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Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads? By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


All that work for, and faith in, Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett! As with John Roberts before, we are once again the victims of unrequited affection and lost labor. Like other Republicans, I expended lots of hours and effort to do my part in getting all three confirmed. I wrote articles, did radio and TV interviews, gave speeches, called Senators and asked my friends to do so, and spoke to countless people. 

I even attended the Senate Hearings for two of them; and in the case of Kavanaugh went face-to-face against a wild group of “feminists” blocking my way to the Senate hearing room, was bad-mouthed by them while in waiting-lines, and harassed in the office taken over by these “non-insurrection” protestors while trying to get my pre-arranged ticket which they had dumped. (Interestingly, when complaining to police how the “progressive” protestors had taken over Senator Grassley’s office, the Capitol Police replied: “This is a public space, open to the people, and we cannot stop them from exercising their right of speech and assembly”).

I have traveled over 800 miles, paid for motels, and over the years took off work so as to help these nominees become confirmed justices. Like so many others on our side, we believed in them. Finally, strong justices, conservative like us. The Court was finally ours… a dream come true.

Well, the dream has died and our hopes for the Great Cause have not been respected by those in whose behalf we so tirelessly worked.

Kavanaugh and Barrett’s Share of the Shame The Trump-appointed justices’ alliance with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court is not a betrayal of Republicans or the president who appointed them. It’s a betrayal of the Constitution. By Julie Kelly


With Election Day looming and early voting underway, Judge Amy Coney Barrett pledged at her confirmation hearing in October she would not act as a Republican “pawn” in any election dispute.

Democrats and the media, anticipating a close vote in the Electoral College, warned Barrett would rule in favor of the man who nominated her if the ultimate decision reached the Supreme Court as it did in 2000; Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) demanded Barrett recuse herself “in any case involving Donald Trump’s election.”

Blumenthal, in essence, got his way. Democrats must be thrilled—laughing all the way to 2022 and 2024—at the de facto recusals by Justices Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh in every post-election lawsuit petitioned before the court, even those not filed by the Trump campaign.

Kavanaugh and Barrett, sold to the country as “originalists” who would counteract the bench’s Left-leaning jurists, instead joined their liberal colleagues and Chief Justice John Roberts to reject each case. In doing so, Barrett and Kavanaugh broke their promise to defend the Constitution and gave their imprimatur to lawless state elections—a clear and present danger to the future of the country.

Unilateral Action

The first sign of trouble came in December. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit on December 7 asking the court to delay the December 14 deadline for states to certify electoral votes. It was a last-ditch longshot attempt to do the work the U.S. Department of Justice, Democratic state attorneys generals, and lower courts refused to do: adjudicate provable election fraud before it was too late.

Dr. Fauci’s New York State of Mind When truth is what helps Democrats – and keeps people living in fear. Lloyd Billingsley


According to a January 30 report by New York Attorney General Letitia James, thousands more nursing home residents may have died from COVID-19 than New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has publicly acknowledged. As investigators learned, nursing home deaths had been undercounted, even in facilities the state health department had made public.

As ProPublica noted, “the true death toll among nursing home residents was not mentioned in Cuomo’s much-publicized memoir on his leadership successes handling the pandemic.” The story launched an outcry, even among Democrats and the establishment media.

On February 15, Gov. Cuomo defended his pandemic response and the next day, Biden advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on CNN with Jim Scietto. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Scietto recalled, had “argued that his state was following federal guidelines when he ordered those long-term care facilities to accept patients returning from hospitals. I wonder, can you clarify that. Was he really following federal guidelines to do this?”

“You know, Jim, I can’t,” Fauci responded. “I mean, excuse me. I really am – I’m honestly not trying to erase your question, but I’m not really sure of all the details of that, and I think if I, if you make a statement, it might be wrong or taken out of context. So, I prefer not to comment on that.” In reality, Fauci had already clarified the details. As Fox News recalled, last July Dr. Fauci told PBS that, unlike other parts of the country, New York responded “properly” and “correctly” to the pandemic.

In December, Dr. Fauci appeared at a Cuomo press conference but in February, Fauci declined to say whether the governor was following federal guidelines when he ordered elderly patients into nursing homes. This from a man routinely billed as the nation’s top infectious disease expert.

