The analysis found that EU countries Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Sweden (along with non-EU Norway and Switzerland) eclipse the U.S. in per-capita GDP when adjusting for those considerations. These countries, in a manner of speaking, have higher individual productivity than America. But if we isolate Norway’s 6 million people, Belgium’s 12 million, and the like, why not do the same for American states? That comparison tells another story.

The Return of History: Liberal Values and Global Realities Only when we understand the fragility of liberal democracy will we be properly motivated to defend it. Zak Schneider


My socialisation into polite liberal society—my crunchy, Quaker-school education and my progressive cultural milieu in a Northeastern American metropolis—helped to forge my worldview. I was, after all, the product of a culture and a generation in which the liberal world presided over the most peaceful and prosperous societies in the history of humanity. Liberalism seemed to be the natural order of things. I failed to appreciate that my experience was born of a unique moment in human history, and that my enculturation represented a break with normal human existence.

Rather than people competing in conquest and blood, as was the case for nearly all of human history, postwar liberal democracies relied upon consent and converging economic incentives to a greater degree than at any previous time. In this new world, it was taken for granted that liberal values would appeal to anyone given the choice, and reorient people towards economic interdependence and international cooperation. Western societies were free and prosperous, so after the Cold War, many Western commentators and analysts naturally assumed that those newly liberated from tyranny would want to emulate them.

The time I spent living and working in a small Baltic country bordered by an aggressively imperial neighbour forced me to reassess the assumptions with which I was raised. Lithuanians understand that the default state of human beings is not cooperation and humanist values. They were therefore not surprised that, after the Cold War, some actors continued to defy economic self-interest in the name of ideology and festering resentment, bucking the trend of liberalisation.

A failure to appreciate this reality is where well-intentioned liberals like me went wrong.

Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’ Have those who lectured us about democracy in danger now decided to save it by destroying it? By Victor Davis Hanson


The 2023-2024 campaign season is not just the strangest on record, it’s also arguably the most anti-democratic.

Ostensibly, the Democratic Party has claimed over the last decade that Donald Trump posed a continued and existential threat to the republic.

That allegation subsequently justified a variety of anti-democratic means to neuter his first two presidential candidacies, his presidency, and now his third and final run for the White House.

A near decade ago, we witnessed the 2015-2016 Hillary Clinton/Democratic National Committee/FBI-assisted effort to plant the false accusation of Trump-Russian collusion to warp the 2016 election.

That gambit centered around the fraudulent Steele dossier and nearly fatally crippled the Trump 2016 campaign. That hoax would later sidetrack 22 months of his presidency before being proven a fantasy.

On the eve of the 2020 election, the left next birthed the Russian laptop disinformation campaign.

That hoax also warped a presidential debate with false charges that Hunter Biden’s own incriminating laptop was once again the work of Russians seeking to conspire with Trump.

Those unusual efforts continued during the Biden administration.

For the first time in election history, the allies of one campaign sought to persuade some 16 states to try to remove a major party’s likely nominee from their primary and general election ballots.

The plan was to smother a Trump third presidential bid in its infancy, and thus once again not allow the people to accept or reject his candidacy.

Nearly simultaneously, four federal, state, and local prosecutors filed dozens of felony charges against Trump.

They all shared some strange similarities.

These indictments would likely not have been filed, had Trump not run for office. Nor would any of them have proceeded had Trump not been a controversial conservative Republican seeking reelection.

Mike Gonzalez A Decade of Ignorance Ferguson inaugurated ten years of lies about race in America.


This month marks the tenth anniversary of events that changed the trajectory of this country, and not for the better. On August 9, 2014, Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Riots erupted the next day and continued for months nationwide. Black Lives Matter exploited the mayhem it had helped cause, helping it swell into a malign global force. The activist model pioneered at Ferguson has had a lasting impact on American politics, as this year’s pro-Hamas demonstrations prove.

