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When Will The U.S. Be Released From COVID Prison?


Japan announced Tuesday that it was lifting its coronavirus state of emergency. The country joins Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in returning to normal. America, however, will continue to be largely under the boot of politicians, bureaucrats, and meddlesome public health officials. Even convicts have release dates. But we have no idea when we’ll be liberated because there are no objective standards, only political whim.

When asked Monday “how many Americans need to be vaccinated for us to go back to normal,” President Joe Biden replied: “I think we get the vast majority … 96, 97, 98 percent.”

First of all, that’s unrealistic. There is no single activity that more than 95% of the population, any population, will agree to participate in. Even if Biden said that Washington was going to hand out $1 million to every American next week, there would be holdouts. So the president’s benchmark is never going to be met. Which might very well be by design.

Second, herd immunity can be achieved when as little as “70% of the population – more than 200 million people” have recovered from COVID-19, says the Mayo Clinic, which also acknowledges that “reaching herd immunity through vaccination against COVID-19 might be difficult for many reasons.”

Of course a combination of those who have recovered and those who’ve taken the shot(s) could provide herd immunity.

Opinions, of course, vary. Others say the threshold is higher. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whose credibility is suspect at best, said at one time that herd immunity could be reached at a 60% to 70% vaccination rate. He then changed it to 70% to 75%, then to 80% to 85%, even suggesting but not claiming that the minimum is 90%, while also admitting that he’s basing his estimates on a gut feeling.

Seems obvious where Biden is getting his “science” from.

John Durham Dissects a Smear Campaign This is proof of overt acts and statements made in furtherance of the illegal but thus-far uncharged conspiracy. by George Parry


This is the third in a series of articles analyzing the 27-page federal grand jury indictment charging lawyer Michael Sussmann with making a false statement to the FBI. The second article analyzed the indictment’s detailed factual averments that spelled out how Sussmann and others conspired to concoct a false but “plausible” narrative purportedly demonstrating the existence of a secret channel of internet communications between the Trump Organization, owned by Donald Trump, and the Russian Alfa Bank. The article ended at the point where Sussmann was about to meet with James Baker, the general counsel of the FBI.

At the meeting, Sussmann allegedly delivered to Baker deceptive “white papers,” documents and computer data that were calculated to trigger an FBI investigation of the purported Trump-Alfa Bank connection. According to the indictment, once the FBI began its investigation, Sussmann, the top echelon of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign (“Clinton Campaign”) and others publicized the fact that the FBI was investigating possible ties between Trump and Russia.

Moreover, the indictment also avers that, even before his September 19, 2016, meeting with Baker, Sussmann disseminated the fabricated Trump-Alfa Bank narrative to the media. Quoting billing records and emails from Sussmann’s law firm (“Perkins Coie” which represented the Clinton Campaign), the indictment gives the following examples of how the smear was spread:

On “about August 30, 2016, Reporter-1, who worked for “a major U.S. newspaper (‘Newspaper-1’),” emailed Sussmann: “I’m back in town. I see Russians are hacking away. [A]ny big news?” To this Sussmann replied: “Mind reader!… Can you meet Thurs and Fri?”
On Thursday, September 1, 2016, Sussmann met with Reporter-1. He “billed his time for the meeting to the Clinton Campaign under the broader billing description ‘confidential meetings regarding confidential project.’”
On September 12, 2016, Sussmann spoke with “Campaign Lawyer-1” (identified elsewhere as Sussmann’s law partner, Marc Elias, who represented the Clinton Campaign) by telephone regarding the Trump-Alfa Bank narrative. Sussmann and Elias each billed the call to the Clinton Campaign with Elias using the billing description “teleconference with M. Sussmann re: [Newspaper-1]” and Sussmann using the description “work regarding confidential project.”
On September 15, 2016, Elias “exchanged emails with the Clinton Campaign’s campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor concerning the [Trump-Alfa Bank allegations] that Sussmann had recently shared with Reporter-1.” Elias “billed his time for this correspondence to the Clinton Campaign with the billing entry, ‘email correspondence with [name of foreign policy advisor], [name of campaign manager], [name of communications director] re: the [Alfa Bank] Article.’”

Can There Be Any Doubt That Hillary Was Behind The Trump/Russia Collusion Hoax? Francis Menton


I feel that I should comment on the indictment of lawyer Michael Sussman by Special Counsel John Durham while the issue is still current. Very likely you have already read extensively about Durham’s indictment of Sussman, which came down on September 16. Sussman was one of the lawyers, although not the head lawyer, at the firm of Perkins Coie, who worked for the DNC and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in 2016.

