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Rioters Destroy Bar That Black Minneapolis Firefighter Bought with His Life Savings By Zachary Evans


Rioters protesting the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, an African-American man who died after being arrested and pinned to the ground by officer Derek Chauvin, destroyed a bar owned by a black former firefighter Wednesday night.

Korboi Balla had invested his life savings in the bar and was planning to open it before the coronavirus pandemic caused mass business closures. Balla then moved the opening date to June 1, when Minnesota plans to lift restrictions on restaurants, but the bar has since been wracked and looted in the riots, CBS first reported.

CBS was filming a segment at the bar when looters entered through the back of the establishment to try to steal Balla’s safe.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Balla said in an interview. “It hurts, man. It’s not fair, it’s not right. We’ve been working so hard for this place. It’s not just for me, it’s for my family.”

Balla’s wife Tywanna said that the bar was not insured.

The pandemic pattern—how the illusion is built by Jon Rappoport


This article is based on my study and investigation of so-called epidemics over the past 30 years.

In the case of COVID-19, I’ve written at least one piece covering, in detail, each main element of the illusion. Here, I’m laying out the pattern. It is the same for each fake epidemic.

ONE: A structure is in place to promote and launch the IDEA of an epidemic. World Health Organization, CDC, influential public health officials attached to governments around the world, etc.

TWO: There is a purported incident. An outbreak. The most obvious cause is intentionally overlooked. For example, horrendous air pollution, or the grotesque feces and urine pollution on a giant commercial pig factory-farm. Instead, the world is told a new virus has been found. Local researchers, if any, are augmented by researchers from CDC, WHO.

THREE: There is no air-tight chain of evidence explaining exactly how the purported new virus was discovered. From details released, there is no proof of discovery by convincing methods, no proper unified study of MANY supposed epidemic patients.

FOUR: But WHO/CDC tells the world this is an epidemic in the making, caused by the new virus. The promotion and propaganda/media apparatus moves into high gear. Ominous pronouncements.

The delusion called Fauci Jon Rappoport


This one was too good to pass up.

In an interview with the National Geographic, Tony Fauci made comments about “alternative views” of the origin of the coronavirus.  But he was really talking about all unorthodox medical information:

“Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about—and it’s very difficult for the general public to distinguish. So, make sure the study is coming from a reputable organization that generally gives you the truth—though even with some reputable organizations, you occasionally get an outlier who’s out there talking nonsense. If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

Right you are, Tony.

So, Tony, here is a very serious statement from a former editor of one of those “places,” the New England Journal of Medicine:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)

And here is another one, from the editor-in-chief of the prestigious journal, The Lancet, founded in 1823:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness…”

Exposing the hoax by Andrew C. McCarthy


No need to build to a crescendo — let’s just say it: The Trump-Russia investigation was a politically driven fraud from beginning to end. It was opened on false pretenses, sustained by investigative abuses, and will undoubtedly end in recriminatory angst, which is what happens when the kind of accountability the victims demand does not, indeed cannot, come to pass.

Worst of all is the damage wrought, though even that isn’t fully understood. Obama administration officials exploited the awesome national security powers that we trust our government to use for counterintelligence operations that safeguard America from jihadists and other foreign hostiles. Because of the abuse, and the growing awareness that few of the abusers will be held to meaningful account, those powers have lost the solid constituency they had maintained in Congress for nearly two decades. Thus, this episode will prove to be a catastrophe for American national security.

Last August, I released Ball of Collusion. As a former longtime federal law enforcement official who is proud of that service, I had come reluctantly to the realization that the Trump-Russia escapade was less an investigation than a political narrative — hence the book’s subtitle, The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. In fact, it would be more accurate to say I had been dragged to it, kicking and screaming. In the early days, friends of mine, both pro-Trump and Trump-skeptic, asked me if it was possible that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice had brought an uncorroborated screed of innuendo (under the guise of campaign opposition research) to the secret federal tribunal that issues foreign-intelligence surveillance warrants, in order to monitor the Trump campaign. Confidently, I assured them that that was inconceivable.

The Biggest Blacklist in American History How this anti-American scourge works. John Perazzo *****


The left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a $592 million non-profit. It is also the creator and leader of the largest blacklist, by far, in American history. Its infamous list of “hate groups,” which currently consists of 940 separate entities in all 50 U.S. states, is the centerpiece of a massive smear campaign that conflates a small number of mostly insignificant fringe groups with entities whose sin is being politically conservative, but which are not “hate” groups in any meaningful sense of the word.

By equating a smattering of actual hate groups with respectable conservative organizations, SPLC seeks to delegitimize conservatives as repugnant monsters whose viewpoints do not merit a hearing. And by labeling mainstream conservative individuals and organizations as “hate mongers,” it seeks to deprive them of the funding they need to reach an audience or even stay alive. Consider, for instance, the SPLC’s branding of David Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, as an “anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim extremist” and as one of the “10 Most Dangerous Hatemongers” in the United States — solely because he opposes illegal immigration and warns against the dangers of Islamic jihad.

