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The plague of racist ‘anti-racism’ is infecting the legal profession By Andrea Widburg


Tuesday brought two stories about the pernicious influence of Critical Race Theory or racist “anti-racism” infecting the way law is being taught and practiced in America. One story concerns a college professor putting pressure on law schools to stop admitting white students. Another story involves Coca-Cola’s lead in-house counsel telling outside law firms that, if they want to do business with Coke, they need to hire blacks in huge numbers. It’s blackmail and it’s illegal. But Coke is woke (and getting broke) so it acts with “anti-racist” impunity.

The first story concerns a teacher at the University of Dayton who’s taken her pique at failing to get into law school and turned it into a woke, anti-white project:

If you’ve been eyeing law school, perhaps you wondered which ones are the whitest.

If so, a teacher at the University of Dayton’s got you covered.

She’s crafted a report ranking said schools according to the percentage of white first-year students.

But the list isn’t only to help you make an informed choice; she wants to encourage colleges to put the kibosh on whiteness overload.

As relayed by Discovery Institute Director Christopher F. Rufo, during a March 4th virtual event, Professor Emeritus Vernellia R. Randall unveiled her “2021 The Whitest Law School Report.”

The Dems’ Willful Errors Multiply Recreating and expanding Obama’s catastrophic chaos. Bruce Thornton


Remember when Donald Trump was attacked daily for his cruel and racist immigration policies? When the clichés du jour were “ripped from their family’s arms” and “held in cages”? The “cages” filling the news were actually from the Obama era, but progressives notoriously take liberties with the truth when taking advantage of a useful crisis.

Under Trump’s policies, in fact, we recovered some control of our border and started reducing the death and disorder the Dems’ virtually open border produced. “Asylum seekers,” an elastic category that seldom required evidence that a migrant faced lethal threats in his home country, now waited in Central America or Mexico for their application to be processed rather than being “caught and released” at the border and sent off to the rest of the country with only perfunctory monitoring.

With the incentive of easy entry gone, the long columns of marching hordes of migrants disappeared from the news, and apprehensions and deportations accelerated. A serious security wall was under construction. Illegal immigration, still an issue requiring our attention, was less in the news, and not just because of Covid. Trump, as he had promised, had taken common-sense actions and actually enforced our laws.

So of course, once back in power, the Dems set about recreating the Obama years’ dangerous chaos on our border. A couple of months in power is all Joe Biden has taken to return apprehensions to 70,000 a month, and the “the highest February numbers that we’ve ever seen in the history of the [Unaccompanied Alien Child] program,” according to a Health and Human Services. And the drug mules and cartel human traffickers are back in business, to the tune of over $2 billion a year. A problem that was under control has not just returned, but been willfully worsened.



Biden’s betrayal of citizenship sabotages our republican form of government.

This article will be part of a longer forthcoming series regarding President Biden’s harmful Executive Orders.

President Joe Biden’s flurry of initial actions, on issues from immigration and race to environmentalism and regulatory policy, favor the ruling class, Woke progressives, and non-citizens. They punish the tens of millions of forgotten Americans of every color and creed who are most deeply impacted by their consequences. The longtime Swamp-dweller’s first days in office can best be summarized as: “unity and healing for me, but not for thee.”

One overlooked but significant executive order that demonstrates the administration’s contempt for you, and the principles you hold dear, concerns the census. It suggests that the president not only cares little for sovereignty, and the rule of law, but believes in fragrantly violating such principles, privileging noncitizens—including illegal aliens—and providing them representation to which they are not entitled.

The decennial census count is critically important because it is used for apportioning House seats, redistricting, and allocating hundreds of billions of federal dollars each year. It may strike readers as odd, but historically, the enumeration has included noncitizens, including illegal aliens. Therefore, areas with greater numbers of inhabitants—regardless of their legal status—have garnered greater political power in the way of representation and government largesse. Some American citizens see the weight of their votes augmented, while others see it reduced because of the actions of noncitizens, including illegal aliens—and because of a part-feckless and part-cynical political class that has allowed this policy to persist.

Biden’s Pick For Civil Rights Head Peddled The Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax By Jordan Davidson


President Joe Biden’s top pick to lead the Department of Justice’s civil rights division peddled the Jussie Smollett hoax on Twitter, criticizing anyone who questioned the black, gay actor’s falsified hate crime in 2019.

