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Why Trump Isn’t Taking Action in Seattle The leftist tantrum is an information operation – and Trump is winning it. Kurt Schlichter


It’s certainly frustrating to watch a pack of reeking leftist scumbags declare a portion of an American city an “autonomous zone” – what is it with Democrats and their secession fetish? – but do not get frustrated because Donald Trump has not sent the 101st Airborne in to powerwash the human grunge from Seattle’s feces-bedecked streets. That’s what the Democrats want. And Trump – a better strategic thinker than all the media geniuses, hack politicians, and Afghan War-losing generals who cry about him – is not only not going to give them the victory they crave. He’s going to jam their cheesy plan down their throats.

The libs’ plan to win in November corresponds to Trump’s plan to crush them yet again. Skeptical? Consider this. In the five years since he rode down that escalator bringin’ hell with him, how many times have they come at Trump and won? Zero. He’s spent half a decade on the edge of doom and he’s still here. Why would you think that the walls are suddenly closing in now? You shouldn’t.

Let’s understand the strategic scenario. The long-term strategic objective of the leftists is to turn the United States into Venezuela, and they want to be Maduro. The major strategic objective that will put them in position to do so is victory in the November elections. Everything happening right now is part of their overall strategy to achieve that objective.

But what kind of operation are they using to achieve that objective? There are two types of operations relevant here – kinetic and information. A kinetic operation is actual warfare. It’s violence designed to defeat the enemy and cause his surrender by either physically destroying him or occupying his territory and compelling surrender. An information operation is designed to affect the perceptions, and thereby the actions, of the target. Kinetic ops tend to do something to the enemy; and info op tends to get the target to do something to himself.

John Bolton’s Limp Revenge…..It’s not happening for the mustachioed one. Jed Babbin


‘Reporters and columnists around the world are falling all over themselves to scour former national security adviser John Bolton’s White House memoir, The Room Where It Happened, for tidbits of criticism of President Trump. They don’t have to look hard to find them.

Bolton’s memoir is not the usual “tell all” book by a former White House staffer. It’s a “get even” book that White House trade adviser Peter Navarro called “revenge porn,” which is not far off the mark.

I have a slight advantage over most of the people commenting on Bolton’s book because I read it before writing about it.

The book is a litany of complaints seeking to convince us that the president is erratic, incompetent, and incapable of running our government. That Trump knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing. After all the media hype, I read carefully to find the ultimate damnations from which Trump can’t recover. They just aren’t there.

While reading, I heard an echo from my youth of Peggy Lee singing, “Is That All There Is?”

As we know from real life, the accounts of direct witnesses to events can vary greatly. That brings us to the first problem with Bolton’s book.

So much for Seattle’s ‘summer of love’ By Monica Showalter


“The place has descended into a hellhole with armed warlords loaded for bear and deaths piling up. Naturally, the cops are being blamed.”

So much for Seattle’s ‘summer of love.’ That’s some ‘block party atmosphere’ they’ve got in the CHOP.

Less than two weeks after Seattle’s mayor allowed warlords to declare an autonomous zone over six blocks of Seattle in the name of ‘abolishing’ the police, the place is already starting to look like Liberia.

According to the New York Times:

One person died and another was critically injured by gunfire early Saturday morning inside a portion of a Seattle neighborhood that has been occupied by protesters for more than a week, officials said.

The shootings unfolded at a protester-run region known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or the Capitol Hill Organized Protest area. It has been celebrated as a “no cop” zone, and the Seattle Police Department wrote in a statement that detectives were investigating the shooting “despite the challenges presented by the circumstances.”

Apparently, the cops couldn’t get in in order to clear a path to allow the first responding medics in. 

And for that, the warlords running that hole are blaming cops for their own barbaric rule. 

‘Autonomous’ indeed. Actually, it’s infantile. They take over six city blocks claiming themselves more fit to rule than the established rule of law and its Democratic rulers allowed. They vowed they’d be police-free. They’d show us all how, and then they got exactly what they wanted as Seattle’s wretched leftist officials bowed to them and cheered their becoming police-free. After that, word got out that it was going to get mighty easy to get away with killing people, because city officials had already abdicated.

