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Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell: This Whole Thing Was Orchestrated Within The FBI, Clapper, Brennan, And President Obama Posted By Tim Hains


Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell joined FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss the latest on charges against Flynn being dropped by federal prosecutors and suggests that when all is said and done, the role of the Obama administration in “orchestrating” the case against him will be clear:

SIDNEY POWELL, ATTORNEY FOR MICHAEL FLYNN: His reaction at first was one of disbelief and relief at the same time.

It’s going to take a while to process it. He’s obviously very grateful to the attorney general and Mr. Jensen for having the integrity to dig for the truth and to get it out for the American people to see. And he is looking forward to spending time with his family.

I’m sure he will have a statement to make sometime in the near future.

BARTIROMO: Sidney, this is obviously a big step toward justice. And our viewers heard this here first. We knew this was coming.

But Judge Sullivan still has to sign off on this, Sidney. She’s — he’s got to sign off on the motion. When are you expecting that to happen?

POWELL: I would expect it to happen tomorrow or sometime early this week.

It’s a matter of the prosecutors’ actual discretion. Judge Sullivan, according to a couple of Supreme Court decisions, I’m sure he will follow the law there and sign off on it.

BARTIROMO: Now, I know that there were a few things that we learned in these transcripts that were released as well.

And in terms of the way they violated General Flynn’s rights, they did not mention the 1001. Tell me about Section 1001 and why that’s important, Sidney.

POWELL: Well it’s the statute that makes it a federal felony to lie to agents.

Flynnocent: why the general has a long way to go before justice is served Roger Kimball


Just moments ago, the news came in that Department of, um, Justice has dropped its — ‘um’ again — Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser. ‘The Government has determined,’ the Court filing read, ‘pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice.’

You think?

It’s being blared about the internet that now, finally, at last, the 30-year military veteran has got justice.

Not yet he hasn’t.

The disgusting people running the FBI — big boy James Comey, and Peter Strzok, and former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, among others — pursued a vendetta against Flynn, manufacturing a bogus case against him in order, first, to destroy someone that Barack Obama and his intelligence operatives detested and, second, to pursue ‘Crossfire Hurricane’, the ‘umbrella’ investigation whose goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

They were pretty successful at the first job. They smeared Flynn, then they set him up, sending Strzok and another agent to have a friendly chat with him at the White House which they weaponized into a bogus ‘you lied to the FBI’ charge. They got him fired from his position as NSA, bankrupted him through ‘the-process-is-the-punishment’ legal feels, and forced him to plead guilty to a felony by threatening his son with another bogus charge.

Due to the tireless efforts of Flynn lawyer, Sidney Powell, the DoJ has been forced to cough up incriminating memo after incriminating memo. The pot of gold came last week when Bill Priestap’s handwritten notes of a meeting with Comey and then-deputy-FBI-Director Andrew McCabe blew the proverbial whistle. ‘What is our goal?’ Priestap asked, ‘Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?’ Or maybe they should just ‘get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ + have them decide.’


Gen. Flynn hasn’t got justice yet. That will come when he is made whole financially and when those who desecrated their offices by bringing the awesome police power of the state to bear against an individual they knew to be be innocent.

Four Questions senators should ask Redfield and Fauci on Tuesday By Howard Richman*****


On Tuesday, health bureaucrats Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, will testify at a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Republican Senators should ask them four questions about their failures to expedite deployment of vaccines and test the successful HCQ-zinc treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine question for Redfield: Why haven’t you invoked the Accelerated Approval Process to get Moderna’s Vaccine out right away?

During the H1N1 (Swine Flu) epidemic in 2009 when a Democrat was President, the CDC approved four vaccines just 7 weeks after clinical trials began by invoking the Accelerated Approval Process. Here are excerpts from the timeline on their website:

April 15. First human infection.
May 5. School closings affect 607,778 students.
July 22. Clinical trials testing the vaccines begin.
September 15. Four H1N1 vaccines approved for use by the FDA.

In this accelerated process, designed for epidemics, a single clinical trial phase determines whether a vaccine is safe and whether it creates the required antibodies. In vaccine terminology, the pathogen-specific antibodies developed by a vaccine are considered to be a “surrogate endpoint” permitting the vaccine to be deployed immediately, without Phase 2 or Phase 3 studies. A “Phase 4” process begins after deployment to track the effectiveness and the side-effects of the vaccine.

