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Former Acting DNI Ric Grenell: Gen. Milley’s Lying About Who Decided to Shut Down Bagram By Debra Heine


Ric Grenell, President Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence, on Tuesday said General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has not been truthful about who made the disastrous decision to shut down Bagram Air Force Base before evacuating American citizens and Afghan allies from the war-torn country.

During an interview on Fox News, Grenell took aim at Milley, accusing the four-star general of falsely claiming that the commander in charge of Bagram Air Force Base, General Scott Miller, advised the Biden White House to shut the base down.

“I can tell you that that’s not true. I know that from very first hand information. General Miller did not want to close Bagram but General Milley said that he did,” Grenell told Fox News host Bill Hemmer.

During a press conference on August 18, Milley claimed that CENTCOM commander General Kenneth McKenzie, and General Miller had made the decision to close Bagram Air Force Base.

“Our task given to us at that time, our task was protect the embassy in order for the embassy personnel to continue to function with their consular service and all that. If we were to keep both Bagram and the embassy going, that would be a significant number of military forces that would have exceeded what we had or stayed the same or exceeded what we had,” Milley told reporters.

“So we had to collapse one or the other, and a decision was made. The proposal was made form CENTCOM commander and the commander on the grounds, Scott Miller, to go ahead and collapse Bagram,” Milley continued. “That was all briefed and approved, and we estimated that the risk of going out of HKIA or the risk of going out of Bagram about the same, so going out of HKIA — was estimated to be the better tactical solution in accordance with the mission set we were given and in accordance with getting the troops down to about 600, 700 number.”

Google Launches Antiracism Program Teaching That America Is a ‘System of White Supremacy’ By Caroline Downey


Google has launched an antiracism program for employees, featuring training workshops and speaker sessions, that teaches the principles of critical race theory, chiefly that America was founded on white supremacy.

The initiative invokes the familiar language of the radicalized ideology, including “intersectionality,” “white privilege,” and “systemic racism,” according to whistleblower documents obtained by Christopher Rufo of City Journal.

In one segment of the program coined “Allyship in Action,” a group of trainers including Google’s head of systemic allyship Randy Reyes and consultants from The Ladipo Group, ask employees to confront their “power and privilege” and rank themselves according to their racial background and sexual orientation.

A number of videos presented to employees conveyed the message that racism is an irredeemable stain on America’s national fabric and that white people have profited from white supremacy, even if they are innocent of engaging in it personally.

Alongside Google’s former global lead for diversity strategy Kamau Bobb, 1619 Project editor Nikole Hannah-Jones says in one video that  “the first Africans being sold on the White Lion [slave ship in 1619] is more foundational to the American story” than “the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock,” Rufo confirms. She said she was inspired to spearhead the New York Times’s 1619 Project to prove her hypothesis that every facet of modern day America is rooted in slavery.

Stupidity Is No Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Excuse For Team Biden Ernest S. Christian


Team Biden must be held to account for the lethal consequences of its deliberate acts.

Let’s face it. Neither the lethal fiscal and monetary time-bomb implanted in the American economy nor the crimes committed against God and humanity on the world stage in Afghanistan are the result of careless dimwitted “inadvertence.” Those outrages were, instead, in both cases the results of deliberate acts by certified Wokesters.

Take, for example, the injury they are doing to the economy. Butterfingered Wokesters did not “mistakenly” punch the buttons that ignited inflation and set America on the present high-risk, printing-press-money, debt-ridden path toward financial crisis.

Quite the opposite is true.  It is almost as if the Wokesters started off with the strategic goal of doing harm to the economy of the United States – and then meticulously took the tactical steps necessary to complete the job:

dramatically increase taxes that do more economic harm than they raise in revenue for the government to spend (If that is not absurd, what is?);
increase deficit spending and federal debt to unsustainable levels;
print lots of fiat money (about $120 billion a month) by selling the debt to the Federal Reserve;
bribe people to work less and produce fewer goods while consuming more by giving them free money;
put upward pressure on prices (too many free dollars chasing too few goods); and
put the Federal Reserve in the absurd and high-risk position of either continuing to print money and keep interest rates near zero or trying to thread the needle by gradually reducing its purchases of federal debt and gradually increasing interest rates with almost no margin for error and with no ability to stop the Biden Wokesters from messing everything up with another big spending spree.

Biden Has A ‘Whole Of Government’ Plan For Everything … Except Rescuing Americans From Afghanistan


After the Supreme Court decided not to stop a Texas abortion law from going into effect, President Joe Biden promised that he’d “launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision.” No one knows what that means, exactly, but Biden has promised “whole-of-government” solutions for everything under the sun. Everything, that is, except rescuing Americans stuck in Talibanistan.

In his eight short months in the White House, Biden has made the already empty phrase “whole–of-government” a nauseating cliché.

He has a “whole-of-government” agenda to fight COVID, to tackle global warming, to “create good-paying, union jobs for Americans.”

His administration announced a “whole-of-government process that will lift up the voices of federal scientists of many perspectives and backgrounds.”

