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Let the Senate’s Show Trial Begin Joe Biden wants the Senate to “multitask” and conduct an impeachment trial that will include revisiting the 2020 election? Good—let’s roll. By Julie Kelly


So much for unity.

During her first softball briefing, Jen Psaki, Joe Biden’s press secretary, assured America that the U.S. Senate can “multi-task” by conducting its routine business and proceeding with a trial against former President Donald Trump at the same time. “[Biden’s] gonna leave the mechanics, the timing, the specifics of how Congress moves forward on impeachment to them,” the ex-Obama staffer told a Fox News reporter Wednesday.

The House of Representatives hastily impeached Trump a second time on January 13, one week after the so-called insurrection at the Capitol. The former president was charged with “willfully inciting violence against the Government of the United States” for allegedly provoking the mob with his speech prior to Congress’ formal certification of the 2020 election.

Ten Republican House members, including U.S. Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), voted for the resolution; Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), bitter after losing control of the Senate, suggested on the Senate floor last week that Trump did in fact fuel the mob.

To which I say—let the trial begin.

Republican lawmakers and Trump supporters should welcome this opportunity to expose the truth. After all, the former president has been tried in an ex parte court of public outrage and convicted of sedition by the news media, Democrats, and a sizable swath of the American public.

A Proper Defense

Trump and his supporters are denied any defense in the virtual courtroom of social media; tens of thousands of Twitter users, including the former president, were permanently purged from the site following the January 6 melee.

Not only is there a bounty on the heads of people who were involved in the Capitol violence or who even just attended Trump’s speech that day, 74.2 million Americans now are considered “terrorists” for the simple act of voting to reelect the president. Comparisons to Iraqi insurgents or al-Qaeda terrorists easily slip from the tongues of ex-military leaders and alleged “conservative” pundits. Joe Biden mentioned “domestic terrorists” in his inauguration speech. 

“Two weeks ago, when an angry violent mob staged an insurrection and desecrated this temple of our democracy, it awakened us,” Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) said in the inauguration’s opening remarks Wednesday.

But more than two weeks later, many questions remain unanswered about exactly what happened on January 6. And just like every other overblown crisis intended to inflict mortal damage to Donald Trump, key parts of the narrative are falling apart while others are swept under the rug.

A Senate trial allows for the only public opportunity to vet the various charges now levied against Trump and his voters.

Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution By Zachary Evans


Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, refuted a claim by the Biden administration that the outgoing Trump administration left no plan for distributing coronavirus vaccines.

President Biden said at a White House press conference on Thursday that the Trump administration’s distribution of coronavirus vaccines has been a “dismal failure,” and set a goal to vaccinate 100 million Americans by the end of April. Meanwhile, sources in the Biden administration claimed that the previous administration left no vaccine distribution plan.

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source told CNN on Thursday.

However, Dr. Fauci directly refuted this claim after Biden left the press conference.

The Obama-Era War Against The Economy Is About To Resume Francis Menton


President Joe Biden ran on gauzy campaign themes of return to calm and normalcy, or something like that. Certainly, he was never challenged by the media in any meaningful way to commit to specifics. But as Inauguration Day approaches, the details are now coming fully into view. In simple terms, Biden plans to resume the Obama-era War Against The Economy.

“War Against The Economy” is the phrase I often used to characterize the Obama administration’s economic policy. Make that the Obama/Biden administration’s economic policy. The year 2013 was the first full year of this blog, and was also the first year of Obama/Biden’s second term. The economy was entering the fifth year of the “recovery” that had begun around the time Obama entered office in 2009, but the “recovery” was notably lethargic and sluggish. In a post in December 2013 titled “Update On The War Against The Economy,” I had a thorough review of the Obama/Biden policies that attacked productive economic activity, and that I thought deserved the lion’s share of the blame for the economic doldrums.

Here’s the short version of subsequent events: Starting in 2017, Trump undid most of the counterproductive Obama/Biden policies. Economic performance returned to normal healthy growth, at least until the pandemic hit. Biden now proposes to re-instate essentially all of the most economically destructive policies.

