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BLM’s Violence & the Death of America’s Cities The corpses are already piling up. John Perazzo


The police-hating rhetoric of the openly and proudly Marxist “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement is doing exactly what it did five years ago – creating a massive increase in violent crime and homicide throughout urban America. You may recall that back in 2015-16, BLM’s anti-police protests and riots – particularly in the aftermath of the 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri – intimidated officers nationwide into becoming much less proactive in dealing with criminal suspects. A Pew Research Center report titled “Behind the Badge” – which tabulated the results of a questionnaire that was sent to thousands of officers – confirmed that 85 to 95 percent of law-enforcement officers in large police departments became highly reluctant to engage criminals except where absolutely necessary.

The consequences of the new timidity of law-enforcement were monumental:

In 2015, America’s 56 largest cities experienced a 17% rise in homicides.
Twelve cities with large black populations saw their murder totals spike even more dramatically – e.g., by 54% in D.C., 60% in Newark, 72% in Milwaukee, 83% in Nashville, and 90% in Cleveland.
Robberies surged in America’s 81 largest cities during the 12 months that followed the shooting of Michael Brown.
During the first quarter of 2016, homicides in America’s 63 largest cities increased by 9%, while nonfatal shootings were up 21%.

Lies, Damn Lies and COVID-19 Statistics By Stacey Lennox


As beaches are closed for the 4th of July and even Texas starts to roll back towards COVID-19 lockdown, it sure seems like the goalposts have shifted. The purpose of public health policy went from slow the spread, to flatten the curve, and now seems to stop the spread altogether. Dr. Scott Atlas, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, says the idea of preventing infection is not just unnecessary; it is irrational.

As much as Democrats and the media want to keep us locked down and scared, the current situation does not warrant any of this. According to Dr. Atlas, political leaders and policymakers need to take a much closer look at the data. He is quite optimistic about how state reopenings have progressed to date.

In an interview with Larry O’Connor, Dr. Atlas gives a detailed assessment of the data and provides a great perspective on what data we should use to hold leaders accountable. It isn’t rising case numbers. With more mingling and more testing, rising cases were inevitable.

O’Connor and Dr. Atlas got into a discussion about how misleading the case metric is. It merely means a positive test. In the context of COVID-19, where approximately half of the cases are asymptomatic, it is a meaningless statistic. Further, as testing has become proactive, or required in some cases, and more widely available, saying there is a new case doesn’t denote illness.

Protesters tear down statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore By Brooke Seipel


PRESIDENT TRUMP: ‘“To destroy a monument is to desecrate our common inheritance. In recent weeks, in the midst of protests across America, many monuments have been vandalized or destroyed. Some local governments have responded by taking their monuments down,” Trump’s order reads. “These statues are not ours alone, to be discarded at the whim of those inflamed by fashionable political passions; they belong to generations that have come before us and to generations yet unborn.” 

A group of protesters in Baltimore tore down a statue of Christopher Columbus on Saturday then threw it into the city’s Inner Harbor, The Baltimore Sun Reports.

Video shows protesters tearing down the statue near Baltimore’s Little Italy neighborhood as Fourth of July fireworks explode in the distance. The monument was torn down using rope and then protesters rolled it into the water.

BALTIMORE, THE LEFT’S PLANTATION by Paul Schnee (May 16,2015)

Baltimore has been in the hands of the Democrats for over 45 years. What we recently witnessed there was the collapse of Democratic policies which continually throw money at problems without insisting on rigorous accountability.

A major cause of the riots was Mayor Rawlings-Blake who told the police to “stand down” and give the rioters “space to destroy”. She is directly responsible for all of the violence, injuries, looting and destruction of property mostly owned by minority businesses and now she has invited the federal government to investigate the BPD in a cynical attempt to distract attention from her glaring guilt and woeful incompetence. History teaches us that the only way to stop mob violence is with overwhelming force. Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s grade in History must surely have been an “F”.

Making matters worse was State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby whose “Verdict first, trial afterwards” statement that she would be seeking justice for Freddie Gray demonstrated not only a sense of prosecutorial panic and recklessness but also what appeared to be the first example of Stockholm Syndrome on the part of a prosecutor. Note to Ms. Mosby: Justice is supposed to be blind not intimidated.
Both of these disgraceful public servants should be held accountable for their weak and provocative behavior and resign in shame. Neither of them know what they are doing and are out of their depth to the extent they are positively water-logged.