The ‘gun-free zone’ talk went out the window in this dumpster-fire of autonomous rule, too. Here’s a warlord handing out weapons to anyone over 18 from the trunk of his car:



Many governors and public health officials will not be satisfied with any “reopening” of small businesses and parks and restaurants unless the citizens accept without question the “tin pot dictators” as their lords and masters and are conscientious about fighting the spread of the Corona virus, and that they also take proactive actions to ensur thate their patrons and employees abide by the virus rules .See Robert Gore’s trenchent essay on the hoax of the virus”crisis.”. From my own esthetic sense I am repulsed by the daily sight of people wearing face masks and observing the 6-foot “social distincing” rule. To me the “reopening” of private or public entities is not actually a “reopening” but qualified permission to act to act in accordance with government rules.

Will wearing face masks and adhering to social distancing rules become indelible habits of Americans? Will Americans automatically defer to the judgments of their political “superiors” ?

Here us a list of the states that sill require obedience from the citizens: with all the stipulations:

Video: Why Trump Will Smash the Left #1: Americans aren’t stupid.

In this new video, Damani Felder issues a message To The Rioting Thugs of America, making it clear that the riots stopped being about George Floyd a long time ago. In making his profound points, Damani makes it clear, in Frontpage’s perspective, Why Trump Will Smash the Left, since the evidence Damani presents clearly demonstrates that Americans aren’t stupid. Don’t miss it!


Trump Denounces Wave of Statue Toppling By Bowen Xiao


Statues of American historical figures including two of its Founding Fathers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, are being forcefully toppled across the country—a recent escalation President Donald Trump has explicitly denounced. 

Though it’s unclear who exactly is behind each monument’s desecration, Attorney General William Barr said recently that the Department of Justice has evidence that Antifa and other similar groups have “hijacked” initially peaceful protests triggered recently by the death of George Floyd.

At his first reelection campaign rally in months at Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump linked the recent wave of statue toppling to an attempted communist-style revolution. 

“This cruel campaign of censorship and exclusion violates everything we hold dear as Americans,” the president said on June 20. “They want to demolish our heritage so they can impose their new oppressive regime in its place.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), meanwhile, called protesters tearing down a Christopher Columbus statue in Minnesota an “American Taliban.”

The president said at the rally that an “unhinged left-wing mob” is attempting “to vandalize our history … tear down our statues, and punish, cancel, and persecute anyone who does not conform to their demands for absolute and total control.” 

Teddy Roosevelt statue to be removed from Museum of Natural History By Ben Feuerherd


The Rough Rider will soon dismount.

The statue of President Teddy Roosevelt at the entrance to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan will be removed amid widespread protests over racial inequality and police brutality in the United States, The New York Times reported Sunday.

The statue, depicting the former president on horseback while flanked by a Native-American man and a black man, has stood at the museum’s entrance since 1940.

The museum — which is privately run but sits on public land — requested the statue be moved and the city agreed, according to the report.

“Over the last few weeks, our museum community has been profoundly moved by the ever-widening movement for racial justice that has emerged after the killing of George Floyd,” the museum’s president, Ellen Futter, told the Times.

“We have watched as the attention of the world and the country has increasingly turned to statues as powerful and hurtful symbols of systemic racism,” she added. “Simply put, the time has come to move it.”

The Berman Resistance The grandstanding former U.S. Attorney is no political martyr.


So here’s the plan. We need to remove a U.S. Attorney because he’s investigating associates of the President. Let’s wait until four months before the election, and let’s do it on a Friday night so it looks suspicious and the guy can refuse to step down and make himself a martyr to the Resistance. Yeah, that’ll fool everybody.

That’s what the media and Democrats want everyone to believe about President Trump’s weekend dismissal of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman. It’s more accurate to say this looks like a fiasco of bungled execution by the Administration and self-indulgence by Mr. Berman that is being overplayed as an abuse of power. In other words, it’s your average Trump melodrama.

Mr. Berman has been U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for more than two years under a judicial appointment but was never nominated or confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Trump has every right to fire Mr. Berman as an inferior officer in the executive branch. Attorney General Bill Barr was negotiating with Mr. Berman over a transfer to another senior job on Friday when the Justice Department issued a statement that Mr. Berman is “stepping down,” which is standard Justice Department language in these cases.