For today, I’ll focus on my favorite subject, the area of policy known to rational people as “energy” policy, and to hysterics as “climate” policy. In recent days, Biden’s people have let it be known that among his first actions in office will be (1) rejoining the Paris climate accord, and (2) canceling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Meanwhile, Biden has also announce prospective appointments to the EPA who can be counted on to resume the war against fossil fuels, beginning with coal, without regard to negative economic consequences.

Biden Promises Pain America’s new placeholder president speaks. Matthew Vadum


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., 78, was installed North Korea-style as the placeholder president of the United States of America on January 20, surrounded by 25,000 U.S. troops, along with hundreds of socially-distancing well-wishers in front of an empty National Mall populated with a vast forest of planted American flags to distract from the fact that no one was there.

How long he will last before Nancy Pelosi invokes the 25th Amendment to replace him with the predatory Obama wannabe Kamala Harris is anyone’s guess.

The speech came as the Washington Post admitted hours after militia members were charged in connection with the January riot that former President Donald Trump had nothing to do with the civil disturbance that delayed our Potemkin parliament’s certification of electors a few hours. This was, of course, the riot after which Biden, statist simpleton that he is, scolded lawmakers who thought they were running for their very lives for not stopping to put face masks on.

In the process Biden misgendered his own home state House member, saying he was “so proud of my congressman right here in the state of Delaware, Lisa Blunt Rochester,” for trying to distribute masks to other lawmakers during the riot. Reportedly, some Republicans declined the offer, prompting Biden to growl, “What the hell’s the matter with them? It’s time to grow up.”

No one needed to worry about riots in the nation’s capital, not only because of the armed soldiers and out-of-state police that occupied the city, but because the nonentity who blundered his way into becoming the leader of the free world does not inspire passion, except perhaps in the most radical precincts of the Left. While he enjoyed his first half-day in the Oval Office busily trying to erase the legacy of Orange Man Bad by executive fiat, mostly peaceful Antifa rioters marked the occasion in Seattle, Denver, and Portland, Oregon.

Regeneron’s Antibody Miracle for Covid-19 :Within two days of receiving treatment, my wife and I had no more symptoms. David Asman


Three weeks ago my wife and I were toasting the New Year and giving blessings for the last. It was a year in which we welcomed our first grandchild, reason enough to be thankful. It was also a year during which we maintained our health, despite living, shopping, working and commuting in the heart of the city with the world’s worst Covid-19 death record. It appeared we were going to skate through the pandemic into the post-pandemic era without getting sick.

Then the coughing began.

After a long day at work, I went to bed early and kept waking up with a hacking cough. I rose the next morning feeling dizzy and achy with a cold sweat. I called my doctor, who got right to the point: “You probably have Covid; that’s the only thing getting through masks these days.”

Since I had a fever, I went directly to NYU Hospital’s emergency Covid ward. Although it was overcrowded, an unexpected calm prevailed. Several of the nurses and aides told me they’d already had Covid. Others had been vaccinated. More important, they said, they now have powerful weapons to use against the virus.

The weapon that interested me most was the antibody cocktail by Regeneron that has emerged from this crisis as a giant-killer. Once my test came back positive, I asked the nurses whether I could get the casirivimab and imdevimab drugs that night. They said it’s only given the day after you’re diagnosed. I also learned that despite Operation Warp Speed’s remarkable achievements in bringing drugs like this to the market quickly, there were still regulatory barriers to its distribution that seemed needlessly bureaucratic.

Justice Department Asks Supreme Court to Reverse Trump Twitter Decision By Matthew Vadum


The Department of Justice asked the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court ruling that found that former President Donald Trump’s blocking of critics on the microblogging website Twitter violated the First Amendment, saying the ruling was “deeply problematic.”

President Joe Biden, as well as future presidents and government officials, should not be bound by the decision the high court may well have overturned had the question not become moot by Trump completing his term of office, Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall argued in a supplemental brief filed on Jan. 19 in Trump v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.

Wall had previously argued that Trump’s ability “to use the features of his personal Twitter account … are independent of his presidential office,” adding that “blocking third-party accounts … is a purely personal action that does not involve any ‘right or privilege created by the State,’” he wrote, referencing a previous precedent.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled unanimously in 2019  that Trump’s use of his personal Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, created “an official channel of communication.”

The feed for that account had been constantly filled with replies from users who taunted and insulted the president, often using expletives, and Trump had locked horns with Twitter management on many occasions.