He promises a “whole-of-government effort” to promote competition in the American economy.

He says he will deliver “an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda.”

Afghanistan Comes to America What Biden’s Benghazi means for us at home. Eric Rozenman


Conventional wisdom—correct this time—asserts that the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan makes the world a more dangerous place. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Islamic triumphalists everywhere are emboldened. Fuses burning over Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine and other hot spots grow shorter.

Less recognized is how our self-inflicted Afghanistan catastrophe may create or increase threats at home. Consider four, three military, one political:

*Suppose you are a general or admiral in the U.S. armed forces. You’ve just been required by your constitutionally superior civilian leaders to head the biggest American military debacle since the fall of South Vietnam. You’ve rescued more than 120,000 but abandoned somewhere between 60,000 and 200,000 more Afghan partners and their family members.

You know that as U.S. ground forces withdrew, the South Vietnamese army fought on, with massive U.S. air support defeating the North’s 1972 Easter invasion. Then a Democratic-controlled Congress cut off funds, fuel, ammunition and air support. You also recall the United States, during the Carter administration, restrained the Iranian military to ease out the Shah. That helped ease in Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

And now, Kabul. If you’re still in uniform the next time civilians not just override your best advice, as is their constitutional prerogative, but do so in capricious arrogance, then attempt to deflect blame onto you, how likely will you be to snap to and salute? When President Harry Truman fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Jr. for insubordination over the latter’s conduct of the Korean War, MacArthur choose theatrically to “just fade away.” In a more ambiguous situation, fraught with national danger, will you?

*Suppose you’re not a flag officer but rather a colonel, lieutenant colonel or major. Imagine you implemented the orders to abandon Bagram air base at night and without notice to our Afghan allies, as well as to cut off air support for Kabul’s forces and even halt maintenance contracts for its planes and helicopters.

Further, assume you know about private efforts, like the Commercial Task Force of veterans, ex-diplomats and others that rescued a reported 5,000 or more Afghans from Taliban control. Private Americans, on short notice and from scratch, began doing what civilian leaders—with personnel, months of time and billions of dollars to prepare—proved either unserious or incompetent about doing.

Suicide by ‘Replacement Migration’ Can any nation survive when its character has been transformed? Bruce Thornton


The Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan is also worsening our already dangerous immigration crisis. Tens of thousands Afghans are being brought into the country, with little serious vetting to discriminate between those who served loyally with our troops and intelligence agencies; and those who just want a better life or have more sinister motives. This new influx comes on top of the one million migrants who have crossed our southern border just since Biden’s inauguration. All these new migrants are being dispersed throughout the country at taxpayer expense.

This process of transforming American identity and its defining political principles and virtues has been going on since the feckless 1965 immigration bill, which provided entrance to family members of immigrants, multiplying their numbers by as much as a factor of 8. The political and economic motives for this weakening of our border have likewise long been obvious––voters for progressives, cheap labor for free marketeers.

But another dubious idea has developed to justify our and Europe’s porous borders: Replacement Migrations. Pursuing this short-sighted idea will accelerate the dilution of national identity, an outcome progressives fervently desire as a mechanism for transforming our Constitutional order of divided government, federalism, and unalienable rights into technocratic rule by a “managerial elite.” Those technocrats’ utopian ideals like “equity” an “social justice” will further compromise the rights and freedoms of others.

The pretextual rationale for Replacement Migration is pragmatic: Europe and, in recent years, the U.S. are not reproducing at a rate sufficient to maintain populations through internal growth. The U.S. rate, for example, has declined to 1.64 child per woman from the 2.1 child needed to maintain the population. Combined with medical treatments that extend longevity, this decline in reproduction means fewer younger workers contributing payroll taxes to support greater numbers of those receiving public subsidies. These trends have put programs like Medicare and Social Security on track to run out of money. The UN’s solution is Replacement Migration––importing more-fecund young immigrants, legal or otherwise, to make up the worker deficit.

Hence the erosion of our immigration laws, despite the dangers of lax immigration policies that take in peoples from less advanced regions with cultural, social, and religious customs hostile to the host countries’. In Europe, for example, generous welfare subsidies to migrants combined with restrictions on employment have created a sullen generation of Muslim immigrants exploited by jihadist recruiters working out of some of the many mosques that have arisen across Europe. In addition to the terrorist attacks that follow, migrant participation in crime, especially rape, is much greater than their share of the total population.

Moreover, in many countries, significant numbers of Muslim immigrants are segregated into “no go” neighborhoods or towns where they indulge their cultural and religious practices, such as honor-killing and polygamy, inimical to the liberal democratic principles of their host governments. These developments are the wages of failing to demand assimilation to the host country and its social and political culture.

The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin The question is, why? Wayne Allyn Root


It’s been quite a week. I’ve been in the media business for decades and I’ve never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let’s start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered “unvaccinated”? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they’d spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That’s because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That’s called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

Worst of all, the media has blacked out the developing disaster in Israel. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. They all got the Pfizer vaccine. At first, deaths and hospitalizations went to almost zero. Israel declared victory over COVID-19.