Weapons of Mass Collusion By Julie Kelly


For two years, as Robert Mueller tried and failed to find evidence of a criminal conspiracy, NeverTrump Republicans tended to the right flank of the Trump-Russia collusion front. But their role in pushing the hoax went much deeper.

“The Clinton campaign got a bunch of dirty cops to frame and spy on their opponent, the Trump campaign. After Trump won, they rolled this dirty tricks operation, this spying campaign, into a coup.”

—Lee Smith, author of The Plot Against the President 

The biggest scandal in American political history started with NeverTrump conservatives. Desperate to tarnish Trump’s viability as a candidate, anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats joined together to convince the public that Donald Trump was working with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Articles connecting Donald Trump’s campaign to Russian interests started appearing on conservative websites as early as March 2016. 

Just two days after then-candidate Trump announced his foreign policy team in the spring of 2016, the Washington Free Beacon posted a 1,100-word hit piece on Dr. Carter Page: “Energy investor Carter Page, one of Donald Trump’s handpicked foreign policy advisers, has heavily criticized what he considers American aggression toward Russia, even comparing U.S. policy to American slavery and high-profile police shootings,” Lachlan Markay wrote on March 23, 2016. “Trump’s selection of Page may indicate the reality-star-cum-politician’s opposition to U.S. policies that counter Russian interests in key global theaters.” 

Markay’s piece contained arcane details about Page’s views on Russia, including columns Page had written for obscure energy publications. (Page is a global energy consultant.) Even the most dogged reporter would have been hard-pressed to find so many specifics on an unknown campaign advisor, draft the article, and post it in less than 48 hours. How did Markay produce a lengthy article in such a short time—and why? 

According to Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that helped concoct the Russian collusion hoax, a Republican Party elder connected Fusion with the Free Beacon in the summer of 2015. Fusion chief Glenn Simpson sent an email to a “longtime Republican politico” in August 2015 to pitch their expanding file of dirt on Donald Trump. 

Evidence is in: Hydroxychloroquine works! By Howard Richman


The media is doing its best to ignore the solid new evidence that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) works. Although they claim to be pro-science, they only report scientific studies that agree with their narrative. Although they claim that black lives matter to them, they purposely keep knowledge about successful treatments away from COVID-19 patients, a disproportionate number of whom are black. Here are some details of the two new studies that almost all of them are ignoring:

Henry Ford Health System. Last week, the International Journal of Infectious Diseases reported that hydroxychloroquine cuts the death rate in half when it is administered to hospitalized COVID-19 patients soon after they are admitted. The retrospective study of 2,541 patients was conducted by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit Michigan. Only 13% of the patients who were given HCQ died as compared to 26% who were not given HCQ. HCQ worked whether or not it was given with the antibiotic azithromycin, but it appeared to work slightly better with azithromycin. Key to the study was early treatment with HCQ, with 91% in the HCQ group starting that medication within 48 hours of hospital admission.
Mount Sinai Hospital. Also last week, Nature Reviews Immunology published the results of the small but ideal type of experiment (a double-blind, randomized clinical trial) conducted by Mount Sinai Hospital in New York which found that 0 of 31 patients in the HCQ group progressed from mild to severe as compared to 4 of 31 patients in the control group.

The media is also ignoring the May 8 study of 932 patients by the New York University Grossman School of Medicine which compared the HCQ/azithromycin treatment with the HCQ/azithromycin/zinc treatment. NYU found that the addition of zinc sulfate pills to the HCQ/azithromycin treatment reduced the death rate from 23% to 13%, but only if given before the patients got so sick that they required intensive care.

COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC The percentage of coronavirus deaths in the country has been declining for ten straight weeks.


Coronavirus deaths in the country have nearly reached a level where the virus will cease to qualify as an epidemic under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules, the federal agency reported on Friday. 

The CDC qualifies a disease outbreak as an “epidemic” if the number of deaths attributable to the disease exceeds a certain percentage of total deaths per week. That threshold for pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 fluctuates slightly depending on the time of year, ranging from around 7% at the height of flu season to around 5% during less virulent months. 

CDC data indicate that deaths from those ailments began skyrocketing in the country around the second week of March, hitting a peak around early May and then plummeting quickly after that. 

The latest data show that the percentage of deaths in the country attributable to those factors had as of the last week in June reached its lowest point since the end of last year, becoming “equal to the [current] epidemic threshold of 5.9%,” the CDC said. 

