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Portland’s dress rehearsal for revolution now featuring a guillotine Thomas LIfson


Yes, they want a bloody revolution, and in Portland, the dress rehearsal is underway.  Downtown has been sacked, and the revolutionaries have taken to the streets of residential neighborhoods, terrifying residents.  The message is clear: police cannot protect you, so shut up and let the new powers-that-be run things.

Yesterday, the Portland Police Bureau seemed to confirm that message, that they are powerless to stop the revolution.  At RedState, Shipwreckedcrew wrote about the absence of police in a violent clash between Antifa/BLM forces and “Back the Blue” forces, said to include The Proud Boys:

[T]here was a noticeable lack of Portland Police in any of the videos of the two groups clashing.

Late today came an explanation for their absence — there were insufficient police resources available to the shift commanders to do anything to intervene in the incident that involved well over 100 protesters from both sides. (snip)

 That, my friends, is the declaration by Portland PD that they are unwilling to intervene in a conflagration they do not believe they can stop.  The events of the past two months have slowly drained Portland PD’s resources through attrition of manpower. (snip)

Clinesmith’s Guilty Plea: The Perfect Snapshot of Crossfire Hurricane Duplicity By Andrew C. McCarthy


Carter Page was a CIA asset, not a Russian spy, and the FBI knew it early on but plowed ahead with its fantasy anyway.

Author’s Note: This is the first of a three-part series.

To answer the question posed in last Tuesday’s column, Yes, Kevin Clinesmith did plead guilty Wednesday. Sort of.

Well, maybe it was a smidge better than “sort of.” After all, it did happen in a federal-district-court proceeding (via videoconference) on Wednesday. And Judge James Boasberg did accept the plea after eliciting it in accordance with settled criminal-law rules. Sentencing is scheduled for December 10. So it’s official.

But I’m sticking with “sort of.” If Clinesmith’s guilty plea is legally adequate, it is barely so. And neither a judge nor a prosecutor is required to accept an allocution sliced so fine. In “admitting” guilt, Clinesmith ended up taking the position that I hoped the judge, and especially the Justice Department, would not abide, in essence: Okay, maybe I committed the crime of making a false statement, but to be clear, I thought the statement was true when I made it, and I certainly never intended to deceive anyone.Huh?

I don’t mean to make you dizzy, but in my view, Clinesmith is lying about lying. His strategy is worth close study because it encapsulates the mendaciousness and malevolence of both “Crossfire Hurricane” (the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation) and the “collusion” never-enders who continue to defend it. A defendant’s lying about lying does not necessarily make a false-statement guilty plea infirm as a matter of law. The bar is not high. Still, his story is ridiculous, in a way that is easy to grasp once it’s placed in context.

FBI Lawyer’s Guilty Plea Suggests Spygate Corruption Goes Way Higher Margot Cleveland


FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea suggests another area ripe for inquiry: FBI Agent Stephen Somma’s misrepresentation of Trump campaign details to a secret federal court.

Last week’s guilty plea by Kevin Clinesmith represents the first concrete evidence of movement in U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax. The plea agreement, which was released on Wednesday, suggests another area ripe for inquiry: FBI Agent Stephen Somma’s earlier misrepresentation of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page’s status to those preparing the initial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications to surveil Page.

Clinesmith, who served as an assistant general counsel in the National Security and Cyber Law Branch of the FBI’s Office of General Counsel, admitted in his plea agreement that he had added the phrase “was not a source” to an email from an unidentified governmental agency, most likely the CIA, concerning Page’s “operation contact” with that agency

Documentary: Seattle is Dying An in-depth look at the drug and homelessness crisis in Washington State’s largest city.


KOMO Anchor Eric Johnson takes an in-depth look at the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on Seattle in “Seattle is Dying” — a news documentary that aired on KOMO-TV in March, 2019.

Watch the video below:

Democrats Offer a Rancid Smorgasbord Joan Swirsky


At the virtual Democrat National Convention last week––where the Democratic National Committee removed the word God from the Pledge of Allegiance––the public was treated to tasteless and remarkably unfunny jokes from Hollywood’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and a video featuring Donna Hylton who spent 27 years in prison for the grisly murder and torture of Thomas Vigliarolo, a NY businessman found stuffed inside a steamer trunk and left to rot in Harlem.  

Then there was Michelle Obama telling Americans to ‘go high’ after her husband tried to destroy candidate and then President Trump by weaponizing all of our intelligence agencies against him. Ironically, this is the same woman who proved that you can’t go any lower than the sentiment she expressed at the age of 44 that she was never proud to be an American until her husband was nominated to the U.S. presidency. Imagine, this Princeton and Harvard Law graduate lived almost five decades having to tolerate the bitter taste of American citizenship. And to prove plus ça change, her speech demonstrated that the bitterness bitterly lingers on.


Then there was speaker Noman Hussain, an Imam affiliated with the Texas-based Qalam Institute, which advocates for “the use of female sex slaves, the killing of adulterers, and the incitement of hatred against Jews.” 


