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Heather Mac Donald Hysterics for Hamas Why have young women been so prominent in the recent campus chaos? Heather MacDonald


The female voices rose high-pitched and shrill above the crowd:

“Five, six, seven, eight, Israel is a terrorist state.”

“We don’t want no Zionists here, say it loud, say it clear.”

“Resistance is justified when people are occupied.”

The voices that answered them were also overwhelmingly female, emanating from hundreds of students chanting and marching around tents pitched in front of Columbia University’s neoclassical Butler Library, part of an effort in late April to prevent the university from uprooting the encampment.

The female tilt among anti-Israel student protesters is an underappreciated aspect of the pro-Hamas campus hysteria. True, when activists need muscle (to echo University of Missouri professor Melissa Click’s immortal call during the 2015 Black Lives Matter protests), males are mobilized to smash windows and doors or hurl projectiles at the police, for example. But the faces behind the masks and before the cameras are disproportionately female, as seen in this recent gem from the Princeton demonstrations.

Why the apparent gender gap? One possible reason is that women constitute majorities of both student bodies and the metastasizing student-services bureaucracies that cater to them. Another is the sex skew in majors. The hard sciences and economics, whose students are less likely to take days or weeks out from their classes to party (correction: “stand against genocide”) in cool North Face tents, are still majority male. The humanities and soft social sciences, the fields where you might even get extra credit for your intersectional activism, are majority female. (Not surprisingly, males have spearheaded recent efforts to guard the American flag against desecration.) In progressive movements, the default assumption now may be to elevate females ahead of males as leaders and spokesmen. But most important, the victim ideology that drives much of academia today, with its explicit enmity to objectivity and reason as white male constructs, has a female character.

Is This Biden’s ‘Supermarket Scanner’ Moment?


“They have the money to spend.” — President Joe Biden

Those of us who’ve been around a while remember when the press made an epic deal out of President George H.W. Bush’s apparent amazement at an ordinary grocery store checkout scanner. It turns out the story was a complete media fabrication, but it fed the narrative that Bush was hopelessly out of touch, and it helped cost him his reelection.

This week, Joe Biden actually did do something that shows he is perhaps the most clueless president in American history.

In a softball interview this week, CNN’s Erin Burnett let Biden carry on — uninterrupted — with his usual litany of lies.

That he created 15 million jobs (there’ve been less than 6 million net new jobs under Biden – about equal to Trump’s over the same period).
That Trump told people to inject bleach (a claim repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers).
That a million people died from COVID on Trump’s watch (fewer than 470,000 had died when Biden took office; more than 720,000 have died since).
That “we have got 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what their average federal tax is? Eight-point-three percent” (a completely made-up number that we wrote about here).
That “when I started this administration, people were saying there’s going to be a collapse of the economy” (nobody but Biden was saying that).

But then Burnett, to her credit, asked about inflation.

An Advertisement for Anti-Americanism Pro-Hamas protesters show who they are. Rich Lowry


Most protesters, no matter how deep their disaffection from this country, at least try to hide their anti-Americanism.

That’s not true of the pro-Hamas agitators, who can’t be bothered. Such is their hatred of America — and its symbols, history, and heroes — that they casually engage in profoundly unpatriotic acts of desecration.

In New York City on Monday, on their way to disrupt the Met Gala, they vandalized a World War I memorial in Central Park and a statue of William Tecumseh Sherman at Grand Army Plaza. In Washington, D.C., they’ve vandalized and/or turned into clothes horses for Palestinian flags and garb statues of George Washington, Marquis de Lafayette, Benjamin Franklin, and Andrew Jackson.

En route to the Gala, the pro-Gaza mob stopped to climb and wave Palestinian flags on the memorial to the 107th Infantry and spray-paint graffiti — “Gaza,” “Free Palestine,” and “Let Gaza live.” If there were any doubt about the motive of this shabby act of vandalism, the agitators removed it by burning an American flag at the base of the memorial.

The soldiers of the 107th fought and sacrificed greatly in World War I. If the Central Park memorial, which depicts the soldiers charging into battle, isn’t famous or much noticed on any given day, it is still a significant act of memory that the protesters treated as an ashtray for their tawdry ideological obsessions.

