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Elizabeth Bauer: Biden COVID Advisor: Those Older Than 75 Should Get Vaccines Last !!!!!????


American’s should be deeply troubled that a man Biden is looking to for advice on COVID is someone who hopes to die at 75 and has publicly supported rationing care for the elderly.

One of Joe Biden’s early actions after corporate media claimed he was president-elect was to name members of a task force to recommend actions about COVID-19. Most of the names were neither famous nor infamous, but for one: Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel, whose fame comes from family connections (he’s the brother of former Obama chief-of-staff and former Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel) and the infamy gained from a 2014 Atlantic article, “Why I Hope to Die at 75.”

Now, to be clear, Zeke did not argue for a “Giver”-style “release to elsewhere” of all 75-year-olds. He explicitly states opposition to legalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. And the initial paragraphs of his article emphasize that this is what he wants for himself: “I am talking about how long I want to live and the kind and amount of health care I will consent to after 75.”

But he should have stopped there. Instead, in that article, he expounds on the vastly-reduced ability of older people to “contribute” or to be “productive.”

What’s more, he writes that “Our living too long places real emotional weights on our progeny” — not merely in terms of caregiving needs, but because “there is much less pressure to conform to parental expectations and demands after they are gone” and because “living parents also occupy the role of head of the family [and] they make it hard for grown children to become the patriarch or matriarch.”

Christopher Bedford: The Media Are Covering Up Left-Wing Violence Because They Agree With The Mission  


Federalist Senior Editor Christopher Bedford condemned the media’s deliberate attempts to either ignore or justify the left’s explosion of violence in the nation’s capital over the weekend as a symptom of press bias fomenting the chaos.

“The media absolutely ought to be covering it more, but they’re covering up more in a lot of cases because they agree with the mission and they think that they’re part of the Resistance as well,” Bedford said on Fox News Monday. “They think that Republicans or conservatives or people who are marching in the street are bad, basically right-arm-bearing Nazis, and at that point you can really justify a huge amount of action.”

Black Lives Matter and Antifa, Bedford added, imagine themselves as righteous activists operating under the curtain of historic struggles from fighting Nazism to the mid-20th century civil rights movement.

“What level wouldn’t you go to to try to stop Hitler,” Bedford said. “If you call your opponents Hitler, it can justify a lot of action … both of them are just setting up camps in Washington D.C. Downtown’s an absolute mess.”

Biden’s Cancer Charity Took in Millions, Spent Big on Salaries but Nothing on Research By Matt Margolis


Fake charities are not just for the Clintons, it seems, as a report from the New York Post reveals that a cancer charity started by former Vice President Joe Biden spent most of the millions it raised on salaries, but gave out no grants in its first two years.

The mission of the Biden Cancer Initiative, which was founded in 2017, was to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes.” The charity took in nearly $5 million in contributions in 2017 and 2018, according to IRS filings, but spent most of it, just over $3 million, on the salaries of former Washington, D.C., aides who were hired by the charity.

The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The group’s president, Gregory Simon, raked in $429,850 in fiscal 2018 (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019), according to the charity’s most recent federal tax filings.

Simon, a former Pfizer executive and longtime health care lobbyist who headed up the White House’s cancer task force in the Obama administration, saw his salary nearly double from the $224,539 he made in fiscal 2017, tax filings show.

Danielle Carnival, former chief of staff for Obama’s cancer initiative, the Cancer Moonshot Task Force, who took home $258,207 in 2018.

The rest of the charity’s income was spent on expenses like travel and conferences.

Gregory Simon claims that the purpose of the charity is not to give out grants, but to “accelerate” treatment for all, whatever that means.

The Dangers of Historical Revisionism Ginette Weiner


In this original op-ed, Ginette Weiner explores the dangers of mainstream media downplaying the severity of historical anti-Semitism. The author is a member of the CAM Contributor Network. 

The NY Times has now exceeded their previous depths of All the Lies, All the Time, and managed to accomplish two feats at once: revictimizing the murdered Jews of the Holocaust, and issuing a blueprint for future genocide.  “The Times described a notorious partnership between Nazi Germany and an antisemitic leader, Husseini, as a collaboration that targeted “Zionism,” as opposed to Jews. The claim, which appears in the Oct. 6 story “Saudi Prince Accuses Palestinian Leaders of Failing Palestinians” by Isabel Kershner and Ben Hubbard, whitewashes the antisemitism of both the Nazis and their Palestinian ally, Amin al-Husseini, and downplays the nature and extent of their alliance.  Both al-Husseini and the Nazis were rabidly antisemitic, and both were motivated in their collaboration by that antisemitism. To be anti-Zionist as well as antisemitic does nothing to erase or override the antisemitism, and in fact is perfectly consistent with it.”

Al-Husseini called on his followers to enact Islamic Koran’s calls to “Kill the Jews wherever you find them.”  Nazi official Wilhelm Melchers, “the mufti was an accomplished foe of the Jews, did not conceal that he would love to see all of them liquidated.”  In his book on Nazi propaganda in the Arab world, Herf describes al-Husseini’s “intense hatred of Jews, who “lived like a sponge among peoples, sucked their blood, seized their property, undermined their morals,” and so on. Jews had “tormented the world for ages” and were “the enemy of the Arabs and of Islam since its emergence.”  The United States Holocaust Museum, “Husseini is a vicious antisemite and actively supportive of Nazi Germany’s efforts to annihilate world Jewry.”  Yad Vashem, ‘The mufti loaned his support’ to the ‘Final Solution.’ “Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat) took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.“

Alito Defends the Courts The Justice calls out progressive attacks on judicial independence.


