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The Left’s Reaction to Woodward’s Coronavirus Scoop Is Revisionist History By David Harsanyi



“It’s also fair to point out that there’s no evidence that those who want to attain power would have been — or would be — any better prepared. And the idea that we could have stopped this in February or March is risible.”

Unlike Cuomo, though, the Trump administration took all kinds of action relatively early. It’s fine to criticize Trump’s response, but I have yet to hear how Democrats could have contained coronavirus, much saved less saved the economy while doing so.

Yet we’ve now gone from “Trump said something stupid” to hysterical partisan accusations such as “Trump will likely shoulder the blame for at least 100,000 American deaths” and “200,000 Americans have died because neither Donald Trump nor Bob Woodward wanted to risk anything substantial to keep the country informed.”

Even ABC News wonders if the disease “might have been contained” had Trump said something different in February. This is unadulterated revisionism.

The day Trump tweeted that coronavirus was “very much under control in the USA,” Nancy Pelosi was imploring people to visit Chinatown in San Francisco. This was weeks after the House had already been briefed on the coronavirus by the CDC.

Can you imagine the nation’s reaction had Trump — or Pelosi — demanded that states shut down their entire economies over five infections and zero known deaths in February?

Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination is futile – opinion The Nobel Peace Prize may garner nearly a million bucks for its laureates with liberal appeal, but it’s not worth the medal it’s engraved on. Ruthie Blum


The announcement that US President Donald Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize provided much headline fodder this week, but was it really that dramatic? The answer is no.

For starters, this isn’t the first time that Trump has been nominated for the coveted award that grants laureates nine million Swedish kronor ($935,366). A bit more than two years ago, a group of 18 members of Congress – Rep. Luke Messer (R-Indiana) and 17 other House lawmakers – including Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), Diane Black (R-Tennessee) and Steve King (R-Iowa) – nominated him for having worked “tirelessly to apply maximum pressure to North Korea to end its illicit weapons programs and bring peace to the region.”

In their letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee on May 2, 2018, the congresspeople stated that Trump “successfully united the international community, including China, to impose one of the most successful international sanctions regimes in history.”

They further argued that the sanctions “decimated the North Korean economy and have been largely credited for bringing North Korea to the negotiating table. Although North Korea has evaded demands from the international community to cease its aggression for decades, President Trump’s peace through strength policies are working and bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula.”

Therefore, they concluded, “We can think of no one more deserving of the committee’s recognition in 2019 than President Trump for his tireless work to bring peace to our world.”

Clinically Deranged Adam Schiff Mounts His Dead Russia Horse Again Stephen Cruiser, 


As has been pointed out by many of us recently, the Democrats really aren’t behaving as if their presidential candidate had a substantial lead in the polls.

Yes, the polls have been tightening, but the Dems have been in a sort of flop-sweat panic mode since the Republican National Convention ended. There is, of course, the fact that every public appearance by der Bidengaffer since then has been hovering in the neighborhood of “unmitigated disaster.”

The Democrats do seem to be trying to get to their October surprises early this year. That reeks of desperation.

Speaking of reeking, California’s little impeachment pitbull Adam Schiff is back. Guess what, kids? He’s got another whistleblower!

Fox News:

The House Intelligence Committee received a whistleblower complaint claiming Trump administration officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security suppressed intelligence reports related to Russian election interference, Democratic Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said Wednesday.

In a statement, Schiff said former Intelligence and Analysis Acting Under Secretary Brian Murphy filed the whistleblower reprisal complaint on Tuesday with the DHS Office of Inspector General.

“We’ve received a whistleblower complaint alleging DHS suppressed intel reports on Russian election interference, altered intel to match false Trump claims and made false statements to Congress,” Schiff, D-Calif., tweeted Wednesday afternoon. “This puts our national security at risk.”


Job Openings Surge by 10 Percent to 6.6 Million, Topping Expectations By Tom Ozimek


Job openings in the United States, which are a measure of labor demand, rose by 10 percent to 6.6 million in July, while the number of people quitting their jobs rose by 2.1 percent between June and July, suggesting an uptick in confidence in being able to find work.

