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Biden’s Radical Manifesto And Senator Scott’s powerful rebuttal. Joseph Klein


President Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress on April 28th. Biden laid down his $6 trillion marker. Gargantuan, tax-and-spend government is back big time. Biden outlined plans for trillions of dollars of additional federal spending for massive government giveaways, on top of the $1.9 trillion for so-called coronavirus relief passed on a strict party line vote earlier this year. Biden was selling the American people a far left, progressive bill of goods wrapped in a moderate-looking package. He said that “America is on the move again.” If Biden gets his way in Congress with its very slim Democrat majority, America will be on the move towards a socialist-style nanny welfare state.

Fortunately, after a little over an hour of Biden’s laundry list of partisan programs that are music to leftists’ ears and his phony calls for bipartisanship, we heard the real deal from Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. Senator Scott delivered a “common sense” vision of America in his rebuttal speech on behalf of the Republican Party.

“A president who promised to bring us together should not push agendas that tear us apart,” Senator Scott said. “Our best future won’t come from Washington schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you, the American people.”

On issue after issue, Senator Scott tore President Biden’s speech apart without having to literally rip up the written text, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did last year with President Trump’s State of the Union address. Scott hit a grand slam, while Biden fouled out.

President Biden could have struck a truly unifying note by at least giving credit to former President Donald Trump for launching the coronavirus vaccine development and production program successfully in record time. But Biden was too petty to do that. Instead, he began his speech by taking all the credit for the vaccine roll-out. Then Biden proceeded to spread misinformation about his legislative agenda in a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people.

Senator Scott’s Home Run By Michael R. Strain


I’d recommend that everyone read Senator Tim Scott’s rebuttal to President Biden’s address last night. A few highlights below.

Is America still upwardly mobile? Senator Scott’s own journey is an argument in favor.

Growing up, I never dreamed I would be standing here tonight. When I was a kid, my parents divorced. My mother, my brother and I moved in with my grandparents. Three of us, sharing one bedroom. I was disillusioned and angry, and I nearly failed out of school. But I was blessed.

First, with a praying momma. And let me say this: To the single mothers out there, who are working their tails off, working hard, trying to make ends meet, wondering if it’s worth it? You can bet it is. God bless your amazing effort on the part of your kids.

I was also blessed by a Chick-fil-A operator, John Moniz. And finally, with a string of opportunities that are only possible here in America.

Senator Scott offered a powerful argument for expanding school choice based on the terrible and damaging decisions of so many public schools to keep their doors closed for far too long during the pandemic.

Most of all, I’m saddened that millions of kids have lost a year of learning when they could not afford to lose a single day. Locking vulnerable kids out of the classroom is locking adults out of their future. Our public schools should have reopened months ago. Other countries’ did. Private and religious schools did.

Science has shown for months that schools are safe. But too often, powerful grown-ups set science aside. And kids like me were left behind. The clearest case I’ve seen for school choice in our lifetime is because we know that education is the closest thing to magic in America.

And the senator offered a powerful critique of the president’s family policies, arguing that they are designed to support parents who want to use commercial childcare, and offer much less for families who have decided other arrangements are best.

Biden Deserves Zero Credit For Booming Economy, COVID Gains


In his speech to Congress this week, President Joe Biden heartily patted himself on the back for everything good that is happening right now.

He described a country in crisis when he took office and said that “After 100 days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for a take off.”

The day after Biden’s speech, the Commerce Department reported GDP growth for the first three months of this year was 6.4%. New COVID cases are on the decline, and vaccines are plentiful.

So, it looks like Biden’s right, doesn’t it?

Except he doesn’t deserve any credit for any of those things.

Take the GDP number. Far from being in a Great Depression-scale crisis, the economy had been rapidly recovering from the government-mandated (and scientifically unjustified) lockdowns – with GDP leaping 33.4% in the third quarter of last year and another 4.3% in the fourth quarter.

When Biden took office, Q1 of this year was nearly a third over, and he didn’t sign his “American Rescue Plan” into law until mid-March, just two weeks before the quarter ended. So, even though checks started rolling out to people, that rescue plan was too late to have a significant impact on overall growth.

As a matter of fact, the GDPNow forecast for Q1 – which is a running estimate of the economy based on available data as they are released – was much higher before Biden signed his rescue plan than where it ended up. (See the chart below.)

The Post-Pandemic Boom Biden inherited a very strong economic recovery, not a house ‘on fire.’


President Biden can hardly be blamed for trumpeting the U.S. economic resurgence in his address to Congress. But his claim that “America’s house was on fire” when he entered office? It was already extinguished, as Thursday’s first-quarter GDP report showed.