This indictment is another instance by which we are learning step by step how the Democratic powers and their press side-kicks, through strict control of a “narrative,” think that they can get a critical mass of the American people to believe literally anything, no matter how preposterous. And to a remarkable extent, they are right.

From mid-2016 to mid-2019, we had about three years of non-stop Russia! Russia! Russia! obsession from the Democratic Party and its media adjunct. The stories advancing the narrative numbered in the thousands, and ultimately turned into nothing when Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally issued his report at the end of that period. But how did this whole thing get going and continued for such a long period of time?

On its face, the Sussman indictment appears to be a very odd bird, and by itself not a particularly significant one. The charge is a single count of “lying to the FBI” (18 U.S.C. Section 1001). This statute is a favorite of the feds because almost anyone dumb enough to talk to the FBI can be tripped up on something. The defendant is a relatively small fish in the school of barracudas who had to have been involved in orchestrating the “Trump/Russia collusion” hoax in the 2016 election and thereafter. The “lie” in question is on the seemingly peripheral issue of whether Sussman was working for a client, i.e., the Clinton campaign, or just reporting to the FBI as a public-spirited citizen. Could the FBI really have been fooled about that? And is this really the best they’ve got?

On the flip side, there are some serious indications — although we can’t know for sure — that there is more coming.

Are we in a pandemic or not? When it comes to immigration and vaccinations, suddenly Joe Biden doesn’t care Stephen Miller


No one has done more to undermine the Biden administration’s vaccination strategy than Joe Biden. From his confusion over when to wear a mask and when not to wear a mask, to the lack of press conferences, on through the Delta variant, we arrive at Biden’s biggest optics crisis yet: 15,000 migrants flooding the southern border under a Del Rio, Texas, bridge in temperatures reaching 100 degrees.

Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed last week that his department’s border officials did not test the some 12,000 to 15,000 migrants for COVID. He did say that some had fallen ill, but would not elaborate further. While appearing on Fox News Sunday, he told Chris Wallace that at least 12,000 of those same migrants were released into the country with a notice to appear in court, which is sure to be ignored by the majority of them, if history is any guide.

So to recap, thousands of migrants, who were not tested for COVID, and not vaccinated to anyone’s knowledge, were just released into the US and are most likely destined for urban city environments. This has been met with sympathetic shrugs from reporters, who have also made a point of highlighting when every mother or father of three who rejects the vaccine dies from COVID.

The Biden administration has offered American citizens an iron fist on vaccinations, to the point of instituting possibly unconstitutional mandates. His CDC demands that your children, as young as three years old, remain masked at their schools for all hours of the day, as well as at daycare. But when it comes to a refugee crisis, these mandates and demands suddenly dissipate. Either we are in a pandemic, where the Delta variant is burning its way across the United States and we must take every precaution to curb it, or we aren’t. Biden cannot have it both ways.

The sight at the border is first and foremost a public health crisis, one that neither our media nor the administration cared much about until they could deploy viral images from Twitter to smear border agents on horses.

In Afghanistan, we’ve opened the gates of hell By Jeff Goodson


“Fourteen centuries of war between Islam and the West just got ramped up on steroids. ”

The Afghanistan fiasco is the worst strategic blunder since 1938: the year that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain waved around a copy of the Munich Agreement and proclaimed “peace in our time.” Chamberlain’s failure to understand the enemy gave Germany the space it needed to invade Poland — the event that marked the start of World War II. Chamberlain resigned in 1940 when his political support evaporated. Winston Churchill assumed power, ultimately snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

President Joe Biden’s debacle will have no such savior; the Islamic jihad isn’t that kind of war. Instead of getting us out of Afghanistan, and bringing peace in our time, he’s opened the gates of hell. In one disastrous and grossly ill-conceived strategic move, Biden has armed and empowered the Taliban and elated every Muslim fanatic from Morocco to Mindanao. Not since 9/11 have events so galvanized our enemies — U.S. forces abandoning the field; the Afghan military laying down arms; and the Taliban reestablishing their Islamic Emirate.

