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Remembering D-Day Illuminates the Relevance of Memorial Day By Dennis Jamison


They truly deserve to be remembered and to serve as an example of courage and willingness to sacrifice for us in this dark time.

As Americans just celebrated Memorial Day last week, many memories were conjured up of the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives to advance the cause of Freedom. Truly, the original purpose of Memorial Day, initially intended as a day to honor the brave boys and men who fought to preserve the Republic during the Civil War, remains intact even in 2021. However, one of the most solemn days those from the older generations remember is D-Day because the advancement of Freedom came at such a great cost on such a single day. It is so very right that those of the “greatest generation” who served their country in World War II, should be remembered for sacrificing their lives so that Freedom could survive.

By the end of the first day, more than 12,000 Allied soldiers had been killed or wounded

Today, the anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944, is an especially appropriate time for shining the light a little longer on the relevance or value of Memorial Day as a proper way of honoring those who sacrificed their lives defending or advancing freedom. Memorial Day, in our time, is a day in which we honor all those men and women in uniform who gave their lives for their country, or for the cause of freedom in other countries, throughout any period of our history. So, it is especially fitting that the heroes on D-Day, as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice during WWII, deserved to be remembered on Memorial Day, as well other moments of opportunity, such as the commemoration of D-Day.

By the end of the first day, more than 12,000 Allied soldiers had been killed or wounded, and many thousands more died that month as the Allies secured Normandy. But, for many of those, their first day in battle was their last. While many young Americans volunteered for military service after the attack at Pearl Harbor, far too many never made it home again. So many went off to Europe to fight against Hitler and the National Socialists who had taken over most of Europe by 1941. Those men gave their lives that freedom could survive, and that others would be freed from tyranny.

Why I spoke out against lockdowns on the necessity of challenging the Covid consensus.by Martin Kulldorff

 …. the Tech Overlords have decided to support unprecedented government control over citizens’ lives and, in order for that to succeed, they keep from the public any arguments – no matter how expert they may be – that might give the citizenry the ability to question how they are being treated by the people they elected to be their public servants. DPS

By Martin Kulldorff, is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, an infectious-disease epidemiologist.

I had no choice but to speak out against lockdowns. As a public-health scientist with decades of experience working on infectious-disease outbreaks, I couldn’t stay silent. Not when basic principles of public health are thrown out of the window. Not when the working class is thrown under the bus. Not when lockdown opponents were thrown to the wolves. There was never a scientific consensus for lockdowns. That balloon had to be popped.

Two key Covid facts were quickly obvious to me. First, with the early outbreaks in Italy and Iran, this was a severe pandemic that would eventually spread to the rest of the world, resulting in many deaths. That made me nervous. Second, based on the data from Wuhan, in China, there was a dramatic difference in mortality by age, with over a thousand-fold difference between the young and the old. That was a huge relief. I am a single father with a teenager and five-year-old twins. Like most parents, I care more about my children than myself. Unlike the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, children had much less to fear from Covid than from annual influenza or traffic accidents. They could get on with life unharmed — or so I thought.

For society at large, the conclusion was obvious. We had to protect older, high-risk people while younger low-risk adults kept society moving.

But that didn’t happen. Instead, schools closed while nursing homes went unprotected. Why? It made no sense. So, I picked up a pen. To my surprise, I could not interest any US media in my thoughts, despite my knowledge and experience with infectious-disease outbreaks. I had more success in my native Sweden, with op-eds in the major daily newspapers, and, eventually, a piece in spiked. Other like-minded scientists faced similar hurdles.

Instead of understanding the pandemic, we were encouraged to fear it. Instead of life, we got lockdowns and death. We got delayed cancer diagnoses, worse cardiovascular-disease outcomes, deteriorating mental health, and a lot more collateral public-health damage from lockdown. Children, the elderly and the working class were the hardest hit by what can only be described as the biggest public-health fiasco in history.

Remember Tiananmen Square The Chinese are keen to brush the historical reality of what happened in 1989 under the rug. Don’t let them. By Roger Kimball


Early June marks the anniversary of the brutal suppression by the Chinese Communist Party of the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing. The pro-democracy, anti-corruption protests started in the spring of 1989. At first, the Chinese authorities oscillated between conciliation and crackdown. But on June 4, the hard-liners, led by Premier Li Peng, prevailed. As the protests continued and became more virulent, the military was summoned. Estimates of Chinese citizens murdered range from many hundreds to many thousands. Thousands more were injured. 

