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The BDS and The Palestinians’ Alliance with BLM


Black Lives Matter, Israel & Intersectionality 

Since the founding of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in 2013, the delegitimization (DLG) network against Israel and its activists have embarked on a propaganda campaign that draws parallels between police violence in the US against African Americans and violence against Palestinians by the Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). This fictitious parallel is part of a strategic attempt by the delegitimization network to entrench itself and the BDS movement as a focal point of the progressive movement.Intersectionality posits that no form of discrimination is distinct from another. This includes discrimination that emanates from capitalism, white supremacy, government, prison and justice systems, the police force, colonialism, gender hetero-normativity, and other institutionalized norms.

After the killing of George Floyd, DLG activists immediately began drawing comparisons with what they describe as systematic and deadly Israeli brutality against Palestinians. The comparisons were given further impetus in the wake of the May 30th killing of Iyad Halak, an autistic Palestinian from East Jerusalem, by Israeli police in Jerusalem’s Old City. 

New research indicates that human immune system cells are storing information about the coronavirus so they can fight it off again. By Katherine J. Wu


Disease-fighting antibodies and special immune cells appear to persist months after coronavirus infections have resolved, new research shows.

“This is exactly what you would hope for,” said Marion Pepper, an immunologist at the University of Washington and an author on another of the new studies, which is currently under review at the journal Nature. “All the pieces are there to have a totally protective immune response.”

Protection against reinfection cannot be fully confirmed until there is proof that most people who encounter the virus a second time are actually able to keep it at bay, Dr. Pepper said. But the findings could help quell recent concerns over the virus’s ability to dupe the immune system into amnesia, leaving people vulnerable to repeat bouts of disease.

Researchers have yet to find unambiguous evidence that coronavirus reinfections are occurring, especially within the few months that the virus has been rippling through the human population. The prospect of immune memory “helps to explain that,” Dr. Pepper said.

Trump Posthumously Pardons Susan B. Anthony By Mairead McArdle


President Trump said Tuesday that he will grant a posthumous pardon to Susan B. Anthony, one of the major figures of the women’s suffrage movement.

The president’s announcement came on the 100th anniversary of the ratification in 1920 of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

“I will be signing a full and complete pardon of Susan B. Anthony. She was never pardoned,” Trump said at the White House Tuesday morning.

The women’s rights activist was arrested in 1872 for voting as a woman in Rochester, New York and was later convicted. Several years later, in 1878, the amendment giving women the right to vote was presented to Congress thanks to Anthony’s efforts.


She was also active against slavery and collected anti-slavery petitions while still a teenager.

Anthony died in 1906.

Will the Dam Break After Clinesmith’s Plea? By Charles Lipson


News reports have downplayed the significance of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea, acknowledging he altered an official document in the government’s Trump-Russia collusion probe. There has been some coverage, mainly because it is so rare to see FBI agents charged with a felony and because it is the first tangible result of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s sprawling investigation of the investigators. But mainstream news outlets have minimized its importance. It’s only one count, they say, and it deals with a relatively minor crime by a mid-level figure.

That’s spin, and it’s wrong. This plea is like finding water seeping from the base of a dam. The problem is not one muddy puddle. The problem is that it foreshadows the dam’s failure, releasing a torrent. That’s what the Clinesmith plea portends.

What Did Clinesmith Admit?

Clinesmith acknowledges he altered an email from the CIA to the FBI, answering a question about Carter Page. Page is an American citizen and a Naval Academy graduate who spent considerable time in Russia. His time abroad raised a question for the FBI’s counter-intelligence division. Was Page a Russian agent? Or was he on our side, helping the U.S. gather intelligence about the Kremlin? The CIA would know.

Seattle Defunded Police. Now Businesses Are Leaving, and Rioters Still Aim Explosives at Cops By Tyler O’Neil


Last week, the Seattle City Council voted to slash funding for the police department, leading the city’s first black female police chief to resign. The council defunded the police even after antifa rioters had wreaked havoc on the city in the name of racial justice. In one particularly memorable case, rioters used a van loaded with explosives to blow open a police station. On Sunday, rioters fired explosives at police, wounding at least three of them. Some businesses in the city have had enough.

“What [the] city council has done has been more detrimental to our business than a global pandemic, by far, absolutely,” Joe Raetzer, co-owner of Steepologie Teas with his wife Andrea, told the Fox affiliate Q13 last week. His wife said there are “only so many times you can hire people and lay them off because they don’t want to be in this location, they already didn’t feel safe pre-COVID, pre-riots.”

Steepologie Teas boasted more than 300 loose-leaf teas on 4th Avenue. Seattle Apartments Magazine rated the tea shop “hands down the best tea in Seattle.” Now, the tea store has closed down permanently.

BLM Race Hustlers Make Louisville Businesses ‘An Offer They Can’t Refuse’ Who gets to “own” a neighborhood? Richard L. Cravatts


When businesses in the NuLu district of Louisville were aggressively approached by Black Lives Matter activists last week, it raised the thorny issue of who benefits when older neighborhoods are revitalized and made more attractive by the creation of new housing and retail businesses. In this process, when older areas begin to be seen as desirable neighborhoods whose desirable locations, rich social fabric, ethnic mix, and accessibility make them attractive to new residents and the upwardly mobile, local activists start their predictable protests against development, displacement, and, worst of all, what they perceive as the dreaded gentrification that defines these older neighborhoods’ current state.

Contending that “The policies and processes of the revitalization of NuLu has [sic] displaced marginalized people from homes their families have often resided for generations, single-handedly progressing the gentrification of Black neighborhoods,” BLM protestors distributed a list of “Occupy NuLu Demands” to businesses “to express the destruction your business has caused to low-income communities, specifically those with majority Black residents.”