Of greater consequence, Biden has handed over to our enemies the geographical heart of Khorasan — the historic Islamic cultural, intellectual and theological center that was overthrown by the Mongols in the 14th century. It included parts of what today are six Asian countries stretching from Iran to Kyrgyzstan. For the Salafi jihadists, the heart of Khorasan is Afghanistan. And for the last several years, the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K) has been establishing a center of operations there for its global Islamic caliphate.

We got a taste of what to expect from ISIS-K on Aug. 26, when 13 American soldiers and 169 Afghans were killed in two suicide bomb attacks on the Kabul Airport.

ISIS-K isn’t alone. The Afghanistan-Pakistan region hosts the largest collection of terrorist organizations in the world, including 20 of 61 groups designated by the U.S. State Department as foreign terrorist organizations. All of them — including Al Qaeda and the Islamic State — are now celebrating this epic victory over the infidels.  

We don’t need a blue-ribbon beltway panel to see what comes next. Afghanistan is evolving before our eyes into the Asian epicenter of the global Islamic jihad — exactly what we set out 20 years ago to stop, and did stop for 20 years. Now, we’re left watching the slow train wreck that U.S. strategy set in motion.  

“Common Sense – Where Has It Gone?” Sydney Williams


Common sense: noun – sound and prudent judgement. Its best antonym: unreasonable – without reason.

Common sense is a phrase we all know but rarely practice. So why is it called common? In A Pocket Philosophical Dictionary, Voltaire wrote: “Common sense is not so common.” It does not appear to exist among our cultural and political elite, where reason has given way to ideology. Ralph Waldo Emerson is alleged to have said: “Common Sense is genius dressed in working clothes.” That is, perhaps, what William Buckley meant when he said he would rather be governed by the first four hundred names in the Boston telephone directory than the Harvard faculty? Today, politicians, professors, CEOs, the media and many in the world of entertainment dress more informally, which may be sensible in terms of personal comfort, but a lack of common sense pulsates through their daily activities and commentaries.

Common sense has been banished by the self-righteous. This part of Connecticut is not immune. Last week, in my local paper The Day, appeared an article about the sensible (my word) refusal of Old Lyme’s First Selectman (a Republican) to bring to a vote a resolution proposed by the Democratic Selectwoman which would identify racism as a public health crisis. His refusal was based, first, on the question: What does racism have to do with public health? Secondly, he pointed out such a resolution would imply the town has a race problem. Even the Democratic Selectwoman has said that she does not believe the people in Old Lyme are racist, yet she wants this resolution. Admittedly, the town of 7,000 is estimated to be 97.4% white, but that does not mean the community is racist. Certainly, the Republican First Selectman is not. His daughter is married to a black man whom, with his wife and children, we often see at our beach club. And Old Lyme is among a handful of Connecticut towns that welcome refugees.

The left’s three-pronged assault on America: Covid, the border, submission to China By Patricia McCarthy


So, Joe Biden allegedly got his third jab on live TV on Monday.  He was already “fully vaccinated” and still wore a mask.  Does that give anyone confidence in the vaccine?  

Then he said that he would not allow us to return to normal until 98% of all Americans are vaccinated!  While the CDC is sure to approve the vaccines for ages five and up before the end of the year, despite the hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries and deaths, Biden must think we need to vax newborns the moment they take their first breath (if they are not killed and dissected, their body parts sold first as permitted by the Democrat bill just passed in the House).

Biden, as surely everyone knows by now, even those who voted for him, is seriously cognitively challenged.  He was never a smart man but now he is non compos mentis.  He understands nothing about science, certainly not the science of virology or epidemiology.  He reads words from teleprompters others have scripted.  He has no grasp of the meaning of the words he is reading. 

The man and his minders are a plague upon America far more devastating than covid.  Covid is the hoax on which they, the global elite, have hitched their wagon to, the pseudo-plague that will bring all of us rubes to our knees.  Some Australian states have capitulated, devolving into a functional tyranny.  Police attack persons on the street without a mask or even for leaving their homes.  

Are those Stalinist tactics coming here?  Quite likely in some states, despite the fact that all their lockdowns, mask requirements and vax mandates have made not an iota of difference in the number of cases of those allegedly diagnosed with Covid.  The Los Angeles City Council  just unanimously passed a resolution requiring proof of vaccine to enter all indoor venues, including grocery stores!  This is madness.  This is medical tyranny.  This is not about anyone’s health.  As Dr. Aaron Williams commented on Laura Ingraham’s program, “This is psychological warfare, not evidence-based medicine.”  Are detention camps for the unvaccinated next?

