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Biden climate envoy John Kerry is a lifelong joke Editorial Board, NYPost.com


Kerry was shot in the buttock in Vietnam which in certain esoteric cases leads to brain damage….rsk

What was Joe Biden thinking for his choice of climate-change ambassador extraordinaire? John Kerry is one of the biggest gasbags in American politics, singlehandedly responsible for massive amounts of terrible emissions.

People have been laughing at him since Yale, when “Doonesbury” creator Garry Trudeau was zinging his pretentious, vacuous self-promotion.

We look forward to the anti-carbon lectures from a guy who travels the globe on private jets and luxury yachts.

Set aside his deer-in-the-headlights loss as the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2004. He was a joke as secretary of state under President Barack Obama — off on his yacht during Egypt’s 2013 military coup.

He vowed a crushing response when Syria crossed Obama’s infamous “red line” — only to have Obama pull the rug out from under him and agree to let Russia pretend to take Syria’s chemical weapons away instead.

Kerry also cluelessly “negotiated” the Iran nuclear deal even as the real talks were being run out of the White House; then he had to pretend to cheer an accord that gave away several points he’d said were non-negotiable, such as truly tough inspection requirements.

America and Canada Drifting Toward A Loss of Identity Frosty Wooldridge


With recent events across America, whether it’s a 50-50 split on the presidential election, prolific anarchy in our cities or a racial divide as wide as the Grand Canyon, we’re facing tremendous riffs from our youth, our 45 million immigrants who were not born here, and our economy.
Once a country loses its sense of national identity, whether by thoughtless mass immigration or loss of connection to our American ethos/culture—we face a national unraveling in the months and years ahead.  In other words, if we percolate anarchy or allow cultural upheaval on ever larger scales as seen in the last six months, it portends fragmentation of our blacks vs whites, our young vs old, and our liberals vs conservatives.

The same thing occurs in Canada.  Canadians continually lose their identity by importing dozens of cultural identities via millions of immigrants.  If you remember what happened to India, they suffered such conflict with two different religious sects, that Pakistan separated to create its own country.  If you look at what’s happening in Vancouver, British Columbia today, it’s 65 percent imported Chinese—and they are making Canadian BC into an entirely new state of Chinese BC.

The question may be asked:  what set of ideals, principles, history and national narrative do any natural-born-Americans share with a Somalian, Congolese, Sudanese, Pakistani, Ethiopian, Indian or Chinese national injected into American culture?  How will that work out as enormous numbers of immigrants pour into America from 195 different failed countries and cultures? What happens when their projected numbers reach over 100,000,000?  Do you think it’s possible that we are creating a pathological state of our own demise?

Biden’s Cabinet: The Return of the Blob By David Harsanyi


“Blinken was wrong about Israel, the Palestinians, and the prospects of peace. He was wrong about Iraq. Wrong on Iran. Wrong on Syria. Wrong on Russia. Wrong on Libya. Wrong on China. If you ever failed as much at your job, you wouldn’t have one. In Washington, you get to run the place.”

Biden wants Antony Blinken — an establishment favorite who has been wrong on nearly every foreign-policy issue in the past two decades — to be his secretary of state.

Joe Biden is putting the band back together.

As a Washington Post reporter tweets, the president-elect is “emphatically embracing the foreign policy establishment spurned” by Donald Trump. “Biden foreign policy begins with telling the world: ‘America’s back,’” explains what purports to be a straight-news piece, by another Washington Post writer. Biden, we learn, pledges to rejoin the Paris climate accord, the World Health Organization, the Iran nuclear deal, and to restore U.S. aid to the corrupt Palestinian leadership.

Let’s just say, Biden’s band has some big fans in Washington, D.C., and Brussels. To understand how this dynamic works, here is the Guardian describing Antony Blinken, likely our next secretary of state:

While Mike Pompeo has remained a domestic politician throughout his tenure as secretary of state, giving the lion’s share of his interviews to conservative radio stations in the midwest, for example, Blinken is very much a born internationalist.

He went to school in Paris, where he learned to play the guitar (he played Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall at graduation) and play football [soccer], and harboured dreams of becoming a film-maker. Before entering the White House under Barack Obama, he used to play in a weekly soccer game with US officials, foreign diplomats and journalists, and he has two singles, love songs titled Lip Service and Patience, uploaded on Spotify. . . .



This new Glazov Gang episode features Will Johnson, the Founder of UniteAmericaFirst.com.

Will discusses Trump Team vs. The Deep State, revealing how The battle is on.

Don’t miss it!

Will Thanksgiving Mark The Beginning Of The Lockdown Resistance?


With a number of governors instituting new lockdowns this month, and doing their best to cancel Thanksgiving, it seems the backlash is coming, if it’s not already here. A country that’s about to observe a holiday in which we express appreciation for our unique American blessings appears ready to shrug off the chains of petty tyrants. For that, we give thanks.

Governors in, most infamously, California, New York, Oregon, and Minnesota, but also other states, have told constituents to limit their celebrations and travel. They might not in every case have specifically cited Thanksgiving. But it’s obvious that the nagging has accelerated because of the holiday. It’s just as obvious that, after more than eight months of various lockdowns, some Americans have had enough.

In an unmistakable rebuke to Andrew Cuomo, sheriffs in New York have said they won’t be enforcing the governor’s 10-person limit at private gatherings. Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo, for instance, said he didn’t “see how devoting our resources to counting cars in citizens’ driveways or investigating how much turkey and dressing they’ve purchased is for the public good.” Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard has promised he will do what the busybody governor refuses to do and that is “respect the sanctity of your home.”

“Burn It Down” Activists in Seattle want to abolish police, prisons, and courts. Christopher F. Rufo


American cities are entering a period of chaos. Protests and riots have dominated headlines, but beneath the surface, activists are launching an unprecedented campaign to overthrow the traditional justice system and replace it with a new model based on a radical conception of social justice.

In Seattle, where this campaign may be most advanced, activists have crafted a narrative about police brutality, mass incarceration, and punitive justice that leads to a natural sequence of solutions: “abolish the police,” “divest from prisons,” and “defund the courts.” Over the past three decades, the city’s radical-progressives have seized control of municipal government—with the notable exception of the criminal-justice system, which they see as the final obstacle to total control. If they can dismantle it, activists believe, they can bring about their transformation of society.

The city’s political establishment has joined the campaign to “deconstruct justice.” Since the outbreak of the George Floyd–related protests starting in late May, elected officials in Seattle and King County have announced their intentions to defund the Seattle Police Department, permanently close the county’s largest jail, and gut the municipal court system. They believe that, when the oppression of the justice system is lifted, a new society can be shaped through criminal diversion, psychotherapy, and harm reduction.

The theoretical underpinnings of this movement can be traced back to the academic currents of “critical race theory,” long pervasive in university humanities departments, which holds that all legal structures—and society generally—can be understood as a function of embedded racism. The law is shot through with white supremacy, critical race theorists believe, which must be rigorously identified and dismantled if true justice is to be achieved. In recent years, critical race theory has expanded beyond the academy and become a force in progressive politics.

The Inauthenticity Behind Black Lives Matter Insisting on the prevalence of ‘systemic racism’ is a way of defending a victim-focused racial identity.


Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina gave a remarkable speech at this year’s Republican National Convention. Yes, here was a black man at a GOP event, so there was a whiff of identity politics. When we see color these days, we expect ideology to follow. But Mr. Scott’s charisma that night was simply that he spoke as a person, not a spokesperson for his color.

Burgess Owens, Herschel Walker, Daniel Cameron and several others did the same. It was a parade of individuals. And in their speeches the human being stepped out from behind the identity, telling personal stories that reached for human connections with the American people—this rather than the usual posturing for leverage with tales of grievance. So they were all fresh and compelling.

Do these Republicans foretell a new racial order in America? Clearly they have pushed their way through an old racial order, as have—it could be argued—many black Trump voters in the recent election. I believe there is in fact a new racial order slowly and tenuously emerging, and that we blacks are swimming through rough seas to reach it. But to better see the new, it is necessary to know the old.

The old began in what might be called America’s Great Confession. In passing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, America effectively confessed to a long and terrible collusion with the evil of racism. (President Kennedy was the first president to acknowledge that civil rights was a “moral issue.”) This triggered nothing less than a crisis of moral authority that threatened the very legitimacy of American democracy.

Outrage Erupts at Antisemitism Panel Featuring Noted Antisemites


Outrage erupted on Twitter over the weekend after the far-left anti-Israel group Jewish Voice for Peace announced it will be co-sponsoring a panel on antisemitism featuring panelists who oppose the existence of Israel.

Denying that right is considered antisemitism under the working definition adopted by the US State Department and many nations and institutions around the world.

The panel, billed as “Dismantling Antisemitism, Winning Justice,” claims in the event description that, “Antisemitism is used to manufacture division and fear. While anyone can fuel it, antisemitism always benefits the politicians who rely on division and fear for their power.”

“We will explore how to fight back against antisemitism and against those that seek to wield charges of antisemitism to undermine progressive movements for justice,” it states.

Claims that Jews collaborate with the powerful to harm the underprivileged and enhance their power are extremely old, and were widely used to justify the brutal 19th century pogroms in eastern Europe.

Appearing on the panel will be Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who supports a “one-state solution” in which Israel is replaced by an Arab state; Peter Beinart, the only Jewish panelist, who has openly rejected the existence of Israel in its current form; Marc Lamont Hill, who has publicly recited the  slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”; and Barbara Ransby, an academic who supports the antisemitic BDS movement.

Lockdowns Are Serial Killers. End them Now. By David Solway ****


We are constantly told by our political leaders and the compliant media that a pandemic lockdown is absolutely necessary if we are ever to defeat the COVID virus. Mask mandates, quarantine camps, self-isolating, limited sociability, the stoking of public fear and panic, the shuttering of businesses and the attendant cratering of the economy have become, once again, the false solution to a politically ginned-up crisis — déjà vu all over again. The trouble is: none of this works, none of this is necessary. Texas Tech professor Gilbert Berdine sums up: “After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation.”

information is beautiful via ShiftFrequency.com

Psychiatrist Mark McDonald writes: “Not only have Americans become afraid, they have become infected by … a pandemic of hysteria … a delusional psychosis. A delusion is a fixed false belief contrary to reality. Americans today believe that we must keep our businesses closed, that we must keep our children at home, that we must wear masks over our faces and isolate ourselves from human beings in order to keep us alive. That is false. That is a lie. And it is killing us. It is killing us physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, it is killing our country, and it must stop.”

There is no doubt that the lockdown is “killing” every country and destroying the urban hub of cultural life and economic activity wherever it has been imposed. Consider London, for example, a great and historic metropolis which has become a virtual ghost town, communally dead, everywhere shops and businesses closed that will never re-open again, a harbinger of massive financial collapse. London has fallen. And many cities and nations in the West will follow suit. Take a look at New York, Chicago and L.A.

Powerful confirmation of the absurdity and harmfulness of the lockdowns comes from the recently circulated Great Barrington Declaration, prepared and signed by eminent physicians and epidemiologists, which arrives at the following conclusion:

A Cultural Revolution? by Sydney Williams


For a democracy to collapse into authoritarianism, what are required is a man or a woman and a movement. In Trump, we have a man but no movement. On the Progressive Left, we have a movement but no one person. To be effective, the movement must have the backing of the media, the academy and a sufficient number of bureaucrats who run government – advantage, the Left.

Trump is criticized by his detractors as a neo-fascist, a would-be dictator, but, apart from his love for America and his call to “clean the swamp,” he has no overriding political philosophy. The Tea Party did not expand during his White House tenure. The Progressive Left calls for an expansionist government that will provide more regulation, a “green new deal,” free college, all of which will mean higher taxes and limit individual freedom. They have on their side mainstream media, the academy and most of the bureaucracy that runs Washington. But they have no one individual around whom they gather.  Some might look at this as an optimistic appraisal – a leader with no real movement and a movement with no one leader – and assume an Alfred E. Neuman stance.

However, there are cultural trends abroad that should worry a believer in a free and open society. In the essay, from which the rubric was drawn, Mr. Xiao wrote about his father and his contemporaries, now living in the United States: “…they can feel a certain febrility in the air which reminded them of the events of half a century ago.” Former President Obama, in a recent speech, prescribed “a combination of regulations and standards within industries to get us back to the point where we at least recognize a common set of facts,” suggesting a need for an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. In a speech on November 12 before the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention, Justice Samuel Alito warned that “tolerance for opposing views is now in short supply in many law schools, and in the broader academic community.” Richard Stengel, who joined Joe Biden’s transition team, wrote in an op-ed in the Washington Post in October 2019: “All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.” Whose Truths? Whose lies? Whose guardrails?