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2020: the year racial identity took over A backward and divisive racial ideology has filled the vacuum left by disillusionment in the West. by Inaya Folarin Iman


2020 was the year that a divisive form of racial identity politics, embodied in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, was accelerated and institutionalised.

BLM brought with it a politics of victimhood, a view of races as rigidly defined and adversarial, and a view of the past as something to be sanitised and fought against. The cowardice and capitulation of our institutions to censorious mob pressure made 2020 the year we nearly lost our collective grip on reality.

The intensity of lockdowns, under which billions around the world were confined to their houses, provided the pressure-cooker conditions for BLM’s volcanic eruption on to the global stage. The case of George Floyd in the USA appears, in this sense, merely an opportunistic pretext for an outpouring of self-righteous rage.

What was most striking was the response of the political, cultural and economic elites. BLM, a movement based on fundamentally flawed assumptions and flawed conclusions, was able to demand, and to some extent attain, significant changes to society – the removal of statues, the explosion of corporate diversity programmes, the encroachment of the ‘decolonise the curriculum’ movement – with little sustained pushback from our institutions. You only need to look to history to find several occasions when bad ideas were legitimised as the one and only ‘truth’. But how did today’s bad ideas take over?

Research Finds that UV LEDs Kill 99.9% of COVID-19 Virus By Matt Margolis


A new study from Tel Aviv University shows that the COVID-19 virus “can be killed efficiently, quickly and cheaply using ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) at specific frequencies,” according to a report from The Jerusalem Post.

“We discovered that it is quite simple to kill the coronavirus using LED bulbs that radiate ultraviolet light,” said Professor Hadas Mamane, head of the Environmental Engineering Program at Tel Aviv University’s School of Mechanical Engineering. Mamane led the study with Professor Yoram Gerchman and Dr. Michal Mandelboim.

UV-LED bulbs require less than half a minute to destroy more than 99.9% of the coronavirus on surfaces, Mamane explained. An article detailing their study and its finding was published earlier this month in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology.

Ultraviolet wavelengths, available in LEDs as UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C, are very effective at disinfecting surfaces using UV-LED bulbs.

“We know, for example, that medical staff do not have time to manually disinfect, say, computer keyboards and other surfaces in hospitals – and the result is infection and quarantine,” said Mamane. “The disinfection systems based on LED bulbs, however, can be installed in the ventilation system and air conditioner, for example, and sterilize the air sucked in and then emitted into the room.”

This Tennessee Data for Masked vs. Unmasked Counties Would Be on Every Front Page, if Results Were Different Scott Morefield


As you may have heard, we’ve sort of got a “casedemic” problem here in Tennessee. That means lots and lots (and lots) of people are testing positive for COVID-19. That’s about all we know for sure, of course. Nevertheless, hand-wringing from media, politicians, and local ‘health authorities’ is seemingly neverending, as are local reporters in my neck of the woods being filmed standing in front of that FEMA body truck they don’t bother to tell us has been sitting in front of the regional hospital, unused, SINCE MARCH. Hospitals aren’t overwhelmed by any measure, and even the death toll isn’t really all that impressive either considering that Tennessee is actually below the national average in deaths per million and most people who are dying are either already super old or super sick.

Indeed, while COVID does tragically hit some people hard, most ‘cases’ are quite mild and often non-symptomatic, driven by panic at every sniffle or people being forced to test for work and other reasons. And there is increasingly solid evidence that not everyone counted as a ‘COVID death’ is really a death caused by COVID, but rather someone who had a positive PCR test at some point in 2020 before dying. When you have a highly contagious respiratory virus going around, particularly one that is seasonal and seems to be boxing out the flu, an increasing percentage of those who die will likely have it. These ‘scary’ numbers lie at the root of the ongoing panic and give continued justification for our overlords to continue to exercise control over society.

Here in Tennessee, one of the few states without a statewide mask-mandate, much pressure has been placed upon Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee to “do something.” Since lockdowns are thankfully for the most part out of the question here, the pressure has centered on establishing that mandate the mask-Karens have been longing for. Even former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a medical doctor, has gotten in on the action, begging Lee to pull the trigger in a Facebook post earlier this month that blamed rising case numbers not on the winter months when such viruses always tend to spread, but on supposedly unmasked rural counties.

There Is No Mercy and No Redemption in Today’s Cancel Culture Michael Brown


It is one thing when, as an adult, you are held accountable for the life you choose to live, especially if you are unrepentant. It is another thing when, as a young adult, you are severely penalized for a three-second video posted on social media when you were just 15.

But that is exactly what happened to Mimi Groves.

She was a championship-winning cheerleader in high school and was accepted by the University of Tennessee, her dream school. She was also accepted by their cheerleading squad, which was one of the top squads in the nation.

Now 18 years old, she was excited to start living out her college dream. And that’s when the cancel culture struck.

When Mimi was 15, she posted a three-second video on Snapchat while she sat in her car in traffic, saying, “I can drive, n*****s.” That was it.