On May 7, the FDA announced that the Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine had been approved to begin its Phase 2 trial. Since its Phase 1 clinical trial concluded successfully, it is safe for healthy people and able to produce a “surrogate endpoint.” As a result, it could be immediately deployed to healthy people in order to create the 60% herd immunity condition that prevents spread of an epidemic.

Moderna’s Phase 2 clinical trial is scheduled to end mid-summer which will determine whether the vaccine is safe for older people and other groups that would have high mortality rate should they contract COVID-19. If this trial is successful, use of Moderna’s vaccine could immediately be extended to those less-healthy groups.

There are several additional Covid-19 vaccines waiting in the wings, all of which could be tested quickly if the CDC would simply put the Accelerated Approval Process into place today, just as they did in 2009.

When Science Becomes Biased Bob Zeidman


There’s a disturbing trend in research these days, where so-called computer scientists inject their personal beliefs into their research. They do this by “correcting” the math to reach the result they want.

They call it “unbiasing,” but it’s actually just the opposite. This work affects every person in almost every aspect of life. You need to be aware of this problem, and you should be concerned about how your life is being manipulated without your knowledge.

An algorithm is a series of steps taken to solve a problem. It can be as simple as your grandmother’s recipe for brisket—a step-by-step description of basting, cutting, mixing, baking, and serving, written on a gravy-stained index card. These days, an algorithm typically refers to the mathematical steps taken by a computer as instructed by a computer program.

Every day, we come into contact with these computer algorithms that control not only apps on our smartphones, but also traffic lights, elevators, thermostats, and, most importantly, the information we see on search engines and social networks.

These algorithms are used to optimize your life and give you personally relevant information, but also to understand as much about you as possible: your likes and dislikes are recorded.

Amazon uses their algorithms to show you products you actually might want to buy instead of products that you have no use for. Netflix uses their algorithms to recommend movies that you will probably enjoy. Insurance companies use their algorithms to quantify your risk and determine your premium costs. Health-care companies may soon use their algorithms to determine the correct treatments and prescriptions for you.

Remdesivir: George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug! by Shawn Paul Melville


As drug manufacturers speed up their efforts to find a new treatment drug for the coronavirus outbreak that has devastated China and has caused a world-wide panic, a Chinese drug company just announced that it has started mass-producing an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that has the potential to fight the novel coronavirus (1).

BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology, a Suzhou based company (2), just announced that it has developed the technology to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients of Remdesivir, the drug developed by Gilead Biosciences. Its stock price surged 20% in Tuesday morning trading in Shanghai (1).

“While BrightGene said that it intends to license the drug from Gilead, its move to start manufacturing at this early stage is highly unusual and a potential infringement of the American company’s intellectual property.“(1) This comes a week after Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology filed an application to patent Gilead’s drug Remdesivir to treat the new coronavirus, a bid that would give China leverage over the global use of the therapy to fight the outbreak (1)(3)(4).

The decision to seek a patent instead of invoking a “compulsory license” option that lets nations override drug patents in national emergencies, signals China’s commitment toward intellectual property rights. The timing is uncanny! Right? Gilead will retain the global rights to market the antiviral medication, once approved (3). Gilead has also announced that it is partnering with the Chinese Health Authorities on the clinical trials of Remdesivir as a treatment for coronavirus (5). Remdesivir was originally developed in 2016 by Gilead as a treatment for the Ebola virus (13). Many have argued that China stole the patent from Gilead due to a technicality, but you will soon see that this is indeed not the case (14).

And who exactly is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec) owned by New World Order philanthropist and mass manipulator himself, George Soros (6)(7)! Here is a printout of Soros Fund Managaement Portfolio which will confirm this (8)!

OBAMA PANICS! Deep State Reporter Isikoff Releases His “Leaked” Call – Former President’s Fingerprints All Over Attempted Coup and More Documents Are Coming! Joe Hoft


Disgraced former President Barack Obama appears to be in a panic.  General Flynn is now in the clear and the Durham investigation is ongoing. More documents are about to drop. There are rumblings that former members of his FBI (e.g. FBI General Counsel James Baker) have flipped and are working with Durham.

Obama’s Deep State henchmen who set up General Flynn and the crooked politicians and media hacks who supported them are terrified.

An audio of former President Barack Obama, whose Administration spied on the Trump team and Administration, was released by deep state reporter Michael Isikoff at  Yahoo News  on Friday night.

In the “call” which appears totally set up, Obama is concerned about the rule of law. 

Here is the transcript:

This Oval Office Meeting Attended By Obama and Biden Was Key To the Anti-Trump Plot By Matt Margolis


On January 5, 2017, a meeting was held in the Obama White House in the Oval Office. Both President Obama and Vice President Biden attended. This meeting, it turns out, was critical to the anti-Trump operation by the Obama administration, reports Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist. “It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration,” she wrote.

Also in attendance at this meeting was then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, then-national security adviser Susan Rice, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and other members of the national security council.

It was at this meeting that Barack Obama spoke with Yates and Comey about wiretapped conversations of Trump’s incoming National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Trump transition, indicating that President Obama was directly knowledgeable of the efforts to surveil the Trump campaign and undermine the incoming administration.

Susan Rice wrote herself a now-infamous email documenting the meeting, writing “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”

Flynn and the Anatomy of a Political Narrative By Andrew C. McCarthy


Obama officials and FBI collaborated to invent the ‘Russian collusion’ narrative

The FBI coordinated very closely with the Obama White House on the investigation of Michael Flynn, while the Obama Justice Department was asleep at the switch. That is among the most revealing takeaways from Thursday’s decision by Attorney General Bill Barr to pull the plug on the prosecution of Flynn, who fleetingly served as President Trump’s first National Security Advisor. Flynn had been seeking to withdraw his guilty plea to a false-statements charge brought in late 2017 by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

While working on the Trump transition team in December 2016, Flynn spoke with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in conversations that were intercepted by our government (because Russian-government operatives, such as Kislyak, are routinely monitored by the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies). Among the topics Flynn and Kislyak discussed was the imposition of sanctions against Russia, which President Obama had just announced.

That these conversations took place has been known for over three years — ever since a still-unidentified government official leaked that classified information to the Washington Post. For almost as long, it has been known that the FBI became aware of the Flynn–Kislyak discussions very shortly after they happened. What was not known until this week was that then–acting attorney general Yates was out of the loop. She found out about the discussions nearly a week afterwards — from President Obama, of all people.

Dirty Dozen: The 12 revelations that sunk Mueller’s case against Flynn After a prescient 2017 tip from inside the FBI, a slow drip of revelations exposed the deep problems with the Flynn prosecution. John Solomon


Shortly after my colleague Sara Carter and I began reporting in 2017 on the possibility that the FBI was abusing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Americans during the Russia investigation, I received a call. It was an intermediary for someone high up in the intelligence community.

The story that source told me that day — initially I feared it may have been too spectacular to be true — was that FBI line agents had actually cleared former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing with Russia only to have the bureau’s leadership hijack the process to build a case that he lied during a subsequent interview.

In fact, my notes show, the source used the words “concoct a 1001 false statements case” to describe the objections of career agents who did not believe Flynn had intended to deceive the FBI. A leak of a transcript of Flynn’s call with the Russian ambassador was just part of a campaign, the source alleged.

The tip resulted in a two-and-a-half-year journey by myself and a small group of curious and determined journalists like Carter, Catherine Herridge, Greg Jarrett, Mollie Hemingway, Lee Smith, Byron York, and Kimberly Strassel to slowly peel back the onion.

The pursuit of the truth ended Thursday when the Justice Department formally asked a court to vacate Flynn’s conviction and end the criminal case, acknowledging the former general had indeed been cleared by FBI agents and that the bureau did not have a lawful purpose when it interviewed him in January 2017.

Attorney General William Barr put it more bluntly in an interview Thursday: “They kept it open for the express purpose of trying to catch, to lay a perjury trap for General Flynn.”

Melinda Gates Criticizes Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response By Eric Lendrum


Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft founder and mega-billionaire Bill Gates, gave the Trump Administration a “grade” of D- for its response to the coronavirus pandemic, as reported by Politico.

In her assessment, Gates falsely claimed that there was no coordinated national response from the Trump Administration, and instead claimed that most of the burden was taken up by the nation’s governors. She also falsely claimed that America has not done enough testing, and compared the American response to Germany’s response, claiming that the latter was better.

Gates said during an interview with Politico that “if we were doing the things that the exemplar countries are doing, like Germany, we would be testing.” However, the United States has already been testing, and President Trump recently confirmed in a press conference that the United States has tested more people than any other country in the world.

She also claimed that America was “lacking in its response” with regards to other countries suffering from similar outbreaks, and said that the United States should give more foreign aid to African countries.

Gates and her husband Bill have been actively calling for an expedited process in developing a coronavirus vaccine. As a result, Gates has come under heavy scrutiny for his various investments and business interests in companies working on possible vaccines, and has become the subject of many conspiracy theories alleging some level of deliberate involvement, planning, or foreknowledge of the coronavirus outbreak.