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Governor DeSantis just keeps getting better By Andrea Widburg


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has shown real star quality throughout 2020, thanks to his temperate handling of the Wuhan virus. He refused to put his state into lockdown but still managed to keep Florida from turning into a Wuhan virus nightmare. On Monday, he also proved that he knows how to handle the hostile media. Other Republican politicians would do well to follow his lead.

California and Florida have been perfect examples of the two ways in which American states can handle the Wuhan virus because they’re relatively close in size. California, which had around 39,512,223 people before they started fleeing the state this year, is America’s most populous state. Florida, with approximately 21,477,737 people, is America’s third most populous state. (Texas sits between the two with around 28,995,881 people.)

When the Wuhan virus hit, California embarked on a series of rolling lockouts. These varied from making most people prisoners of their own homes to regulations that destroyed small businesses and isolated people when they weren’t making their permitted runs to Walmart or other huge retailers. The lockdowns devastated the California economy.

They also devastated Californians. After only a couple of months of lockdowns, suicides increased in the state. In San Francisco alone, drug overdoses outpace Wuhan virus deaths.

Is It Time for NeverGOP? Why exactly is it imperative to vote Republican? How exactly will Republicans stop the Left—and stop them from doing what, exactly? By Jack Kerwick


Since forever, Republican politicians and their apologists in conservative media have assured their constituents that unless they voted for the Republican Party, the country would go to hell in a handbasket—or, what amounts to essentially the same thing, be “fundamentally transformed” into a socialist dystopia.

We owe it to ourselves, and especially to our children, to vote against Democrats and for Republicans at every turn.

To be clear, it is never sufficient to vote for a third party candidate or to simply abstain from voting altogether. The only way that one can adequately “defeat the Left” is by voting for Republican candidates—regardless of how otherwise indistinguishable those candidates may be from their Democratic Party rivals. 

Talk radio host Michael Medved was doubtless representative of his colleagues throughout the universe of Big Conservative media when he would tirelessly ridicule those members of his own audience who, having reached their limit with the perpetual pattern of broken promises and acts of betrayal on the part of the self-styled “conservative” Republicans for whom they always voted, would threaten to vote for third party candidates. Medved would refer to them as “losertarians” while informing them that, if they were really upset with the GOP, they needed to reform the party from within.   

Of course, when the GOP candidates were those, like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, over whom Medved and his ilk waxed orgasmic, then this counsel of Medved’s was framed as though it were axiomatic. When, however, conservative Republican voters acted on Medved’s imperative and voted in record numbers for Donald Trump, Medved failed resoundingly to practice what he preached: He blasted Trump at every turn and became, if not in theory then in practice, a “NeverTrumper.” 

In 2020, Medved wrote a column in which he announced that he would vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Whether Medved ever realized it or not—whether or not he cared—the members of his audience, those who made him a success as a nationally syndicated talk radio host, felt betrayed. It’s not just that he disagreed with them over the virtues of President Trump; rather, he personally betrayed them, failing to practice what he had been preaching to the unwashed masses, the little people, for years. 

When Tony Met Kary According to a Nobel laureate, Dr. Anthony Fauci should not even be an unelected bureaucrat. Lloyd Billingsley


“As we get into the end of the summer, the beginning of the fall of 2021, we can start to approach some degree of normality,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci as he rang in the new year. People might wonder if it was 2022 that Fauci really had in mind for “the approach of some degree of normality.”

For most of 2020, Dr. Fauci claimed that to reach herd immunity about 60 to 70 percent of the nation would need a vaccine. Then in a December 24 interview with the New York Times, Fauci said he had been looking at “polls” showing that only half of all Americans would take a vaccine. Fauci thought, “I can nudge this up a bit,” and boosted the number for herd immunity to 80-85 percent. That caught the attention of Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican. 

Fauci “made the decision to mislead with nothing but good intentions,” said Rubio in December 30 Fox News opinion piece. “However, let’s be clear about what he was doing: lying to the American people in order to manipulate their behavior.”

Fauci is an “unelected technocrat,” Rubio wrote, and “if he wants to lead the nation, he should run for office.” If not, “he should give us an honest and transparent reading of the science, not polling data, and let the rest of us —policymakers and the American people who have elected them — do our jobs.”

That long overdue smackdown was hardly the first Fauci had received. Back in the 1990s, one of the world’s leading scientists held doubts that Fauci  should even be an unelected bureaucrat.

“This man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there, you will know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.”

New York City is Back! Daniel Greenfield


New York is back! No, I don’t mean Rudy Giuliani’s revived New York City. I mean the nightmarish New York City of Dinkins, Beame and Lindsay.

I mean the Death Wish and Warriors city.

And now Bill de Blasio’s New York City before it’s passed on to some even more nightmarishly incompetent and corrupt leftist whose only agenda is identity politics.

New York City is back, baby.