Three years later, in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in June of this year, and while a senior in high school, she posted something very different.

Using her Instagram account, she encouraged people to “protest, donate, sign a petition, rally, and do something” to help support the Black Lives Matter movement.

So, whatever her intent was when she was 15, her intent now was clear. She was saying that racial justice was important and that she would stand with the American Black community. Good for her.

But that is not how the cancel culture thinks. It does not understand the concepts of mercy and redemption. Instead, it is ruthless and unforgiving.

Matt Vespa With Congress Killing American Business, One Media Company That Liberals Hate Took Action


Congress has failed. That’s not hard task for the idiots we have working on the Hill. Dare I say, democracy has failed, but I won’t go down that rabbit hole. As the nation deals with the coronavirus outbreak, thousands of businesses have been destroyed, specifically bars and restaurants. Initially, I get why there was a stay-at-home order, now there are raw numbers that show these establishments are not the main source of spread. In New York, one of the states hardest hit by the virus, new data shows that bars and restaurants account for only 1.4 percent of COVID spread. Also, schools are not sources of so-called “super spread.” Reopen the damn schools and resume indoor dining. 

For months, businesses have needed aid. Families have needed assistance. Unfortunately, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had other plans. You see they knew COVID relief packages helped Trump. They wanted him gone, so they admitted to nuking past negotiations in order to better the chances of Joe Biden winning the election. And now, after months of economic disruption and bills stacking as high as Everest, they’re going to give struggling families $600. My eyes cannot roll hard enough.

Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports, a media company that liberals hate for all the obvious and idiotic reasons, decided to do more than Congress has done in months to help Americans save their dream. His rants on social media about how politicians are trying to kill our right to earn a living are must-watch material. I think even the most ardent Trump hater would agree that if Americans were given a choice of getting COVID or seeing their businesses destroyed because of a virus that has a 90+ percent recovery rate, I think you know that most, if not everyone, would pick the former. Anyways, Barstool has established a relief fund that’s probably going to raise close to $10 million helping businesses have a few more weeks of oxygen, which is more than Congress is doing right now (via Fox Business):

Dave Portnoy, founder of media company Barstool Sports, has raised $ 6.3 million for 18 small businesses as of Saturday morning.



For those of you who follow me on my blog, you know I have been following and writing about Covid 19, the Chinese Virus, since March 2020.

I have read as many expert opinions as I could find, and that has been problematic as Twitter and Facebook have refused to post anything that goes against Dr. Anthony Fauci. I listened to the lectures given on a regular basis by our self-anointed “essential” public health experts and politicians.

Based on their actions, it seems to me that the powers-that-be have concluded that the only way to crush Covid 19, the Chinese Virus, is to crush all small businesses and all the people associated with them.

I also learned that if you protest for BLM or Antifa you will not get Covid. If you go to any house of worship, you will. If you wear a mask in Walmart, Costco or any big box store that sells items from China you will not get Covid. I know this because the medical experts and politicians have kept these stores open with hundreds of shoppers, whenever the hospitals are overflowing and the ICU’s are full and the numbers of Covid cases go up too fast ( I am not sure what “too fast” means). On the other hand these leaders are quick to lock down our local small businesses because they know small businesses are super-spreaders and one is sure to catch Covid, even when wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer at the hairdresser, the toy store, the book shop, barbershop, the esthetician, the bike store, the clothing store… And coffee shops and restaurants? Too dangerous. They must be shut down.

Except they are not. But, one does not want to contradict the prevailing fear-mongering of our leaders and media or one will be censored and canceled.



Since most Americans have not had the chance or inclination to read 5,000+ pages of the latest stimulus package, we owe Jesse Watters a debt of gratitude for his accounting of how politicians are misusing taxpayer money.  Instead of assisting Americans, many of whom are on the brink of disaster, the virtue-signaling Democrats want to give

$700M to Sudan
$10M to Pakistan for gender studies
$506M to Central America to fight corruption
$300M to Caribbean countries to study how many fish are in the sea
$500M to build a border wall between Jordan and Syria
$86 million to Cambodia
$1.3 billion to Egypt

Watters emphatically asserts that these politicians are “stealing our money to send it to other countries.”  Moreover, the politicians also dream of the following distributions.

$1.3 million to see if Americans will eat bugs
$2 million to see if going in a hot tub will reduce stress
$150K on Kenyan art classes
$37M to stop Filipino students from playing hooky
$3M to send Russian students to American community colleges
5M to walk lizards on a treadmill
$4.5M to spray alcoholic rats with bobcat urine

If Americans were not hurting so much, I would have thought that the above list of disbursements was actually a comedy skit to relieve the tension of living from check to check or no check as the case might be.  Gender studies in Pakistan — the land where women are murdered for any Islamic infraction.  As Bruce Thornton explains,

Hypersensitive Covid tests, ‘sick’ fruit, and the mendacious Dr. Fauci By Andrea Widburg


The Wuhan virus has been politicized around the world, but America has taken politicization to nuclear levels because the Democrats weaponized it against Trump. It’s been in the establishment’s interests to inflate Wuhan virus numbers by manipulating the RT-PCR test used to diagnose people with the virus. In Europe, they’re figuring out the false positives problem, but that information is hidden in the US. A new video, however, explains what’s going on — and the ‘sick’ kiwis help prove it.

