No, he didn’t pull his pants down but he certainly let the awful contents of his brains hang out for all to see.
Last night, CNN held an invitation-only “town hall” for Biden in Baltimore. The audience was beyond friendly, the questions were obviously vetted, and Anderson Cooper was there to hold Biden’s hand. And still, as the RNC’s Twitter feed reveals, Biden repeatedly showcased his weirdness, incipient dementia, inability to lead, and sheer heartlessness. No wonder only 27% of likely voters are confident that Brandon…er, Biden is up to the job.
I must be honest here: I didn’t watch the town hall. I doubt many did. However, the good people at RNC Research did watch and the clips they shared are illuminating.
What caught everyone’s attention was the moment when Biden combined his creepy whisper with the “White supremacy symbol.” And yes, I know that was a 4Chan hoax, but leftists have used it to go after multiple innocent people, everyone from Navy cadets to Hispanic truck drivers to firefighters to Brett Kavanaugh-supporting lawyers. I doubt they’ll go after the one who has a long history of racism and hanging out with White supremacists.