The worst epithet one can be called in the America of tribal identities, traveling snowflakes in search of a trigger, BLM comrades, critical race propagandists, and purportedly systemic white privilege Kens and Karens, is a racist.
In today’s mass social milieu, if one is the wrong skin color, religion, nationality, or political party affiliate, one must be a racist. That accounts for at least half of us. So what’s the issue?
Since the accusation has become so ludicrous — in that it encompasses everything from drinking pre-woke Coke to having the right math answer — it has lost its zing along with its original connotation.
So in this age of insanity, where all things are defined as the opposite of what they are supposed to mean: call me racist.
I must be a racist because: I believe that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, regardless of original intent, has devolved into a Marxist, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-family racist hate group.
I must be racist because: I believe that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are the same anti-Jew hatred that has existed for millennia.
I must be racist because: I believe that while anti-Semitism exists on the far right, it is powerless and negligible as compared to the very vocal and ever-growing anti-Semitism, overtly coalescing in the Democrat-controlled U.S. House.