Real GDP rose 6.4% in the period as vaccines rolled out, state lockdowns eased and Americans spent December stimulus payments. Incredibly, real GDP was a mere 0.87% below the 2019 fourth-quarter business cycle peak and probably would have surpassed it if not for supply-chain problems and disincentives to work. Consumer spending contributed 7.02 percentage-points to growth—about 70% of that for goods, but spending on services also increased, especially on recreation, food and accommodation.

Housing chipped in 0.49 percentage-points as the surge in home building and renovations continued. Business investment added 1.29 percentage-points, mostly from software and IT equipment, despite a global semiconductor shortage and transportation bottlenecks that have snarled manufacturing. Net exports and reduced inventories subtracted 3.51 points.

What’s amazing is that U.S. output is nearly what it was in the fourth-quarter of 2019 even with payrolls being about 5% smaller. Businesses and workers have become more productive during the pandemic. Aggregate employee compensation is 2.9% higher than in 2019’s fourth quarter as businesses have increased pay to reward and attract workers. Total personal income in the first quarter was up a whopping 16.7% from the pre-Covid peak. Much of this is pent-up savings—the personal savings rate was a near record 21%—that will turn into more consumer spending as people resume travel and leisure activities.

Mr. Biden wants to take credit for rescuing an economy in flames, but Democrats in Washington have been dousing dead embers. The economy was poised to accelerate as vaccines rolled out no matter who was President.

For US, Gradual Ruin Is About to Become Sudden Roger Kimball (March 21, 2021)




Then, there is the more serious stuff: the nearly $2 trillion so-called COVID relief package that all but guarantees a spike in inflation but shovels much, much more money to teachers’ unions and favored racial groups than to people who have suffered from the government lockdowns during the CCP virus pandemic.

There is the passage in the House of H.R. 1, the so-called For the People bill, which would effectively assure that was never another fair election in this country.

It would do this by all but obliterating voter ID requirements—you need an ID to board a plane but not cast a vote—mandating same-day voter registration and at least two weeks of early voting, and by requiring states to provide unsupervised drop boxes to receive completed ballots.

In other words, H.R. 1 would centralize presidential elections, taking responsibility for oversight away from the states, where the Constitution placed it, and arrogating it to the clutches of the federal government and its sprawling bureaucracy.

If, as seems almost certain, H.R. 1 becomes the law of the land, it would be the final nail in the coffin of electoral integrity.

The widespread irregularities (that’s polysyllabic periphrasis for “fraud”) that attended the 2020 election would be codified into law assuring that, for as long as anyone could envision, 2016 would have to be counted as the last free, fair, and open presidential election.

It used to be that American was the land of the free and home of the brave. A robust culture of free speech was every American’s birthright.

Biden Erased Decades of Historic Crimes in His Speech to Congress Biden’s claim that the Capitol Riot was the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” is ahistorical garbage. Glenn Greenwald and Siraj Hashmi


As President Biden wrapped up a 65-minute joint address to Congress to mark his administration’s first 100 days, what was shared in the lead-up to his speech sowed discord over the entire affair:

Jim Acosta
Biden to refer to Jan 6 insurrection as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” in speech tonight.

Sure enough, the President delivered on this. Opening his address, Biden stated, “I took the oath of office — lifted my hand off our family Bible — and inherited a nation in crisis. The worst pandemic in a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Yes, the January 6th siege on the U.S. Capitol building, often alluded to as an “insurrection,” was an embarrassing day for our country. But to suggest that it was “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” is disingenuous at best. At worst, it’s a malicious attempt to whitewash the history of attacks carried out both by and on the government that have had much more catastrophic results.

Apart from the September 11th terrorist attacks that targeted the country’s financial system, Al Qaeda terrorists attacked the defenders of our democracy when a hijacked American Airlines flight 77 flew into the Pentagon. Were it not for the heroes who resisted against the hijackers of United flight 93, Al Qaeda’s attempt to fly a commercial airline into the White House or U.S. Capitol building would have come to fruition. Despite being a horrific tragedy, 9/11 has been dismissed by some as being explicitly a “foreign attack,” not one from within.

So, let’s explore attacks on our democracy from within.

The Ugly Reaction to Tim Scott’s Speech Is Telling By David Harsanyi


Tim Scott gave a competent Republican response to Joe Biden’s mendacious speech last night. And boy, the contrived, hyperbolic outrage and derision we saw from liberal talking heads was something to behold.

Some of it was just farcical. Take MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace’s contention that the speech, in which Scott praised the Trump administration vaccines, was “delivered from a planet where facts don’t matter.” Operation Warp Speed, she claimed, “didn’t do anything to get a needle in the arms, so a lot of disinformation.” Well, it did help boost the life-saving innovation that flows through those needles – not to mention a million needles into arms every day by the time Joe Biden got his shot.

But Scott’s most controversial statement, allegedly, was to contend that, “America is not a racist country.” All the usual suspects took to social media to mock the senator for simultaneously saying the nation wasn’t racist and pointing out that he had personally experienced bigotry. Of course America is a racist nation, they wailed, before getting “Uncle Tim” trending on Twitter to try and prove it. The Left’s demeaning of any African American who strays from leftist orthodoxy is one of the ugliest acceptable smears in our political discourse.

