Before Hitler declared war on the United States in 1941, there were Nazis marching in our streets as Americans.
Today, at college campuses across our nation, there are Americans marching as Nazis and terrorist-supporters, shouting, “We’re all Hamas.”
Make no mistake about it. When student protestors burn the American flag and chant “Death to America” it has little to do with the Israeli military response to the murderous rampage by Hamas on October 7th and much to do with Iran’s grand strategy of bringing death to the “Great Satan” through “useful idiots.”
Clearly, the protestors are outraged that Israelis have refused to be the mute, mutilated victims of the last Hamas outrage. After all, violent acts of anti-Semitism and Jew-killing are not supposed to come with a cost to its perpetrators. The “Death to America” crowd must be asking, “When did the Israelis change the rules?”
So these Iranian foot soldiers with student loans have taken to college campuses, where places like Columbia University have been forced to implement virtual learning and Jewish students are warned to stay away for their own safety. Would the universities have responded the same way if the protests had been, say, anti-Black?
There should be little confusion as to what is occurring as police confront and arrest students and their organizers. These are individuals waging a coordinated, lavishly-funded campaign (exact funding has been meticulously researched and published by NGO Monitor) to demonize Jews, Israel, and those who stand against anti-Semitism, and the United States.