Breaking news about the horrendous travesty of justice that General Michael Flynn, a much decorated career army officer and President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, was subjected to at the hands and machinations of the previous Obama Administration–whose real target was/is President Trump himself–got me thinking about another Rice.
The first is preferred by Republicans–that would be the Condoleezza variety…the one which/who shares many of her fellow Republican petro-business-related buddies’ interests in the Middle East. Think the likes of James (“F-the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway”) Baker III, the Bush family, John Sununu, and numerous others who made mucho dinero off of assorted autocratic Arab oil potentates’ black gold.
Let’s turn the clock back to learn more about this bright, attractive, but somewhat troublesome variety–at least for those folks hoping that Israel would get a fair shake in Washington.
Recall that this special Rice species had an oil tanker in the Chevron fleet named after her for associations with the company–one of the Seven Sisters closely associated with Arab oil
Now, while others can also claim such connections, please understand the implications for people in high government positions.