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COVID-19: Lies & More Damnable Lies Devvy Kidd


What’s been done and still being done to the American people over this coronavirus outbreak is obscene.  It is almost beyond words.

The American people have been beaten into the ground with propaganda spewed by Dr. Anthony Fauci aka the Bernie Madoff of the science world for the past five months. While Fauci has become a household name, Dr. Judy Mikovitz hasn’t.  Not for lack of trying on our part, but because of the reprehensible censorship by You Tube, Facebook and others. This is a lengthy interview with that courageous woman.

Dr. Mikovitz’ reputation has been shredded.  She was persecuted by our government and even arrested.  No charges were ever filed and she was released. But we all know what that can do to your reputation, credibility, career and future.

Why? Mikovitz went after Fauci.  The FBI opened an investigation which was killed by dirty cop, James Comey under another corrupt piece of dung, Eric Holder. Dr. Mikovitz cooperated with the FBI investigation throughout 2014. Now it’s time to go after Fauci who isn’t who the masses think he is.

Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Daily Caller News Foundation for Dr. Fauci and WHO Records

“Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on behalf of the Daily Caller News Foundation against the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) for communications and other records of National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci and Deputy Director H. Clifford Lane with and about the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning the novel coronavirus (Daily Caller News Foundation v. U.S. Department Justice (No. 1:20-cv-01149)).

“The suit was filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 1, 2020, FOIA request seeking:

Communications between Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane and World Health Organization officials concerning the novel coronavirus.
Communications of Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane concerning WHO, WHO official Bruce Aylward, WHO Director General Tedros Anhanom, and China.

“The time period for the request is January 1, 2020 to April 1, 2020.  Additionally, the DCNF requested and was granted expedited processing of its request.”

Now, I also filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on July 2, 2020 seeking the following documents during the FBI’s investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Health:

All 302’s in possession of the FBI for all interviews conducted during the investigation of Dr. Fauci and any individuals employed at the time of the investigation at the National Institute of Health.

All emails generated by Eric Holder and James Comey during the investigation. This will include all emails from Holder and Comey to Barack Obama and responses received from Obama.

All snail mail correspondence generated by Eric Holder and James Comey during the investigation between them and any and all agents who worked the investigation.

All electronic and print documents from all agents who were assigned to the investigation. This would be emails and internal reports.

All electronic documents including emails and snail mail received by the FBI from any individual from the National Institute of Health associated with the investigation.

A copy of a final report or similarly titled document authorizing closure of the investigation.

Judicial Watch has to sue on a regular basis as do so many other investigative journalists, lawyers and just plain regular citizens trying to obtain information from agencies of the federal government to which they are entitled under FOIA requests.

I have no doubt and I knew when I filed this FOIA, it will eventually be a lawsuit as FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is a master cover-up artist.  Rest assured:  I will not back down on this FOIA no matter how long it takes.

Moving on regarding this endless nightmare day in and day out as the months drag by and more Americans are financially destroyed. More than 105,000 small businesses, the backbone of our economy permanently shuttered.  The retail apocalypse continues as does the rise of corporate bankruptcies.

All because of a new coronavirus blown so far out of proportion by the vile, prostitute MSM and agenda driven politicians.

The State of Free Speech on College Campuses Is Dreadful By Dmitri Solzhenitsyn


FIRE and like-minded groups are here to help.

 T he Bill of Rights is an essential component of the American founding, helping to ensure that the people determine their government, and not the other way around. For centuries, these provisions have been lauded as the brilliant political philosophy of prudent Founders — indeed, as the only thing standing between the citizenry and a potential tyranny.

One would not know this from spending extended time on a college campus. What are constitutional freedoms to the nouveaux liberals? The subtle instruments of oppression of Dead White Males. What is it to engage in civil discourse — an activity protected by the Bill of Rights — that is contrary to the established doctrines? A heartless, malicious exercise intended to strip away the dignity of the oppressed through the guise of “truth-seeking” and “thought-experimenting.” What matters to these activists, reared by the forces of Marxist social theory, isn’t liberty or freedom — it’s power.

Anecdotally, I can speak to a disturbing event that happened over this past month at Harvard. A friend of mine recently posted a comment to a group chat for the Harvard class of 2023: “UPenn seems to be letting the majority of students come back.” A perfectly innocuous thing to say. But a harsh response immediately followed: “The way in which you all have the privilege to ignore the crises that are affecting the world right now. Coronavirus. White Supremacy and Anti-Blackness. . . . It actually sickens me that you all perpetuate and participate in these asinine conversations when you know we aren’t going back to campus.” My friend attempted to defend herself, asking, in essence: How can you think to shame me for asking a perfectly innocent question? You know nothing about my background, what I’ve been through, or my beliefs.

