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Operation Warp Speed and the ‘Creative Society’ By Matthew Continetti


Its success is a reminder that there is no limit to American ingenuity when government stands alongside the people rather than in front of them.

R ecently the New York Times published an in-depth report on the success of the public-private partnership to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The program, dubbed Operation Warp Speed, devoted the resources of the U.S. government to aid private companies in the design, testing, and distribution of an effective vaccination for COVID-19. The deadline: one year after the virus’s appearance in Wuhan, China.

And it worked. If the FDA grants emergency use authorization to Pfizer in a few weeks, as is widely expected, the first shots will be administered to frontline health-care workers before New Year’s. The end of the pandemic is in sight.

Pfizer stayed somewhat aloof from Operation Warp Speed. After reporting results from its vaccine trials, a company spokesperson was quick to point out that Pfizer did not receive funding from the program. But it did call on the government a couple of times, and it agreed to sell 100 million doses of its vaccine to the United States long before clinical trials were complete. Moderna, by contrast, worked closely with the feds. “Nearly $2.5 billion in federal funds helped Moderna buy raw materials, expand its factory, and enlarge its work force by 50 percent,” according to the Times. “In return, it promised to deliver 100 million doses to the federal government.”

More Salem than Thanksgiving Coronavirus panic has set America back hundreds of years Heather Mac Donald


Had King James’s Privy Council contained a proto-Anthony Fauci in 1620, there might not have been a Thanksgiving holiday for the current-day Fauci and his peers to cancel four centuries later. The transatlantic voyage that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock would have been unthinkable under the ‘stay safe’ philosophy that now governs American life.

Nearly half the 102 occupants of the Mayflower died in their first year of settlement at Plymouth, sometimes at a rate of three a day. Such a mortality rate was predictable. The earlier outpost at Jamestown, founded in 1607, lost 66 of its original 104 settlers in its first nine months. By 1609, following the also predictable loss at sea of a ship coming to resupply the colony, starvation at Jamestown had grown so dire that residents dug corpses from their graves to eat any remaining flesh, later reported the colony’s first president in 1625.

Other early settlement casualties included the outpost of Roanoke, which simply disappeared. Overall, for every six would-be colonists who ventured across the Atlantic, only one survived, according to one estimate. Trying to establish a new life in the New World was most definitely not ‘safe’.

And yet the voyagers kept coming, driven by something beyond safetyism — religious zeal, ambition, passion for discovery, the desire for greater freedom. Those Americans who later spread across the continent, whether as solo explorers or in wagon trains, likewise eschewed a ‘stay safe’ philosophy.

Today, we are strangling American society in order to avoid a risk of death so infinitesimal — roughly 0.001 percent — for the majority of Americans that it would not have registered in any possible cost-benefit analysis governing both notable American endeavors and quotidian activities over the last four centuries. Our current Thanksgiving Day mantras — ‘Stay within your pod. Stay within your bubble. Stay within your household’ (in the words of a University of California, San Francisco, epidemiologist); don’t travel, don’t share food, don’t touch your family members or friends, speak only in hushed tones — make a mockery of the spirit that creates a country and sustains human life.

Antony Blinken’s Track Record Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Dr. Albert Ellis, one of the world’s top psychologists, suggests that the study of past track records is an essential undertaking for an effective assessment of the future: “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.” 

This suggestion is also applicable to the assessment of policy formulation by the next US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who will be the most influential foreign and national security policy-maker in President-elect Joe Biden’s Administration.

Blinken’s close ties with Biden, dating back to Biden’s chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, make him, potentially, as influential as were Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Jim Baker during the presidency of Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush respectively.

Israel policy.  Blinken opposes Israel’s annexation of – and expanded Jewish presence in – any part of Judea and Samaria, as well as in Jerusalem beyond the 1949 ceasefire lines. He considers Israeli dramatic land concessions to be a prerequisite for peace.  He supports the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the pre-1967 Jordan-occupied-Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. However, according to Blinken, “US aid to Israel is beyond debate and should never be used as leverage to influence Israel’s policies toward Palestinians…. It’s in the US interest that Israel has the means to secure itself…. Israel’s security is challenged on a daily basis. Israel faces existential threats every single day.”  

Palestinian policy. Blinken assumes that a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and East Jerusalem would serve justice and would spare Israel a demographic calamity. He ignores the well-documented demographic reality, which exposes the myth of the Arab demographic timebomb. He approaches the Palestinian issue from the human rights angle, notwithstanding the Palestinian track record as a role model for anti-Jewish hate-education and incitement, 100-year-old anti-Jewish terrorism and intra-Arab terrorism and treachery. Irrespective of Middle East reality, he believes in the centrality of the Palestinian issue on the Arab agenda and the pursuit of Israel-Arab peace.  
Blinken aims to restore annual financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (which was suspended due to the PA’s financial support of families of terrorists and the systematic heralding of terrorists), as well as the annual financial transfer to UNRWA (which was suspended due to its funding of the PA’s hate education). Also, he will reopen the PLO office in Washington, DC.