The current diagnostic test for the Wuhan virus is based upon the Polymerase Chain Reaction (“PCR”) technique that Kary Banks Mullis, a biochemist, invented in 1983. The technique is so important that Mullis won a Nobel Prize in chemistry – and, unlike the Nobel Peace prize, that is a prize with a legitimate cachet.

Here, shorn of any scientific language at all, is what the PCR technique does: It takes a molecule and repeatedly “cycles” it, with each cycle making the molecule twice as large as before. The first cycle doubles the size (2 x 2); the second cycle creates makes it eight times as big as the original (2 x 2 x 2); the third cycle makes it sixteen times as big (2 x 2 x 2 x 2); and so on, to theoretically indefinite numbers of cycles.

The point of the test is that there will come a point at which you’ve enlarged the molecule enough that you can see what’s inside it. Keep in mind, though, that the more you magnify a thing, the more you see things you wouldn’t have noticed before. For example, the pictures below all show a drop of blood with the magnification increasing from an ordinary camera shot to a regular microscope to an electron microscope:

What’s happening with the PCR test when it’s used to diagnose the Wuhan virus (the “RT-PCR” test) is that there’s no standard for the number of cycles being run to enlarge the molecule inspected. Some labs are doing as many as 30 cycles, which means they’re blowing up the molecule as if it’s in an electron microscope and finding all sorts of things, including minute and meaningless virus particles.

Did Americans Come to Love Big Brother? Millions of Americans may come to resemble Winston Smith, the defeated hero of Nineteen Eighty-Four, who at last accepts the calm. By Victor Davis Hanson


In less than a month, there will likely be no more President Trump for the media to obsess over. No more false stories about him overfeeding koi fish or headlines screeching that Trump told Americans to inject bleach to combat COVID-19. No more Trump-fixated media worries over how to best accentuate bad news and downplay good. 

There will be no more frenzied mockery that Trump was lying about a vaccination delivery date in 2020. Instead, imagine a happier world of 2021 where Dr. Anthony Fauci is the genius behind the vaccination. Joe Biden is the master logistician who inoculated the nation. And COVID-19 disappeared with Trump to Mar-a-Lago. 

There will be no more news blackouts of the first lady, no more snide suggestions that the elegant and quite stunning Melania Trump lacked the beauty and grace of Vogue cover star Michelle Obama and the education and academic authority of Jill Biden.

There will now be no more media bombshells about “Russian collusion” mythologies. There is only the effort to downplay the real, frightening, China collusion narratives. And they involve U.S. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), Hunter Biden and the Biden family, and a host of American corporations, universities, and multibillionaires. Nothing to see here, move on.

There will be no more anger over Trump’s use of the term “China virus.” There is only the deadly suppressed truth of the COVID-19 virus that originated in Wuhan, and Beijing’s outright lies about the virus ensured its spread and lethality. No matter, troublemakers. Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg will reassure us that a non-authoritarian China did as well as it could. 

There will be no more media “walls are closing in” frenzies that Trump is crazy and should be removed under the 25th Amendment. There will be only the underground whispers that he seemed a lot more hale than incoming President Joe Biden. 

The real question is not how or even whether the media can exist without its obsessions with Trump, but what will it now do with Joe Biden? To put it another way, the media assumes that its creation of a new fake hero can become even more believable than the construct of its old false villain. 

Fact-Checking the ‘Fact-Checkers’ More fake news about COVID-19. Jack Kerwick


The so-called “Fact-Checker” is a persona that 2020 appears to have brought into its own. Everywhere we turn now, it is impossible to avoid tripping over some self-styled “fact-checker” or other. 

It’s not difficult to notice that all self-proclaimed “fact-checkers” are invariably left-leaning partisans whose only interest is in “fact-checking” the claims of those who challenge the agenda of the Democratic Party.

Of course, the reality is that the moniker of “fact-checker” is of a piece of the fiction that journalists are objective, disinterested, impartial observers and “reporters” of current events who are invested in nothing other than disseminating “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Or some such patent nonsense as this.

In what follows, I will make my first go as a fact-checker, only a fact-checker with a twist: I will begin fact-checking the fact-checkers, both their claims and those of their fellow partisan ideologues.

Here, I will focus only upon the biggest claims of 2020, namely, the claims regarding…“The Virus.”

The Claim:

COVID-19 is a novel virus that scientists have isolated.

Rating: FALSE!

In order to determine whether a virus exists, it must be isolated, purified, and extracted from the bio-chemical concoction of stuff in which it is alleged to have been located. 

This has never been done with COVID.