Why burn books when libraries are doing the censor’s work? On January 25, 2021, the American Library Association (ALA) Council reviewed the role of libraries in condemning white supremacy and fascism.
Lindsay Cronk, who helped develop a resolution to “condemn white supremacy and fascism as antithetical to library work,” believes this work to be “urgent.” Cronk bases this assessment on the January 6 attack in D.C.
Just a little more than two weeks ago, a mob, inflamed by misinformation and disinformation in the form of ideological rhetoric and carrying fascist and white supremacist symbols including nazi swastikas and confederate flags, attempted to interrupt and counteract democratic process. They were emboldened by inaction from American institutions.
Facts be damned as Cronk continues.
Furthermore, “Over the course of consecutive ALA conferences, white allies have interrogated our fragility, and we’ve had experts provide a vision of how we can become an antiracist profession. We’ve listened to and amplified the voices of our colleagues of color enough to acknowledge that diversity is not the solution to racism or fascism.”
Finally, in impeccable radical leftist language, the ALA wants to explore “how we can do intellectual freedom and social justice work together.”
In order to “disrupt whiteness in libraries and librarianship,” the following titles are recommended.
Collins, P. H. (2019). Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory. Duke University Press.
Crenshaw, K., N. Gotanda, and K. Thomas. (1996). Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement. The New Press.
Zuberi, T. and E. Bonilla-Silva. (2008). White Logic, White Methods: Racism and Methodology. Rowman & Littlefield.