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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Goes From Leftist Hero To Has-Been In One Interview By Joy Pullmann


Vox senior correspondent Ian Millhiser proclaimed that ‘Justice Ginsburg’s feminist legacy teeters on a knife’s edge’ because for once she adhered to the text of the law.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is about to lose her feminist card. Ironically, it’s for departing from her usual legal schtick to reinforce that what the law says matters, instead of giving authorities license to do whatever the heck they want.

On Monday, Ginsburg reinforced previous assertions that the legal deadline for passing a 1970s and 1980s constitutional amendment to ignore sex distinctions has passed.

“I would like to see a new beginning. I’d like it to start over,” Ginsburg said about the so-called Equal Rights Amendment Monday.” There’s too much controvery about latecomers — Virginia long after the deadline passed — plus a number of states have withdrawn their ratification. So if you count a latecomer on the plus side, how can you disregard states that said, ‘We’ve changed our minds’?”

When Congress went through its part of the amendment authorizing process for the ERA, its authorization included a deadline for ratification by the states. Supreme Court precedent says such deadlines for ratification are legally valid. Still, today’s left chooses to ignore the parts of the law they don’t like while using the parts of it they currently find to their liking, or making things up if they don’t like the law at all.

Here They Go Again: Pelosi to Launch New Investigation into Trump By Megan Fox


Just when you thought America’s long impeachment drama was over and behind us, the Democrats have begun the process to do it again. While most of us believed they would try to repeat impeachment, we thought it would start in the second term and not a mere week after Trump was acquitted the first time.

But Nancy Pelosi is hot under the collar about Trump tweeting about the absurdly long sentence that Deep State prosecutors suggested for Roger Stone. The president tweeted out a storm of criticism when the news broke that prosecutors were recommending nine years in prison.

Keep in mind that child rapists get an average of three to seven years in prison. Calling the recommendation for the sentence, which was certainly politically motivated, “horrible and very unfair” (and it may not even a crime based on the way these prosecutors do business), the president then went on to question the prosecutors. These same prosecutors, who had ruined the lives of many people surrounding the president, were connected to the Mueller witch-hunt. None of the charges were related to the president or anything his administration had done but were a conglomeration of tax offenses from years ago and “lying to the FBI,” which was a crime created after the investigation began.

The Democrats Gave In to Radicals and Gave Up on Common Sense Trump’s personality and policies hastened the party’s leftward shift, but it was a long time coming. Joseph Epstein ****


George Orwell noted the nervousness of people on the left when confronted by those even further to the left. This nervousness stems from leftists’ fear that they will be taken for impure in their own leftism, that their thought and actions don’t go far enough, that they are, finally, not really on the bus. In America during the 1930s, Communists mocked liberals for their weakness, and liberals worried about not measuring up. Hence the phenomenon of the “fellow traveler,” someone who sympathized with the Communist Party but couldn’t bring himself to join it.

Orwell’s observation remains in play. In the mid-1960s, Stokely Carmichael and other young black militants pushed the American civil-rights movement leftward, and away from its goal of integration. Liberals, unable to face down this left-wing pull toward Black Power, knuckled under. A gloriously successful campaign for equal rights based on conscience and dignity devolved into an angry, incoherent movement based on guilt and victimhood. The last thing allowed was the concession of progress of any sort in racial matters. Impressive civil-rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Whitney Young, Roy Wilkins, and A. Philip Randolph were replaced by such dubious figures as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The movement never recovered.

The same phenomenon appeared in American universities. In faculty meetings everywhere, small groups of the most radical professors were able to get their way through political pressure. Liberals, generally in the majority, were worried (if not terrified) of seeming to be on the wrong side. When they didn’t give in completely, they sought compromises that invariably favored the radicals. Standards and intellectual authority in universities have given way to political correctness and identity politics.

Glazov Gang: How Jew-Hatred Infected the Democratic Party. And how President Trump had the courage and nobility to call it out.


Where’s the Outrage? Suspect Who Drove Van Into Trump Campaign Volunteers Admits Political Motive By Matt Margolis


On Saturday, 27-year-old Gregory William Loel Timm intentionally crashed his van into a tent where Trump campaign volunteers were registering voters Saturday afternoon in Jacksonville, Fla., in a Walmart parking lot.

After plowing through the tent with his van, Timm stopped, got out of the van, then took a video of the scene before flipping off the victims and fleeing. No one was injured during the incident.

The Republican Party of Duval County posted pictures of the scene on Twitter:

Within hours of the incident, William Loel Timm was arrested by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office on two counts of aggravated assault, criminal mischief, and driving without a license.

While Timm’s motive was obvious, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) refused to say whether the assault was politically motivated.

“We’re obviously going to follow that up and we take that very seriously,” said JSO Lieutenant Larry Gayle. “Anybody who interrupts a political process in this country needs to be taken very seriously.”