“Thanksgiving Thoughts 2020” Sydney Williams


Thursday is Thanksgiving, a uniquely American holiday. (And, with sheltering in place, unique to this year!) Like Christmas and Easter, it is a religious holiday, as the Pilgrims who we celebrate, and who landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts 400 hundred years ago this month, were escaping religious persecution. But, while the Pilgrims were Christians, this holiday is spiritual in a broader sense. The God we thank when we sit down to feast may be whatever God we choose. After all, according to a 2019 Pew Research survey a third of Americans – 35% – do not consider themselves Christian, but all celebrate Thanksgiving. So, no matter one’s religion, if any, all give thanks for the good fortune to live in this Country. 


The Pilgrims were Puritan refugees from England, where they had wanted a simpler and purer church than the Church of England offered. They went to Leiden, Holland around 1610, but returned to England to sail from Plymouth to the new world, in September 1620. Not one of the 102 passengers or 30 crew members would have made that trip without a belief that God would guide them. They crossed three thousand miles of unchartered ocean to an unknown destination, to arrive in November as winter was taking hold.

The Mayflower Society, made up of 150,000 descendants, estimates there are 35 million people who could trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower. The concept of the power of compound interest proves the point. Of the passengers and crew members, about one third died that first winter. Most of the rest (about 80 people) stayed. Since I can trace my ancestry back to William Bradford, I know that I am, through his son and granddaughter Mercy Steele, the 11th generation – William Bradford would be my nine-greats grandfather, his genes diluted by the fact that I also carry the genes of another 2047 nine-greats grandparents![1] (Apparently through William Bradford, Clint Eastwood and Hugh Heffner are cousins!) While many children died in infancy, most families were large, as children were assets. If one assumes, for sake of argument, that each family had three children and that twenty-three of the seventy-five survivors had children one gets to 35 million in the 13th generation, my grandchildren’s generation.[2] The actual number of Mayflower descendants may be far higher. Other ships, carrying mostly British subjects, began arriving in 1621. Conclusion: The Mayflower Society, to which I do not belong, is not exclusive.



Covid’s privileged oppressors are sanctimonious, self- righteous, self -serving people of every race, colour creed and sexual orientation; most often found in mainstream media, politics, Hollywood, and some in the general public. They rant and rave and lecture us about masks and social distancing and hand washing, scream about the number of new Covid cases and Covid deaths (would that be deaths from Covid or deaths with Covid?) and then yell at the rest of us for not following the rules (as if they do), while threatening lockdowns and then locking down.

All of these lockdowns are easy for Privileged Oppressors; politicians, public health experts and the well-to-do. They will not suffer from them. Their lives have not changed. I know people who spent the Covid lockdown redecorating and remodelling their homes. In the summer right up to mid-November, they played golf and went bike riding. Their lives are just fine, thank you. I doubt they have ever spoken to a shop owner holding on by his fingernails who knows he cannot withstand another lockdown. But they are quick to attack those who do not follow the rules. Blaming them for Covid.

These Privileged Oppressor politicians and public health experts get a regular and often rather large pay-cheques (Governor Cuomo is getting a $25,000 raise) and preach to others while not following their own preaching. Think California Governor, Gavin Newsome(fancy dinner party), Nancy Pelosi (she had to have her hair done),Chicago Mayor Lighthouse (needed her hair done as well), Gov. Whitmer (non-stop lockdowns and laws while her husband flaunts them).

Anti-Semites combating anti-Semitism: An Orwellian farce Ruthie Blum


“Anti-Israel” may be the new “pro-Israel,” but proponents of the bait-and-switch don’t seem to be camouflaging their Jew-hatred as well as they’d hoped.

If George Orwell is spinning in his grave these days, he’s likely rolling so hard with laughter that it’s bringing him and the rest of us to tears. An upcoming webinar on Jew-hatred is but one of many recent examples of phenomena that even the prescient social critic, whose essays and novels predicted with chilling accuracy the world that has unfolded since World War II, couldn’t have anticipated.

The Dec. 15 event—called “Dismantling Antisemitism, Winning Justice”—is being hosted by the left-wing, anti-Israel NGO Jewish Voice for Peace, and moderated by JVP and JVP Action deputy director Rabbi Alissa Wise.

Its equally radical co-sponsors are JVP Action, If Not Now, United Against Hate, Jewish Currents, Foundation for Middle East Peace, Arab American Institute, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, the Jewish Vote, and the People’s Collective for Justice and Liberation.

According to JVP, anti-Semitism “is used to manufacture division and fear, [and] while anyone can fuel it, [it] always benefits the politicians who rely on division and fear for their power.”

