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It’s All About the Revolution: Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence By Janet Levy


For an ideology born in a library to an loathsome scholar, Marxism has never shied from world conquest.  Its earliest proponents, Marx and Engels included, were committed to inciting revolution in all countries.  And Lenin, a man of praxis and internationalism, believed that besides revolution and warfare, the way to defeat capitalism was through propaganda.

To that end, the Left in America has engaged in cultural warfare – a “whole of society” revolution to destroy Western civilization.  Critical Theory, wokeism, DEI, and ideas about gender fluidity – these are all distortions of reality deployed to change our system of values, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences.  Leftists believe that by doing so, they will cause existing social structures to crumble.  They think anarchic socialism will then become viable, emerging from the chaos of a society without order and values.

The following ten are among the techniques of influence the Left uses regularly.  The list is by no means exhaustive, nor without a degree of overlap.  Some methods are as old as time, but some are unique to Marxists.  Awareness of them could help thwart the Left’s malign intentions.

Manipulation of language:  In his essay ‘Politics and the English Language,’ as well as in the novel 1984, George Orwell described how communist dictatorships have used language for controlling people by manipulating perception. 

Examples abound in America today.  Abortion supporters are described as “pro-choice,” sanitizing the extinguishing of a life.  Illegal border-crossers are called “undocumented migrants,” absolving them of criminal intent.  New sets of pronouns, laughable concepts such as “sex assigned at birth,” and dangerous euphemisms like “gender affirming care” disrupt reality while pretending to preserve human dignity.

Pro-Hamas protesters are heirs to decades’ worth of anti-West propaganda By Ruth Wisse


Oct. 7 is widely recognized as “the deadliest day for the Jews since the Holocaust,” yet some Americans — notably the tens of thousands marching on the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week — are celebrating the cloning of Nazism.

Last century, the United States led the fight against those massacring the Jews. Yet today’s college students are cheering on Hitler’s successors.

Many American Jews were “shocked, but not surprised” when antisemitism shot up virulently here on Oct. 8.

Campuses that should have protested the mass murder, rape, infanticide, torture, beheading and kidnapping of peaceful civilians rallied instead against Israel, home to almost half of the Jews left in the world.

It was the same antisemitism we have seen for more than a century — so no surprise — but a shock to many when the rhetoric came from the political left.

In the early 20th century, fascists won American adherents by appealing to ultra-nationalism, the same impulse that brought Hitler to power and made him chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Antisemitism, an anti-liberal movement conceived in the 1870s, accused Jews of exploiting emancipation and citizenship to “conquer Germany from within.”

America On Fire Andrei Bogolubov


The Democrat Party agenda has not so much transformed America as set it ablaze.

After a catastrophic debate and backstage power struggle, Joseph Robinette Biden told the American people that the time has come to pass the torch. And as his anointed successor would say, that time is now, in a historic concession speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Torch is apt as a metaphor for the agenda that has been pried from Biden’s grasp and passed to Kamala Harris. As carried out under two presidents over 16 years, the Democratic Party agenda has not so much transformed America as set it ablaze.

Inflation — Financial Insecurity

Massive overspending by the Biden administration unleashed inflation that is crushing the finances of working people and middle-income families. Wages have not kept pace with prices and Americans are struggling to pay for food and gas. They have taken on debt, tapped savings and retirement accounts while living precariously from paycheck to paycheck. High interest rates designed to tame inflation have wreaked further havoc on personal finances. For many, the dream of home ownership has gone up in smoke.

Violence And Crime

Harris’s Kamunist Agenda Faces Harsh Reality The socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union. By Roger Kimball


Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Cry for Kamala the Kamunist.

It took them a while, it’s true, but at least Argentina has someone with a rudimentary knowledge of economics in charge.