What If I Trust Science and Don’t Trust Dr. Fauci? By Stacey Lennox


I wanted to trust Dr. Anthony Fauci. I really did. Early in the pandemic, I took the advice of Dr. Drew Pinsky and listened to what he said. Maybe I listened too closely. Lockdowns leave a person a lot of free time, and a Google machine and keyboard are an excellent way to pass the time.

This week on a Department of Health and Human Services podcast, Dr. Fauci made the following comment:

“One of the problems we face in the United States is that unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science bias that people are — for reasons that sometimes are … inconceivable and not understandable, they just don’t believe science, and they don’t believe authority,”

My head almost exploded. He made this comment in the same week he admitted the nation’s Health Experts™ lied to Americans about the effectiveness of masks. They decided to tell us masks didn’t work rather than tells us they were effective in preventing the spread, but please refrain from buying them until we have an adequate supply for healthcare workers.

Having worked as a Registered Nurse, I was pretty confident that was what they were trying to do at the time. However, that is not why I have lost confidence in the nation’s Health Experts™. Instead, the findings of the research I did on my own during the initial months of the outbreak have me questioning their honesty, effectiveness, and rejecting their authority.

The Models and Lockdowns

Do I need to say anything more? We crashed the economy based on a model from the Imperial College. All other models were ignored, even when the modeling had predicted the experience in other countries. Voices not calling for extreme response measures were silenced.

Even at that point, it was clear that large swaths of the population would likely weather the illness with few if any, effects. People under 65 and without chronic diseases should never have been forced to stay home. This pandemic is the first time we have quarantined the healthy. It was an insane premise to start with. The real kicker was finding out a high school science project informed the lockdown policies.

As the lockdown progressed in other countries, there was little to no correlation between the nature of the lockdown and the experience with the virus. Maybe because they eventually had to admit that surface transmission was not a thing. And asymptomatic transition might be, but they aren’t sure.


The debate over this generic drug that has been in use for decades is one of the most puzzling and ridiculous things about the entire pandemic. The medicine was politicized and became controversial. After researching it myself and listening to practicing physicians who were using it, I expected Dr. Fauci to step up and clarify why there was a reason to believe it may work in conjunction with the mineral zinc. He never did.

It’s Time To Cancel The Democratic Party For Its Long History Of Racism  Francis Menton


We are living in the age of cancel culture. All icons from the past associated in any way with mistreatment of minorities are in the process of being eradicated.

Statues of Confederate figures? They’re mostly already gone. But that was just the start. How about statues of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? In New York, First Lady Chirlane McCray will decide on their fate. How about a statue of Ulysses Grant (who may have done more than anyone other than Lincoln to free the slaves, but also once briefly owned a slave before freeing him)? His statue in San Francisco was toppled yesterday. How about the weathervane atop the Dartmouth College library (featuring a sculpture of a Native American)? It now must go (it “do[es] not reflect Dartmouth’s values” says the president). Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben? They are now unacceptable racial stereotypes.

And God forbid you are a conservative at a U.S. university who fails to toe the official party line, such as by criticizing Black Lives Matter. You will be subject to an unrelenting campaign to get you fired and silenced. (Read about the case of William Jacobson of Cornell Law School here.). Or a journalist who dares to publish something critical of Black Lives Matter. (Read about the case of Lee Fang here.)

Readers can undoubtedly come up with dozens of additional recent examples of social media mobs descending to ostracize well known individuals or institutions for conduct deemed insufficiently sensitive, often conduct that is far in the past.

But what American institution of all those existing today has the longest and deepest association with violent bigotry and grotesque racism, including slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan? The answer is the Democratic Party.

When we consider the history of racism in the Democratic Party, we are not talking about some debatable lack of “sensitivity” or uncaring use of stereotypes. No, this is something fundamentally different. This is the most overt, explicit and direct sorts of actions targeted specifically at the oppression of African American citizens.

Isn’t it time that this institution with a long history of the most vicious racism gets canceled?

In a post back in August 2017 (at the time of demonstrations about Confederate statues in Charlottesville, Virginia), I compiled a small sample of some of the most egregious racist conduct of the Democratic Party. Rather than re-do that work, I will include a substantial excerpt here: