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Does Joe Know?   He is, effectively, a hologram. By Lisa Schiffren


For those of us watching this made-for-TV special in which a totalitarian cabal at the core of the Democratic Party takes over America while we are locked at home, one question arises: Does the mentally impaired Joseph R. Biden know that he was put into the presidency by a small committee* of hard Left operatives, and is currently serving as a figurehead, as all decisions about policy and personnel are made by others? 

Or does he think that he really is “the president,” with all that usually entails? 

Does he believe that 81 million adult American citizens voted for him after he failed to answer basic questions about what he would do in office, while hiding in his basement all summer? When he thinks about his support across this great continent, does he see the faces of those who showed up to signal assent? The crowds? The four or six or 11 people in tiny yards, in random places? How could he not know, you wonder . . . ? But, ego.

Does Joe know that he is, effectively, a hologram—a 3D projection in space, retaining outward signs of being a sentient human— whose mental processes have been taken over by the committee? That earpiece he wears, who is speaking into it? Remember, he wore it at the debate, too. How does that work? It’s hard to just repeat words as they come into your ear, with anything like normal inflection. Those dark contact lenses he is wearing—what does he see?

When he sits at the Resolute desk, with a stack of executive orders to sign for the cameras, and the sheets of paper he is signing are blank… surely he knows. Unless he sees something else. 

And let’s discuss the content of those EOs for a second: Joe Biden is an unprincipled panderer, but he is not personally hard Left. He swore up and down at his second debate that he would not end fracking or shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, putting tens of thousands of American union members out of work, thus ensuring a steep rise in energy prices. Yet he signed that order on day one. Would the real Joe Biden have signed EOs allowing China to meddle in the U.S. energy grid?  Or agree to destroy women’s sports?

The key question is, does Joe know the timeline for his departure? We can’t be sure, but the satirical news site the Babylon Bee gives him 100 days, as of January 22.  

GOP Election Fraud Deniers Face Reckoning One cannot simultaneously defend the integrity of the 2020 election and demand new laws to ensure election integrity.  By Julie Kelly


So here’s the official company line promoted by establishment Republicans to defend the outcome of the 2020 presidential election: Of course the election had some irregularities like all elections but nothing that would change the result and, by the way, the country needs some major election integrity reform before this happens again.

The doublespeak designed to refute what election fraud deniers call “the big lie” was best expressed over the weekend by Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor, failed presidential candidate, and now paid ABC News shill. While attempting to shame fellow Republicans for bolstering Donald Trump’s complaints about how the election was handled in states that flipped to Joe Biden in 2020, Christie falsely claimed there wasn’t any evidence of vote fraud. “I don’t think there’s any question that the country needs to focus on in terms of our elections is making sure we have some effective electoral reform . . . we need to make the system better for 2022,” Christie told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. “But this election was not stolen.”

Others have set up a similar trap for themselves. Just hours before the so-called “insurrection” began, ex-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) slammed his GOP colleagues planning to protest the results and demand an election audit. Like Christie, McConnell defended the integrity of the election while supporting election reform at the state level. “Last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm,” McConnell lectured January 6.

Which raises the question—why not?

If the 2020 election was legitimate and, as McConnell and others insist, featured no evidence of decisive fraud outside the normally acceptable level of illegalities, then why should anything change?

Tens of millions of mail-in ballots without signature verification or documented chain of custody or other legally required proof should indeed be the “new norm” if their analysis is to be believed. Election Day will last not weeks but months; every voter will receive an absentee ballot, even those who didn’t request one, and it can be returned past Election Day without a postmark or delivered to drop-boxes manned by partisans in deep blue counties and cities.

Mitch McConnell announces he’s willing to abandon the filibuster By Andrea Widburg


Most of the time, Americans pay scant attention to the rules that the House and Senate choose to govern themselves. We laugh when the House decides to go for gender-neutral language, but none of us think that makes any real difference. However, in the Senate, “China” Mitch McConnell has paved the way for a rule change that will allow the Democrats to alter forever America’s long-standing structure and enable them to become a permanent governing class.

The Senate currently is split perfectly in half, with fifty Senators who are Democrats and fifty who are Republicans. It would be nice if that created a stalemate, which would at least keep Congress from harming America, but that’s not the case. Kamala Harris is now the tie-breaking vote on any deadlocked initiative. In other words, the Senate effectively has a Democrat majority.

The only thing protecting the minority interest in a Senate the reflects America’s strong ideological divisions is the filibuster. This rule went into effect in 1806 – that is, 215 years ago. The filibuster allows a senator, or a group of senators, to block legislation from going forward by continuing to debate a matter unless “three-fifths of the Senators duly chosen and sworn” vote to end the debate by invoking cloture. Currently, the filibuster is all that stands between the Democrats adding new states that will give Democrats a permanent Senate majority and packing the Supreme Court – which will effectively nullify the Constitution.