President Biden
Biden to Seek Five-Year Extension of Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia

Will Keep Wray as FBI Director

Rejoins Paris Climate Accord

Issues Pause on Deportations

Extends Student Loan Payments Pause, Moratorium on Evictions

Revokes Trump’s 1776 Report

Dismisses U.S. Ambassador to Israel to replace with Ambassador to Israel,West Bank and Gaza

Inauguration Violence Erupts… From Antifa By Jordan Davidson


As Washington, D.C., and federal officials around the country geared up for what many wrongly predicted would be an insurrection by Trump supporters on Inauguration Day, Antifa members rioted and denounced Joe Biden’s presidency in cities across the nation.

In Portland, hundreds of violent Antifa rioters took to the streets to protest Biden’s inauguration, with some vandalizing the Oregon Democratic Party headquarters, smashing windows, graffitiing the walls, and lighting dumpsters on fire.

Another group marched to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in the city, chanting, “F-ck Joe Biden.” Shortly after they arrived, federal law enforcement declared an unlawful assembly as the crowd lobbed objects at the officers and the building.

Police eventually arrested and charged multiple people in connection to the destruction, but during other rowdy gatherings in the area, some demonstrators called for “revenge” against “police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres,” carrying a banner painted with “We don’t want Biden.”

What happened to all the pro-Trump violence that was supposed to mar Inauguration Day? By Thomas Lifson


Joe Biden was sworn in  with a supporting cast of about 24,000 National Guard troops deployed from all over the country to Washington, D.C., at enormous, wasted cost in money and disruption to the lives of the troops.  But the media and other Democrats got what they wanted: great visuals portraying an atmosphere of fear, an expectation of dread that violent, white supremacist, scary people bent on insurrection were a threat to the Republic.

That fear is a precious commodity to those who want to silence their political opponents — because an argument on the merits of political policy does not favor the left.  Demonization of conservatives, Trump-supporters, and Caucasian males (and those females and other races who fail to toe the identity politics/socialist line) is a conscious, perverse strategy that has the almost total support of the mainstream media and most of the education industry.

The idea that 74 million Trump voters are bent on overthrow of the U.S. government was always a crock, but thanks to the violent incursion on the U.S. Capitol (not the first such event) on January 6, there was a seed of violence that could be, and was, exploited.  Don’t forget that election integrity was and is the aim of those who question the result that led to Biden’s inauguration, not an insistence that a revolutionary vanguard would be justified in acting to seize power.  Every single Trump-supporter I know was horrified at the incursion, and many suspect, with some evidence, that agents provocateurs led the way, and mob hysteria led others to follow, dupes.

The inauguration visuals of armed troops were insurrection theatre, with a cast of thousands (literally).

Words of Division Cloaked in an appeal to unity, President Biden’s inaugural speech hit all the expected themes of racial resentment and blame. Heather Mac Donald


It’s an odd way to seek national unity: call a significant portion of the American public white supremacists, racists, and nativists. Welcome to the Biden presidency.

Joe Biden’s inaugural speech as 46th president is predictably being hailed for its “unifying” message. And just as predictably, his invocations of the divisive bromides of the identitarian Left are being swept under the rug.

According to Biden, we are a “great nation” and a “good people.” But we also oppress minorities with an ever-rising fervor. “Growing inequity” is among the greatest challenges facing the country, according to Biden, along with the “sting of systemic racism” and encroaching “white supremacy.” Only now are we confronting “a cry for racial justice, some four hundred years in the making.”

One might have thought that more than 50 years of civil rights legislation; the banishing of Jim Crow segregation; the ubiquity of racial preferences throughout corporate America, higher education, and government; trillions of dollars of tax dollars attempting to close the academic achievement gap; and the election of black politicians by white voting districts would have reduced inequity, not increased it. But to Biden’s speechwriters, steeped in academic victimology, racial inequity is always with us, requiring constant remediation from government.

Biden rattled off a litany of white America’s sins: the “harsh, ugly reality” of “racism, nativism, fear, [and] demonization”; “anger, resentment, hatred, [and] extremism.” He did not name white Americans as such, but he did not need to. That qualifier is inherent in the language he chose to adopt.