The Labor Department’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), released Wednesday, showed that the number of job vacancies jumped by 617,000 to 6.6 million on the last day of July, above the 6 million that economists surveyed by FactSet predicted.

Manufacturing saw a 17.9 percent surge in job openings. Industries that saw the largest increases in vacancies were retail trade (172,000), health care and social assistance (146,000), and construction (90,000). The U.S. housing market, in particular, has shown remarkable resilience amid the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus outbreak, with an August report from the U.S. Census Bureau (pdf) showing building permits, a predictor of future activity, rising by 18.8 percent from June to July. Housing starts, meanwhile, surged by 22.6 percent between June and July. In another sign that the economic recovery may be picking up speed, U.S. home sales rose at a record rate for a second straight month in July.

Wednesday’s JOLTS report showed that vacancies were highest in trade, transportation, and utilities (1.292 million), followed by education and health services (1.262 million), and business and professional services (1.2 million), with all three categories seeing growth from the month before.

NYC to Allow Indoor Dining at 25 Percent Capacity, Marking COVID Recovery Milestone By Brittany Bernstein


Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday that he would allow New York City restaurants to reopen for indoor dining at 25 percent capacity beginning September 30.

The announcement comes more than two months after Cuomo and mayor Bill de Blasio put the brakes on a plan to reopen indoor dining at restaurants in light of continued concerns about the spread of coronavirus.

Now that “compliance is better” — New York’s infection rate has stayed below 1 percent for several weeks — “we can now take the next step,” the governor said.  

While the city’s restaurants have suffered economically since the outset of the pandemic, many have tried to get by on outdoor dining and takeout services this summer but have worried what colder weather would hold in store. 

Aside from reduced capacity, restaurants and patrons will face other restrictions including the requirement to wear face coverings when not seated.

‘Transforming’ the U.S. – Into What? by Judith Bergman


Local businesses have been moving out. Greg Goodman, co-president of Portland’s Downtown Development Group recently wrote in a letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler and the city council that the number of businesses moving out of the city “is like nothing I have seen in 42 years of doing business in downtown”. Goodman said that the businesses leaving included Daimler Chrysler, Air B&B, Banana Republic and Microsoft, and argued that their departure “does have most everything to do with the lawlessness you are endorsing downtown.”

“I would encourage each of you to walk around downtown Portland in the morning. You aren’t sweeping the streets, needles are all over the place, garbage cans are broken and left open, glass from car windows that have been broken out is all over the streets, parks are strewn with litter… You are willfully neglecting your duties as elected officials to keep our city safe and clean.” — Greg Goodman, in a letter to Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler and the city council.

One influential national politician, however, promised with a smile that the “protests” are “not going to stop… They’re not going to stop before election day in November and they’re not going to stop after election day…. They’re not going to let up and they should not…”

America could indeed be “transformed,” but if safe and successful cities keep being transformed into places of crime-ridden lawlessness, is that what Americans want?

At least 13 US cities “have cut funding from police department budgets or decreased officer numbers with several more in the process,” according to a recent report by Forbes. Austin, Texas, one of the recent additions to the list of cities defunding police, cut $150 million, nearly a third of its police budget.

How to Steal an Election by Chris Farrell


In one of the greatest public disinformation campaigns in American history, the “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP) released a 22-page report in August 2020 “war gaming” (their term) four election crisis scenarios…. The outcome of each TIP scenario results in street violence and political impasse.

The political power resourced and generated from a document like the TIP report… introduces the threat of terror and street violence (to the general population) as a “normal” or “expected” outcome.

Here is what you will see, hear and read in the next few weeks: “Yes, expect violence in the aftermath of the election, because now that is the new ‘normal.’ Trump made us do it….”

Who is paying the bills for TIP and its affiliates?… No one does this for free, and someone (or some entity) is paying the bill. Who?

What evidence is there of awareness and preparedness on the political Right to confront and counter the TIP (and other Leftists) and their plans to disrupt the election? Not much. Time is short. The Left’s threat of violence and subversion of the election is real. How we respond is critical.