Freedom of Speech Slipping Away An unprecedented threat under Biden. Star Parker


As the new Biden-Harris administration assumes power, the most basic American freedom of speech and expression is under unprecedented threat.

For the first time ever, I am concerned about my freedom to do my work, to run a policy institute addressing issues of culture, race and poverty from a conservative perspective.

Technology — the internet — which was largely nonexistent just 25 years ago, now plays a huge role in our lives as a tool of communication.

In a survey just published by the Pew Research Center, 86% say they “often” or “sometimes” get their news from a digital device — smartphone, tablet or computer. This compared with 68% who say they “often” or “sometimes” get their news from television, 50% who get it from radio and 32% who get it from print publications.

According to Statista.com, the United States has 223 million Facebook users, almost the size of the entire U.S. population over age 18. Per Pew, 22% of U.S. adults use Twitter.

These developments have put enormous power at the disposal of technology firms over what we see and read.

Fourteenth Amendment Follies Desperate Democrats want to get medieval on Trump. Matthew Vadum


Democrats are so scared one of their all-time favorite boogeymen, former President Donald Trump, will run and humiliate them again they are considering banishing him from electoral politics forever through an obscure constitutional provision created in the aftermath of the Civil War to deal with Confederate leaders and soldiers.

Disqualifying opposing candidates, in case you forgot, is part of the old Barack Obama playbook from his Illinois Senate days, and, call me crazy, but Donald Trump is no Jefferson Davis.

Because leftist depravity is bottomless, it should come as no surprise that Democrats are fine with going full-on banana republic to “save” the country from the potential reemergence of a truly great, legitimate president who, unlike the phony who has (temporarily) succeeded him, loves America, and who spent his four years in office expertly outfoxing Democrats to the benefit of the American people.

And because two bogus impeachments based on absolutely nothing are not enough for these people, left-wing lawmakers, wooden stakes in hand, are demanding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment be invoked before Count Trumpula rises from the political grave.

That amendment, by the way, was ratified July 9, 1868, a little over three years after Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia surrendered at Appomattox Court House and Democrat actor John Wilkes Booth assassinated the Republican U.S. president, Abraham Lincoln.

Joe Biden’s COVID Deceptions By David Harsanyi


He has gone back on a campaign promise to change the virus’s trajectory and set as a goal a rate of vaccination that the U.S. had already met or exceeded.

P resident Joe Biden contends there is “nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,” which is the exact opposite of what presidential candidate Joe Biden promised voters during the 2020 campaign. And by “exact opposite,” I mean the president’s alleged plan to beat coronavirus literally said that “the trajectory of COVID-19 in America is headed in the wrong direction” and only he could fix it.

The Biden “plan” amounted to a slew of nebulous promises that would be implemented to correct the “Trump fiasco,” such as accelerating the development of a vaccine, producing more masks, and pressuring governors to sign mask mandates. Biden repeatedly promised to alter the trajectory of COVID. In a platitudinous October 23 speech, Biden pledged to “immediately put in place a national strategy that will position our country to finally get ahead of this virus and get back our lives.”

“Immediately” is an adverb meaning at once, instantly, without any intervening time. It does not mean waiting around to take credit for when the Trump-era vaccines kick in.

One of the silliest talking points pushed by left-wing pundits during the election was to say that Biden had warned us about the pandemic. Evidence of this contention revolves around a single USA Today column in which the then–presidential candidate noted that there were at “least five cases” of COVID in the United States, and there “will likely be more.” Hardly Nostradamus.

Gregg Jarrett: Pelosi seeks retaliation in Trump impeachment trial — get ready for ‘the sequel’ It is time to end the politics of revenge


Here we go again. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slowly and somberly walking an article of impeachment through the Capitol flanked by House managers giving their best impression of a funeral procession. Except this time, they’re wearing Covid masks.  

Let’s call it “Impeachment: The Sequel.” It is destined to be as pitiable as the original. Like a cheap movie franchise that Hollywood keeps exploiting, this sham version will be the equivalent of a box office dud. 

Mugging for the cameras, Pelosi will probably mutter something about “making history,” as she did before.  Maybe she’ll again pass out souvenir signing pens like lollipops at a town carnival.  It’s an insult to charades.  Pelosi seeks retaliation masquerading as impeachment.  

The first impeachment trial in the Senate a year ago was a baseless fiasco that ended in the easy acquittal of President Trump. Democrats did not come close to mustering the two-thirds majority votes required for conviction and removal from office.  That predictable outcome rendered the entire exercise a colossal waste of time. 

It is almost certain that the sequel will mimic the same bad ending.  Democrats in the House rushed through an ineptly crafted article of impeachment accusing Trump of “inciting an insurrection” when he delivered a speech on the nation’s mall on January 6, 2021, and criminals chose to riot inside the Capitol building. 