Indeed, Javier Milei, one of my favorite leaders on the world stage today (along with Viktor Orbán, Benjamin Netanyahu, Georgia Meloni, and Nayib Bukele) is a Trump-like dynamo.  If I had a more developed entrepreneurial bent, I would try marketing a line of Milei chainsaws in the United States.  Just as he took a chainsaw (sometimes literally) to excessive spending, regulation, and bureaucracy in Argentina, so my Mielei Chainsaws could be employed against waste, fraud, and abuse here across the fruited plain. Milei’s robust policies have put Argentina on the runway to economic success. They have slashed inflation—some 200% when he took office—and his abolition of rent control—surprise, surprise—has sparked a 195% rise in available housing stock.

Meanwhile, the socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union.  Its centerpiece revolves around centrally promulgated and enforced wage and price controls—a recipe for shortages and inflation.

The plan itself has been ridiculed across the ideological spectrum, from CNN to The Wall Street Journal.  “Harris’ plan to stop price gouging,” quoth CNN in a masterpiece of understatement,  “could create more problems than it solves.”

The WSJ was a bit franker. For one thing, there is “no evidence that supermarkets or other food retailers are gouging anyone. Food prices are higher than they were before the Biden Presidency, but that is because of inflation.”

And who caused that inflation, Kemo Sabe? The man with the keys to the money duplicating machine, Joe Biden or his handlers.

The Dark Money Intimidation Group Attacking Election Lawyers By Hayden Ludwig


Amid last-minute rule changes, widely reported ballot irregularities, and an unprecedented movement away from secure, in-person voting, the 2020 election that installed Joe Biden became one of the most hotly contested in American history.

Given this uncertainty, Donald Trump and his allies, including a number of highly qualified attorneys, raised their concerns in the avenue provided by the Constitution: our court system. For this, Trump’s lawyers have been smeared relentlessly in the media, dragged through costly and damaging professional reviews, and bullied into silence or retreat.

That persecution did not happen organically. The intimidation campaign against Trump’s lawyers, and against any who dissented from the approved narrative, was a highly coordinated effort directed from the very center of the Democratic machine.

And the cabal at the heart of this war on blind justice is The 65 Project — named for the number of lawsuits filed by concerned citizens after the 2020 election — driven by David Brock, the consigliere of the professional left. Brock began his career as a conservative hero who exposed the Democrats’ smear campaign against future Justice Clarence Thomas as well as Bill Clinton’s “Troopergate” sex scandal — only to turncoat by becoming an accomplice of Hillary Clinton and disavowing his former career as a “right-wing hit man.”

For his betrayal, Brock was handsomely rewarded by Clinton allies, who helped him architect a constellation of far-left attack groups known as the “Brocktopus”, most notably Media Matters for America and American Bridge 21st Century, both of which are closely connected with the 65 Project today.

The partisan bias is obvious. Media Matters is the chief attack dog of the Democratic Party, which smears mainstream Republicans as bigoted racists with funding from George Soros, the Tides Foundation, and the National Education Association. It’s currently facing a defamation lawsuit from Elon Musk’s X which alleges the hit group manufactured a report showing advertiser posts next to neo-Nazi posts to drive away major advertisers such as Disney and Apple from the platform. Missouri has joined in with a separate lawsuit accusing Media Matters of fraudulent business practices for fundraising off its anti-X campaign.

American Bridge is the left’s “gaffe database” created to track and record every word spoken by Republican politicians in the hopes of digging up a juicy line to blast over the airwaves. Its most infamous victim was Todd Akin, a former Missouri congressman and 2012 Senate candidate who used the infelicitous term “legitimate rape” during a radio interview — a flub that killed his political career. 

Kamala Harris’s First Policy Proposal Is Economically Illiterate Noah Rothman


On policy, Kamala Harris is starting to put some meat on her campaign’s otherwise bare bones. Her earliest attempt at setting policy involved brazenly appropriating Donald Trump’s plan to eliminate taxes on income derived from tips, which enthused neither progressives nor anyone else who understands how broad-based income tax relief actually works. But the vice president’s first real effort to expound on her own economic thinking is no less vacuous. Ahead of what her campaign is promoting as an economic policy speech on Friday, Harris previewed her plan to reduce consumer prices. So far, it seems her plan consists of simply ordering prices to be lower.

“Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday will call on Congress to pass a federal ban on price gouging as part of her economic platform to lower grocery prices and everyday costs,” Politico reported on Wednesday night. This float is light on details, but the dispatch indicated that Harris would enforce her plan to impose price stability on the market by decree via the Federal Trade Commission, which would be empowered along with state attorneys general “to investigate and levy penalties on food companies that violate the federal ban.”

That sounds a lot like a series of proposals Joe Biden outlined in his February State of the Union address, during and after which the president attacked companies that raise prices in response to macroeconomic conditions or attempt to meet demand by reducing the amount of product available for the same price — what Biden deemed “shrinkflation.” You remember that, right? Of course, you don’t! Because nothing at all came of it. It was a rank pander to the economically illiterate. And despite the presence of many who fit that description in the federal legislature, there are enough members of Congress who understand that allowing the executive branch to functionally set prices is a braindead idea that would only hurt consumers in the long run.

Republicans Must Make a Laser-Focused, Issues-Based Case to the People If Republicans can successfully frame the 2024 election as boiling down to the actual issues—the economy, inflation, immigration, and crime—then they stand a strong chance of prevailing. By Josh Hammer


One of my favorite bits of ancient wisdom, which I have quoted many times over the years, is the Chinese military theorist Sun Tzu’s adage that a battle is won before it is fought because it is won by choosing the terrain on which it is fought. Accordingly, as I noted in a column a few months ago: “If former President Donald Trump and other Republicans on the ballot this fall want to win, they must choose the proper terrain.”

He who controls the narrative and framing necessarily controls the result. Every good trial lawyer knows this. And so should every good politician.

Although recent days have been more focused and suggest a possible turning of the tide, the electoral terrain for Republicans has generally been rather shaky ever since the bloodless Kamala Harris coup of Joe Biden a few weeks ago. Asking whether Harris—the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants—actually counts as “Black” for U.S. demographic purposes is fair substantive game, but it is certainly not fertile swing voter terrain. Even less compelling, and certainly less propitious, is incontinent friendly fire directed at the popular governor of a crucial swing state, Georgia.

Early voting begins in Pennsylvania, arguably this election’s single most decisive battleground state, on Sept. 16. That is just around the corner. Can Republicans pull it together in time and successfully define the electoral terrain?

Republicans are not entirely themselves to blame for the current state of the race, which has seen the GOP squander much of its momentum from the former president’s heroic survival of an assassination attempt and the party’s successful nominating convention. The corporate media has aided Democrats every step of the way. After pretending to be real journalists for a few weeks and holding Biden accountable for his palpable senility, the Washington press corps immediately returned to regime-apologist form after party elites succeeded in their coup. Thus, the present spectacle of Harris not answering a single real question from the press for nearly four weeks. Funny how quickly the media went from probing to outright laconic.

Under a Harris Presidency A Harris administration would likely implement a Middle East policy that would be openly hostile to Israel and even more willing to appease Iran than the Biden administration. By Fred Fleitz


During his recent discussion with Elon Musk on X, Donald Trump said Kamala Harris would be even worse for Israel and the Jewish community than Joe Biden. Although there are many unknowns about what Kamala Harris’s positions would be as president on Middle East security if she wins the 2024 presidential election, several disturbing signs support President Trump’s belief.

Harris’s foreign policy record has been roundly criticized. She was ridiculed in 2022 for a pollyannish explanation of the Ukraine War when she said, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

Harris was strongly condemned in Ukraine and the U.S. for laughing and appearing clueless during a 2022 press conference in Poland when a reporter asked her a question about Ukrainian refugees. This response led Senator Marsha Blackburn to tweet, “It seems the only thing Kamala Harris knows how to do is laugh off her responsibilities.”