The catalyzing event was a personal tragedy, but from a journalistic perspective, it should have been pretty ho-hum. Wilson was a cop, and Brown had just robbed a convenience store, violently overpowering the clerk. When Wilson tried to stop him in the street, Brown scuffled with him, reaching inside his police SUV through the driver’s window. Brown then ran off and Wilson gave chase. At some point, Brown turned around and charged Wilson. That was when Wilson killed him.

The entire encounter, the Department of Justice later said in a revealing report, lasted two minutes. And that’s how long the story would have lasted, too, except that Wilson was white and Brown was black, and had just turned 18 less than three months earlier.

Those with political motivations manipulated the tragedy in several ways. They claimed that Brown had tried to surrender, raising his hands and pleading with Wilson, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” but the policeman still wantonly gunned him down. That fed the narrative that the killing was part of an epidemic of police killing unarmed blacks in America. And this, in turn, reinforced a theme that the country is “systemically racist” and oppressive.

Liberals Should Start Taking Anti-Israel Activists at Their Word


Behind the willingness on the mainstream left to indulge the anti-Israel radicals, argues Jonathan Chait, is a tendency to romanticize them while ignoring their actual ideas. Chait, a staunchly liberal journalist who makes some unsympathetic and highly dubious claims about Israel, sees this tendency in some of his own colleagues, who tend to ascribe “the most sympathetic possible motives” to the protesters while avoiding any examination of their “actual beliefs.” Take, for instance, Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE), the branch of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) that interrupted Kamala Harris’s speech in Detroit:

SAFE, like other branches of SJP, takes an eliminationist posture toward Israel. It has employed violent rhetoric preceding Israel’s operation in Gaza. A SAFE rally in January 2023 featured calls of “intifada revolution,” smashing the “Zionist entity,” claims that Israelis “water their invasive species with Palestinian blood,” and so on. SAFE celebrated the October 7 attacks. In March, its president wrote on social media, “Until my last breath, I will utter death to every single individual who supports the Zionist state. Death and more. Death and worse.”

Would progressives have taken a cooler view of the demonstrators had they possessed a clearer view of their objectives? Some might. But others would not. Progressives tend to take a romantic view of left-wing protest. Protesters occupy a special category of political actor, freed of any responsibility or agency and judged only as a counterweight against the worst excesses of whatever they oppose. They represent an idealistic impulse and revulsion at the status quo, and since the status quo is unjust, their behavior, by definition, cannot be. All that matters is that their actions are directionally correct.

To the extent progressives feel any discomfort with the goals or methods of protesters, they tend to rationalize them by invoking noble protests from past eras.

But the leaders of these specific protests, as Chait documents, have made their actual beliefs quite explicit, and one “common thread” is an “unbounded eagerness to shed Israeli blood.”

Read more at New York Magazine

Casey B. Mulligan A Regulatory Onslaught The Biden administration’s policies amount to lifetime costs of nearly $50,000 per family.


Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. government’s regulatory activity in areas like health care, the Internet, environment, and transportation was unprecedented. The hundreds of new regulations that resulted cost the average household roughly $26,000 over a lifetime, according to my new study for Unleash Prosperity, which uses a database of more than 5,000 federal rules. By contrast, the deregulatory focus of Obama’s successor, Donald Trump, wound up saving the average family about $11,000 in lifetime cost burdens. The regulatory pendulum swung back, though, with Joe Biden’s administration. To some extent, this was to be expected, as Democrats are more inclined to regulatory mandates than Republicans. But who would have expected the Biden administration to regulate with such a vengeance? I calculate a lifetime per family burden of $47,000 from Biden’s new regulations.

The Biden regulations are also highly regressive, with low-income households bearing a large cost as a share of their income. The poor pay seven times more when adjusting for their ability to pay.

A prime example is the Department of Transportation’s expensive new fuel economy standards on new cars, SUVs, and trucks. Together with emissions requirements from the Environmental Protection Agency, new vehicles are expected to cost $3,400 more than they would under the standards set by the Trump administration.