On June 5, 32 years ago as I write, a lone man in a white shirt stepped in front of a column of tanks, temporarily halting its progress. The lead tank turned to go around him. He gingerly stepped in front of it again. And again. At one point, he clambered onto the tank to talk briefly to a crew member at the gunner’s hatch. Back on the ground, he continued to offer himself as a human obstacle. Eventually, some people in the crowd pulled him aside and the tanks proceeded.  

No one knows the name or the fate of that brave man. But photos and a fuzzy video of the event surfaced and etched the episode into the world’s conscience, catapulting the man to anonymous fame. Just utter the phrase “Tank Man.” Every adult, even those educated at the best schools, will instantly know whom you mean.  

Every adult in the West, that is. In China, the situation is different. There, the totalitarian’s most faithful handmaid, historical amnesia, has been the order of the day. (Though not yet in Hong Kong, as Claudia Rosett vividly reminds us.) 

I was alerted to the extent and seamlessness of that deliberately cultivated amnesia several years ago. Our son, then a freshman in high school, had befriended a young Chinese student in his class. One day, he brought his friend home for dinner, the first of several such gatherings. His English was still a little rough—it improved rapidly—but he was clearly very intelligent. He was also, we discovered over the next four years, socially accomplished and vibrating with energy. 

Jordan Peterson needs to get off my lawn By Jamie Dyson


Dr. Jordan Peterson has the attention of many around the world, including America, with his psychological insights into the book of Genesis; his clear-eyed appraisal of the excesses of the left; and his three books, Twelve Rules for Life, 12 More Rules for Life, and Maps of Meaning.  His record of wise and careful thought lends to all his pronouncements a certain gravitas.

On May 29 of this year, he tweeted:

The conservatives have to sacrifice Trump and the stolen election narrative.  The liberals have to sacrifice DIE and CRT.  The road to peace requires its pound of flesh from both parties.

(DIE stands for “Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity,” CRT for “Critical Race Theory”.)

I think Dr. Peterson lets himself down whenever he opines on U.S. politics and most especially here.  He has been clear in condemning DIE and CRT as erroneous, divisive, and malign, yet he posits these philosophies as commensurate with support of our 45th president and a desire to thoroughly investigate our 2020 election.  How dare he?  To tens of millions of Americans, Donald Trump is objectively a stalwart champion of the Constitution, the country, and its citizens.  Yet Dr. Peterson here presents him as a should-be pariah, just the other side of the coin to a collectivist, racist, un-American, and hateful ideology.  By so saying, he slanders America, Trump, and us.  Peterson owes us all an apology.  Is he even aware of Trump’s executive orders banning CRT from the federal government?

While Peterson is adept at describing the corruption of the state — usually archetypically referencing ancient Egypt — and recognizes the rot in the academy from the left, he is naïve, ignorant, or willfully blind when it comes to Washington, D.C.  He appears not to see that conservatives and regular Americans have been paying their pound of flesh for decades under both Republican and Democrat governments while the left advanced inexorably until Trump’s arrival.  Peterson mistakes the Uniparty game just described as a hierarchy of competence and prescribes to us the sacrifice of the one man who was brave enough to throw sand in its gears on our behalf.  Peterson cannot apparently see the cardboard placed over the windows of the ballot-counting rooms to block the view of election-observers last year or that Biden was personally involved in Soviet-style political spying on Trump’s campaign.  (Biden reportedly personally unmasked Lt. Gen. Flynn while V.P.)

Dr. Peterson is a Canadian.  One of the chapters in 12 Rules for Life is titled “Set Your Own House in Perfect Order Before Criticizing the World.”  Last I checked, Canada was arresting pastors for holding church services, has little to no international clout or cachet, and re-elected as its premiere an effeminate and unimpressive scion who stated that his country has “no core identity” and was roundly humiliated by Trump in the negotiations of USMCA.

Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization Mark Steyn *******


The following is adapted from a speech delivered on April 26, 2021, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Franklin, Tennessee.

I live about 20 minutes south of the Canadian border, which used to be called the longest undefended frontier in the world. People moved freely back and forth across it all day every day. But now it’s been closed for over a year. At one point my daughter asked me to drive her up there, because there was a 30-minute opportunity for people on one side to talk to their friends on the other. “Sad!” as President Trump would say. It was like Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin during the Cold War, except that both sides are now like East Berlin. 

