When will the media and government officials show the actual scientific data, instead of just repeating the talking points, that they base all their strict mitigation and lockdown decisions on science? It’s clearly a lie. The answer is ‘never’ because neither facts nor science have mattered for a long time.
All that matters to this bunch is power over the people. Taking freedom and prosperity away is what power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats do.
On COVID, and its lockdowns, shutting down gyms, hair-cutters, bars, and restaurants, they’re particularly dishonest. Look:
What New York’s Contract Data Show:
Schools are safe, but living rooms less so during the pandemic.
The vast majority of coronavirus cases in New York are spread by contact in living rooms and social gatherings, according to contact tracing data released on Friday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The data made public by New York officials offers one of the more specific glimpses into how COVID-19 is transmitted in the state.