The Shame of Joe Biden: John Hinderaker


Politicians are not, in general, renowned for honesty. Spin is universal and exaggeration goes with the territory. But actual lying–verifiable, damnable lying about an important public issue–is relatively uncommon. Unless we are talking about Joe Biden.

During the campaign, Biden absurdly alleged that President Trump had mishandled the COVID epidemic, and therefore had murdered the several hundred thousand Americans who allegedly died from that disease. The theory was that if Trump had done something differently–God knows what–the U.S. would have been the only country on Earth with zero Wuhan deaths. Reporters went along with Biden’s fantasy.

Since his inauguration, Biden has continued his assault on his predecessor by claiming, repeatedly, that little was going on with regard to vaccinations until he took office, and that the Trump administration “had no plan” to effectuate vaccinations. This, too, is a damnable lie.

The Democrats’ ‘Woke’ Equality Act: Another Awful Idea That Would Radically Change America


“The bottom line is, this radical, divisive bill won’t unite us, but further divide us. And it’s a sad reminder that we’re only ever one election away from truly crazy things emerging from Congress. The Equality Act is one of them. What’s next?”

The just-passed Equality Act no doubt sounds wonderful to many. Who, after all, can disagree with a bill to “prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation”? But it’s a wretched bill, one that would have many terrible consequences.

Passed Thursday by a 224-206 vote, with only three Republicans in support, the legislation now goes to the Senate, where it’s expected (but not guaranteed) to fail. After all, the same bill also passed the House early last year, only to die in the Senate, where it needs 60 votes to get beyond that chamber’s filibuster. With a 50-50 party split in the Senate, that makes it unlikely to pass this time, too.

But, like a bad meal, the Equality Act is likely to come up again.

As we said, there’s nothing wrong with “equality” for anyone under the law. Our Constitution, indeed, guarantees that under the 14th Amendment. It’s a bedrock of American jurisprudence.

But the Equality Act of today has nothing to do with “equal rights,” at least as most Americans would understand them.

The Censorship Party House Democrats use a hearing to target conservative media.


Imagine if a pair of Donald Trump’s allies in Congress had sent a letter to cable company CEOs in 2017 blasting CNN and other progressive media outlets and asking why their content is still broadcast. Then imagine that a GOP-run committee in Congress staged a hearing on the societal menace of fake news and the need for government and business to rein in the hostile press.

The media would have treated that as a five-alarm political fire, an existential threat to a free press, the First Amendment and political norms, and a step toward authoritarian rule. “Democracy dies in darkness,” and all that. Yet that’s exactly what Democrats in Congress did this week, targeting conservative media outlets, but the media reaction has been silence or approval.

On Monday Democrats Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney sent letters pressing 12 cable and tech CEOs to drop contracts with right-of-center media outlets including Fox News. Two days later the Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing about “disinformation and extremism” in conservative media. The only notable extremism on display was the majority party’s appetite for regulating and policing the free press.

Revolutionary Discovery That Two Plus Two Equals White Supremacy By Stephen Green


Insanity Wrap needs to know: What do you call it when you find out that minority kids are being taught that wrong answers are just fine in math class?

Answer: A very public education.

Two Plus Two Equals White Supremacy

Every problem had exactly one correct answer and an infinite number of incorrect answers. It doesn’t take a math whiz to understand that ∞:1 is not good odds.

Rand Paul TORCHES Biden’s Trans HHS Nominee for Supporting the Chemical Castration of Kids By Megan Fox,


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) delivered a harsh rebuke of the philosophy that minor children should be allowed to use off-label hormone blockers to delay puberty for the purpose of “transitioning” due to gender dysphoria. He exposed the moral insanity of this idea during assistant health secretary nominee Rachel Levine’s Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday. Levine is transgender and advocates for the chemical altering of children with gender dysphoria.

Rand Paul, like many medical professionals, is concerned about the unknown long-term effects of puberty blockers, an off-label treatment that has not been sufficiently studied. There are many young people who have used hormones and puberty blockers and are now having difficulty de-transitioning. Paul asked Levine a question the doctor refused to answer.

Should minors be making these momentous decisions? For most of the history of medicine, we wouldn’t let you have a cut sewn up in the ER but you’re willing to let a minor take things to prevent their puberty and you think they’ll get that back?

