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The ‘Primary Subsource’s’ Guide to Russiagate, as Told to the FBI: Eric Felten


“If there was any denial going on it was the FBI’s, an agency in denial that its extraordinary investigation was crumbling.”

Much of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Donald Trump was built on the premise that Christopher Steele and his dossier were to be believed. This even though, early on, Steele’s claims failed to bear scrutiny. Just how far off the claims were became clear when the FBI interviewed Steele’s “Primary Subsource” over three days beginning on Feb. 9, 2017. Notes taken by FBI agents of those interviews were released by the Senate Judiciary Committee Friday afternoon.

The Primary Subsource was in reality Steele’s sole source, a long-time Russian-speaking contractor for the former British spy’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence. In turn, the Primary Subsource had a group of friends in Russia. All of their names remain redacted. From the FBI interviews it becomes clear that the Primary Subsource and his friends peddled warmed-over rumors and laughable gossip that Steele dressed up as formal intelligence memos.

Paul Manafort: The Steele dossier’s “Primary Subsource” admitted to the FBI “that he was ‘clueless’ about who Manafort was, and that this was a ‘strange task’ to have been given.”

Steele’s operation didn’t rely on great expertise, to judge from the Primary Subsource’s account. He described to the FBI the instructions Steele had given him sometime in the spring of 2016 regarding Paul Manafort: “Do you know [about] Manafort? Find out about Manafort’s dealings with Ukraine, his dealings with other countries, and any corrupt schemes.” The Primary Subsource admitted to the FBI “that he was ‘clueless’ about who Manafort was, and that this was a ‘strange task’ to have been given.”

The weaponization of whining A crack in The Narrative? A glimmer of sanity? Maybe. Well, not really Roger Kimball


Bill Buckley used to observe that liberals always say they are in favor of entertaining opinions opposed to their own but are then surprised to discover that there are opinions opposed to their own.

Bill died early in 2008 when the species homo liberalis was already under siege, his little squeaks for tolerance, at least in principle, drowned out by an inbred horde of professional victims, drunk on the cloying nectar of their own quivering sense of virtue.

These days students arrive for their bright college years with plump mental bottoms swaddled in moist moral nappies, their mouths puckering for the grateful nipple of energizing pabulum about the horrors of racism and prejudice, their tiny minds soothed by reassuring nostrums caressing their unshakeable sense of election. ‘Safe spaces’, ‘trigger warnings’, incessant bleatings about feeling offended and threatened because someone somewhere uttered a word they dislike, someone they disapprove of was invited to campus, someone wore an unacceptable hat or shirt or cooked ethnic food without permission.

At first it seemed partly risible, partly pathetic. But then one noticed the sharpened nails on those chubby digits, the spike-like teeth growing in those suckling mouths.

Welcome to the weaponization of whining, aka ‘cancel culture’. President Trump, speaking on July 3 at Mount Rushmore, connected the dots. ‘Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our Founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities,’ he noted. ‘One of their political weapons is “cancel culture” — driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and our values, and it has no place in the United States of America.’

Portland Was Peacefully Rioting Until the Feds Came In Daniel Greenfield


The mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon have decided that violent leftist thugs should have the right to smash and burn anything they want.

The Federal government however has the right to protect its property. As Fort Sumter ought to have taught Democrat states last time around.

Democrats, predictably, claim that Federal law enforcement preventing violent attacks on Federal institutions is escalating the situation.

“Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism,” Mayor Ted Wheeler insisted.

The obvious question is what does Mayor Wheeler propose to do? Nothing. Correction, he’s going to cut off the feds from being able to cooperate with local law enforcement because Portland and Oregon would like to double down on seceding from the Republic.

The working theory that the violence will stop if the thugs are allowed to run the place hasn’t worked out very well. And the media and their Democrat allies are doing everything possible to shift the subject by falsely claiming that Federal personnel aren’t wearing identification or whining that they’re using unmarked vehicles.

‘They’re Liars!’ Screams a Black Woman as She Pours Paint Over BLM Mural By Rick Moran


This may be one of the most underreported aspects of the entire “conversation” about race in America that’s been happening these last few months.

It may come as a huge surprise to the liberal media, but black people can actually think for themselves. And many of them do not want what Black Lives Matter is selling.

They don’t want to “defund the police.” They think all black lives matter, not just those who die as symbols of police brutality. Most blacks who hold contrary views to those expressed by Black Lives Matter keep quiet, either because they’re fearful of speaking their minds or out of a sense of racial solidarity.

But the point is that black opinion about these matters is not monolithic and probably a lot more complex than the media is bothering to report.

A woman in New York City is under arrest for defacing Mayor Bill de Blasio’s precious Black Lives Matter mural that is conveniently located in front of Donald Trump’s hotel. What she was saying when she vandalized the mural is what’s important.

This Activist’s Marxist Brainwashing Explains Why Antifa Has Terrorized Portland for 51 Nights By Tyler O’Neil,


On Friday, before the fiftieth night of violent antifa riots, a protester who identified herself as an “Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer” declared that she is advocating for the abolition of “the United States as we know it.” This brief declaration arguably encapsulates the destructive spirit of antifa and the impetus behind the violent riots that have ravaged the streets of Portland.

“My name is Lilith Sinclair, I’m an Afro-Indigenous non-binary local organizer here in Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state but also the United States as we know it,” Sinclair declares in a brief video that went viral on Twitter. She also called Portland “stolen land,” proceeding to give Native Americans a “land acknowledgment.” By the way, she also identifies herself as a “sex worker,” i.e. a prostitute.