“Jussie Smollett subjected to a racist and homophobic attack. 2 white men wearing ski masks attacked him, put a rope around his neck, and poured bleach on him and as they yelled slurs. Prayers to @JussieSmollett for a speedy recovery from this hate crime,” Kristen Clarke tweeted shortly after the alleged incident.

Days after her initial post, Clarke, who will oversee hate crime investigations if confirmed, took to Twitter again, alleging that the Chicago Police Department was “demonizing survivors” after they requested access to Smollet’s cellphone and claiming that they shouldn’t be “casting doubt” on the actor’s claims that his assailants shouted racial slurs and beat him up while yelling pro-Trump slogans.

“To be clear — This is a BAD move by the Chicago Police Department. This is NOT how you treat survivors of a hate crime. Stop demonizing survivors and casting doubt on their claims if you want communities to trust that you will take #HateCrime seriously. @StopHateProj,” she wrote. 

Kanye West – Worth $3.2+ Billion – Received $2.4 Million in PPP Funding for His Sneaker Company By Adam Andrzejewski


A famous singer’s shoe company, a millionaire actor’s film institute, and the California wineries of a legendary filmmaker, probably were not the “little guys” taxpayers thought Congress was targeting in last year’s coronavirus relief Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

When our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com mapped the big PPP loans (the nearly 83,000 loans between $1 million and $10 million), a few familiar names popped up.

Kanye West, who claims a net worth of $3.2 billion, took $2.4 million for his clothing and sneaker company, Yeezy LLC, which the Wall Street Journal noted had a value of $2.9 billion, with $1.5 billion in yearly revenues.

Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute received $3.04 million in PPP loans. The non-profit’s IRS 990 lists $55.4 million in assets (FY2018).

Two affiliated companies of the legendary Godfather director and vineyard owner Francis Ford Coppola received PPP funding including Francis Ford Coppola Presents LLC ($7.3 million) and Niebaum Coppola Estate Winery, LP ($1.2 million).

Where’s the Outrage over Children in Cages? By David Harsanyi


In 2018, Joe Biden said that a “policy that separates young children from their parents isn’t a deterrent, it’s unconscionable.” Biden went on describe the child-separation policy first implemented under the Obama administration as “abhorrent,” and one that threatened “to make us a pariah in the world.” The entire media spent weeks contemplating the depth of our collective immorality. Progressives compared detention centers to Nazi concentration camps. Joe Scarborough equated border agents to SS guards. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went to the facility and broke down in tears. Charles Blow argued that Donald Trump was a baby snatcher. “These are children!” he wrote.

When Blow wrote his piece there were around 2,000 children being detained by the Border Patrol. This week, according to CBS News, around 3,200 migrant children were being held in Border Patrol facilities – a record — with almost half being held past the three-day legal limit. The coverage, as you can imagine, has a very different tone.

Then and now, it was a complicated issue. The Trump administration incompetently implemented its “zero tolerance” policy, but it certainly wasn’t snatching children like a depraved Gestapo. The fenced detention areas were built before Donald Trump had come into office. Only parents charged with entering the country illegally and who claim asylum after being apprehended were detained. Adults who opt not to be deported after entering illegally had to wait for adjudication of their case. While this happened, the law prohibited children from being held in the same detention centers as adults. This is done to protect children. It was then, and it is now.

The difference in tone, however, tells us that much of what we saw was nothing but performative partisan outrage.

Biden Prepares to Strip College Students of Due-Process Rights By David Harsanyi


Either we believe principles are the best means of fairness, or not. Biden, it seems, only believes in them for himself.

It’s always worth reminding people that if President Joe Biden were compelled to live by the standards he intends to institute for college students accused of sexual misconduct, he would be presumed guilty of rape, denied any legitimate opportunity to refute Tara Reade’s charges, and tossed from office in disgrace.

The New York Times reports today that Biden’s Kafkaesque “White House Gender Policy Council” is “beginning his promised effort to dismantle Trump-era rules on sexual misconduct that afforded greater protections to students accused of assault.” The subhead informs us that, “The Biden administration will examine regulations by Betsy DeVos that gave the force of law to rules that granted more due-process rights to students accused of sexual assault.”

The most disingenuous word here — though the piece is brimming with them — is “more.” History did not begin in 2015, and former education secretary Betsy DeVos did not invent more due-process rights in Title IX; she simply reinstated time-honored fundamental due-process rights that have guided justice systems in the liberal world for hundreds of years. The Constitution says — twice — that no citizen shall be arbitrarily “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” No means no.

It was only in 2011 that the Obama administration instituted fewer due-process rights through the force of law, denying the accused the ability to question accusers, the right to review the allegations and evidence presented by their accuser, the right to present exculpatory evidence, and the right to call witnesses. Basically, the right to mount a defense.

It was the Obama administration that asked schools to institute a system that empowered a single investigator, often without any training and susceptible to the vagaries of societal and political pressures, to pass unilateral judgment on these cases. Also, under the Obama administration rules, colleges were allowed to adjudicate sexual abuse and assault cases using a “preponderance of evidence” rather than a more stringent “clear and convincing evidence” standard.

The Smug Arrogance Of The ‘Science’ Crowd


Last summer, fed up with Democrats’ claim that theirs is the “Party of Science,” we pointed out that it is in reality the Party of Science Fiction. We hope others have had their fill, too, and public opinion will force the Democrats to grow up.

“Science” is never invoked by the political left to illuminate, educate, or guide. It’s used to terminate discussion, to shut down debate. It’s employed in exactly the same way “racist” has been used for decades. Not as a legitimate charge but a bomb thrown into a conversation in an effort to “other” the person or persons the smear is directed toward. It’s a means closing off further dialogue, a bully’s tactic.

Those who respect an open marketplace of ideas, who believe that more speech rather than less is healthy for society, might wonder why the left wants to halt debate. It’s a good question with a clear and obvious answer: The zealous adherents to progressive politics know their ideas are empty of substance and therefore need to shout down, cancel, and indict those who dare think differently.

That would be the primary but not sole reason for those on the left to incessantly yell “science” and virtue-signal their beliefs. Many who appeal to “science” do so for status. It’s a convenient – and shallow – way of showing the rest of us that they’re intellectually and morally superior. They desperately want to think they’re on the right side of something, anything. Evidently doing so satisfies in them a need to overcome their deep insecurities.

Joe Biden’s mental capacity is diminishing before our eyes By Andrea Widburg


The worst kept secret in Washington, D.C., is that Joe Biden is suffering from serious age-related cognitive decline. In January, although some people predicated he would remain in office for up to two years before he was gently ushered out to make room for Kamala Harris, I looked at the man and thought he was going to be retired by June. Lately, though, Biden looks as if he’s heading for an April or May retirement. On Monday, he had his worst public appearance yet, when he was unable to remember either the name for his Secretary of Defense or the Pentagon.

Anybody who’s dealt with aging relatives unlucky enough to suffer from a cognitive decline, whether Alzheimer’s or age-related senility, recognizes what’s going on with Joe Biden. Sally Zelikovsky wrote with great compassion about what’s happening in Biden’s life right now:

Stress and anxiety don’t cause dementia but can exacerbate a dementia patient’s confusion. It can be brought on by something as mundane as a large family gathering, a change in routine, a fall, a visit to the hospital, or stress from a job.  While “sundowning” or decompensating after a family event are common fallouts from stress, the real challenge is the accumulation of stress and anxiety over time that leads to confusion and, ultimately, delusions, which, in turn, can foster increased levels of anxiety that can exacerbate the confusion experienced and result in even more delusions, and so forth and so on.  It’s a hellacious cycle.

Biden’s minders, including Mrs. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, are doing their best to insulate Biden from the stress. However, his title means that he must get out of the bedroom periodically and play at being president. That effort must be wreaking havoc with Joe’s tenuous grasp on memory and reality.

Jill Biden, the Meghan Markle in the WH, is egregiously guilty of elder abuse By Patricia McCarthy


The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast.  His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man.  

Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified.  Of course all those around him knew as well that he was in the throes of dementia; it was impossible to miss the signs.

They too ignored the obvious and because they always believe the American people are, as a collective, an order of fries short of a Happy Meal, they thought we wouldn’t notice.  Not only was his progressive neurological dimming clear, so was the fact that at no time throughout the campaign could he draw a crowd.  We all saw that he could not give even a short talk without a giant teleprompter.  The man was toast then.  Now he is burnt toast.  He no longer ever credibly read that jumbo teleprompter.

Each attempt to speak since Inauguration Day has been an embarrassing disaster.   And there is the not-Dr. Jill to step in to complete his sentences when she should be making the announcement that we all know is coming.  She must be waiting for the Democrats to implement that 25th Amendment they had hoped to use to get rid of President Trump.  She should be very, very ashamed of herself for allowing poor Joe to suffer the indignities of encroaching dementia in public.