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Marginalising Conservatives Until We Vanish Peter Smith


Recently, miffed by its coverage of the US election and its aftermath, I wrote to The Australian:

Dear Editor, a suggestion: The cabal of your anti-Trump correspondents should get together each evening to stick pins in an effigy of Donald Trump. That might get the bile out of their systems and allow them to produce decent copy fit to read.

If you’ve noticed the newspaper’s drift to the port side of politics, you guessed it — The Australian didn’t publish my comment but, of course, I had zero expectation it would. The paper is becoming a left-of-centre rag. True, it has some decent writers. I enjoyed reading Gerard Henderson and Caroline Overington this morning. True, too, it is better than the alternatives, which is why I reluctantly still buy it.

It will also be interesting to see where the paper goes when Trump isn’t around for the hacks to get stuck into. What is clear is that it is on a pathway to leftism with the occasional dissident voice for appearances sake. Once leftists have infiltrated and reached an influential level they hire their own. That has been the history of universities, schools, public broadcasting, most of the mainstream print media and public services. The Australian, I fear, is just one more domino. Rupert won’t live forever.

By the way, I am not convinced that socialism per se is behind the movement to close down conservative voices. Socialism in practice produces an intolerance for counter views. First comes socialism then comes fascism. Right now, it seems as though the process has been short-circuited. I put it down to post-modernism and its attendant disregard for the concept of objective truth.

When there is no objective truth, my agenda can become the truth and your opposition lies. And, lies cannot be allowed to pollute the air waves. Liars can be cancelled in good conscience.

Thus, those who express the view that women must have XX chromosomes are liars and should be shunned. Those who don’t accept that free speech becomes hate speech when it offends someone of a minority group are liars. Those who believe it is discriminatory and racist to favour someone because of their skin colour are liars; unless the skin colour is white, in which case they are in good standing.

A Day of Hypocrisy How soon will Democrats cancel Martin Luther King Jr. for calling for a color-blind America? Daniel Greenfield


The University of Oregon celebrated Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, but four years ago it came within a hair of canceling him for being politically incorrect on his previous birthday.

The offending issue had been King’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Putting character ahead of race has long since become unfashionable among a radical leftist movement obsessed with identity politics.

Today children are indoctrinated with critical race theory in kindergarten. Four-year-olds who barely have any concept of race are told that they must divide each other by color, and to feel proud or guilty of their race. They must forget character and think only about skin color.

That’s how the Democrats who claim to celebrate King and his legacy have tainted his dream.

Around the 57th anniversary of King’s speech, Al Sharpton, an illiterate bigot at the center of a racist riot, and a powerful kingmaker whose golden ring every single Democrat presidential candidate bows to kiss, held his own 2020 rally at the Lincoln Memorial. Sharpton’s most famous quote has a somewhat different message than that of Martin Luther King Jr.

Mutant Social Growths Revisited Never underestimate the fathomless depravity of the American Left. Lloyd Billingsley


“With such an addled China-compliant politician in charge, Americans might wonder if entire “classes” of people such as deplorables, Christians, and elderly people of pallor might be targeted for violence. For leftist Democrats, these are the equivalent of those mutant social growths that need to be uprooted if society is to progress in a socialist direction.”

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” Long before Joe Biden’s 2019 proclamation, American leftists engaged in a competition for best defender of genocidal Communist dictators.

“One must not make a god of Stalin, he was too valuable for that” wrote Anna Louise Strong in her 1935 I Change Worlds. Stalin was then busy collectivizing agriculture, and the independent farmers known as kulaks stood in the way. Stalin decreed it was time to abolish the kulaks “as a class,” and his planned famine, covered up by Walter Duranty of the New York Times, claimed more than a million lives.

“Stalin had merely authorized what farmhands were already instinctively doing,” wrote Strong, who later moved on to Communist China and defended Mao Zedong. After a life “extolling the virtues of Communism,” as the New York Times reported, Strong died in Beijing on March 30, 1970.  Two years later, when Mao’s Cultural Revolution was still going on, American socialists Janet Goldwasser and husband Stuart Dowty took a trip to China.

The result was Huan-Ying: Journey Through Workers’ China, published in 1975. “We wrote it to combat misinformation,” Goldwasser explained in 2019, “China had a different way of setting priorities in terms of healthcare and working conditions, so we intended to get information to readers who weren’t able to visit themselves.” Stuart Dowty showed up in China: People-Questions, published by the National Council of Churches (NCC) in 1975, while the Great Helmsman was still in power.

Look at What He’s Done And You’ll Agree – You’re Going to Miss Trump When He’s Gone By Victoria Taft


Democrat history-spinners will want to put an asterisk on Donald Trump’s presidency because of the frightening Capitol Building attack, which we learned almost immediately was pre-planned and would have been carried out regardless of what the president said on January 6th.

But if they do, they’ll get history wrong.

