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Progressives to Cities: Drop Dead The ruin of major liberal cities by progressive policies is a significant political event. Daniel Henninger


On Tuesday the New York City sky was clear, blue and filled with sunshine. That’s it for this week’s good news. We turn now to Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco and all of America’s other seemingly Godforsaken cities.

President Trump watches a lot of television, so he’s seeing the same daily urban nightmares we’re seeing. It’s hard not to sympathize with his instinct to send in federal authorities to restore civil order to cities like Portland, as he proposed Wednesday with the expansion of an urban anticrime initiative called Operation Legend to Chicago and Albuquerque.

It’s equally hard to disagree that, other than protecting federal facilities, Mr. Trump should let all of these smug Portlandia American cities stew in their own juices.

I loved it when Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler, said the federal presence “is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism.” Where’s Groucho Marx when we need him to make sense of nonsense?

A Vaccine Progress Report Private innovation and public money are betting on multiple candidates.


Life probably won’t return to normal until we have a widely distributed Covid-19 vaccine, and the good news is this may happen sooner than expected thanks to years of private investment and new cooperation between the U.S. government and drug companies.

On Wednesday the Trump Administration announced a $1.95 billion advance order for 100 million doses of a promising vaccine candidate by Pfizer and Germany-based BioNTech that could be available by the end of the year. Dare to dream. The drug makers plan to begin the final phase of their clinical trials this month and seek regulatory approval as soon as October.


The Administration’s Operation Warp Speed is accelerating vaccine development as well as the manufacturing of ingredients and equipment with the aim of delivering 300 million doses by January 2021. That’s an ambitious target, but the Administration is placing several bets with vaccine makers with the hope that at least one or two will pay off.

Evidence from early-stage clinical trials so far has been promising. Pfizer and BioNTech this month reported preliminary results from 45 volunteers showing that their mRNA vaccine candidate generated levels of neutralizing antibodies 1.8- to 2.8-times higher than those in recovered patients. The vaccine programs cells to produce a viral protein that stimulates an immune response.

List Of 183 Monuments Ruined Since Protests Began, And Counting By Jonah Gottschalk


Most monuments torn down were not by protesters, but by city officials after pressure or threats from protesters.

Thirty-three statues of Columbus. Nine of the Founding Fathers. Eight of Saint Junipero Serra. With the frequency of the ongoing iconoclasm, it can be hard to gain a scale of the problem.

For each story that has breached the news cycle, at least a dozen went unreported outside of local media. This detailed list records each instance monuments have been defaced, vandalized, and or torn down since nationwide protests began, updated as more occur.

Some key takeaways include:

At least 183 monuments, memorials, statues, and major historical markers have been defaced or pulled down since protests began in May.
While Confederate monuments have taken the lion’s share of media coverage, they actually form a minority of the statues targeted.
By far the most popular target was Christopher Columbus, with 33 statues in total having been defaced and pulled down.
The next most popular targets were Robert E. Lee (9), Serra (8), and Thomas Jefferson (4).
The vast majority of the vandals were never charged, with 177 out of 183 instances having no arrests.
Most monuments torn down were not by protesters, but by city officials after pressure or threats from protesters.
By far the most common route for monuments being destroyed was for protesters to damage it, then the city quickly removing it as a “public safety” hazard, not to be returned.
For a majority of the statues removed, the fate of the artwork is currently unknown, while a minority have been moved to cemeteries and museums.

The list begins with the most recent instance of iconoclasm and continues backwards in time until the first instance connected with nationwide rioting, in late May.

Alex Berenson rips teachers unions for opposing reopening schools: They hate Trump ‘more than they care about kids’


Teachers unions are largely in favor of postponing the reopening of schools, due to COVID-19

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson slammed teachers unions for being against reopening schools in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Across the country, teachers unions are largely in favor of postponing the reopening of schools, which have been closed since March as the pandemic was underway. In Wisconsin, the teachers unions of the state’s five biggest school districts are urging Democratic Gov. Tony Ivers to keep classes online at the beginning of the school year. In Florida, teachers unions even filed a lawsuit against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for pushing ahead in getting children in the classroom despite the rise in COVID cases.

