Racism is the final accusation of a desperate political ideology, and the tool that former Russian communists said the Marxists would use as a part of their ideological subversion in the United States to achieve their “revolution.” Violence is the final desperate act of scoundrels bent on change, and realizing that the bourgeoisie is not quite as ready to leap into socialism as they thought. And if they don’t get what they think they want, they are ready to burn it all down, because their Marxist puppeteers told them to.
A commenter on a recent article wrote that I am not even aware of my [white] privilege. Does that apply to my Mexican wife? My mixed grandchildren who are a mixture of white, Mexican, and Filipino or Puerto Rican (depending on which ones)? Does that apply to my good friend Harry who is Puerto Rican and agrees with me on this stuff? How about my video-making counterpart Alfonzo Rachel, who is black?
Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s KKK
Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s KKK, but slightly different. The KKK terrorized blacks and white republicans, and now the BLM terrorizes whites and black republicans. Same thing, with a slight twist. Making the screaming children running around in the streets calling for change the true racists…and desperate ones, at that.
We are witnessing the desperate cry of a group of revolutionaries who don’t understand why there is a resistance to their cry for socialism. Every tyranny has in common the need for a common enemy. A perpetual enemy. A battle cry for the revolution, and a unifying factor for the foot soldiers to fight against.
From the annals of true history regarding communism, fascism, and other dictatorial systems, to George Orwell’s 1984, the same is true. Tyranny, to survive, needs two things. A perpetual enemy, and a free market system to become a parasite on. However, if America falls, the host is dead, and so will be the parasite. There will be no producers remaining to suck off of.