How did this happen? How did the nation go in an instant from disbelieving every utterance of Donald Trump to robotically repeating — and acting on — every claim that falls out of Joe Biden’s mouth, no matter how disconnected from the truth?
The most glaring example involves Biden’s fact-challenged tirade against Georgia’s new voting law. At his first and only press conference, Biden declared the state’s efforts to protect against voter fraud were worse than Jim Crow, “un-American,” “sick,” and “despicable.” (This was the same press conference where moments later Biden bragged about how much time he’s spent with China’s genocidal communist dictator before calling him “a smart, smart guy.”)
In any case, everything Biden said about Georgia’s voting law was either a gross mischaracterization or an outright lie.
Even the Washington Post’s notoriously biased fact-checker had to admit as much, giving Biden four “Pinocchios” — its worst rating on the truth scale — for his claims.
Yet, Biden’s blatant falsehoods were enough to convince Major League Baseball, an army of CEOs, and various other leaders to threaten to punish Georgia and threaten any other state that dares try to protect their elections from fraud.