Smart lad, to slip betimes away, From fields where glory does not stay, And early though the laurel grows, It withers quicker than the rose.
The lines are from A. E. Housman’s poem “To an Athlete Dying Young.” Joe Biden is not an athlete dying young. He is a president, leaving old, at a shockingly late moment in the drama of the year 2024, just weeks before the Democratic convention. He should have slipped away a few years ago.
About the dead, one must speak nothing but good. About Joe Biden in his withdrawal from the presidential race, commentators for now are saying nothing except that it was a difficult, poignant, and self-sacrificing deed, touched by nobility. His bombshell on a Sunday afternoon in July broke an unbearable tension in what used to be called the public mind—a tension compounded, week after week, by footage of the president walking stiffly, staring blankly, fumbling his words, and staggering as he ascended the short stairs onto Air Force One. His June 27 debate with Donald Trump was excruciating to watch. So it was that the announcement of his departure—not merely from the 2024 race but from a long and complicated public life—produced a kind of dazed relief. The first reactions were generous and grateful. And yet there was a note of nil nisi hokum in the air.
It’s said that no president can be properly judged until 30 years have elapsed from the time he left office. By that rule, Joe Biden cannot be correctly evaluated until 2054 or thereabouts.
For the moment, it would be well to remember that the incredible mess of American politics in the summer of 2024 is the doing not only of the egregious Donald Trump but also of a stubborn, prideful, selfish Joe Biden and his wife Jill and the rest of the Bidens, and his closest aides. In this debacle, Biden’s laurels are withered; he does not deserve much glory. In the wake of his reluctant departure from the race, he leaves a squalor of conspiracy theories and the scandal of his having persisted for so long. Conservative historians will write him off as an incompetent, while progressives—after overpraising his accomplishments—will recall him as the one who left the Democratic Party in chaos and, as may be, delivered the country to the carnivore Donald Trump.