Berenson has been an outspoken critic against what he calls “coronavirus alarmism.”

“I realize the teachers unions hate @realDonaldTrump far more than they care about kids, but they would be wise to consider the consequences of the game they’re playing here,” Berenson tweeted. “If parents believe the public schools can’t be trusted to run, they will find new options.”

President Trump and the White House have repeatedly urged schools across the nation to reopen in the fall, warning that the consequences for  children and parents may outweigh the risks of spreading the disease.

“The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said — I thought this was a good quote, ‘Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said last week, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

However, other countries also brought their coronavirus outbreaks under control, unlike the United States. A major study out of South Korea found that children between the ages of 10 and 19 can actually spread coronavirus as well as adults do.




“The New Normal. These are the three most chilling words in public discussion right now. Masks, keeping our distance from each other, avoiding overseas travel, half-empty pubs, nods of the head taking the place of handshakes and hugs… these are all part of The New Normal….It’s clear now that the regime of social distancing has little to do with Covid-19. Rather, it’s the latest manifestation of contemporary society’s culture of distrust, suspicion and separation, where we’re always encouraged to see our fellow citizens as dangerous and diseased, liable to harm us with their words, their come-ons, their second-hand smoke, etc.”

Nor to mention the absence of masks, which if one is not wearing one will precipitate the instant deaths of customers at the neighboring table, even as they sip their latte. 

For relief from this insane totalitarian culture, I repair to several of my bought movies, such as: North by Northwest,, The Manchurian Candidate, Gladiator, and a dozen more, such as Shane and High Noon.

The big attraction for these and other films is the absence of face masks in any of the stories. They are the “Normal” for me, not “New,” or regurgitated assertions of “fighting” the virus to mandate obedience and “patriotism,” which are political impositions and aspirations, hiving on totalitarian opportunism if anything else..I need  to see these films as a relief from the constant threat of being punished for not wearing a mask (which I will not wear; I’ll starve first) and the incessant announcements  and reminders to wear masks and maintain one’s “social distance.”

Democrat Attorney General Keith Ellison : RAPE No Longer Concern of Police July 21, 2020 By Stephen Frank


Keith Ellison is the Attorney General of Minnesota.  On numerous occasions he has been charged and investigated for sexual assault.  The Bill Clinton of the mid-West.  Now he wants to make sure others get away with sexual assault and rape.  He wants social workers, not cops investigating rapes and assaults on women.

“Ellison stated: “If you’re a woman who’s been a victim of a sexual assault, and the assailant ran away, wouldn’t you rather talk to somebody who is trained in helping you deal with what you’re dealing with, as opposed to somebody whose main training is that they know how to use a firearm? Right?”

In a tweet one user was appalled by the attorney general’s disregard for police officer capabilities, writing, “How is this guy an AG? Doesn’t he know they have special units trained to deal with sexual assault victims. What an insult – ‘their main training is how to use a weapon.’ Yes, help the victim, but catch the perp! Good grief.”

GOP rapid response director Steve Guest tweeted his prediction should Ellison and the radical left win in November, “This is Joe Biden’s Democrat Party and a reminder that you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

Defund the police and rape becomes a daily event—any women that votes for Biden is voting to put their lives at risk under the Democrats.

Another question is whether Keith Ellison can be considered a credible and unbiased voice on the issue of violence against women.

Another ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protest: 49 Chicago Police Officers Injured By Carmine Sabia Jr


Chicago has devolved into something that resembles the opening scene of the Sylvester Stallone movie Demolition Man where Los Angeles is crime-ridden and on fire.

The lack of care for the law, or law enforcement, is at an all-time high in the real world and on Friday night 49 Chicago police officers where injured in a scrap with protesters, The Daily Mail reported.