Harris praised Biden for an “extraordinary amount of courage” concerning his disastrous decision to abruptly withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021. She has argued that increasing nuclear deterrence is “dangerous” and called for reducing the defense budget and redirecting military funding to domestic programs. In dealing with Russia, China, Iran, and Yemen’s Houthi rebels, Harris usually favored appeasement over tough policies and American strength.

These and other indications of Harris’s foreign policy incompetence raise questions as to whether she can handle the complex security issues America faces in the Middle East.

There are already two indicators of this.

The first are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel statements by Harris during her career driven by the thinking of the progressive left. She has consistently portrayed the Palestinians as victims, voted against legislation supporting Israel’s security, and voted in support of the anti-Semitic BDS movement.

The Lies of Tim Walz Is he guilty of “stolen valor”? by Scott Hogenson


The flap over military service involving Republican J.D. Vance and Democrat Tim Walz marks the biggest controversy of its kind in 20 years. Two decades ago, there was intense scrutiny of John Kerry’s service in the Navy’s swift boat fleet during the Vietnam War, an issue that arose in his 2004 presidential bid. I remember it well after working on President George W. Bush’s reelection campaign that year.

Questions and accusations swirled around Kerry’s Purple Hearts and his Bronze and Silver Star medals. Much of the attention focused on whether Kerry actually deserved his decorations. The circumstances involving Kerry’s three Purple Hearts, awarded to those wounded in action against the enemy, did not result in him ever being taken off duty for medical treatment. His wounds were minor and superficial, but they were wounds nonetheless.

Bronze Stars were commonly awarded to officers in Vietnam; a highly decorated Army colonel once told me that any officer who came home alive got one. As for Kerry’s Silver Star, the third highest military award, some argued his actions did not meet the standard of gallantry required for receiving that medal.

The Swift Boat controversy of 20 years ago hurt Kerry politically, but there’s a big difference between his situation and that of Tim Walz. John Kerry received those medals, and the citations for them are of record; he did not lie to voters. Walz did.

Walz previously claimed to have retired from the Army National Guard as a command sergeant major, designated by the rank of E-9, which is false. He never completed the rigorous requirements to deserve that rank and retired as a master sergeant, an E-8. He simply lied about his rank many times and over many years.

America is turning into the EU Democrats are steering the US towards European-style censorship, technocratic rule and economic decline.


Europe may be fading from global relevance, but its influence is expanding within the US Democratic Party. Today, the party’s core beliefs echo those espoused by the European Union and much of the British establishment – an embrace of censorship, a draconian approach to climate change, support for trans ideology, the championing of race-based politics and, increasingly, hostility towards Israel and Jews.

With the seamless elevation of Kamala Harris and her ‘white dude’ vice-president pick, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, the Democratic Party has also embraced the undemocratic methods of the European Commission. The party has turned into a tightly controlled, elite-driven cabal. All this, of course, is justified by Democrats as a way to ‘defend democracy’ against the Trumpian hordes.

Once a truly national presence, the Democratic Party is now almost totally dominated by older, wealthier regions, like the north-east and the West Coast. This parallels establishment politics in Europe, which takes its cues from London, Paris, Brussels and Berlin – places where, as French author Christophe Guilluy notes, there is a ‘hyper-concentration of elites’.

In the not-so-recent past, the Democrats were also a national and sociologically diverse party. It included Catholics, southerners, labour unions, black and Hispanic politicians and oddball entrepreneurs not aligned with the country-club GOP. It was, as humourist Will Rogers pointed out, famously inwardly conflicted. ‘I do not belong to any organised political party’, the Oklahoma native joked, ‘I’m a Democrat’.

Today, Rogers’s chaotic party has achieved a discipline of almost Stalinist proportions. Rather than allow a battle for the presidency, the party rallied around Harris, who has never won a presidential primary. With a speed that would have astounded George Orwell, the Democrats’ media minions took a candidate widely seen as lacklustre and elevated her to mythic status.