Making America California The Biden administration seems determined to run the country on the ruinous model of the Golden State. Joel Kotkin


As the Biden administration settles in and begins to formulate its agenda, progressive pundits, politicians, and activists point to California as a role model for national policy. If the administration listens to them, it would prove a disaster for America’s already-beleaguered middle and working classes.

Biden, suggests an ecstatic account in the Los Angeles Times, seeks to “make America California again,” and he will have plenty of help. Californians will run Health and Human Services, the Treasury, Homeland Security, and Energy. Former California senator Kamala Harris is vice president, and San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi rules the House of Representatives. Progressives like Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca see the shift as embracing “California’s distinctive approach to market capitalism.” The Golden State, they insist, can “show the way forward” toward a more socially just future.

As a California resident for nearly half a century, I wonder if these worthies see the same state I do. California has its wonderful spots, great neighborhoods, beautiful vistas, amazing entrepreneurs, and great amenities, but it makes a poor advertisement for social democracy. It suffers the nation’s highest poverty rate and presents the widest gap between middle- and upper-middle income earners of any state. Minorities—notably African-Americans and Latinos—do worse in California’s metros than elsewhere in the country, according to a recent study that we conducted at the Urban Reform Institute. In Atlanta, African-American median incomes, adjusted for costs, are almost double those in San Francisco and Los Angeles; Latinos earn $20,000 more in midwestern and southern cities than in the enlightened metros along the California coast.

Determined Wreckers Scott McKay See note please


President Herbert Hoover was an eminently decent man, destroyed by a recession not of his making….not an abject bum like Jimmy Carter….rsk

Last week at my site, just after an inauguration speech Chris Wallace and the rest of the frauds and sycophants in the mainstream media applauded solely because membership in the D.C. cocktail club required it, I posted a historical perspective. It sifted the 20th- and 21st-century presidents into four categories: Positive Change Agents, Competent Managers, Determined Wreckers, and Abject Bums.

Feel free to check out the post to see where President Trump landed. But you won’t find Joe Biden slotted in any of the categories. Not yet.

Biden has a record, of course, and his ideological professions, talent level, and mental acuity are known knowns. That he isn’t a candidate for the first two categories is quite obvious.

But is he an Abject Bum, or a Determined Wrecker?

It isn’t that the answer is complicated. It’s that there are two answers. We can see this pretty easily from checking the things spewing out of Biden’s mouth against the executive orders micturating from his presidential pen.

Biden prattles on about unity and recovery, and he almost seems sincere about it. In fact, if he wasn’t so clearly a man incapable of honesty one might even believe he seeks unity rather than obedience.

Those executive orders, on the other hand, which represent the most violent lurch to the left in the first week of a presidential administration in U.S. history, don’t reflect an Abject Bum administration.

Jimmy Carter was an Abject Bum. So was Herbert Hoover. This is not that, as bum-ish as Biden certainly appears to be.

This is the work of Determined Wreckers, with Biden as their puppet.

Government Waste Thrives in Darkness By Thomas W. Smith


In the last 20 years, our country’s national debt has exploded. In 2001, when George W. Bush took office, the national debt was $5.8 trillion. It took around 225 years — booms, busts, depressions, wars, etc. — to amass that much national debt. In just eight years, Bush and a compliant Congress doubled the number to $11.7 trillion. In Barack Obama’s two terms, another $8.6 trillion was added. During the past four years, Donald Trump and Congress fought many battles, but not over this: In that time, America’s future was mortgaged to the tune of another $6.7 trillion. Today, the national debt is around $27 trillion, a four-fold increase in the last two decades. That doesn’t count unfunded mandates. And there is no end in sight. 

Whenever human beings gather to accomplish a task, any task, without strong and effective oversight, a natural evolution takes place. Whether it be in business, academia, philanthropy, or government, every activity morphs from the original goal to self-aggrandizement. In government, this process is particularly toxic. There are no profits, let alone a profit motive. No concern with productivity. No incentive to turn off the proverbial lights. No measure of success. No motivation to end counterproductive activities. 

Add to this mix the influence of public employee unions. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman were opposed to them for reasons that long ago became apparent. The goal of all unions is self-preservation – just as management’s is to maximize profits. But public employee unions add two other noxious elements to the mix: (1) defending job incompetence and (2) heavy-handed involvement in the electoral process in a search for pliant politicians who can help them achieve their objectives by spending ever more of the public’s money.

Now, out of the blue, the experts-for-hire have a new scheme to justify continued fiscal irresponsibility: modern monetary theory. It holds that so long as interest rates are lower than inflation rates, politicians can spend away. That is not a theory. It is idle wordplay, and the victim of such sophistry is the American taxpayer — and future generations of American taxpayers.