Scott’s two claims are wholly compatible. Bad actors and ugly ideas exist among people of all nations, and always will, and yet that does not necessarily mean the nation itself is fundamentally, legally, culturally, or systemically racist. We can always do better, but by world standards, the United States is likely the least racist place.

What’s “Normal” in America? A Simon and Schuster petition reveals the confusions of the woke movement that inspired it. Lee Siegel


A few days ago, 216 employees of Simon and Schuster, along with several thousand people from outside the trade publishing house, sent a petition to top executives of the company demanding that they stop publishing anyone who had anything to do with the Trump administration. Their rationale for making such a demand was that Trump’s presidency was a dangerous historical aberration. According to the Wall Street Journal, the letter insists that Simon and Schuster not treat “the Trump administration as a ‘normal’ chapter in American history.” 

Before I sat down to write this essay, I had to ask myself several questions. Will the opinions I express jeopardize my position at the liberal university where I teach? Will they endanger my relationship with my liberal publisher? Will they roil my relations with my neighbors in the ultra-progressive New Jersey suburb where I live? 

That I had to ask is not “normal.” 

For a long time, dictators, from the European tyrants of the 1930s to the military leaders of the Latin American juntas, skillfully used the violent excesses of dissenters to seize and preserve power. Now so-called liberal “resistance” to “fascism” justifies its attacks on freedom of speech by citing the threat posed by a former American president. Susan Sontag famously enraged the New Left by calling Communism “fascism with a human face.” The current woke movement has all the trappings of fascism with an anti-fascist face. 

How the Left Turned Chauvin Into a Racist Killer Jack Cashill


Although he made up his mind before jury did, President Joe Biden quickly went public once he learned that the Minneapolis jury had, in fact, convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin on all charges.

“It was a murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president just referred to — the systemic racism that is a stain on our nation’s soul.” So said the only president to have given a eulogy at the funeral of an Exalted Klan Cyclops, and that just 10 years before Floyd’s death.

The comments by Biden, endorsed by the media, frame the Overton window on George Floyd’s death and Derek Chauvin’s verdict. The only acceptable public opinion is that Chauvin intentionally caused Floyd’s death. If proof were needed, former NFL great Brett Favre was tarred and feathered on Twitter for haplessly suggesting otherwise.

The only question for debate really is whether Chauvin was a bad apple or a symptom of a rotten barrel. Ignoring the fact that three of Chauvin’s fellow officers will soon face trial for the same death, Biden, Harris, and their media allies came down firmly on the side of systemic rottenness. To confirm their suspicions, the White House sent Attorney General Merrick Garland to Minnesota to root out the rot.

Scott Outshines Biden, Enrages Libs With Inspiring Tale of Overcoming Adversity Slams race-obsessed hucksters ‘making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress’Andrew Stiles


Sen. Tim Scott (R., S.C.) delivered a powerful and inspiringly diverse response to President Joe Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday, causing professional journalists and other liberal ideologues to lose their minds.

Scott argued that Biden—a “good man” whose speech was “full of good words”—had failed to deliver on his promise to unite the country and “lower the temperature” after his victory in the 2020 election. “The Biden administration has pushed us apart,” he said, praising the bipartisan COVID-19 relief legislation passed under former president Donald Trump and the success of Operation Warp Speed. The radical policies Democrats have proposed, he argued, were not intended to find “common ground.”

Invoking his personal story of being raised in poverty by a single “prayin’ momma,” Scott challenged the lockdown policies backed by Democratic politicians that have closed down the institutions that aided his improbable rise, including schools and churches. He spoke of his experience as a black man in America and his struggle to be taken seriously by Democrats and their supporters.

“I get called ‘Uncle Tom’ and the N-word by progressives, by liberals,” said Scott, who also called out the Washington Post for publishing a widely condemned fact check suggesting “my family’s poverty was actually privilege.” He challenged the prevailing corporate and cultural norms regarding issues of race, denouncing those who are “making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress at all.”

In contrast to Biden’s rambling tirade, Scott envisioned a “joyful springtime for our nation,” where his illiterate grandfather “saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.” This was precisely the claim that Post chief fact checker Glenn Kessler, whose grandfather was a Dutch steel magnate, dinged for lacking “nuance.”

Nuance was certainly lacking from the liberal response to Scott’s speech. MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said the speech was “delivered from a planet where facts don’t matter.” Democratic analyst Jason Nichols, in a since-deleted tweet, called Scott a “clown” whose “ancestors are ashamed of him.” At least one left-wing media personality had to apologize for “an ironic joke” using racially charged language. The term “Uncle Tim” was trending on Twitter.