Bat-wielding man injures multiple people in NYC during crazy crime spree – New York Post

Violence adds to NYC’s 2020 death toll, with 97% jump in shootings and 45% increase in murders — criminal carnage not seen in 14 years – New York Daily News

NYPD: 8 People Shot In 6 Different Shootings Not Even 2 Hours Into 2021 – CBS 2

NYPD: Man Shot, Killed on Eve of His 21st Birthday – NBC 4

NYPD searching for suspect who shot into parked car in Brooklyn – ABC 7

‘Everybody is in shock’: New York City Christmas concert ends with police shooting gunman on cathedral steps – USA Today

Nearly 70 percent of 2020 shootings in NYC are unsolved: NYPD – New York Post

Start spreading the news. These vagabond bullets. Are yearning to stray. I’m leaving today. I don’t want to be a part of it. New York, New York.

The Judiciary vs. the Leftist Mob Patriots won’t bend to the mob — even if the judges do. Daniel Greenfield


Over two centuries ago, Alexander Hamilton pointed out that due to the “natural feebleness of the judiciary”, it’s “in continual jeopardy of being overpowered, awed, or influenced.”

Jeopardy long ago became reality. Now our nation’s future is in jeopardy.

As mobs fill the street, the Roberts Court shows the weakness of a conservative judiciary that is willing to issue conservative rulings only on those issues that won’t infuriate the mob too much. Faced with blatant election rigging, judges across the country have retreated from having to make the hard choices and safeguard our constitutional republic against political gangsters.

Or rather conservative judges have.

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, Stacey Abrams’ sister, is happy to intervene on behalf of her sister in Georgia’s Senate rolls and protect the dirty voter rolls from being cleaned up by Republicans. Throughout the Trump administration, the Democrat judges appointed by Clinton and Obama haven’t been shy about blocking every administration move on specious grounds.

Democrats then seized on the pandemic to rig elections in key states. This wasn’t just gaming the system like gerrymandering or using dirty census figures that include illegal aliens: both traditional Democrat means of rigging elections. Instead Democrat governors, judges and secretaries of state bypassed legislatures to unilaterally change how elections were conducted.

This wasn’t just crooked or dirty. It violated the plain text of the Constitution which put the power into the hands of state legislatures in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to determine how elections would be conducted. Federal judges and the DOJ have spent two generations monitoring elections in southern states because of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


“The fact that this bill was even drafted and introduced gives you an incredible insight into the totalitarian, socialist mentality of New York Democrats” 

Albany, New York–January 4th…New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy today blasted New York Democrats for their deeply disturbing and unconstitutional legislation that would allow the governor or his surrogates the power to detain individuals whom they deem to pose a ‘threat to public health.’ 

Chairman Langworthy is calling for an immediate withdrawal of the legislation for the 2021 session and blasted Governor Cuomo for refusing to outright condemn the bill’s objective or pledge a veto if it were to pass. 

After the bill was discovered and a backlash ensued, Cuomo and other Democrats tried to downplay the bill’s chances of passage, but not a single one condemned the objective of the legislation or assured New Yorkers that they would not vote for it. 

“The fact that this bill was even drafted and introduced gives you an incredible insight into the totalitarian, socialist mentality of New York Democrats,” fumed Chairman Langworthy. “King Cuomo and his lemmings in the legislature who have abdicated their power to him have already trampled over our constitutional rights with this virus. There isn’t a chance in hell New Yorkers should trust that this couldn’t become a reality.” 

He continued, “Since the day he was elected, Andrew Cuomo has shown an utter disregard for the rule of law, and thanks to his feckless, rubber-stamp legislature, for nearly a year he has been allowed to rule like the dictator he’s always wanted to be. New Yorkers need to wake up–we cannot be complacent about the very real and present danger of our rights being taken from us under one-Party Democrat rule.” 

Illinois Democrats Line Up to Help CAIR Fundraise by Steven Emerson


In yet another example of political expediency overcoming better judgment, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and other top Democrats are all slated to speak Jan. 17 to help the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) Chicago chapter raise money during its annual banquet.

CAIR, as we have reported many times, has roots in an American-based Hamas-support network, a conclusion reached by the FBI and upheld by a federal judge. CAIR was “a participant in an ongoing and ultimately unlawful conspiracy to support a designated terrorist organization,” federal prosecutors wrote in 2007, “a conspiracy from which CAIR never withdrew.”

Rhetoric from CAIR officials does little to dispel the assertion.

The Chicago chapter is led by Ahmed Rehab, who last year took to social media to write “F*** Zionism.” Rehab was angry that the French National Assembly adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) anti-Semitism definition. “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination,” the crux of Zionism, is among the main examples of anti-Semitism cited. The definition specifically states that criticizing Israeli policies or actions “any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.” It is the rejection of the Jewish state that crosses the line.

New York Bill Would Let Governor Imprison, Forcibly Medicate People Suspected Of Illness By Jordan Davidson


The New York assembly is considering a bill that would allow government officials such as Gov. Andrew Cuomo and health commissioners to “detain or remove” individuals that they deem a risk to public health.