Of course, it is doubtful that many of the protesters know much of anything about World War I, except perhaps that it took place sometime before World War II (assuming that they are aware of both conflicts).

The Deep State Exposed Itself By J.B. Shurk


As I’ve watched the political Uniparty and administrative Deep State conspire to destroy Donald Trump over the last eight years, a tinge of optimism has taken root inside me.  Not only have his tormentors been unsuccessful, but also a growing share of the population see the attacks against him as un-American, vindictive, and dangerous.  There is a heightened social awareness that D.C. is filled with corrupt people who operate the tentacles of government solely for their own benefit and enrichment.

No matter how omnipotent the Deep State appears, this couldn’t have been the outcome it expected.  With every iteration of the “Get Trump” operation, the vultures swirl overhead, eager to nip at his remains and scatter his defenders to the wind, yet the man and his supporters persevere.  Even worse for the D.C. Blob, every time Trump survives, a few more Americans rally to his banner.  Far from ensuring his demise, those who seek to weaken him have made him much stronger.

Think of all the malicious propaganda campaigns that would have surely sunk a less resilient individual.  After Trump’s 2016 victory, Hollywood celebrities desperately urged the Electoral College to disregard the results and install Hillary Clinton as president.  The pop culture industry cynically created the “Me Too” movement as a vehicle for driving him from office.  The Intelligence Community illegally spied on his campaign, blamed his victory on Russian social media trolls, and pushed the lie that he worked for Putin.  The Mueller Inquisition spent two years covering up the FBI’s anti-Trump activities, while doing everything it could to ensnare the president in perjury and obstruction traps.  Members of the military and National Security Council worked with Congress to turn a Biden-Ukraine bribery scandal into a Trump impeachment.  The Department of (in)Justice and too many unethical judges transformed the J6 election integrity protest into an opportunity to destroy lives and take political hostages.  Big-money Democrats have bankrolled countless civil suits against Trump in an effort to bankrupt his entire family.  Corrupt state and federal prosecutors seek to use Democrat juries to convict him on spurious charges and imprison him for life.  Corporate news hosts routinely defame Trump as racist.  Well known historians nonsensically claim that he is an aspiring dictator.  And despite four years of inflation, foreign invasion, and global chaos during Biden’s Oval Office occupation, hyperventilating foreign policy “experts” continue to drum up fear that a 2024 Trump victory will trigger economic collapse and WWIII.

From Campus Intifadas to Pronoun Mandates: Who is Our Common Enemy? Choosing a post-liberal society. Jason Hill


Some people need to be hit over the head to tie abstractions together under a Conceptual Common Denominator, and that is what we need as we look out at the various maladies afflicting American civilization, from the campus intifada protests calling for both the Islamification of the United States and the destruction of Israel, to the new pronoun mandate for workers, employers and even customers issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as part of the civil rights agency’s first move in a quarter-century to bring its workplace guidelines up to date with legal precedent and evolving social norms. This decision is the consequence of decades of queer scholarship and legal machinations to gain civil rights protection for behaviors once regarded as deviant but now part of a set of mainstream norms that protects trans people not only from being misgendered, but from having to use a bathroom that does not accord with their chosen gender.

The age of nihilism is upon us. We have witnessed the radical queering of America: the tran-sexualizing of students behind their parents’ backs; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives that overtly discriminate against white men; Critical Race Theory that reinforces the idea—among others—that structural and systemic barriers still exist to keep blacks outside of public and private institutions; and the decimation of our universities that are now Marxist, anti-American indoctrination centers. This article will not list all the myriad social ills plaguing our republic today. They are well known to our readers.

The detritus, the putrefaction, the moral decay, all the forces of evil were possible because of one conceptual common denominator: liberalism. Everybody got let into the future and all standards were dropped to the lowest common denominator of the cheapest harlot on the block, who was told her inclusion was as valued as that of the righteous man. Every social ballast dragging down humanity was told, You too belong. Even pedophiles have been rebranded as Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) as part of a sinister path towards normalizing pedophilia.