After Horowitz gave a speech to the bi-partisan American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in August 2018, SPLC organized a boycott that singled out his remarks as worthy of suppression and called on ALEC’s corporate sponsors to withdraw their support. The actual sin Horowitz committed was confined to one sentence in which he referred to Black Lives Matter as a “racist organization” and the Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist” group.[1] Within two weeks, 79 leftist organizations had joined the boycott. This led to the withdrawal of financial support by major corporations like Verizon, AT&T, and Dow Chemical, and the loss of tens of thousands of dollars for ALEC.

Violent Rioters Breach Ohio Statehouse, Breaking Windows and Entering Building to Protest Death of George Floyd By Paula Bolyard


Rioters in Columbus, Ohio, launched an attack on the Statehouse in the early hours of Friday morning to protest the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Floyd, who was unarmed and subdued with handcuffs, died after a police officer pinned his neck to the ground with his knee and held it there until he stopped breathing.

Protests and riots are ongoing in several cities around the U.S., including Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., Memphis, Tenn., Louisville, Ky., Denver, Colo., Los Angeles Calif., and Columbus, Ohio. 

The Statehouse in Columbus came under attack, with rioters breaking windows and some entering the building. There are unconfirmed reports that the protesters damaged the interior of the building.

[VIDEO] Minneapolis Police Precinct on Fire, Police Abandon Area, as Riots Over Death of George Floyd Escalate By Paula Bolyard


For the third night in a row, protests and riots rocked Minneapolis in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer. Stores were once again looted and buildings set on fire as protesters demanded justice for Floyd’s death. The Fifth Precinct police building is currently burning and authorities are warning of a possible gas leak in the area.

Floyd, who was suspected of forgery, died after a police officer inexplicably pinned him to the ground with his knee, holding him down as he begged for mercy. The officer remained in that position until Floyd, who was unarmed and subdued with handcuffs at the time, became lifeless. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. Four police officers were summarily fired after video of the horrific, indefensible act was made public.

Julio Rosas, from PJ Media’s sister site Townhall, is on the scene in Minneapolis. His tweets show the violence escalating throughout the night and a very dangerous situation developing.

The FISA Bill Flops The surveillance court dilutes political accountability. Better to abolish it.


Nancy Pelosi is known for her iron political control over the House, but on Wednesday the Speaker suffered a rare defeat as she pulled a FISA reauthorization bill before what would have been a losing vote. This is a victory for security and political accountability, and it’s worth rehearsing how we got here.

The need to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has been clear since last year’s damning report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz. In March Attorney General Bill Barr worked out a deal with Democratic and GOP House leaders to renew surveillance authority for the FBI and include measures to prevent a repeat of James Comey’s 2016 interference in a presidential campaign.

These provisions included a requirement that the Attorney General sign off personally on any FBI investigation of a presidential campaign, that the FBI set up an office of compliance, and that any application for a FISA court warrant include evidence or information that might be exculpatory. That bill easily passed the House, 278-136, in March.

Then the mischief began. The Senate added an amendment from Mike Lee (R., Utah) and Pat Leahy (D., Vt.) to require an outside “amicus curiae” to review and perhaps rebut surveillance requests. These amici would have extraordinary access to sensitive information.

Wait…That’s How Peter Strzok Signed Off on the FBI’s Counterintelligence Probe into Trump-Russia Collusion Matt Vespa


With each passing day, we’re learning more about the Obama DOJ’s off the reservation behavior regarding the Trump-Russia fiasco. There was no evidence of collusion, but this circus act, fanned by the anti-Trump liberal media, engulfed the nation for nearly two years. No, it still has a grip on the minds of liberal America. The overreach is well-documented.

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to bogus “lying to the FBI” charges over a phone call he had with the Russians, which was routine and not out of the ordinary. There was no reason to investigate Flynn, as the new DOJ motion to dismiss the criminal charges against him showed. The agents who interviewed Flynn also added that they felt he didn’t lie. And yet, that 302 report, which took weeks to file, a departure from department policy, has vanished into the ether. We know that those who weren’t conducting the interview edited and tweaked it, another departure from department policy.

Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey wanted Flynn and was going to get him at all costs. Well, Flynn remains in legal purgatory, as the judge in his case, Emmet Sullivan, has not only decided to not drop the case, despite the lack of a case and the resignation of the prosecutor, he’s doubling down. He appointed a retired judge, whose law firm represented the queen of the DOJ resisters, Sally Yates, to fight the DOJ motion and see if perjury charges could be filed against Flynn for his shoddy plea deal. It’s Keystone Cops. Period.

Another 2.1 million file jobless claims, but total unemployed shrinks Jeff Cox


First-time jobless claims totaled 2.1 million last week, slightly ahead of the 2.05 million Wall Street estimate.
Continuing claims plunged by nearly 4 million to just over 21 million, probably a clearer representation of the jobless level.
The high jobless numbers persist even as all states have reopened their economies to various extents.
Nearly 41 million jobless claims have now been filed since the coronavirus was declared a pandemic.

First-time claims for unemployment benefits totaled 2.1 million last week, the lowest total since the coronavirus crisis began though indicative that a historically high number of Americans remain separated from their jobs.

Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for 2.05 million. The total represented a decrease of 323,000 from the previous week’s upwardly revised 2.438 million.That decline in continuing claims “suggests that the reopening of states is pushing businesses to rehire some of the people let go when the virus hit,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics. However, Shepherdson noted that some of the data, particularly from California, remains noisy and may not be an accurate representation of some states’ situations.