Everyone, even Democrats, can agree that the DNC convention was an embarrassing bust, a poorly produced concoction of vapidity, anger and wrath. They overdid the “let’s make everyone afraid of covid” bit, no audiences, masks on everyone even when alone on a stage. It was a joke perpetrated by people who, to the core of their beings, think the American people are really stupid.
This core belief, that they can stupefy and manipulate us all, is why they produced a ridiculous covid-fearful four-night convention so boring no one watched it… because it was unwatchable. John Kerry? Bill Clinton? John Kasich? Bernie Sanders? Who on this planet cares about anything these corruptocrats have to say? No one, not even the current crop of apoplectic Trump haters, especially those among the media. The entire endeavor was a joke born of the left’s contempt for middle America. They actually think that by making common cause with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they can win.
Now that we’ve seen and reveled in the joyous tone of the RNC convention, the abyss between the two parties is writ gloriously large. The left is angry and rattled because they’ve lost their grip on the power that they’ve always taken for granted, even when there was a Republican in the White House.
They are not running the show, Trump is, and his attempt to drain the swamp is making inroads, despite all their treasonous efforts to destroy the man and his presidency. The ferocity of their hate for Trump has led them to reveal their inner souls and it is not a pretty picture. They are an ugly bunch. The termagant Nancy Pelosi charges that Trump and his supporters are “enemies of the state”! How is that for projection?
Now she is advising Biden not to debate Trump. Of course, she is; like everyone else, she knows Biden is cognitively unable to debate the President. Pelosi and her partners in crimes against America have done incalculable damage to this country, to their own cities, and to the Constitution itself. If Biden were to win, who would be running the country? Certainly not no-show-Joe. Joe is done, over. He belongs at home with a caregiver.