The Campus Kill-The-Jews Riots: Paid Professional Agitators Funded By Democratic Party Big Wigs, Or Well-Meaning Kids? Francis Menton


Several days ago, after the New York police broke up the kill-the-Jews occupations at Columbia, NYU and other universities, it emerged that close to half of the arrestees were not students or otherwise affiliated with the schools in question. At a news conference on April 30, Mayor Eric Adams adopted the term “professional outside agitators” to describe the main organizers of the protests (“What should have been a peaceful protest, it has basically been co-opted by professional outside agitators.”).

The protests certainly give an appearance of being well-organized and equally well funded. For example, large numbers of identical newly-ordered tents seem to spring up on almost no notice. Did hundreds of young people on shoestring budgets just happen on their own initiative to place orders from the same website at the same time and all pay with their own money? That seems implausible. But if there is professional organization, who are the organizers? And who is paying them? You would think that this is an issue where the public would have a huge interest in knowing the answer — particularly if the answer should turn out to be that the main sponsors of the protests are also big funders of one of the major political parties. But this is a subject where the sponsors have a strong interest in concealing their role as much as possible, and where uncovering and exposing that role takes some significant effort.

Several news organizations have been doing serious digging to get to the bottom of this. In this post I’ll highlight the work of three of them:

The New York Post, which has had a story on this subject nearly every day for the past week and more. Examples include a May 1 piece by Olivia Land (“Notorious anti-Israel protester Lisa Fithian, paid $300 a day to teach activists, spotted among Columbia rioters”); a May 2 piece by Joe Marino, Craig McCarthy and Emily Crane (“Nearly half of anti-Israel protesters arrested at Columbia, City College weren’t students: police”); and a May 5 piece by Chris Nesi (“Radical anti-Israel nonprofit urged rampaging Columbia occupiers to recreate BLM ‘summer of 2020’ riots”);

Tablet, with a piece by Park MacDougald on May 6 (“The People Setting America on Fire: An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind the campus protests”); and

Politico, with a piece by Shia Kapos on May 5 (“Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors”).

Raymond Kelly, Hannah E. Meyers Let Officers Control Unruly Protests City leaders should work to restore authority and flexibility to law enforcement.


Since October 7, New York City has seen nearly 2,000 protests—about 12 protests per day, averaging 135 people each, though bridge-blocking actions can number up to 10,000 protesters. Indeed, unruly anti-Israel demonstrators in New York City have blocked the Brooklyn Bridge, Holland Tunnel, Columbus Circle, United Nations, John F. Kennedy International Airport, the New York Public Library, and, bizarrely, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The protesters are breaking the law by obstructing traffic, resisting arrest, and committing other acts of disorderly conduct. They are also harassing Jews and Jewish institutions, contributing to the tripling of anti-Semitic hate crimes between the first three months and last three months of 2023.

Where are New York’s police and prosecutors in all this? They are hamstrung by permissive state law, new city restrictions on police, and the decriminalization of “low-level” offenses. City leadership can restore order, but so far, it’s failing to do so.

Start with Mayor Eric Adams. In September, the mayor approved a settlement in a lawsuit brought against the city and police department by 2020’s “racial justice” demonstrators, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the Legal Aid Society, and state attorney general Letitia James. Adams praised the decree as “a collaborative process” that struck a balance between public safety and protesters’ rights of free expression. It does no such thing. Instead, the settlement has crippled the NYPD’s ability to keep demonstrations under control, contributing to the anti-Semitic disorder breaking out in city streets.

The settlement reduces officer discretion by creating four “tiers” for escalating law enforcement. It institutes “red light” offenses that require senior brass to authorize any arrest, even if they’re not on the scene. It dictates the number of officers permitted at demonstrations, specifies the units they can belong to, and determines what equipment they can bring. And its “kettling” ban—to use a tendentious term for ordinary crowd-control tactics—ties officers’ hands in the event that safety demands large-scale arrests.

Don’t Let the Left Demoralize You Into Staying on the Sidelines By Albin Sadar


The left wants you demoralized to keep you planted on the sidelines. But you know down deep that you need to get in the game—while you still can. Don’t let them keep you from “fighting the good fight.

When former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov defected to the West from Russia, he set about exposing the strategies used within the KGB to spread propaganda and keep the Soviet people in line with the agenda of their political overlords. There were myriad tactics employed in this campaign of what today has been labeled mis- or dis-information.

One of the most effective tools for subjugation in the former Soviet Union was known as “demoralization,” which Bezmenov explained this way:

Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures… he will refuse to believe it. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

You can learn more about this particular method and many other tools of keeping citizens compliant by viewing an interview Bezmenov gave to Canadian television back in 1984. I also expand on the effects of demoralization in a key chapter titled “What Prevents People from Seeing the Truth?” in my new book, Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It.

As we can see, demoralization brings about an attitude of “What’s the use?” And excuses such as, “You can’t fight The Machine.” And inaction associated with, “If I stand up, will anyone join me?”

In Religionless Christianity, the new book by best-selling author Eric Metaxas, Metaxas outlines many “idols” employed by Christians to rationalize in their own hearts and minds their reasons to stay on the sidelines of the present-day fight to preserve basic tenets of America’s foundation. In a world where “evil is called good and good evil,” many people who fill church pews Sunday after Sunday are sitting this one out.

It’s No Longer Cool To Be A Democrat


The signs are everywhere. The nation’s youth are waking up to the fact that the Democratic left – with its preening, humorless self-righteousness, its relentless judgmentalism, its mask-wearing Hamas-cheering campus-trashing college crybabies, its hypocritical pampered elites, and its octogenarian president who thinks he can buy young people off with abortions, dope, and bailouts – is totally uncool.

It’s about time. Now we just need a national anti-smoking-like campaign to sustain it.

There are so many recent moments showing this shift in attitude that it’s hard to narrow down the list. But here’s a sampling:

A CNN poll found that 51% of 18-34-year-olds say they will vote for Donald Trump in November, compared with just 40% who say they will vote for Biden. That’s a stunning turnaround from four years ago.
James Carville, that pugilistic former Clinton adviser posted a video in which he says: “It’s horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color. Particularly males. We’re not shedding them, they’re leaving in droves.” He later proceeded to mock these same voters, collectively calling those who won’t show up to vote Democratic “you little fu***ing 26-year-old.”
New York Times correspondent Jennifer Medina says that the reason many young Latinos are leaving the Democratic plantation is that, while “many of these voters are the children of lifelong Democrats. They find Trump’s anti-establishment energy subversive and appealing.”

Meanwhile, the college protests have succeeded only in making young leftists look like racist pansies who are trashing campuses to defend …. Hamas? A certified terrorist organization whose mission statement is to destroy Israel?

Pro-Hamas protestors get Columbia to cancel commencement, but run into trouble when they try to shut down the Met Gala By Monica Showalter


Commencement scrapped? Sure. But nobody messes with the festival of the fops put on by the devil who wears Prada.

Pro-Hamas protestors have been feeling their oats lately, proud to have run circles around Columbia University for weeks with their illegal and smelly campouts, their antisemitic signs and screams, their building takeovers, their endless ‘negotiations,’ their adoring media coverage, and the groveling of their woke university leaders anxious to please them.

This crap went on for weeks, with deadline after deadline missed, suspensions reversed, non-charges filed, food delivered, and other foofaraw until the cops were finally called in and tasked with the dirty job of shutting them down and hauling them off by the busload.

They’re out of course, but Columbia is out a commencement, saying it’s too risky for more disruptions. Too bad about the kids who had put in the hard work to graduate, most of whom missed their high school graduations, too, based on COVID lockdowns. What do they need a big commencement for anyway? Gaza, Gaza, Gaza! And why wouldn’t it be cancelled? The university has proven singularly inept at handling these fanatical protestors. The score? Pro-Hamas Protestors: 1, Columbia: 0.

Yup, protestors happy, got the Columbia main commencement cancelled under their belt.

Naturally, they wanted to take their show on the road after that spectacular, moving their act to the Met Gala.

They were in for a surprise.

According to HyperAllergic, a hipster e-zine of sorts:

As celebrities posed for the cameras on the Met Gala red carpet, hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters marched across Manhattan’s Upper East Side tonight, May 6, during the annual fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute.

A heavy police presence surrounded the museum with steel barricades, street closures, and dozens of armed officers blocking demonstrators. Around 6pm, protesters who cut through Central Park and managed to dismantle barricades set up near the entrance were met with arrests. Hyperallergic has contacted the New York Police Department (NYPD) to confirm the number of arrests and charges