The Chicago Police Department released the video of the incident this week as the city’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, continues to insist that she does not want help from the feds and President Donald Trump.

When the protest got to the statue of Christopher Columbus, which the officers were protecting, the crowd began hurling objects at the police.

Chicago Police Superintendent David O. Brown said that the mob of protesters “deliberately sought to injure officers.”

Oregon’s Dem Senators and Portland’s Mob The Left’s romance with destruction and mayhem intensifies. Joseph Klein


Oregon Democrat Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley are demanding a full investigation of “the unrequested presence and violent actions of federal forces in Portland.” Law-abiding Oregon citizens are not their primary concern. Neither is the safety of federal personnel trying to protect federal property. These pitiful excuses for public servants, along with other congressional Democrats, are all torn up about the welfare of the rioters who have committed unprovoked assaults on federal enforcement officers standing their ground on federal premises. They pretend not to understand the fundamental difference between constitutionally-protected peaceful assembly and mob violence.

“Oregonians’ demand for answers about this occupying army and its paramilitary assaults in Portland at the direction of Donald Trump and Chad Wolf [Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary] cannot be stonewalled,” Wyden said. “That’s not how it works in a democracy,” Wyden added.

Wrong, Senator Wyden. The real “occupying army” consists of the mobs who have occupied the streets of Portland for more than 50 nights, spreading chaos and destruction. Law-abiding Oregonian citizens are entitled to know why their own state and local police are not protecting their personal security and property.

The United States is a constitutional republic, not a pure democracy. The people rule through their elected representatives, with institutional protections for individuals and minorities from the tyranny of the majority.

The Founding Fathers detested mob rule. “Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist Papers, No. 15. “The very idea of the power and the right of the People to establish Government presupposes the duty of every Individual to obey the established Government,” said George Washington in his presidential farewell address.

The Big Surge In Coronavirus Deaths Is A Media-Fed Myth


Almost daily now we’ve been reading about how daily deaths from COVID-19 have reached record highs. It’s a scary prospect. But the truth is the mainstream press is grossly misleading the public by misreporting the death counts.

Here’s a typical report, from USA Today a few days ago: “As the outbreak continues to surge across the southern states, Florida, Texas and South Carolina set records for new daily deaths, reporting 156, 129 and 69, respectively.”

ABC News reported that “Nineteen states set single-day records for the most cases this week … Three states set a record today.”

According to PBS in Arizona, the state “on Saturday (July 18) set a record for coronavirus-related deaths reported in one day, with 147, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.”

The last story is particularly illuminating because the website the PBS article links to includes a chart of daily deaths in the state. It lists only three deaths on July 19. What’s more, the chart shows that there hasn’t been a single day in the state where deaths exceeded 65.

So where did that scary 147 number come from? The same place all the other “surging” numbers come from. Each day Arizona and other states file reports on how many people died from COVID-19. It’s not a measure of how many died that day. In most cases, the people died days or even weeks earlier.

Sending in the feds… to Chicago! By Ethel C. Fenig


After carping and snarking, Chicago’s Mayor Loro Lightfoot reluctantly agrees to receive federal troops that President Trump has offred to send to tame the tidal wave of violence engulfing the Windy City.

On Monday, Chicago’s Mayor, Lori Lightfoot (D–of course) sent a letter to the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, grudgingly agreeing to the president’s offer to send 150 federal agents to the city to help it cope with rising crime, “mostly peaceful” riots and looting, and skyrocketing shootings and murders.

Well, if they must come they can, but, 

“Mayor Lori Lightfoot says Chicago expects influx of federal agents to help city fight violence, ‘but we do not welcome dictatorship’”

Oh, of course not!  Her letter continues 

“What we do not need, and what will certainly make our community less safe is secret, federal agents deployed to Chicago. Any other form of militarized assistance within our borders that would not be within our control or within the direct command of the Chicago Police Department would spell disaster.”