New York Times Pits “Principle” against Powerful “Rabbis” in Iron Dome Vote by Alan M. Dershowitz


[Catie Edmondson] cited no support for her “reporting” on the pressure placed by “powerful …rabbis,” nor did she name them, because her “reporting” simply was not true. She just made it up, because it supported the anti-Semitic narrative that AOC and her Squad deploy to deflect justified criticism of their anti-Israel and anti-American votes.

No powerful rabbis or lobbyists were needed to pressure the nearly 500 Democrats and Republicans who voted to fund the Iron Dome defense system….

No mention was made by the Times of powerful pro-Palestinian lobbyists or Imams, or of the pressure placed on AOC and others by radical leftists who hate Israel. No: it was supposedly”principles” that motivated the anti-Israel votes, and “powerful” rabbinical pressures that determined the “yes” and “present” votes. And this purports to be objective “reporting” from the newspaper of record.

After much criticism, the Times quietly removed the reference to “rabbis” without apologizing for its reporter’s mendacious anti-Semitism or disciplining her for her journalistic malpractice. Just imagine how quickly a journalist would be cancelled if she engaged in comparable bigotry toward another group. But the Times has long suffered from a double standard toward Jews and the Jewish nation.

You are not getting “all the news that’s fit to print” about Israel. You are getting only the “news” that its reporters and editors fit into their preconceived and biased narrative.

The Times must publicly, clearly and substantively apologize for its reporter lying about “powerful …rabbis” and explain how its editors could permit such an obviously anti-Semitic canard to be published on its pages. Quietly eliminating the offending words from its online version is cowardly and insufficient. It must acknowledge the harm that its false reporting has caused.

In purporting to “report” — not editorialize— about why AOC changed her vote from “no” to “present” on the iron dome funding, The New York Times congressional correspondent Catie Edmondson “reported” the following:

“[Progressives] have been caught between their principles and the still powerful pro-Israel voices in their party, such as influential lobbyists and rabbis.”

She cited no support for her “reporting” on the pressure placed by “powerful …rabbis,” nor did she name them, because her “reporting” simply was not true. She just made it up, because it supported the anti-Semitic narrative that AOC and her Squad deploy to deflect justified criticism of their anti-Israel and anti-American votes.

New York Socialism: The Poor Subsidize the Rich You can’t be a good leftist unless you have someone else’s money to live on. And most of the country is busy paying for the lifestyle of the small remainder. By Dan Gelernter


New York City’s budget will exceed $100 billion for the first time this year. Everything is open and above board, as you’d expect: The budget is broken down into eight separate documents and five supporting documents. The “Expense, Revenue, and Contract” portion, for example, is 781 pages. If you fancy a little light reading, you can browse it here. 

Of the money New York City plans to spend, about two-thirds comes from actual city taxes and revenues. The rest is a gift: $15 billion from the state, and $22 billion from the federal government. This is going to be used in a variety of constructive ways. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced, for example, he would spend $234 million cleaning up parks and graffiti. So at the very least New Yorkers can look forward to having the world’s cleanest parks by this time next year. 

After all, how could you possibly spend $234 million on a goal and fail to achieve it?

The best way, of course, is not to have goals: There are no “failure standards” for these expenditures, no way of judging success, no performance targets to be met. So forgive my cynicism if I suppose that quite a lot of money is going to end up lining peoples’ pockets. The New York Post reported in 2019 that de Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray spent $900 million of public money on a mental health initiative and could show neither tangible results nor any accounting of how the money was spent.

But my main objection to someone like McCray spending hundreds of millions of dollars in New York City is that such a big chunk of that money is coming from taxpayers who don’t live there. It’s bad enough that New Yorkers are saddled with this trash. But why should New York’s Chirlane McCrays be sponsored by Missouri’s farmers?

The vast majority of American wealth is concentrated in the cities. So even if you believe in “spreading the wealth,” it should be cities that help subsidize the poorer countryside.  Why does the reverse happen so often? 

Video: Fauci’s Flip Flops Exposed Everything wrong . . . every step of the way.


Check out this compilation video of COVID czar Dr. Fauci flip-flopping on every position regarding the coronavirus pandemic, from school closures to social distancing to natural immunity and more. How is this fraud with his wildly vacillating recommendations still allowed to control every aspect of the lives of American citizens?

Don’t miss this must-see video below: