I wonder if there is ever a moment while DHS Secretary Mayorkas is claiming that America’s borders are entirely secure and blaming “climate change” for the influx of tens of millions of illegal aliens into the United States when he thinks, “Wow, I am really full of BS. I mean, it is simply amazing how much BS I shovel down the American people’s throats every single day.”
The notion that powerful people lie to the public is certainly not new. You can go back through the centuries and find essays, songs, drawings, and folktales that all attest to the timeless truth that every generation sees its “rulers” as an unworthy camarilla of cutthroats, liars, backstabbers, and thieves. Still, the lies being told today are just so brazen. Damaging tornado? That’s what we get for driving cars. Too many white mathematicians? Obviously another bout of “systemic racism” rearing its ugly head. Trump’s beating Biden in the polls? Duh — that’s because America runs on “hate”!
Disney and other child-grooming companies keep telling us that the only way to protect America’s youth is to put them on puberty blockers and let them dance for skeevy adults. We used to call those skeevy adults “pedophiles,” but now the medical community insists that we treat them with more respect. I have trouble respecting a profession that wants me to respect child molesters. I also have trouble respecting a profession that pushes experimental “vaccines” on patients without their informed consent. The fact that so few physicians have taken responsibility for their unscientific and unethical behavior during totalitarianism’s favorite overhyped pandemic feels like a giant whiff and strike three for medicine. Or maybe the white coats (“systemic racism” alert!) struck out four years ago when medical associations insisted that Antifa and BLM be allowed to burn down neighborhoods in the name of “social justice health,” while the rest of us were forced to stay inside and participate in the theatrical production of the “Great COVID Hoax.” A lot of MDs have BS degrees.