Paul went on to destroy the Left’s double standard, noting that many leftists screamed like hyenas that off-label use of medication was the end of the world when it came to hydroxychloroquine use for COVID-19.

I find it ironic that the Left that went nuts over hydroxychloroquine being used possibly for COVID are not alarmed that these hormones are being used off-label. There’re no long-term studies. We don’t know what happens to them. We do know there are dozens and dozens of people who have been through this who regret that this happened. And a permanent change happened to them. If you’ve ever been around children, 14-year-olds can’t make this decision…we should be outraged that someone is talking to a three-year-old about changing their sex.

Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign Goal was to find “anyone” inside GOP campaign tied to Russia who could get dirt “damaging” to Clinton, newly declassified memos reveal. John Solomon


Once-secret reports show the FBI effort to spy on the Trump campaign was far wider than previously disclosed, as agents directed an undercover informant to make secret recordings, pressed for intelligence on numerous GOP figures, and sought to find “anyone in the Trump campaign” with ties to Russia who could acquire dirt “damaging to Hillary Clinton.”

The now-declassified operational handling reports for FBI confidential human source Stefan Halper — codenamed “Mitch” — provide an unprecedented window both into the tactics used by the bureau to probe the Trump campaign and the wide dragnet that was cast to target numerous high-level officials inside the GOP campaign just weeks before Americans chose their next president in the November 2016 election.

 Among the revelations, the memos make clear that:

Almost immediately after the FBI opened a Russia collusion probe on July 31, 2016 narrowly focused on the foreign lobbying of a single Trump campaign aide named George Papadopoulos, agents pressed Halper for information on more than a half dozen other figures, including future Attorney General Jeff Sessions, foreign policy adviser Sam Clovis, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, economic adviser Peter Navarro, future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and campaign adviser Carter Page.
Halper provided significant exculpatory evidence to the FBI — including transcripts of conversations he recorded of targeted Trump advisers providing statements of innocence — that was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that approved a year of surveillance targeting the Trump campaign, and specifically Page.
While current FBI Director Chris Wray has insisted the bureau did not engage in spying on the Trump campaign, Halper’s taskings include many of the tradecraft tactics of espionage, including the creation of a fake cover story (he wanted a job at the Trump campaign), secret recordings, providing background on targets, suggested questions to ask and even contact information for potential targets.

But the memos’ most explosive revelations are the sheer breadth of the FBI’s insufficiently predicated dragnet targeting the Trump campaign, and the agents’ clearly stated purpose of thwarting any Trump campaign effort to get dirt from Russia that could hurt his Democratic rival.

A Monopoly On Stupid Derek Hunter


If you thought 2020 was the dumbest year on record (and I’m as guilty of that as anyone), 2021 just demanded we hold its beer…

Less than two months in and the level of stupid coming from the left has been ramped up to 11. If there were an Olympic event for insanity, Democrats would hold a tighter grip on all three spots on the podium than they hold on power over the cities their policies have singlehandedly destroyed. It’s an amazing feat of manipulation, if nothing else.

As far as bringing people together goes, that was never the Democrats’ objective. Their goal was to get just enough support to seize power. Holding power, no matter how tenuously, is always the left’s objective. Exercising it is almost an afterthought, though they do it with vigor.

To get power, leftists have employed an endless string of demonization and lies. Unbound by reality and unhindered by being held accountable, the Democratic Party has set out to make as many people as possible into victims. Of what doesn’t matter, the important thing was to make them feel oppressed, somehow, by someone.

Why this works on so many is a combination of many things. First, some people desire to be absolved of responsibility for their failures. A simple fact of life is that everyone’s life is the culmination of consequences of their decisions. If you’ve made good decisions, studied and worked hard, the odds of you having a good life are very high. Conversely, if you spent more time skipping school, getting high and stealing beers from someone’s garage than studying or working hard, you probably won’t find yourself being a titan of industry anytime soon. Most people function somewhere in between, quite happily.

The same goes for morally good choices. There’s a fine line between living a good life and living a moral one. Democrats want to change what both of those mean, and have deployed every tool at their disposal to build a wall between them.

That can only be done through distraction. If people think, the plan falls apart. If people are paying attention to stupid “outrages of the moment,” they can begin to live from one outrage to another.