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Farrakhan’s Threats for Advocating Vaccinations by Alan M. Dershowitz


For anyone who has followed Farrakhan’s hate-filled career — praising Hitler, calling Jews termites, calling Judaism a gutter religion, attacking gays — the content of any Farrakhan speech comes as no surprise.

Farrakhan — like Nazis and Communists — has a First Amendment right to tell his lies and spread his hate. But no media has an obligation to promote or disseminate his bigotry.

Nor does it demand silence from responsible Black and Muslim leaders, whose voices should be heard condemning Farrakhan’s devaluation of Jewish lives, gay lives, and the lives of people suffering from Covid-19.

Under the principles espoused in Brandenburg v Ohio and other leading cases, “advocacy” of violence is constitutionally protected but not “incitement ” to “Imminent lawless action.” The line between advocacy and incitement has not always been easy to draw.

In his July 4th hate-filled anti-American rant, Louis Farrakhan singled out this author for condemnation and threats for writing an article urging people to take a Covid-19 vaccine if a safe an effective one were developed.

The article also stated that mandatory vaccinations to prevent the spread of a highly contagious lethal disease was held constitutional by the Supreme Court and would likely be upheld by the current Court. This comment led Farrakhan to say the following:

“So Mr. Dershowitz, if you bring the vaccine and say you’re going to bring your army to force us to take it, once you try to force us, that’s a declaration of war on all of us. You only have this one life; fight like hell to keep it and fight like hell to destroy those whose heart and mind is to destroy you and take your life from you.”

A Bunch of Lefty Thought Leaders Timidly Dissent From the Mob Daniel Greenfield


If you expected a moment of courage from liberals, you’ll need to keep waiting because the Harper’s letter isn’t it.

It starts out, in the same fashion as any form of lefty  movement criticism of extremist must these days, with a condemnation of Trump and a warning that the “right” will exploit cancel culture. Except they don’t name it that.

“Resistance must not be allowed to harden into its own brand of dogma or coercion—which right-wing demagogues are already exploiting,” the letter argues. “While we have come to expect this on the radical right, censoriousness is also spreading more widely in our culture: an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming and ostracism, and the tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty. We uphold the value of robust and even caustic counter-speech from all quarters. But it is now all too common to hear calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought.”

And then comes the, “we’re living under Stalinsim, but we’re nervous about saying so.”

A Reign of Error By Anthony Esolen 


What we think about things can be as important as the things themselves, because it forms our moral stance toward the world. But what if our thoughts are in error?

At the end of The Unheavenly City: The Nature and the Future of Our Urban Crisis (1968), Edward Banfield presents a prospect regarding race relations that seems to have been fulfilled since his tumultuous years and ours: a reign of error.

Let me set the stage. America had become the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, and the wealth was making its way to the lower classes also. Thus the main “accidental factor” that had locked Americans in a vicious cycle of white discrimination and prejudice on one side and low standards and attainments for blacks on the other would be largely alleviated. Such prejudice, said Banfield, writing during the years of urban riots, was already in decline.

By any reasonable criterion, he was correct about that decline. Consider, for one example, our nearly universal acceptance of interracial marriage. Such acceptance was unimaginable when “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” was nominated for the Academy Award for best picture of 1967, largely on account of its message (for a much superior and gut-ripping film on interracial marriage, racial animosity, and rank injustice, see 1964’s “One Potato, Two Potato”). More than 1-in-6 new marriages in the United States are interracial. That alone, I had once thought, would suffice to put those animosities to rest, as it had done between other embittered groups.

What If It’s All A Lie? Kurt Schlichter


Would you be shocked to learn that a big hunk of the citizenry is absolutely convinced that Donald Trump will not only be re-elected but re-elected in a landslide? It’s true, and it’s not an ironic or performative belief, but rather one drawn from a perspective that the mainstream media utterly ignores. This means you probably have no idea it even exists, and that could lead to an unpleasant surprise in November.

Well, unpleasant for you.

Remember that apocryphal anecdote about how Pauline Kael moaned that she did not know anyone voting for Dick Nixon? If you’re here, then that’s very likely you.

You can dismiss these people as stupid – many of them really believe that Jesus stuff, deny systemic racism, and have no fear of civilization being destroyed by the weather in a decade or so. 

After all, President Hillary Clinton did.

Washington vs. Violent Crime By Andrew C. McCarthy


The Feds can help address surging urban crime. They cannot quell it.

In New York City, 49 people were shot over the holiday weekend. The death count, so far, is eight. With 101 shooting victims in the last week, shootings are up 300 percent over the same period last year; for the full month of June, they reached a level not seen since 1996. Even before this latest bloodbath, murder was already up by 79 percent over last year; violent and property crime rates are likewise spiking.

Naturally, the hard-Left Democrats who run Gotham figure this is a perfect time to slash $1 billion out of the NYPD budget (a 17 percent cut), and to deny judges the power to detain most accused felons pretrial.