John Brennan Was Put in a Perjury Trap Yesterday — A Completely Legitimate One


EXCERPT from bottom half of article below:  Read it all at link above. It is profoundly substantive, instructive and it clarifies the real situation in which John Brennan finds himself (for many legitimate reasons – his career dishonesty for the most part). C.B.

If John Brennan isn’t at least a potential “target,” why was he not called to explain historical events to the grand jury?

Finally, John Brennan has many times expressed the belief that any investigation initiated by the Trump Administration into the actions of Obama Administration officials to examine their conduct as it pertains to the investigation of the 2016 campaign, and the aftermath of Trump’s election victory, is illegitimate.  John Brennan has all but declared Trump’s election to be illegitimate — heck, he might have said so outright.

So, it is not surprising at all that Shapiro — not Brennan — would claim:

Brennan questioned why the analytical tradecraft and findings of the ICA are being scrutinized by the Department of Justice, especially since they have been validated by the Mueller Report as well as the bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence review.



In today’s London Times, there is an interesting COVID article titled Cancer care backlog may cost 30,000 lives, Boris Johnson told. The principal theme of the article is that Britain’s health care shutdown on account of the COVID epidemic (or hysteria triggered by the epidemic) will cost many lives:

One senior oncologist has claimed that in a worst-case scenario the effects of the pandemic could result in 30,000 excess cancer deaths over the next decade.

In the letter, seen by The Times, the MPs write: “We urge you to work with your ministers to ensure that the NHS reacts more quickly to restore cancer services that have been badly disrupted due to the response to Covid.

“We are particularly concerned that the NHS’s plan appears to be limited to getting cancer services back to normal by the end of the year [but] this timescale is far too long. Many cancers can become untreatable in a matter of weeks.”

The Dangerous Half-Truths Behind ‘The Joe Show’ Madeleine Westerhout


If you watched last week’s Democratic National Convention you couldn’t help but notice an overwhelming theme that ran throughout “the Joe Show”. The well-produced and heartwarming images of the former Vice-President were front and center, evoking sympathy and admiration for a man who has endured multiple tragedies throughout his half-century career in politics. 

But those images were also on display to underscore the belief amongst the overwhelming number of Democrats, who, united only in their disdain for President Trump, believe him to be, at best, morally inept, and at worst, actively evil. 

By shining a light on “Saint Joe,” they cast a shadow on the man who currently occupies the Oval Office, a man who is apparently both all-powerful and simultaneously incompetent. A man who CNN would have you believe single-handedly spread the coronavirus from coast to coast, all but ensuring that countless Americans would find themselves unemployed in the economic downturn that followed.

Thankfully, and much to the disappointment of 95% of the media and nearly half of our country, this is not the man I had the honor of serving directly for over 2 and a half years.

The City Manager In Laredo, Texas Received A $880,486 Golden Parachute Last Year BY Adam Andrzejewski


In 2019, the city manager in Laredo, Texas, made $880,486. It doubled the earnings of the President of the United States ($400,000) and tripled the earnings of four-star generals in the U.S. military ($268,000).

In fact, in two of the past three years, Laredo employed two of the most highly compensated city managers in the nation.

Between 2017 and 2019, those two city managers collectively made a total of $1.85 million in cash compensation, not including the cost of benefits such as health insurance, the public pension and other perquisites.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com discovered this by filing 41,500 Freedom of Information Act requests each of the last three years. We captured and mapped by ZIP Code 23 million public employee salary and pension records annually.

We uncovered an eye-popping amount of money flowing to Laredo’s managers, despite the fact that the border city is home to 261,000 residents with an average income of only $15,127 per year.

In May 2017, the Laredo city council promoted Horacio De Leon, Jr., to interim city manager and the permanent position by August. Earnings for De Leon in 2018 were $314,556. The manager had worked his way up through city government and enjoyed a good reputation locally.

But in a surprising move, the city council parted ways with De Leon in 2019 – only 20 months after hiring him. Our records request showed that De Leon received a $880,486 golden parachute, an all-inclusive payout including severance.



President Trump’s warning to a conservative gathering that before this election is resolved the person who could next emerge as President is Nancy Pelosi, well, it’s a startling point. It’s not entirely idle, though. The Constitution, and legislation it grants the Congress the power to pass, both envision a situation where the Speaker could automatically become president at 12:01 p.m. o’clock on January 20.

Neither Mr. Trump, as we understand him, nor we are saying such an event is likely. Just possible. Were it to come to pass, though, it would be completely — to the degree that there is such a constitutional concept — kosher. That’s because of the 20th Amendment. It says that the “terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January,” no ifs, ands, or buts.

It also says that the terms of the Senators and Congressmen end at noon on January 3. That means the 116th Congress ends and the 117th begins 17 days before Mr. Trump’s term is up. That gives the Representatives House time to choose its Speaker. It’s likely — not certain, we suppose — to be Mrs. Pelosi, making her next in line for the presidency after Vice President Pence.

The 20th Amendment also particularizes what happens if certain complications arise. If either the President or President-elect shall have died, say, the Vice President elect “shall become President.” Then it says what happens “if a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify.”