Referring to the economic and social rebirth of an entire neighborhood, benefiting rich and poor alike—as a “destruction” of a low-income community, of course, seems to be counter-intuitive, since most municipalities welcome upgrading of their urban cores, particularly when it eliminates pockets of poverty, widens the tax base, creates new housing, reduces crime, and stimulates the overall investment in the locality by housing developers and retail businesses—precisely what has occurred in NuLu.

Do Polish Lives Matter? History is a lot more complicated than the racism industry would have it. Bruce Bawer


The other day, during a discussion of the current race-war madness, a guest on Anthony Cumia’s podcast asserted with confidence that the answer to the whole problem is simple: young Americans need to be told more about the injustices historically suffered by blacks in the United States. I wanted to reach into the screen and smack him. Yes, blacks had an extremely lousy deal in America for a very long time. But young Americans know all about that. Indeed, if they emerge from their years and years of schooling with no other historical knowledge whatsoever, the one thing you can always be sure they know is that white Americans held black Africans as slaves, that chattel slavery was a cruel and evil system, and that the repercussions of that nightmare can still be felt in our own time.

Some, if not most, of those young Americans also come out of school with notions about slavery that aren’t anywhere near being true. They’ve been told – or have somehow acquired the belief – that America invented slavery. Or that American slavery was, in some way or another, uniquely corrupt. Already many students around the country are being inculcated, courtesy of educational materials furnished by the New York Times as part of the 1617 Project, in a set of preposterous, perfidious ideas, among which are these: America was founded on slavery; a devotion to human bondage is at the core of our national ideology; the American Republic was built not on glorious new Enlightenment ideas about human freedom but on an ignoble dedication to the belief that it’s okay for one person to own another.

As if all that weren’t enough. now, in the era of Black Lives Matter, adult Americans by the million are paying good money for new books that explain to them that the stain of white American racism is deep and indelible.

Questions for Dr. Fauci Why such opposition to Hydroxychloroquine? An open letter. by George Parry *******


As you may be aware, health-care providers across the country and around the world have reported great success in using Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Azithromycin (the “HCQ cocktail”) to treat COVID-19. According to these physicians and researchers, the key to success is to use the HCQ cocktail within the first seven days after onset of COVID-19 symptoms.

Nevertheless, ever since President Trump endorsed Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), its use has become a highly politicized and controversial matter. The opposition to HCQ started with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At the same press conference that the president first expressed hope about using HCQ to treat COVID-19, Dr. Fauci challenged its effectiveness and stated that he would not take it outside the confines of a clinical trial.

Since then the opposition to HCQ has increased even to the point where it is almost impossible to find physicians willing to prescribe it and pharmacies willing to provide it.

Three practicing physicians have published the following “Open letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding the use of Hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19.” It is a devastating written cross-examination of Dr. Fauci that contains much valuable life-saving information and squarely addresses the needless deaths that have occurred due to the opposition to the HCQ cocktail.

When the history of the COVID-19 pandemic is written, one of the key issues will be why the United States’ medical and government establishments joined forces to deprive the American people access to a safe, inexpensive, and highly effective outpatient treatment that could have saved tens of thousands lives and definitively obliterated the purported justification for the social and economic lockdowns that have destroyed lives, livelihoods, and the economy.

‘Antifa’ protesters trash Williamsburg Whole Foods, Apple over weekend By Reuven Fenton and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

 Dozens of protesters, including suspected members of the anti-fascist group Antifa, rampaged through Williamsburg over the weekend, trashing several national chain stores and spraying anti-police graffiti, according to police and sources.

The rowdy mob marched through the Brooklyn neighborhood late Saturday, with police first receiving a 911 call at 8:20 p.m. about vandalism at an Apple Store on Bedford Avenue, where they found broken windows and the letters “FTP” — typically meaning “F–k the police” in this context — spray-painted on the wall, cops said.

The protesters, who also targeted a Whole Foods store in the neighborhood, tagged one building with the message “Murder Bezos,” according to reports.

At 11:48 p.m., another 911 call sent police to North 10th Street, where more broken windows and graffiti were found. “Die Yuppy” was spray-painted on a Compass Real Estate outlet at the scene.

“I feel sentiment for the times, but this stuff is just senseless,” a Compass employee told The Post on Monday. “They don’t even know what they’re doing. It’s just destruction for destruction’s sake.”

Waiting for Durham May Be Over Roger Kimball


Things seem to be speeding up now, which is good. I was beginning to think that John Durham was auditioning for a PoMo production of “Waiting for Godot” with himself in the title role. The public would be left like Vladimir and Estragon, disillusioned and alone.

But the recent news that a felony charge has been brought against Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who altered an email and lied to the FISA court in order to get a warrant issued to surveil Carter Page and thus gain a secret backdoor entry to the Trump campaign, provides a ray of hope that Godot-Durham will appear after all. He’ll have to be quick about it, because the Democrats are already sweating bullets about what he’ll turn up.

Like Koko in “The Mikado,” I have a little list of “society offenders.” Mr. Clinesmith is on that list, but, to be honest, rather far down. True, he doctored evidence and lied in order to bring the awesome police power of the state against an innocent U.S. citizen, but at the end of the day Mr. Clinesmith was a minnow in the pond of corruption that was the deep state “plot to rig an election and destroy a presidency” (to cite the subtitle of Andy McCarthy’s book on the subject, “Ball of Collusion”).

Yes, it was preposterous for a lawyer representing Mr. Clinesmith to say that “It was never [Clinesmith’s] intent to mislead the court or his colleagues as he believed the information he relayed was accurate.”