The group didn’t have to specify which “politicians” it has in mind, but it’s obvious that they are in the camp of U.S. President Donald Trump. The stated aim of the online happening is to “explore how to fight back against anti-Semitism and against those that seek to wield charges of antisemitism to undermine progressive movements for justice.”

Biden climate envoy John Kerry is a lifelong joke Editorial Board, NYPost.com


Kerry was shot in the buttock in Vietnam which in certain esoteric cases leads to brain damage….rsk

What was Joe Biden thinking for his choice of climate-change ambassador extraordinaire? John Kerry is one of the biggest gasbags in American politics, singlehandedly responsible for massive amounts of terrible emissions.

People have been laughing at him since Yale, when “Doonesbury” creator Garry Trudeau was zinging his pretentious, vacuous self-promotion.

We look forward to the anti-carbon lectures from a guy who travels the globe on private jets and luxury yachts.

Set aside his deer-in-the-headlights loss as the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2004. He was a joke as secretary of state under President Barack Obama — off on his yacht during Egypt’s 2013 military coup.

He vowed a crushing response when Syria crossed Obama’s infamous “red line” — only to have Obama pull the rug out from under him and agree to let Russia pretend to take Syria’s chemical weapons away instead.

Kerry also cluelessly “negotiated” the Iran nuclear deal even as the real talks were being run out of the White House; then he had to pretend to cheer an accord that gave away several points he’d said were non-negotiable, such as truly tough inspection requirements.

America and Canada Drifting Toward A Loss of Identity Frosty Wooldridge


With recent events across America, whether it’s a 50-50 split on the presidential election, prolific anarchy in our cities or a racial divide as wide as the Grand Canyon, we’re facing tremendous riffs from our youth, our 45 million immigrants who were not born here, and our economy.
Once a country loses its sense of national identity, whether by thoughtless mass immigration or loss of connection to our American ethos/culture—we face a national unraveling in the months and years ahead.  In other words, if we percolate anarchy or allow cultural upheaval on ever larger scales as seen in the last six months, it portends fragmentation of our blacks vs whites, our young vs old, and our liberals vs conservatives.

The same thing occurs in Canada.  Canadians continually lose their identity by importing dozens of cultural identities via millions of immigrants.  If you remember what happened to India, they suffered such conflict with two different religious sects, that Pakistan separated to create its own country.  If you look at what’s happening in Vancouver, British Columbia today, it’s 65 percent imported Chinese—and they are making Canadian BC into an entirely new state of Chinese BC.

The question may be asked:  what set of ideals, principles, history and national narrative do any natural-born-Americans share with a Somalian, Congolese, Sudanese, Pakistani, Ethiopian, Indian or Chinese national injected into American culture?  How will that work out as enormous numbers of immigrants pour into America from 195 different failed countries and cultures? What happens when their projected numbers reach over 100,000,000?  Do you think it’s possible that we are creating a pathological state of our own demise?

Biden’s Cabinet: The Return of the Blob By David Harsanyi


“Blinken was wrong about Israel, the Palestinians, and the prospects of peace. He was wrong about Iraq. Wrong on Iran. Wrong on Syria. Wrong on Russia. Wrong on Libya. Wrong on China. If you ever failed as much at your job, you wouldn’t have one. In Washington, you get to run the place.”

Biden wants Antony Blinken — an establishment favorite who has been wrong on nearly every foreign-policy issue in the past two decades — to be his secretary of state.

Joe Biden is putting the band back together.

As a Washington Post reporter tweets, the president-elect is “emphatically embracing the foreign policy establishment spurned” by Donald Trump. “Biden foreign policy begins with telling the world: ‘America’s back,’” explains what purports to be a straight-news piece, by another Washington Post writer. Biden, we learn, pledges to rejoin the Paris climate accord, the World Health Organization, the Iran nuclear deal, and to restore U.S. aid to the corrupt Palestinian leadership.

Let’s just say, Biden’s band has some big fans in Washington, D.C., and Brussels. To understand how this dynamic works, here is the Guardian describing Antony Blinken, likely our next secretary of state:

While Mike Pompeo has remained a domestic politician throughout his tenure as secretary of state, giving the lion’s share of his interviews to conservative radio stations in the midwest, for example, Blinken is very much a born internationalist.

He went to school in Paris, where he learned to play the guitar (he played Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall at graduation) and play football [soccer], and harboured dreams of becoming a film-maker. Before entering the White House under Barack Obama, he used to play in a weekly soccer game with US officials, foreign diplomats and journalists, and he has two singles, love songs titled Lip Service and Patience, uploaded on Spotify. . . .



This new Glazov Gang episode features Will Johnson, the Founder of UniteAmericaFirst.com.

Will discusses Trump Team vs. The Deep State, revealing how The battle is on.

Don’t miss it!