Pundits and academics have worried a great deal about democratic norms in recent years, but most have gone silent when it comes to progressive assaults on judicial independence. So credit to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for delivering a forceful repudiation of recent efforts to intimidate American courts.

Justice Alito’s Thursday address came at the Federalist Society’s National Lawyers Convention, a wide-ranging event that included spirited debate on presidential power, intellectual property law, social justice and more. The conservative-leaning Federalist Society is above all a forum for open intellectual exchange, but it’s increasingly stigmatized by progressive activists, perhaps out of resentment for its commitment to principle.

Justice Alito spoke against a recent effort to “hobble the debate that the Federalist Society fosters” by barring judges from membership. Attacks on the Federalist Society have gone along with more explicit threats to judicial independence. Earlier this year Sen. Chuck Schumer stood in front of the Supreme Court and declared, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

This came after five Democratic Senators threatened in a 2019 amicus brief that the Supreme Court could be “restructured” if it didn’t rule their way in a gun case. Justice Alito addressed that directly.

COVID-19 infections are soaring. Lockdowns could be coming. A list of restrictions in your state. Grace Hauck Chris Woodyard

Is your state reimplementing COVID-19 restrictions? See the list below.

First, check out this map:States that are reopening or reimplementing restrictions

Pfizer Notified Biden Before Trump on Vaccine Success By Julie Kelly


In an interview with WMAL radio show Wednesday morning, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar appeared to confirm that the Trump administration learned of Pfizer’s successful COVID-19 vaccine trial from press coverage not from company officials directly. “I…learned of this from media reports on Monday morning,” Azar told “Mornings on the Mall” program on November 11. “There certainly was a gap in communications, let’s say.”

Azar, whose agency is a lead government partner in Operation Warp Speed, the president’s ambitious program to manufacture and distribute 300 million COVID-19 vaccine doses by early next year, found out about Pfizer’s results after Joe Biden was notified. “Last night, my public health advisors were informed of this excellent news,” Team Biden said in a statement Monday morning. “I congratulate the brilliant women and men who helped produce this breakthrough and to give us such cause for hope.” The press-ordained president-elect who is promising to unite Americans, however, did not credit the current president or his administration for their efforts.

President Trump is expressing (justified) outrage that Pfizer slow-walked news about their Phase 3 trial until after Election Day. “As I have long said, @Pfizer and the others would only announce a Vaccine after the Election, because they didn’t have the courage to do it before,” Trump tweeted November 9. “Likewise, the @US_FDA should have announced it earlier, not for political purposes, but for saving lives!”

Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy By Tyler O’Neil


On Monday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) put the final nail in the coffin of far-left hopes that Democrats could pack the Supreme Court and abolish the Senate filibuster in 2021. Manchin doubled down on his pledge. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was none too pleased, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) voiced skepticism.

“I commit to tonight, and I commit to all of your viewers and everyone else that’s watching, I want to allay those fears, I want to rest those fears for you right now because when they talk about, whether it be packing the courts or ending the filibuster, I will not vote to do that,” Manchin told Fox News’ Special Report.

Even if Democrats somehow win both of Georgia’s Senate runoffs on January 5, giving Democrats 50 Senate seats plus a tiebreaker with Kamala Harris as vice president (the more likely outcome although the presidential results are contested), Manchin pledged to oppose the more radical policies.

The senator doubled down on this claim in an interview with The Washington Examiner‘s Salena Zito on Wednesday.

“Under no circumstances would I support packing the Court or ending the filibuster if there is a 50-50 tie,” Manchin told Zito.

Lockdown Joe: Biden Wants Everyone To Live In Their Basement


Should Joe Biden survive the election legal challenges ahead, he will roll into the Oval Office fully intent on doing what Democrats do – rob Americans of their liberty. We have every expectation he will try to shut down the country, not because the coronavirus makes it necessary but because the oxygen of the political left is controlling other people’s lives.

The Bongino Report tells us that Biden’s coronavirus adviser is proposing a lengthy national shutdown to mitigate the spread as positive test results climb during the early weeks of the North American flu season.

“Under a Biden presidency (God forbid) we’d return right back to a full lockdown,” writes Matt Palumbo, “and this time they’re not pretending it’ll only last 15 days.”

Apparently Biden is listening to the ravings of Dr. Michael Osterholm, who is suggesting “we” – can he please define “we”? – could “pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments,” so the country could “lock down for four to six weeks.”

Will Riots Scare Us into Surrender? Lee Duigon


I was chatting with a neighbor the other day, and trying to lift his spirits; but he was up to his neck in defeatism. Because of this travesty of an election, of course.

“We’ve been scammed,” he said, “and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s going to wind up in the Supreme Court, and nothing’s going to happen.”

And why will nothing happen?

“The court wouldn’t dare overturn this election, no matter how corrupt it was,” he said. “They just wouldn’t dare. If they did, we’d have a revolution. We’d have riots like you wouldn’t believe.”

So that’s it? A new political doctrine—whoever can stage the biggest riot gets to own the government. Sheesh, I hope he never raised kids that way. As long as you don’t throw a tantrum and break things, you can do anything you want?

But he’s not alone. A recent essay by Robert Arvay in “The American Thinker” came right out and said it: “The courts might be afraid…”.

Oh, boy—living in fear! That’s some nice republic you’ve got there, America. Never mind the law—who’s got a pile of bricks to throw at cops? We have to let them get away with stealing a national election because they’ll riot if we don’t?