How does one ensure their political allies are ideologically synchronized, and know exactly how to disrupt a presidential election? What about the “journalists” in the news media and the babblers on social media — how does one get them onboard with the planned nationwide revolutionary disruption? Easy! Publish a report titled: “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election.”

In one of the greatest public disinformation campaigns in American history — the Left and their NeverTrumper allies (under the nom de guerre: “Transition Integrity Project”) released a 22-page report in August 2020 “war gaming” (their term) four election crisis scenarios: 1. A decisive Trump win; 2. A decisive Biden win; 3. A narrow Biden win; and, 4. A period of extended uncertainty after the election. The outcome of each TIP scenario results in street violence and political impasse.

Rochester Proves ‘Black Lives’ Don’t Matter to BLM By Nicholas L. Waddy


Over the July 4 weekend, 13 people were shot in this city of just 200,000 people. But has BLM organized marches on the homes of notorious domestic abusers or drug dens? Of course not.

For almost a week, Black Lives Matter and like-minded activists have been marching in the streets of Rochester, New York, protesting the death of Daniel Prude at the hands of police. BLM zealots even harassed diners and overturned tables at two restaurants located next to the apartment building in which I live, creating a social media firestorm. Events in Rochester have even attracted the notice of none other than President Donald Trump.

We Rochesterians are not used to playing a starring role in the national news cycle. Well, now we are, like it or not.

The curious thing? Daniel Prude died months ago, and under circumstances that hardly suggest racial animus played a role in his demise. He was a mentally deranged man on drugs—someone the police had to restrain as best they could. And restrain him they did, based on well-established policies and procedures. Unfortunately, based on a variety of circumstances—some of them completely outside the control of the police officers who detained him—Prude later died. This makes Tuesday’s announcement by the police chief that he and his entire command staff would resign at once baffling and unfortunate. The move only reinforces the (false) perception that the police were culpable in Prude’s death.

The facts be damned, however—the media and the anti-police outrage industry can turn almost any questionable incident caught on camera into an instant scandal. In fact, as we see in this case, a police “killing” need not even be recent to excite “anti-racist” fervor. Nor must it be demonstrably racist, as events this summer have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Why San Francisco Is In Trouble – 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned $150,000+ In Pay & Perks Adam Andrzejewski


San Fran wants a big coronavirus bailout from the American taxpayer. So, our auditors dug into how they spent their budget in 2019. 

You are not going to believe the pay in city agencies!

Here are just a few samples of our findings:

Mayor London Breed made $452,421 in pay and perks in 2019 — topping every other mayor across the country. 
Police officers are called “peace officers” and earned up to $574,595 in pay and perks last year!
Two fire chiefs worked five and seven months each and made $386,727 and $442,722 respectively.
Self-declared “Mr. Clean,” the Public Works Director made $380,000 in total comp before he was arrested by the FBI. 

San Francisco is a mess. Literally. Our auditors found that complaints of human waste in the public way spiked to an all-time high (31,000) last year!

Read our piece at Forbes where you’ll find more jaw-dropping compensation.

Why is San Francisco oversight important? The city is home to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Governor Galvin Newsom, and vice-presidential candidate U.S. Senator Kamala Harris!

President Trump Makes One Sorry Fascist By Jack Cashill


On every fascist metric, Obama beats Trump by a giant goose step.

“Of course we’ll have fascism,” legendary Huey Long was reported to have said. “We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.” Today, of course, we see the confirmation of Long’s prediction on America’s streets in the self-parodying Antifa movement.

At the executive level, for all the mindless chatter about President Trump as Hitler or worse, it is not he who deserves the label “fascist.” By American standards, that honor goes to President Obama and his fierce little toady, Joe Biden. To gauge the fascistic impulses of Trump and Obama respectively, Merriam-Webster offers a useful measuring stick, a definition of “fascism” untainted by the politics of the moment:

A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

On every fascist metric, Obama beats Trump by a giant goose step. One could argue that Trump “exalts nation” more than Obama, and that is true, but not “above the individual.” For Obama, like all socialists, national socialists included, the individual was expected to subordinate his interests to those of the state.