I don’t know how this happened, but it is just one indication that America, and the West in general, have become almost unrecognizable from what they were not that long ago.

Look at just three things we have lost. 

One is equality before the law, something absolutely essential to a free society. In its place, we now have politicized law. If a policeman fatally shoots someone, whether his name is released to the public depends on whether the shooting is consistent with the preferred narrative of the ruling class. A policeman recently took down a [Black] young woman who was threatening the life of another young woman with a knife, and that policeman was immediately identified—indeed, his photo was posted and he was threatened by NBA superstar LeBron James on Twitter. On the other hand, we know nothing of the policeman who shot dead an unarmed [unthreatening White] woman in the U.S. Capitol on January 6. His name will apparently never be released to the public.

Second, border control. Functioning societies, at least since the Peace of Westphalia three centuries ago, have borders. America has no southern border and no plans to get one. The official position of our government seems to be that any of the seven billion persons on this planet has a right to come and stay in the U.S. for three years, until his or her assigned court date comes up. As the number of people with pending cases continues to grow, that three years will extend out to five or seven or 15 years. If we get all seven billion people to come here, the court system will break down entirely and maybe we can go back to having a functioning border.

And third, dare I bring up the fact that it is a real question whether we can go back to agreeing to have open and honest elections? And if we don’t have open and honest elections, control of our borders, and equality before the law, then we don’t have the conditions for politics or free government. 

And here’s the thing. It is not at all clear to me that many of America’s conservative politicians understand the seriousness of all this. You can see it in the fact that they go around trying to scare people with the specter of a “radical socialist agenda.” For well over a year now, we have been living in a world in which it’s accepted as normal that the state has essentially unlimited power—and in which our freedom to decide for ourselves has been diminished almost to invisibility. Why do these conservative politicians think the words “radical socialist agenda” still scare anyone in a time when the state can tell us whether we can have Aunt Mabel over for Christmas? They are completely out of touch.

The Lab-Leak Theory: Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt By Andrew C. McCarthy


Every good prosecutor will tell you that the best case is a strong circumstantial case — and that’s exactly what we have.

O f course, it’s only circumstantial evidence. We may never know the truth.”

If I’ve heard this once, over more decades than I care to admit, I’ve heard it a thousand times. It is the rote dismissal of circumstantially based cases, and it is almost always wrong.

We can no longer afford to be wrong when it comes to the origin — the generation by regime-controlled Chinese scientists, almost certainly by accident — of a pandemic that has caused nearly 4 million deaths globally (now closing in on 600,000 in the U.S.), in addition to geometrically more instances of serious illness, trillions of dollars’ worth of economic destruction, and incalculable setbacks in the educational and social development of tens of millions of children.

I was a prosecutor for a long time, and prosecutors are in the business of proving stuff. Every good one will tell you that the best case is a strong circumstantial case. It is the most airtight and least problematic kind of proof.

Circumstantial cases are a tapestry of objectively provable facts. No one of those facts, by itself, establishes the ultimate conclusion for which all the interconnected facts collectively stand. Instead, each single fact supports a subordinate proposition that must be true in order for the ultimate conclusion to be valid. Stitch enough of those subordinate propositions together and the ultimate conclusion is inexorable.

We have a natural human reluctance to trust circumstantial evidence. In our own lives, we know what we know — or at least what we think we know — because we have lived it. We don’t need to run down a plethora of clues to grasp our own experiences. We can describe them firsthand. If we worked in a lab that came under scrutiny, we could tell everyone how an accident there happened — or assure them that it didn’t happen. Ergo, we reason, what we really need is direct evidence, someone like ourselves who can narrate the goings-on.

Only then, we tell ourselves, can we really know. Even when all the disparate circumstantial trails lead to the same answer, we instinctively ask how we can trust that answer unless and until it has been confirmed by someone who was there.

But that is not how it works in the real world. Once you get beyond the narrow limits of your own experience, everything else is about what you can trust.

Believe Your Own Eyes About Fauci E-Mails, Not the Fact Checkers By Jeffrey Tucker


Reading through the 4,000-plus pages of Dr. Fauci’s emails – where’s the bottle of Visine? – has not been the most exciting of literary experiences, but it certainly has been revealing. 

After all, Dr. Fauci was the US architect of the lockdowns that smashed all that we believed was true in the good ‘ol US of A; namely that we had rights and freedoms and a system of government that protected both. Suddenly we found ourselves housebound by law, prevented from going to concerts, movies, church, or even to the hospital if we didn’t have Covid-19 (health care spending fell 6% in 2020). 

