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Hydroxychloroquine: A Morality Tale A startling investigation into how a cheap, well-known drug became a political football in the midst of a pandemic by Norman Doidge


Early in the coronavirus pandemic, a survey of the world’s frontline physicians showed hydroxychloroquine to be the drug they considered the most effective at treating COVID-19 patients. That was in early April, shortly after a French study showed it was safe and effective in lowering the virus count, at times in combination with azithromycin. Next we were told hydroxychloroquine was likely ineffective, and also dangerous, and that that French study was flawed and the scientist behind it worthy of mockery. More studies followed, with contradictory results, and then out came what was hailed by some as a definitive study of 96,000 patients showing the drug was most certainly dangerous and ineffective, and indeed that it killed 30% more people than those who didn’t take it. Within days, that study was retracted, with the editor of one of the two most respected medical journals in the Western world conceding it was “a monumental fraud.” And on it went.     READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT SITE

The Long, Sad Saga of Hydroxychloroquine By Jim Talent


The same medical community which is telling us that HCQ is dangerous, may soon be telling us that a vaccine developed in record time is completely safe.

I want to make sure NR readers don’t miss this essay from Norman Doidge. It’s the best thing I’ve read on hydroxychloroquine. But beware: The piece is long and fascinating. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop, and it takes a good half hour to finish.

Doidge tells the tale of hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ as he calls it, as if the drug were a character in a story. His main point is that HCQ hasn’t received fair treatment in many quarters, including, unfortunately, some of the health experts advising the government of the United States. The main reasons are the intrusion of politics into medicine, the pitfalls and limitations of big data in medical science, and the over-reliance of many experts on random controlled testing to the exclusion of other kinds of evidence.

Doidge manages to make even a discussion of research methodology interesting. Here is a sample:

We now have studies that show one of the weaknesses of RCTs (random controlled testing) is that in the quest to eliminate confounding factors, they end up, in a majority of cases, excluding patients who are typical of those in the population. The RCT evangelist focuses only on the RCT strengths, and forgets their weaknesses. A typical RCT describes several data points about hundreds of patients. It can be helpful in determining what treatment might work for most people in a large population. A typical case history describes perhaps hundreds of data points about a single patient. Its focus might be on what treatment might work best for this patient. Sometimes we need all that information about a patient, to choose a proper treatment, because individual patients differ, often in decisive ways.

BLM’s Association with Terrorist-Linked BDS Groups (part II) ****


Organizations and activists participating in the delegitimization campaign against Israel, support the boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, and expressly support US-designated Palestinian terror organizations, have strategically entrenched themselves in partnerships with Black Lives Matter (BLM) since the establishment of the movement in 2013.1 

By successfully creating coalitions with BLM, the delegitimization network has infiltrated and influenced the BLM agenda to openly support BDS and other anti-Israel causes. These include an explicit call for the divestment from Israel, which was featured prominently in the 2016 BLM platform, sending BLM delegations to the West Bank to protest the Israeli military and meeting with BDS leaders and convicted Palestinian terrorists. Several BLM founders and prominent leaders are connected to delegitimization organizations. These same leaders have gone beyond the call to divest from Israel or to oppose the United States (US) military-aid to Israel and have advocated for Palestinian terrorists and terror groups.

BLM Anti-Israel Policy Platforms

In 2016, BLM released a series of policy platforms, listing their political objectives. One of the platforms, “A Cut in US Military Expenditures and A Reallocation of those Funds to Invest in Domestic Infrastructure and Community Wellbeing,” cites the delegitimization (DLG) organizations Adalah, The US Campaign to End the Occupation, and Dream Defenders as organizations “currently working on policy.”2 According to the platform:

“The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people … Israel is an apartheid state with over 50 laws on the books that sanction discrimination against the Palestinian people … Everyday, Palestinians are forced to walk through military checkpoints along the US funded apartheid wall.”3

The Anti-American 2020 Democrat Vision of America by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

In 2008, candidate Barack Hussein Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. Most Americans assumed he meant uniting the country and bringing Americans closer to our forefathers’ dreams of peace, harmony, prosperity, and equality. In 2008, most Americans had no idea what candidate Obama actually meant. Now it is 2020, and now we know.

The United States of America was born in revolution to the revolutionary ideology of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Our forefathers rejected monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, theocracy, and statist centralized government in all its forms. They fought to establish a representative constitutional republic that valued individual freedom and equality among men. The moral and ethical structure of American society was rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition and its Ten Commandments.

In 1776, the world was a very different place. Women were subservient to men. Slavery was practiced worldwide. Islam was not part of the American experience. It took seven weeks to sail from England to America, now it takes seven hours. This is important because all things are best understood in their historical context, especially politics.