‘Cancel Culture’ and the Historical Illiteracy That Fuels It By David Closson

. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/07/21/cancel_culture_and_the_historical_illiteracy_that_fuels_it_143757.html

Amid the debate over America’s monuments, a new poll reveals that an overwhelming majority of voters disapprove of the removal of historic statues perceived by some as offensive. The poll, which equally surveyed registered Democrats and Republicans, showed that 74% of respondents agree with President Trump that monuments should not be removed.

It remains unclear how the controversy will affect the November election. Already, this summer has been upended by an extraordinary series of events, including the ongoing public health crisis and protests in response to the tragic death of George Floyd. What began as an outcry against abuses by police has led to unprecedented soul searching about the issue of race in America, including the propriety of statues honoring the nation’s former leaders.  There are understandably strong feelings over the display of statues that honor leaders of the Confederacy, but the recent indiscriminate destruction of statues and monuments resembles a dystopian plot line about suppressed history and silenced dissenting voices.

Understanding the current cultural context is key to understanding the controversy surrounding America’s statues. Defacing and vandalizing public memorials are the latest manifestation of the “cancel culture” that seeks to punish individuals for past actions or views ranging from unjust to merely out of step with today’s prevailing zeitgeist. Recently, this illiberal crusade instigated the outing of Boeing Communications Chief Niel Golightly, who resigned after a colleague complained about a 1987 article he wrote arguing that women should not serve in combat. Despite Golightly’s change of view, Boeing forced him out.

Others, including comedians, politicians, and even pastors have had to scramble to atone for whatever landed them outside the good graces of the cultural elite. While the cancel culture movement is problematic for many reasons, the latest trend to “cancel” historical figures especially underscores the consequences of historical illiteracy.

The Left is Now the Right We laughed at the Republican busybody who couldn’t joke, declared war on dirty paintings, and peered through your bedroom window. Now that person has switched sides, and nobody’s laughing. Matt Taibbi *******


In August, 2005, Rolling Stone sent me to cover a freak show. In a small Pennsylvania town called Dover, residents contrived to insert a sentence about teaching “intelligent design” into the curriculum, and fought for its right to do so in an extravagantly-covered trial in the “big city” capital of Harrisburg.

Dover’s school board president, Alan Bonsell, was a fundamentalist who believed God shaped man from dust. It was said Bonsell would stand at his window at night, wondering, as he gazed at the stars, at the intervening hand of God. “If you can’t see that, you’re just not thinking clearly,” he said. His wife supposedly told him he looked like Chuck Norris.

The bureaucratic atmosphere Bonsell presided over was not kind to the eggheads trying to teach. When the head of the district’s science department, Bertha Spahr, begged the board not to promote “intelligent design,” listing past Supreme Court decisions about religion in classrooms, another fundamentalist board member named Bill Buckingham – an ex-cop who wore a lapel pin in the shape of both a Christian cross and an American flag – shouted her down. “Where did you get your law degree?” he snapped. Author Laurie Lebo in the book The Devil in Dover described what happened next:

Neither Nilsen nor Bonsell spoke up to address Buckingham’s rudeness to the thirty-year veteran teacher. Spahr pulled back, shocked, and then sat down without saying a word.

It was after this meeting in October, 2004 that a passage about teaching “gaps/problems in Darwin’s theory” was inserted into the curriculum. The science geeks fought back, however, and roughly a year later I sat in a packed courtroom with overeducated reporters from all over the world who came to gape at the spectacle of rural ignorance showing its rump in an American courtroom.

When a Christian attorney named Robert J. Muise tried to cross-examine the smooth-talking Superstars of Science who’d flown in from places like Brown and Harvard to denounce “intelligent design,” journos murdered their thesauruses looking for new words for “hayseed.” The chuckling press section felt like front row of a comedy club.

Dover’s failed school board rebellion inspired multiple books, law review articles, and films, including a Nova doc that won a Peabody award. For decades, whether in Arkansas or Texas or Louisiana, every time even a small group of fundamentalists tried bullying teachers via this stacking-the-school-bureaucracy trick, northern press heathens would descend in mammoth numbers. Especially in 2005, which felt like the dawn of a new thousand-year reign of Bushian conservatism, liberal audiences jumped at any opportunity to re-create the magic of one of their foundational knowledge-over-superstition parables, the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Andrew McCarthy: Portland riots – it is Trump’s constitutional duty to enforce federal law and he should The Constitution says it’s the presidents job to enforce the law


“[H]e shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The Constitution says that’s the president’s job, but we’re not hearing much about that from the chattering classes.