The agency notes that the official tally of deaths “will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.” Yet the number of deaths attributable to COVID-19, pneumonia and influenza have been declining for 10 straight weeks, the agency said on its website, suggesting COVID-19 may cease to qualify as an epidemic in the next few weeks. 

The welcome news comes as fear over a “second wave” of the virus has gripped the U.S., with some states experiencing fresh surges of COVID-19 along with increased hospitalizations. 

Though infections are significantly up in some places, deaths throughout the country have remained flat, due likely to several factors including a younger cohort of infections as well as improved treatment methods. 

A Pledge for July 4 by Lawrence Kadish


As we encounter days of darkness;
Virus tyranny from abroad;
Criminality and
Insurrectionists at home;

With inner strength, and Light
from above, we shall endure and
prevail above adversities
As we honorably salute America’s Founding Fathers and our legacy of heroic Patriots!

Desperation In The Cry Of Revolutionaries Rioting For Socialism By Douglas V. Gibbs —


Racism is the final accusation of a desperate political ideology, and the tool that former Russian communists said the Marxists would use as a part of their ideological subversion in the United States to achieve their “revolution.”  Violence is the final desperate act of scoundrels bent on change, and realizing that the bourgeoisie is not quite as ready to leap into socialism as they thought.  And if they don’t get what they think they want, they are ready to burn it all down, because their Marxist puppeteers told them to.

A commenter on a recent article wrote that I am not even aware of my [white] privilege.  Does that apply to my Mexican wife?  My mixed grandchildren who are a mixture of white, Mexican, and Filipino or Puerto Rican (depending on which ones)?  Does that apply to my good friend Harry who is Puerto Rican and agrees with me on this stuff?  How about my video-making counterpart Alfonzo Rachel, who is black?

Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s KKK

Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s KKK, but slightly different.  The KKK terrorized blacks and white republicans, and now the BLM terrorizes whites and black republicans.  Same thing, with a slight twist.  Making the screaming children running around in the streets calling for change the true racists…and desperate ones, at that.

We are witnessing the desperate cry of a group of revolutionaries who don’t understand why there is a resistance to their cry for socialism.  Every tyranny has in common the need for a common enemy.  A perpetual enemy.  A battle cry for the revolution, and a unifying factor for the foot soldiers to fight against.

From the annals of true history regarding communism, fascism, and other dictatorial systems, to George Orwell’s 1984, the same is true.  Tyranny, to survive, needs two things.  A perpetual enemy, and a free market system to become a parasite on.  However, if America falls, the host is dead, and so will be the parasite.  There will be no producers remaining to suck off of.

Frederick Douglass’s “Plea for Freedom of Speech in Boston” *******

“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist.” 

Introduction by Kurt Lash

On December 3, 1860, a group of abolitionists, including Frederick Douglass, gathered at a public meeting hall in Boston, Massachusetts, to discuss “How Can American Slavery be Abolished?” Scheduled to coincide with the one-year anniversary of John Brown’s death (what abolitionists referred to as the “martyrdom” of John Brown), the meeting took place only a month after the election of the Republican Abraham Lincoln. The country was coming apart: South Carolina had declared its intention to secede from the Union and it appeared that other southern states would do the same.  Congress began considering emergency measures, including a constitutional amendment protecting slavery, hoping to convince the southern states to remain in the Union. Northern public opinion, already deeply divided over the issue of abolition, became a tinderbox of explosive emotions as each side increasingly advocated the use of force in support of their position.   

It was in the midst of this cauldron of public debate that Boston abolitionists decided to hold their event, one ostensibly about ending slavery but also one celebrating the violent abolitionist John Brown. Not surprisingly, the meeting attracted members of the public who were opposed to the abolitionist agenda.  In fact, the meeting was overwhelmed by a mob seeking to disrupt the event and prevent Frederick Douglass and the other abolitionists from speaking. Opponents filled the hall, shouted down the abolitionists, and mounted the stage. Abolitionist efforts to retake control of the event led to confrontation and chaos.  Police, who had done nothing to protect the meeting, eventually intervened and cleared the hall. No one was (seriously) injured, but the anti-abolitionists achieved their goal: The event was completely disrupted and the scheduled discussion of slavery never took place. Newspapers around the country reported on the near riot, with headlines in the New York Tribune blaring, “Freedom of Speech Violated in Boston . . . Police Powerless.”

A few days later, Frederick Douglass delivered a previously scheduled lecture at Boston’s Music Hall.  At the end of his prepared remarks, Douglass added a short statement regarding the fundamental importance of freedom of speech and the responsibility of officials to protect free expression from the mob.