But everything changed. Today a massive COVID-19 outbreak has engulfed vaccinated Israel. Hospitals are full. People are dying. At this moment, Israel, the most vaccinated nation in the world, has more COVID-19 infections per capita than any country in the world.

The Sum of All Fears Democrats Abandon Regular Order To Sneak Through a Socialist America Lawrence Kudlow


So what did they hide, and when did they hide it? Key Democratic committees — Ways and Means in the House and Finance in the Senate — are marking up unheard of spending and taxing plans. Right now. Yet they are not telling the public what they’re really up to.

The answer to “what did they hide?” and “when did they hide it?” is that they’re hiding it now, and information is starting to leak out on specifics. There’s no question that the Democrats want this $3.5 trillion reconciliation, which is really going to be more than $5 trillion, to avoid public scrutiny and to roll rapidly through both houses just to get it done.

Some say that it’s going to be a 10,000 page bill and that literally no one is going to know what’s in it. I remember when, a month or so back, I asked Senator Shelley Moore Capito, who is a friend, whether she’d read the 2,000 page infrastructure bill. She smiled and said she got through half of it. She was one of my great hopes that actually might know what’s going on in the second half of the bill.

This one — 10,000 pages worth — no one will know. Trust me. Not before, during, or after. It will take many years to figure this out. That’s just the specifics. In terms of the negative consequences, we won’t know for many years after that.

This is why Joe Manchin’s idea to “pause” the process is a good one — if he sticks to it. The senator’s track record is not fabulous, but hope springs eternal in the Mountain State. Meantime, there’s such a thing in Congress as regular order. Got it? It’s one of the most important concepts in democracy.

Regular order. It means that even in highly partisan bills, normal process is an open markup to thoroughly examine and debate key proposals. Policy experts on both sides of the aisle testify in open session to discuss these massive new programs. This is a time-honored tradition.

After the public testimonies, members then go back and discuss. Then they vote inside the committee to bring it to the floor of the Senate. This is not happening. Instead, Democrats are hiding the policies, foregoing any discussions, and avoiding score cards from the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Tax Committee.

That scoring will eventually come. The reconciliation instructions call — explicitly — for deficit reduction by not less than $1 trillion over the 10 year period ending in 2031. Trust me, there will be nowhere near a trillion spondulix in deficit reduction. Instead there will be significant deficit increases even with the largest tax hike in more than half a century.

‘Inexcusable Bureaucratic Red Tape’: Left-Wing Senator Excoriates Biden for Delay in Rescuing Americans Behind in Afghanistan By A.J. Kaufman


Richard Blumenthal, one of the more partisan politicians in America, slammed the Biden administration Monday afternoon. The Connecticut senator is “furious” about the ignoble efforts toward assisting Americans trying to escape Afghanistan.

Blumenthal issued a press release condemning Team Biden for delaying flights out of Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport following reports that the administration did not give evacuation flights the green light.

Blumenthal and his staff are reportedly working around the clock to “secure the safe passage of two planes” carrying “American citizens, at-risk Afghan allies, and their families.”

The Senate Armed Services Committee member is frustrated at the government’s “delay and inaction” in rescuing people left behind in Afghanistan after Biden’s botched troop withdrawal.

“There will be plenty of time to seek accountability for the inexcusable bureaucratic red tape that stranded so many of our Afghan allies,” Blumenthal explained. “For now, my singular focus remains getting these planes in the air and safely to our airbase in Doha, where they have already been cleared to land.”

The senator also said he expects the Biden administration “to do everything in their power to make this happen” because “these are American citizens and Afghans who risked everything for our country. We cannot leave them behind.”

State Dept trying to steal credit for rescue of 4 Americans from Afghanistan, organizer says: ‘Total lie’ By Peter Hasson , Houston Keene


Cory Mills and a private team of military veterans led the effort to rescue Mariam and her three children from Afghanistan

The organizer of a private mission to rescue an American mom, Mariam, and her three children from Afghanistan says the U.S. State Department is now trying to insert itself into the story of her evacuation, despite playing little to no role for much of the rescue effort.

Senior State Department officials on Monday announced that the “U.S. has facilitated the safe departure of four US citizens by overland route from Afghanistan. Embassy staff was present upon their arrival.” 

But those actually involved in the dangerous rescue operation say the State Department deserves little to no credit for Mariam’s escape from Afghanistan. 

Cory Mills and a private team of military veterans, drawing on funding by private donors including the Sentinel Foundation, led the effort to rescue Mariam and her three children from Afghanistan, where they had been left behind by the Biden administration, multiple sources with knowledge of Mariam’s evacuation confirmed to Fox News. 

Mills and his team worked for weeks to get Mariam’s family out of Afghanistan after Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson alerted him to the family’s plight.

Mills’ team first sought to get the family aboard one of the last government flights out of Kabul, but she was unable to gain admission into the airport. The State Department repeatedly urged the four Americans to go to the airport gate, braving Taliban checkpoints along the way, only for them to be refused admission each time, Mills said.