So, yes, these emails are remarkable. You want to know what this guy was thinking? How and why did he convince President Trump to shut down major parts of the economy? These emails provide hints and clues as to what he was thinking before and after. They are a major key to understanding, and investigators of all sorts will be scouring through them for years. 

Whatever you do, however, don’t you dare call them a “leak” even though if Fauci had his druthers, they surely would not have been leaked; whoops, I mean released through multiple FOIA requests. The fact checkers are all over that misuse of terms, such that USA Today offers a marmish corrective to anyone who would use that term, while the Washington Post offers a mini-treatise assuring people that they do not say what you think they say. 

Say it over and over until it becomes true: there are no smoking guns herein! 

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, who are you gonna believe, the fact checkers or your own eyes? Most of the attention so far concerns when Fauci was warned that the virus might have been a lab leak, in a lab that received indirect US funding. What did Fauci do about such warnings and to what extent did he take them seriously? 

Dr. Scott Atlas Excoriates Fauci’s ‘Unconscionable’ Handling Of Pandemic Scott Morefield


Former White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “unconscionable” handling of the COVID-19 pandemic during a Friday night appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Atlas, a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, brought a much-needed dose of reality to President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 task force last summer before stepping down in November 2020. During that time, he went toe-to-toe with the lockdown positions espoused by Fauci and fellow member Dr. Deborah Birx, and received plenty of criticism along the way.

Some of that criticism came from Fauci himself, who, as we’ve seen through his interactions with Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, isn’t particularly fond of being publicly disagreed with.

In the wake of Buzzfeed’s massive FOIA reveal of thousands of Fauci emails, however, it was Atlas’ turn to throw a few well-deserved punches:

After criticizing Fauci’s flip-flop on public masking despite being correct on the science at the beginning of the pandemic, Atlas pointed out how policies that focused on imposing devastating lockdowns, business closures, and restrictions were seemingly carried out without considering their “impact” on the people they negatively affected.

Because They Got Away with Russiagate Having previously been exposed without being held to account, the Left is now emboldened. By Thaddeus G. McCotter


The Left’s ideology actively promotes and preys upon paranoia, envy, and dependence. Parroted by its mockingbird media, it crafts and inculcates an alternate reality in which the Left accepts its own lies as articles of its secular faith. 

Moreover, the Left projects its paranoia, envy, and dependence upon the rest of the country, all in its lust to attain the power to compel and coerce its fellow citizens. But to believe its calumnies, one must abandon reason. 

The Left believes there are more than 50 genders, but that it is you who live in an alternate reality. The Left believes “climate change” will destroy the planet in nine years unless we adopt socialism, but it’s you who live in an alternate reality. The Left adamantly denied and censored reports COVID-19 may have escaped from a Wuhan laboratory, but it’s you who live in an alternate reality. The 2020 election was a perfectly pristine election despite elected Democratic Party officials (with the complicity of corporate robber barons) exceeding their powers to alter voting laws to tilt the field in the party’s favor (they would say “fortified”), but it’s you who live in an alternate reality. The Left claims it loves America so much it wants to transform everything about it, but it’s you who live in an alternate reality. 

The full list is long and growing, for the Left’s delusions abound with cognitive dissonance (in the guise of moral relativism) its favored weapon against facts; and its regressive ideology an ultimate guard against reality. Like people who have exposed themselves to radiation, the Left in pimping these vices has contaminated itself with paranoia, envy, and dependence, giving shape to its warped, alternate reality.

Charitably, in many instances we can pray and light candles for our leftist adversaries. But it is unconscionable for us not to hold them to account when their alternate reality spurs their abuses of power. If we do not and fail to alert our fellow citizens, the Left will be empowered to intensify its undermining of the foundations of our free republic. 

To wit: Russiagate.

AOC: We Can Reduce Violent Crime And Lower Incarceration Rates If We Stop Building Jails By Gabe Kaminsky


New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said at a press conference Thursday the U.S. should “stop building” jails if we want to reduce the inmate population.

“It is not acceptable for us to use jails as garbage bins for human beings. We need to treat people and see them as human,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “If we want to reduce violent crime, reduce the number of people in our jails, the answer is to stop building more of them.”

“The answer is to make sure we actually build more hospitals, we pay organizers, we get people mental health care,” she said.  “It’s to support communities, not throw them away.”