If there are any asterisks assigned, the venerated arc of justice will deposit one in the middle of Nancy Pelosi’s forehead. The Speaker, understandably outraged by the attack on the Capitol Building, instead of collecting the facts, rushed to judgment and blamed the president of the United States for fomenting a riot with a speech he was still delivering as the assault on the Capitol began.

Indeed, as I explained on PJ Media, the president said nothing that could be construed as inciting a riot.  And it bears noting that hundreds of thousands of the people at the Save America rally were not incited by the president to riot that day.

But Pelosi – citing the Constitution as her guide – recklessly rushed the House of Representatives into an impeachment that set a poisonous precedent for impeaching future presidents based on their constitutionally protected words rather than actual impeachable activities.

Donald Trump won’t get a gold star for comportment, manners, and speaking off-the-cuff, but the accomplishments of the 45th president are far more than smack-talk and bluster. Indeed, Trump can hold his head up and compare his accomplishments to any president, certainly of recent times.

This is a short list of his accomplishments. Get ready.

Don’t Call Biden’s Plan ‘Stimulus’ — It’s Just Another Keynesian Fantasy


Joe Biden’s promised stimulus is meant to boost an economy devastated by the Democrats’ national shutdown by handing out more checks and imposing a $15 national minimum wage. Sorry, it won’t work.

“We must act now, and we must act decisively,” Biden said.

Sounds good, but do we really? What he and Congress have proposed is an incoherent mess that will do the precise opposite of what he says it will. Even worse, it’s premised on the long-discredited idea that the government can stimulate the economy by spending more.

From false premises come bad policies that will hurt many low-income people and possibly end the Trump recovery now under way. And, make no mistake, Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan unveiled late last week contained a panoply of bad policies.

In a recent piece, the Foundation for Economic Education listed the bill’s main provisions:

An additional $1,400 in “stimulus” checks sent to most Americans, raising the recently passed $600 payouts to $2,000.
Renewal and increase of the expanded unemployment benefits that extend payouts to many new classes of workers through September 2021. Biden’s proposal would add $400 a week in federal payouts on top of existing state-level benefits.
Expansion of the child tax credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
An increase in food stamp benefits.
A nationwide $15 minimum wage.
Extension of the federal government’s eviction moratorium.
$350 billion for local, state, and tribal governments.
$160 billion for vaccine distribution and other COVID-19 health measures.
Paid leave for millions of workers, much of which would be funded by taxpayers.

“It is $1.9 trillion, and it’s basically the Bernie Sanders wish list of spending on massive blue state bailouts,” including “$100 billion for schools, even though schools have been shut down for the last year,” said former Trump economic adviser Steve Moore.

Benjamin Gitlow, ex-Communist Eileen F. Toplansky ******


As the enemies of America are bent on shredding our Constitutional guarantees, it is important to note the courage of a once devout communist who, at great risk to himself, made a principled stand against Communism.

Benjamin Gitlow was one of the most committed American communists who rose to power.  Yet, as his son recounts in the introduction to his father’s 1948 book titled The Whole of Their Lives, Gitlow “was one of the few leaders in the early years of the American Communist party who recognized the threat to the aspirations of man that communism presents, and who rejected its oppressive discipline.”  This book recounts the experiences of those who had once embraced communism and now had the moral courage to recognize the “betrayal of human values which is inherent in communism.”

In 1929 at the Moscow meeting of the Communist International Gitlow refused to accept the dictates of Stalin and announced he would oppose Stalin’s orders to the American Communist Party.   From then on, Gitlow became an avid anti-communist.

Max Eastman who wrote the Foreword to the book asserts that:

“Our civilization is in peril because so many eager and uncritical minds, beguiled by the communist ideal, instead of being trained in virtue, are trained to renounce all moral standards in the service of their ideal.  Those consecrating themselves to communism must not only cast out truth, mercy, justice, and personal honor, but undergo a sickening discipline in lies, cruelty, crime and self abasement.”

Almost 75 years later and America is faced with the radical Leftwing “critical theory, which is a demonic and toxic ideology that basically destroys everything around itself.”

Consequently, “[w]hat we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism—plain and simple. If you study history, you can see many parallels of communist regimes that have risen up throughout history to what is happening right here in the United States of America, right now today.” Examples abound:

After Siege, Will GOP Fight Scandal-Tainted Biden Nominee? . By Susan Crabtree


A sprawling series of barbed-wire barricades surround the U.S. Capitol, and so many members of the National Guard are camped out inside they’re sleeping on floors.

While bracing for the possibility of more violence in Washington and beyond, Democrats are urging swift confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden’s national security team.

There’s one obvious problem, however: Before the storming of the Capitol that left five dead and a nation aghast and on edge, Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s choice to lead the Department of Homeland Security, was facing one of the toughest confirmation fights of any Biden nominee. And concerns about him among Republicans have not dissipated along with the tear gas.

(Retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin III, the incoming president’s choice for defense secretary, also faces confirmation hurdles, though some opposition comes from Democrats concerned about maintaining civilian leadership at the Pentagon.)

Democrats want to fast-track both confirmations, stressing the need to fill a leadership vacuum at key national security agencies. Former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf was one of several Trump administration officials who resigned in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill by Trump supporters. Pete Gaynor, the former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and a Trump appointee who is well-liked across the aisle, is now in charge at DHS, but Biden is eager to have his own team in place.  

Looking Through an Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy Jean Chen


The Prophecy of a KGB Agent

I came across a YouTube video of a 1985 interview of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB agent who defected to the West in 1970. The interview is about the Soviet Union’s strategy to subvert the United States. It is eye-opening and I wish to share a quote here first:

“Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic values of Americanism and American patriotism … The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already … Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards.

As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes him, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”

It is scary to watch the video. (More video here and here.) What Mr. Bezmenov described 35 years ago is unfolding in front of our very eyes. To me, what is most alarming is that the demoralization is mostly “done by Americans to Americans due to lack of moral standards.” Actually, as Bezmenov pointed out, “for the last 25 years, actually it’s over-fulfilled because the demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov [KGB leader during 1967–1982] and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success.”

Solving the Vaccine Crisis by Betsy McCaughey

http://Solving the Vaccine Crisis by Betsy McCaughey

Doctors are warning that as the virus becomes more infectious, even a trip to the supermarket with a mask is risky.

Vaccine supply is not the problem…. The problem is that state and local authorities are bungling vaccine distribution.

Every evening, Governor Andrew Cuomo sends out a blast e-mail blaming the vaccine chaos in New York on inadequate supply from the federal government. It is a lie. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show New York is delivering only 37% of its vaccine supply into people’s arms.

All this is proof that the states are failing miserably. It is time for a federal emergency mass vaccination program staged at malls, arenas and other public sites.

On Friday, President-elect Joe Biden announced his plan to improve vaccination rates. It is modest. He promised 100 million shots in the first hundred days of his term. That will not do the job. It is barely half of what is needed.

For the last week, members of Congress did not see fit to spend even one minute tackling the life-threatening virus terrorizing the rest of us.

Americans are desperate to get vaccinated against COVID. Deaths are soaring, and new strains of the virus, including the UK strain and a newly discovered US strain reported for the first time last week, are reported to be even more contagious. Doctors are warning that as the virus becomes more infectious, even a trip to the supermarket with a mask is risky. Survival hinges on getting vaccinated.

Yet only a third of the vaccine doses shipped to the states by the federal government are actually making it into people’s arms. The public hears they may have to wait months. That is unacceptable.

Vaccine supply is not the problem. The US already has 400 million doses in total of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the pipeline, enough to vaccinate 200 million people. (Both vaccines require a two-shot regimen.) In addition, this week, Johnson & Johnson announced it will be ready to seek FDA authorization for its vaccine by March. Initial results from its clinical trials indicate the same 90% plus efficacy as the Moderna and Pfizer products and with only one shot.

Iran-Backed Militia Offers Help to U.S. ‘Liberation Movements’ American leftists and jihadists find common cause—once again. By Robert Spencer


Abu Ali al-Askari, military commander of the Hezbollah Brigades (Kata’ib Hezbollah), an Iran-backed Shi’ite militia operating in Iraq, announced Wednesday that “the advisors of the Islamic resistance” were ready to train “the liberation movements” within the United States. It’s an offer that some in the United States might take seriously.

Al-Askari wrote: “In the name of [Allah] Almighty, the security advisors of the Islamic resistance stand ready to offer counsel and direct and indirect training to liberation movements within the Non-United States of America, with special locations being secured for that purpose.” His offer comes in the wake of several indications that leftists and Islamic supremacists are already making common cause. 

The nationwide riots over the murder of George Floyd last summer provided new insight into the unholy alliance between the two groups. Zahra Billoo, executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), recently tweeted: “Non-Black POC, first and second-generation immigrant Muslims friends in particular, what are you doing today to support #BlackLivesMatter?” Imraan Siddiqi of CAIR-Arizona tweeted out a video of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman kicking a tear gas canister toward police with the approving comment, “Drop-kick that tear-gas canister, sister.”

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, rioters were so upset over Floyd’s death that they spray-painted “Free Palestine” on the wall of a synagogue. And in New York City, a Muslim housing attorney is in legal trouble for tossing a Molotov cocktail into the backseat of an NYPD cruiser during the Floyd riots. She is also a committed activist for the Palestinian jihad, having published agitprop spreading false claims of Palestinian victimhood. 

Despite the hot water Urooj Rahman finds herself in now, however, she has a bright future as an ideological leader of both the Left and the Islamic jihad. In an interview before her attack, she enunciated the common goal of both movements: “This s–t won’t ever stop unless we f—kin’ take it all down.