The bill, first introduced by Democrat New York State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, grants power to Cuomo and state health officials to forcibly confine any individual who is considered a danger due to a contagious disease or a suspected case of that disease to either a medical facility or another type of space appointed by the governor.

“The governor or his or her delegee may, in his or her discretion, issue and seek enforcement of any other orders that he or she determines are necessary or appropriate to prevent dissemination or transmission of contagious diseases or other illnesses that may pose a threat to the public health,” the bill states.

The proposed legislation does not name COVID-19 specifically. Instead, it claims that, in addition to being detained, individuals who are exposed or infected by a “communicable disease” resulting in “severe morbidity or high mortality” may also be subjected to tests, medical examinations, treatment, preventative medication, and vaccination by the state while being held.

Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths By Brian C.Joondeph, MD


Imagine changing the rules in the middle of a football game. The halftime score is 14-12, the Raiders scoring two touchdowns while the Broncos kicked four field goals. In the second half the rules change with field goals worth seven points and touchdowns only three points. Suddenly the Broncos are ahead 28-6. Absurd isn’t it?

That’s what is happening with the reporting of COVID deaths versus vaccine deaths, the media and medical establishment now defining deaths far differently in order to push their agenda of COVID bad, vaccine good.

COVID deaths don’t distinguish between death with COVID versus death from COVID. Early in the pandemic, Dr Deborah Birx said as much:

So, I think in this country we’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality. There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now…if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.

Perhaps that is why the US has more COVID deaths compared to many other countries, although in a world ranking, the US is in tenth place in deaths per million, behind Belgium, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Preexisting conditions are certainly important and death is often multifactorial. According to the CDC, only 6 percent of COVID deaths were due to COVID only, meaning no preexisting conditions. But what about the other 94 percent?

Suppose coroners ask the question, “If not for COVID, would this patient be alive today?” If the answer is yes, it will be recorded as a COVID death. But one could easily ask the question differently. “If not for diabetes (or COPD, heart disease, obesity, etc) would this COVID patient be alive today?” in which case any of those other comorbidities could just as easily be listed as the cause of death, rather than COVID.

In other words, the diabetic patient may not have died if they didn’t have COVID but may not have died either if they didn’t have diabetes. It seems COVID trumps everything else in death attribution.

Defenders of Civilization? Our grandees seem too exhausted, too guilty, or too ignorant to pass on and improve the civilization they inherited for others to come. By Victor Davis Hanson


The year 2020 witnessed a long series of writs lodged against an America beset with plague, quarantine, recessions, riot and arson, and the most contested election since 1876.

What was strange was not so much the anarchist Left’s efforts in the present to wipe away the past to recalibrate our Animal Farm future. What was odder were both the absurdities of the complaints against American civilization, and the unwillingness or inability of Americans to rebut them and defend their own culture.

Demonizing Our Past

In just a year, thousands of memorials and icons have vanished. Names have changed, words are banned. Careers were ruined. As new totalitarian rules were enshrined, old freedoms became despised.

Yet most of the country sat in lockdown quiet, as it was told that it, and its history, were toxic and culpable—and by whom exactly? Moralists like Labron James? Steve Kerr? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Were Americans in their 244th year suddenly to write checks, apologize, and pay penance to their angry self-described moral superiors?

A few schools apparently are no longer to be named after Abraham Lincoln, the president who saved the Union, destroyed the slave-holding Confederacy, and freed the slaves at a cost of nearly 700,000 American lives. Now 155 years after his assassination, the present generation—the most leisured, entitled, and wealthiest cohort in civilization’s history—deems him unworthy and unfit for any commemoration. Do any of the street-brawling Antifa radicals seem tough guys in comparison to the Union troops at Gettysburg or those who marched with Sherman?

Who or what does the Left offer in place in Lincoln—Che? Fidel? Malcolm X? Cesar Chavez? Margaret Sanger? Xi Jinping? FDR? Barack Obama? All would fall well short of the alleged standards applied by cancel culture. So what are we left with other than nothing? Diversity Academy A? Equity High School No. 3? Inclusion College IV? Campus 1619?

What happens if one principal, just a single superintendent, a few parents, three board members say, “Nope, we are not erasing Lincoln’s name, no way, no how”?

Little need be said of increasing tense racial relations, given that the collective optimism of a year ago during the booming 2019 economy—record low minority unemployment and the undepreciated powers of assimilation and integration were beginning to make race more incidental than essential—has dissipated. That was then, and this is now after pandemic, lockdown, recession, George Floyd’s tragic death, riot and looting, a bitter election, and an ongoing cultural revolution.

Cornell University is now mandating flu shots for its on-campus students, but with allowances for nonwhites to petition for exemptions, in the manner of those pedigreed epidemiologists who all but said science should be ignored in ranking those to be vaccinated by their race. Had someone in 1980, 1990, or 2005 predicted such things, he would have been written off as a dystopian crackpot.