Our self-appointed “ruling class” is insufferable. Two-plus weeks into the restored Trump administration, and the Democrat/media outrage template has become utterly banal:
(1) Trump delivers on a campaign promise.
(2) Democrats collapse onto fainting couches and wail, “He can’t do that!,” and then
(3) those same sobbing sad sacks get back up, clutch their pearls, and collapse in anguish yet again.
It would be amusing if their funerary pantomime were not so exhausting.
Unindicted “Russia collusion” co-conspirator and former acting director of the FBI Andrew McCabe ran to the Communist News Network to complain that all his old friends at the Bureau are terrified of being fired. He reported to fellow Democrat traveler Anderson Cooper that FBI officials are worried about how they’re going to pay their bills and take care of their families. “If you get fired,” McCabe explained energetically, like one toddler telling another toddler about the world, “you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get any job. You lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance.” Baby Cooper agreed with Baby McCabe that those consequences sound scary.
Yet neither had the requisite self-awareness to ponder, “Is this what J6 protesters felt like when the Gestapo FBI hunted down alleged trespassers as if they were America’s ‘Most Wanted’ criminals?” Watching the two Democrat babies cry about FBI agents losing their jobs and reputations after we have seen the Bureau do the exact same thing to law-abiding Americans for years is absolutely surreal!