Back in April I wrote several posts on the subject of the severity and expected mortality from the Covid-19 pandemic. It is fair to say that I expressed a high degree of skepticism that the pandemic was of sufficient severity to justify the extreme economic suppression that was being undertaken at that time (much of which still remains in place today). Here is my post from April 16 titled “What Is The Proof That This Covid-19 Thing Really Is A ‘Crisis,’ Or That Economic Suppression Is The Solution?”; and here is one from April 27, titled “What Is The True Level Of Mortality Caused By The Covid-19 Virus?”
I have been holding off revisiting the subject because I have not been able to find data that answer the principal questions that I asked in those posts. In particular, I made this statement in the April 27 post:
The best indication we will get [of the true death rate from this virus] will come when the CDC issues final data for deaths from all causes in the U.S. for the month of April. When we get that number, we can subtract from it the approximate “normal” number of deaths that would have occurred anyway during April. The difference will be a good estimate of the number of excess deaths attributable to the virus.
At this writing I still cannot find those data. If anyone can point me to a source, I will appreciate it.