We hear plenty of bloviating from the media-Democrat complex, dutifully masquerading the rioting in Portland as “mostly peaceful protest.” And there is no shortage of faux outrage over President Trump’s purported trampling on state sovereignty by dispatching federal agents to address the mayhem.

But we don’t hear much about the Constitution … including from politicians, such as Senator Rand Paul, R., Ky., who are wont to pose as constitutionalists.

The provision quoted at the top of this op-ed is from Article II, Section 3. It imposes on the president of the United States the duty to execute federal law.

The Constitution says the president shall perform this obligation. We’re not talking about an option or something he may do or not do as he sees fit. It is a solemn duty. It is what being the chief executive is all about.

The president has two principal, closely related responsibilities: to provide for national security and to see that the laws are enforced.

The latter duty very much includes the protection of federal property and the execution of laws Congress has constitutionally enacted to address violent crime.

FBI knew ‘collusion’ was a nothing-burger, but kept fake scandal alive anyway By Andrew C. McCarthy


‘We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with [Russian intelligence officers].”

How much wasted time on pointless investigations could have been prevented had Peter Strzok, then one of the FBI’s top counterintelligence officials who was spearheading the bureau’s Trump-Russia investigation, said this publicly one month into President Trump’s term?

But no, it was a private note by Strzok, for consumption within the FBI, to debunk a Feb. 14, 2017, New York Times article. The news story, a compilation by five of the Times’ top reporters, working four unnamed sources (the usual “current and former American officials”), claimed that members of the Trump campaign had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials” before the 2016 election.

This was false. Just as important, the FBI knew it was false.

But we, the American people, only know that now, in 2020, because Strzok’s notes were finally made public on Friday.

The Times article centrally identified former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort as a key adviser in communication with Kremlin spies. Strzok, however, countered that the bureau was “unaware of any calls with any Russian government official in which Manafort was a party.”

Significantly, the Times report was part of a tireless campaign of government leaks, mostly from current and former intelligence operatives (undoubtedly from officials who either worked in agencies still teeming with Obama holdovers or left government after serving the Obama administration).

The story was published just after the firing of Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. As part of the Trump transition, Flynn had engaged in perfectly appropriate contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, but had been publicly portrayed as if he were a clandestine agent working for Moscow against the country he’d bled for as a decorated US Army commander.

The narrative of “Trump collusion with Russia” was pure fiction. The public officials who peddled it to a voracious anti-Trump press had to know it was bunk. Yet they fed the beast anyway, regardless of the cloud this created, regardless of how much it harmed the administration’s capacity to govern.

Pelosi’s Stand for Ilhan How Jew-hate became the new normal in the Democrat Party. Ari Lieberman


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Ilhan Omar over her more moderate opponent in a hotly contested primary race for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district scheduled for August 11. Despite Pelosi’s endorsement, Omar’s challenger, Antone Melton-Meaux, has managed to garner a substantial war chest and has out-funded Omar by wide margins. He draws support from more moderate Democrats who view Omar with suspicion and have been turned off by her toxic rhetoric, questionable ethics and anti-Semitic commentary.

Omar has raised the ire of moderate Democrats who view her malign commentary as a liability to the Democratic Party. She has also raised eyebrows by engaging in a pattern of ethical breaches that would have ended the careers of other politicians similarly situated.

Omar has been dogged by accusations of marrying her brother in an alleged convoluted immigration, education and marriage fraud scheme. It’s an allegation that she’s referred to as “disgusting lies” but she’s yet to rebut the charge, the evidence for which remains compelling and persuasive. The FBI is reportedly investigating the claim but has yet to confirm or deny the existence of an official criminal investigation.

She also filed joint tax returns with an individual she was living with while simultaneously legally married to another individual, to wit, her alleged brother. In addition, Minnesota campaign finance officials found that Omar had misused campaign funds in violation of state rules. She was forced to repay her campaign committee nearly $3,500 and was also required to pay a $500 penalty to the state.

What the coronavirus numbers are telling us By Richard Baehr


There are lots of numbers flying around about the coronavirus, so here is a brief attempt to put some context to them. 