By “Afro-Indigenous,” Sinclair likely means she has black and Native American ancestors. By “non-binary,” she insists that she does not fall into the binary understanding of biological sex as male or female. In an interview with the Portland Mercury last month, Sinclair argued that Americans have to deconstruct the “colonized thought” that white oppressors supposedly foisted upon racial minorities.

“We’ve been working to heal these intergenerational wounds of colonization and genocide for generations. But there’s still a lot of work to undo the harm of colonized thought that has been pushed onto Black and indigenous communities,” Sinclair told the newspaper. “That’s in regards to Christianity, and in regards to all of these different types of oppressive systems that have introduced and enforced the gender binary on communities that did not ascribe to that way of thinking, including indigenous communities both Native American and across Africa.”

The Voter-Suppression Myth By Erick Erickson


Democrats manufacture the alleged problem, and then the media amplify it

Both parties engage in mythmaking to justify defeats or amplify wins. Since 2016, media dominated by the Left and sympathetic to the Democrats have pushed myths as justification for failure. Russia stole the 2016 election. It could not be that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate beaten by a man not very well liked outside a core group of supporters. It had to be theft.

Grievance increasingly fuels the American political landscape. Republicans fundraise off toppled statues. Democrats fundraise off Donald Trump possibly beating their candidate. After 2018, grievance combined with progressive white guilt has given rise to more mythology. Now, it is not just the president collaborating with Vladimir Putin to steal elections. It is also Republicans suppressing the votes of minorities. The Democrats are not only manufacturing the mythology but using a playbook to create problems they can then blame on Republicans as proof of their claims.

In 2018, the national media fawned over Beto O’Rourke in Texas. His supposedly Kennedyesque looks and propensity for F-bombs gave him an absolute pass on being both a white man who drove a Hispanic Democrat from office in a primary and one who attempted to flee the scene of a wreck he caused while drunk. The media wanted nothing to do with those stories because he was trying to take out a Hispanic officeholder named “Ted Cruz.”

Guess What? We Need More Police in Urban Neighborhoods, Arresting More People By Rich Lowry


Shootings and other crimes spike in the poorest neighborhoods when cops pull back.

New York City needs more arrests. More arrests in the subways. More arrests in housing projects. More drug arrests. More arrests of gang members.

And it isn’t alone.

If there’s one lesson from the unrest and anti-police agitation in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, it’s that poor minorities living in distressed neighborhoods pay the highest price — in fear and in blood — when the cops retreat and the worst elements feel emboldened.

The spikes in shootings in cities around the country haven’t taken place in high-end neighborhoods, not in Billionaire’s Row in Manhattan, not in Buckhead in Atlanta, not in Forest Glen in Chicago.

No, they blight the most marginal neighborhoods and make everyday life a hazard for people who have no option but to live in a tough place. The last couple of months should have made it obvious that what these people have to fear most is not the cops or white supremacy but the violent, vengeful, and heedless young men in their midst.

Portland Police Association office set on fire amid protests By Rebecca Klar


The Portland, Ore., Police Association office was set on fire Saturday night amid protests throughout the city, police said in a statement Sunday. 

Around 10:45 p.m. people broke into the Portland Police Association office and ignited a fire “within a few moments.” Police declared the situation a riot, according to the statement. 

Several people in the crowd were arrested and officers were able to distinguish the fire, police said. Portland Police did not use any CS gas, according to the statement. 

Tear gas was deployed, The Associated Press reported citing pictures and videos from the scene, but the newswire noted it was not necessarily CS gas. 

Police said groups scattered into the neighborhood, with a large number people regrouped near North Interstate Avenue and North Lombard Street. As officers moved the crowd to the south on North Interstate Avenue, people in the crowds “threw rocks, gopher gassers, and launched paint filled balloons at officers,” injuring some officers, police said. 

12 officers injured, businesses and precincts damaged during protest in Seattle


Twelve officers were injured, businesses and police precincts were damaged and two arrests were made during a protest that turned destructive in Seattle on Sunday.

According to police, the protest began around 10:30 a.m. as a peaceful demonstration calling for the abolition of federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, at Westlake Park.

Around 1:30 p.m., police said a secondary group of demonstrators joined in and were seen carrying baseball bats.

Police said the group marched south on 5th Avenue toward the Seattle Police Department headquarters and damaged businesses on the way.

The group damaged the old federal courthouse building, graffitied the SPD headquarters and graffitied and broke windows at the Municipal Court building, police said.

National Museum of African American History apologizes for chart listing attributes of ‘whiteness’ after criticism from Donald Trump Jr and the conservative media


The National Museum for African American History and Culture removed a chart listing “whiteness” attributes after receiving criticism from Donald Trump Jr and conservative media.

The chart listed “hard work,” “respecting authority,” and “objective, rational linear thinking” as some of the attributes of “white dominant culture, or whiteness.”

Donald Trump Jr. criticized the graphic earlier this week, tweeting: “These aren’t ‘white’ values. They’re American values that built the world’s greatest civilization. They help you succeed here, no matter your color.”

Museum officials issued an apology on Thursday, saying they “need these types of frank and respectful interchanges as we as a country grapple with how we talk about race and its impact on our lives.” 

The Smithsonian National Museum for African American History and Culture in Washington DC has removed an online chart listing “hard work” and “rational linear thinking” as attributes of white culture after criticism from Donald Trump Jr. and the conservative media.