It’s not the job of the Director of Infectious Diseases at the NIH to be opaque. If a truly persuasive study convinced Fauci that we would exceed 100,000 deaths, that’s an announcement that should be made in a press conference, with references to the sources, not dropped casually into the middle of an interview — where the point he seemed to be making was that there’s no such thing as a reliable model.
Four and a half minutes into an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN Sunday morning, in the middle of a mini-lecture on the perils of modeling, Dr. Anthony Fauci tossed off an estimate of the death toll in the U.S. from Covid-19: 100,000 to 200,000.
He said “cases,” then corrected himself, and added “I don’t want to be held to that… We really don’t need to make a projection because it’s such a moving target, and we could so easily be wrong, and mislead people.” The mentioning of a figure seemed to be entirely at cross purposes from the point Fauci was trying to make. “To be honest with you, Jake, we don’t have any firm idea,” he replied, when first prodded to provide a number. “There are things called models, and when someone creates a model they put in various assumptions, and the model is only as good or accurate as your assumptions.” Why didn’t he leave it at that?