Though significantly smaller by population, Chicago is even worse. Ninety people there were shot over the weekend, with 18 killed. At least a dozen of the murder victims were minors, including seven-year-old Natalia Wallace, whose killing bears the hallmarks of gang violence. Just finished with first grade, she was out playing in a yard with friends. Suddenly, a car screeched to a halt. A group hopped out and started blasting, a round striking the child in the head. A young man, who was also shot and wounded, was probably the main target, but the depraved shooters do not appear to have discriminated. A few hours later, just a short distance away, a 14-year-old boy was one of four people killed in another hail of bullets.

Meanwhile in Atlanta, eight-year-old Secoriea Turner was killed when some of the ubiquitous “mostly peaceful protesters” opened fire at the car in which she was sitting. They had angrily confronted the driver who tried to enter a liquor store in the area they’d cordoned off — just a few blocks from the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed in June after instigating a deadly confrontation with police. All told, the city saw at least 31 people shot and five killed over the weekend.

Know Your Enemy: Undeniable Truths About the Left By Dex Bahr


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”— Sun Tzu

As my high school football coach used to say, “It is time to fight like men or hike up your skirts and say, here it is.”  Freedom-loving, patriotic Americans need to take a deep breath, calm down and accurately assess the current cultural and political situation in the country. It is time to stop reacting to what the left does and instead focus on some undeniable truths about our enemies.  Victory only comes after finding your opponents’ weaknesses and exploiting them, but such flaws cannot be found without honest and careful study.  This is how patriots fight.

First, we must begin by properly labeling the truth as it is. For example, everything that is happening now is because the left’s plans to remake the United States from a Constitutional republic into borderless global state were thwarted by the people electing Donald J. Trump for president.  As a result, the left not only hates Trump for beating their savior Hillary Clinton, it also loathes the citizens who voted for him. 

Once you honestly grasp the level of hatred the left has for us, you begin to understand that the Wuhan virus extended lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter/Antifa led riots are for express purpose of bringing misery and terror to those who dared to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and those who are planning to vote for him in November. The left has turned up their intensity to eleven in their ongoing effort to isolate Trump from his base.  Democrat governors and mayors are holding your Constitutional freedoms hostage and the unspoken ransom for you to make all this desolation go away is to vote Democrat. “Abandon this ogre, Trump, and things will go back to how they were before you made the mistake of voting for him.”

MAPPING THE MEGA LOANS: $1MM TO $10MM MADE TO “SMALL BUSINESSES” THROUGH THE PPP It’s time to follow to money! Adam Andrzejewski *****


Yesterday, the Small Business Administration released data on which businesses received forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in amounts between $150,000 and $10 million.

So, who received how much taxpayer money through the program? Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com mapped the big loans – the nearly 83,000 loans between $1 million and $10 million. These businesses are located in 13,700 zip codes across the country.

Now, you can find out yourself, zip code by zip code, with an interactive tool we’ve built on our government transparency website.

This mapping tool allows users to quickly review every PPP transaction exceeding $1 million. Just click a pin (zip code) and scroll down to see the results that will appear in the chart beneath the map.

Coercive enemies of the Republic By Victor Sharpe


In 1776, a mere 244 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was signed by a new nation that arose with a divinely inspired document that challenged directly the assumed power of a king. It did so by abolishing the very status of royalty itself. The Constitution secured and protected the Natural Law Rights and sovereignty of each individual by limiting the authority and power of a centralized government.

For years that was our American Republic. But what of it now?

We have every reason to be tormented by what a far-left Democrat party wishes for the nation. Leftist politics are disinterring the corpses of Socialism and Marxism, along with the hate filled ideologies we had thought were blessedly gone from our world. Socialism is being embraced by students in our schools and colleges without any knowledge of the horrors it has produced. But there is a glimmer of hope, for as Arthur Herman writes in a recent article titled “Don’t underestimate Trump,” Democrats have to worry that when voters wake up in October, they’ll see a president who has managed not one, not two, but three heavy lifts, however imperfectly, while Democrats did their best to shutter the economy and let their radical offspring run wild in the streets.

We who love this United States of America and the Constitution are increasingly alarmed at the hate and violence prevailing in today’s Democrat party with its extreme leftism, globalism, coercive identity politics, and open borders that threaten our very future. What we are witnessing now is what George Orwell foresaw in his dystopian world to come.

Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms in 100% of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment


Texas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!

Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.

The treatment is enhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.

It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.

He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.

Is The Pandemic Coming To An End At Last?


The media and many politicians inside the Democratic Party continue to shriek over the recent jump in the number of recorded coronavirus cases, seeking to keep the economy closed at all costs — and we mean that literally. Don’t fall for the argument. The data show that, in fact, our pandemic nightmare might well be coming to an end.

OK, you say, Issues & Insights, how can you say such a thing with so little to back it up?

Well, firstly, it’s not actually us saying this. It’s the Centers for Disease Control, which reported that the death rate has fallen so far it’s now roughly equal to the threshold for even qualifying as an epidemic, which isn’t as severe as a pandemic.

“Based on death certificate data, the percentage of (total U.S.) deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26,” the CDC noted, adding that this was the 10th-straight week of declining deaths.

While the “percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold,” additional data in coming weeks could change that, says the CDC.

As a piece on the informative Just The News web site explains, “That threshold for (deaths per week for) pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 fluctuates slightly depending on the time of year, ranging from around 7% at the height of flu season to around 5% during less virulent months.”