Scholarly Debate is Dead Cause of death: Twitter mobs.by John Eastman


A little opinion article I published in Newsweek last week raising questions about Senator Kamala Harris’s eligibility for the office of Vice President has created quite a firestorm of controversy. For nearly 20 years—based on extensive scholarly research and long before Senator Harris was tapped to be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate—I have been questioning whether the current generally-accepted view of the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause is correct. I have published numerous articles about the subject, both scholarly and popular, asking whether it is right to interpret the amendment as meaning that anyone born on U.S. soil is automatically a citizen no matter the circumstances. I have testified about the matter several times before Congress and state legislative bodies, in a wide range of contexts.

I first raised the issue publicly in a brief that former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and I submitted to the Supreme Court back in 2003 in the case of Yaser Esam Hamdi. Hamdi was an unlawful combatant in the Taliban who was treated as a citizen because he had been born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana while his father was in the United States on a temporary work visa.

I addressed similar or in some cases identical questions about citizenship in general, and natural-born citizenship in particular (and hence, about eligibility for the offices of president and vice-president) when Senator John McCain was a nominee for President, when Governor Mitt Romney was a nominee for President, when Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were candidates for President, and when Governor Nikki Haley’s name was floated as a possible nominee for Vice President.

The Democratic Party is Unwell The only cure for what ails the Democrats is for voters to turn them out of office so they get the nice long rehab they need. By Julie Kelly


A healthy political party—just like a healthy individual—has certain traits and habits that nourish overall wellness. A diversity of interests, a sense of humor, a curious mind, a measured temperament, and an occasional endorphin-release from physical activity are just a few things that contribute to the fitness of a human being. The same kind of characteristics should be found on a collective scale in a thriving, muscular, and stable political party.

None of those qualities, however, can be detected in the present-day Democratic Party. 

For all the squawking about Donald Trump’s alleged unfitness for office and insistence that the Republican Party is populated with zombie-like Trump cultists, in reality it is the Democratic Party that needs an extended stay at a detox facility to cleanse its sickly mind and body.

The party’s ailments have been on full display this week. Look no further than the freakish music video that closed out the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Billy Porter, a gay black Broadway star, and geriatric Steven Stills of Crosby, Stills, and Nash teamed up to remake Stills’ 1966 classic, “For What It’s Worth.”

The video was a performative display of the party’s schizophrenia: A white ’60s counterculture icon and a Dracula-costumed POC LGBTQ activist offering an inharmonious version of a Vietnam-era tune as the official anthem for the candidacy of a feeble establishment codger and his unaccomplished cackling sidekick quickly shredding their faux moderate façade in fealty to the party’s lunatic fringe of America-hating nihilists.

Days of (More) Rage

Somebody call a doctor.

The Democratic Party is not well. Joe Biden is neither mentally nor physically healthy enough to run the country, yet the party remains in denial. Biden’s conduct should raise all sorts of red flags but party stalwarts are hellbent on dragging him across the finish line in November in an almost cruel act of selfishness.

While Democrats willfully ignore Biden’s fragility, the party is fixated on every move, utterance, and tweet from Donald Trump in a way that any mental health professional would diagnose as obsessive.


Herut Mourns The Loss Of Pro-Israel Activist Leader Helen Freedman

For Immediate Release  

Herut North America and World Herut mourn the loss of pro-Israel activist leader Helen Freedman Z”L the longtime executive director of the New York based Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) organization.

“The need for the ideas of the great Zionist leader, Ze’ev Jabotinsky has perhaps never been greater in the US in the last 50 years than now,” said Karma Feinstein Cohen, the Executive Director of Herut North America. “And we will be forever thankful for the over two decades of work Helen Freedman put into making sure that there was a public Manhattan memorial for Jabotinsky each year presided over by the wonderful leadership of the late Herbert Zweibon, of AFSI, and the late David Krakow, of the Nordau Circle, the Jabotinsky Order. Helen brought amazing speakers to New York each year for the memorial and throughout the year.”

Karma Feinstein Cohen is a World Zionist Organization (WZO) representative on the Board of Directors of the “Council to Perpetuate the Memory of Ze’ev Jabotinsky” in the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel.

“Recently when Helen had AFSI join the American Zionist Movement as an affiliated organization, as the leader of a longtime constituent member of AZM, I was overjoyed,” said Feinstein Cohen. “AFSI’s commitment to Jabotinsky’s ideals is a cornerstone of its foundation and the Jabotinsky voice has always needed more representation in the various leadership organizations within the American Jewish community.”

“It is hard to forget Helen Freedman’s protests against the Wye River summit in 1998 when Benjamin Netanyahu did so much to appease Yasser Arafat and Helen’s equally strong, principled stand against the Israeli “disengagement” from Gaza,” said Moshe Phillips, the National Director of Herut North America. “Helen, I am sure, would have been just as outspoken in her criticism of Netanyahu halting the plans to assume sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as part of this new UAE agreement.”

“Helen Freedman was committed to the Jewish families in Judea and Samaria,” continued Phillips. “Whether it was Helen’s letters to the editor, tours to Israel, frequent street protests with hand-printed signs and her other trademarked activism, she never stopped showing her concern for Israelis in the heartland of Israel. It was my unique pleasure to serve on the board of directors of Americans For A Safe Israel with Helen and watch her at work. Recently AFSI updated its website and logo and Helen was there every step of the way. Helen was AFSI’s longest serving executive director. She held the position for nearly half of its 50 year existence and we pray to see the organization flourish in her memory.”

“To Helen’s family, loved ones, and comrades, we say: May Hashem console you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem,” said Karma Feinstein Cohen. “Helen will be missed and will be remembered.”

Herut is an international grassroots movement for Zionist pride and education and is dedicated to the ideals of pre-World War Two Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky. More information about Herut can be found at www.HerutNA.org

The Bannon Indictment By Andrew C. McCarthy


If there are convictions, the potential penalties are severe.

NR’s Zachary Evans has reported on the Justice Department’s indictment of former Trump campaign manager and White House adviser Steve Bannon, along with three codefendants — Brian Kolfage, an Air Force vet who became a triple-amputee serving in the Iraq War; Andrew Badolato, a longtime Bannon associate; and Timothy Shea, who helped Kolfage establish “We Build the Wall,” the campaign said to be at the center of the alleged fraud scheme.

The indictment unsealed today elucidates that a great deal of investigative scutwork went into this case, chiefly by the U.S. postal inspectors and prosecutors from the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. Indeed, the investigation was plainly in gear last autumn: The indictment says that in October 2019, the defendants were tipped off by a financial institution that they were under investigation. The wire-fraud and money-laundering charges were a long time coming, and the postal inspectors appear to have meticulously traced the proceeds through numerous bank accounts, real-estate parcels, and at least one vehicle. These are itemized in the indictment’s forfeiture allegations, which are in addition to the significant imprisonment and staggering fines that could result in the event of convictions.

Sen. Hawley Questions ‘White Privilege’ Training at US Nuclear Lab By Petr Svab


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is seeking an explanation as to why the United States’ leading nuclear safety laboratory spent taxpayer dollars to lecture its staff about “white privilege.”

In an Aug. 13 letter (pdf) to the Department of Energy (DOE), the largest funder of the lab, Hawley called for “a comprehensive review of its procedures and practices to ensure that taxpayers are no longer required to fund such divisive and ineffective trainings.”

Hawley was referring to a series of training sessions that Sandia National Laboratories paid for at a Santa Fe, New Mexico, resort, where Sandia’s white male executives were sent last year to learn about their “white privilege” and the supposed harmfulness of their “white male culture.”

Leaked materials from the sessions were published earlier this month by Christopher Rufo, head of the Center on Wealth and Poverty at the Discovery Institute, a conservative-leaning think tank.

“Employees must expose the ‘roots of white male culture,’ which consists of ‘rugged individualism,’ ‘a can-do attitude,’ ‘hard work,’ and ‘striving towards success’—which sound good, but are in fact ‘devastating’ to women and POCs [people of color],” he said, citing the materials in an Aug. 12 tweet.

“Taxpayers funded this? At a resort?” Hawley responded on Twitter on the day of sending his letter.

Sandia, which is responsible for the safety of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, is run by Honeywell, but is wholly government-funded. It has received more than $3.7 billion in federal dollars this year, Hawley said.

 Our OpenTheBooks Oversight Report — Use-It-Or-Lose-It Spending Spree, How Federal Agencies Spent $91 Billion In September 2019.

Our 40-page report details how tens of billions of taxpayer dollars went out the door in the last 30-days of the 2019 fiscal year.
Inside our oversight report, you’ll find:

$457 million spent on furniture (even though, today, 75-percent of the federal workforce is telecommuting and not in the office)
$456 million spent on public relations (PR), despite the 5,000 PR officers employed within government agencies
$50 million on seafood, like $40 million on catfish and mahi mahi and $4.6 million on lobster and crab
$3.7 million on games, toys, and musical instruments including pianos, flutes, and French horns

You’ll also find spending on guns and ammunition at the following agencies: Education, Veterans Affairs, and Human & Human Services. 

OpenTheBooks auditors even found $100,000 spent on desserts, like donuts ($43,000), cake mix ($36,000) and pecan pie ($10,000). 

All of the details can be found in our report here.