The United States daily new case volume rose to the mid 30,000 range in April, then started a slide to about half that level in mid-May. Since then, there has been a steep rise, to the mid 70,0000 level last week, down a bit this weekend to the low 60,000 level. The distribution of cases among the states has also changed. In the first surge, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana were hardest hit. In the last 6-7 weeks, Florida, California, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, and a few other states in the southeast have had the highest volumes, though a large number of states have rising numbers. 

The fear surrounding the virus is, of course, most associated with its death toll. The daily number of new deaths reported is far lower now, even with the much higher daily new case levels, than at the peak of daily deaths two to three months ago. Daily deaths were regularly in the 2,000 range or higher, reaching 2,500 per day, and dropped to the 500-750 per day range in June. They are up a bit now to close to 1,000 on some days, with higher death tolls in the most severely hit states, likely to increase more since there is a lag between positive testing results and deaths associated with the new cases.  

This country has the highest caseload in the world, and one of the highest caseloads in the world compared to population.  But as far as deaths, many countries have higher death rates per million people than we do. In addition, there is the case fatality rate: deaths divided by positive cases. The US case fatality rate has dropped steadily for several months, from about 6% to below 4%. Death numbers are lagged, as indicated already, but back in April, new deaths were on some days 6-10% of new positive cases. The last few weeks, that percentage has been about 1-2%.  The US case fatality rate is far lower than many other countries, including our developed world peers in Europe. 



I sometimes think that when future historians look back on our time, they will label it “The Age of Conspiracy.” And there would be some truth to that. One tends to see conspiracies, plots and secret plans galore, wherever one looks, whether from the perspective of the left or the right. The left believes that the right is conspiring to promote a fascist takeover of the nation, in line with its presumed colonial history. The right sees a socialist, if not a communist, conspiracy to ignite a coup against the body politic and its political organization. There is no possibility of moderating these views. They are frankly irreconcilable.

The issue is that some so-called conspiracies are hoaxes ginned up by those who seek to alarm a docile and pliable, low-information public. And some conspiracies are precisely what they are called, real plots that can be verified objectively. The problem is how to distinguish conspiracy-mongering from representations of fact.

“Like every successful con,” Rupert Darwall writes in Green Tyranny, “maintaining audience credulity depends on preventing the audience from noticing what the trickster is up to,” a tactic known in the trade as “defining the baseline” — that is, by deceptively touting how damaged the world would be minus whatever transformation is envisioned. In all too many instances, there is no dispositive proof that such would be the case. Much to the chagrin of our false prophets, the seas do not rise to engulf our cities and low-lying islands, famine does not fall upon the land, populations do not grow extinct, the air is not becoming unbreathable, the spring does not grow silent, and the world does not end on a given date — though it may on the next given date, or the next. We can always hope.

Diane Bederman-If Black Lives Really Mattered


In the latter half of the 20th century there was a newsman from Buffalo, New York, Irv Weinstein, who ended his newscast with “It’s 11 o’clock, Do you know where your children are?” Perhaps we need to amend that to “Do you know where your children are most of the day?”  Who are their friends? What do they do; where do they go? Parents of children of all colours need to have that information to keep their children safe.

We can all agree: Black Lives Matter.


If Black Lives really mattered, parents would be on the street demanding that their children no longer be sacrificed in gang related shootings and would never support the Marxist call to anarchy with calls for defunding the police, the very people meant to protect your babies.

Where is the anger, the protests, over these deaths?

Eleven people were killed, including four children, and 67 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago during the Father’s Day weekend.

3-year-old Mekhi James, Chicago

21-year-old Gregory Lewis, Chicago

Natalie Wallace; 7 Chicago

On the July 4 weekend a 7-year-old girl playing with children in Chicago was shot in the head; an 8-year-old Atlanta girl riding with her mother and an 11-year-old boy running to get a phone charger in Washington, D.C. were shot. Another Chicago shooting left a 14-year-old dead.

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot, in a series of tweets, lamented another child “whose hopes and dreams were ended by the barrel of a gun.”  Whose gun? She asked anyone with information to come forward.

“As a city we must wrap our arms around our youth so they understand there’s a future for them that isn’t wrapped up in gun violence,” she tweeted. Yet she promotes the defunding of police. Is this what black parents want?

Here is a link to murders in Chicago.   As of July 18 there have been 352 in 2020; many are black.


11-year-old Davon McNeal shot in the head in Washington DC

Secoriea Turner, Atlanta, 8 years old, shot near the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed last month.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms “We’re fighting the enemy within when we are shooting each other up in our streets.” “We’ve had over 75 shootings in the city over the past several weeks,” Bottoms said. “You can’t blame that on (the Atlanta Police Department).”