Trump steals the Dems’ spotlight at New Hampshire rally ‘We have the highest poll numbers we’ve ever had — thank you, Nancy, very much’ Amber Athey


President Donald Trump successfully trolled Democrats once again Monday — hosting a packed rally the night before their New Hampshire primary election and successfully directing attention and energy away from Democratic campaigners desperate to interest voters.

The near-overflowing arena at Southern New Hampshire University stood in stark contrast to the sparsely attended campaign trail events put on just around the corner by Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and the rest of the Democratic field.

Bernie Sanders may have a rabid online fan base, but how many would camp out all night and day in the frigid February snow for a chance to see their political hero? Warren couldn’t even get hungry diners to glance up from their meals long enough to ask for their vote.

‘I LOVE Trump,’ a concession stand worker said enthusiastically as she doled out chicken tenders and fries to the hundreds of people lined up for food and drink. Attendees danced and sang along to classic rock anthems by Billy Joel and Elton John for hours before the president’s speech, putting Mayor Pete Buttigieg team’s ‘High Hopes’ dance to shame.

‘We have never had an empty seat from the day your future first lady and I came down the escalator,’ Trump said at the start of his speech, poking fun at the Democratic candidates relatively small crowds throughout the state. ‘We have so much more enthusiasm it’s not even close’.

NeverTrump Burns Leftist Cash on Failed Impeachment Crusade Julie Kelly


It’s only a matter of time before more left-wing largess flows Bill Kristol’s way and he’s running ads on Fox News trying—unsuccessfully—to convince Republicans to vote for Bernie Sanders. It will be NeverTrump’s inevitable, and humiliating, endgame.

The gathering featured a whos-who of Trump haters.

According to a weekend blurb in Politico, a launch party Friday night to celebrate the release of yet another screed about Donald Trump attracted journalists and lawmakers as well as NeverTrumpers such as Bill Kristol and David Frum. Unmasking the Presidency, a new book authored by Lawfare’s Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes, went on sale a few weeks ago and is already available on Amazon for a deep discount.

The book party was sponsored by Democracy Fund, a nonprofit backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. Since 2016, Omidyar, a self-proclaimed Trump foe, has dumped tens of millions of dollars into projects to sabotage the president. (Lawfare, a wellspring of Russian collusion propaganda, received $600,000 from Democracy Fund between 2017 and 2019.)

So, of course, Kristol was in attendance at the soiree. Alleged “conservatives” in the NeverTrump cabal that Kristol commands have prostituted themselves by accepting money from the leftist tech billionaire with a grudge against the president and a record of hostility to conservatism.

“Omidyar has given $213 million to various causes, many of which are active in left-wing politics,” according to a report in InfluenceWatch, which tracks the activities of political interest groups. His name often is mentioned alongside other tycoons on the Left such as Tom Steyer, George Soros, and Michael Bloomberg.

Obama Promised A ‘Middle Class’ Economy, Trump Delivered It John Merline


In his State of the Union address five years ago, President Barack Obama talked at length about what he called “middle-class economics.” After years of economic stagnation, he promised that the only thing needed to revive the economy was more middle-class benefits. The middle class has made substantial gains since then, but only because President Donald Trump ignored everything Obama said.

In Obama’s address, he described “middle-class economics” as “helping folks afford childcare, college, health care, a home, retirement.” In other words, still more federal middle-class entitlements and new mandates on employers (higher minimum wage, paid family leave, etc.).

Instead, Trump delivered tax cuts derided by the left as a giveaway to the rich, and deregulated measures that Democrats had claimed were pro-growth.

And when Trump addressed Congress last week, he rattled off a long list of economic gains that resulted from his break from Obama’s “middle-class economics.” It turns out that cutting taxes and regulations, not more government spending, is what the middle class needs.

Included in Trump’s list was the fact that the wealth of the bottom half of American households increased three times as fast as the “1%.”

 “That’s true, according to Federal Reserve data,” said Reuters. “On average, Americans have seen a 17% jump in household wealth since Trump’s election, while wealth at the bottom half has increased 54%.” The top 1% has seen a gain of 13%.

Democrats have been complaining about increases in income inequality for years. How do they explain the fact that it’s declining under Trump?

Soros Starts $1 Billion Anti-American University Fighting nationalism and climate change are its goals. Matthew Vadum


Radical anti-American financier George Soros recently unveiled a scheme to sink $1 billion into a new global university to fight nationalism and climate change, twin phantoms he emotes are “threatening the survival of our civilization.”

Why is this a bad thing?

Because global warming is a hoax and nationalism –at least in a good nation like the United States— is a good thing, and because Soros is a living, breathing malignancy who has devoted the past several decades of his life to advancing evil in the world.

If America is indeed “one nation under God,” as the Pledge of Allegiance states, then believing in and supporting this country is American nationalism.

That is a bridge too far for Soros, a naturalized American, who views himself as a citizen of the world.

Soros said in 2018 that nationalism was “the dominant ideology in the world,” but to him, all nationalism, including American nationalism, is bad. People like Soros regard nationalism as tribalism, jingoism, superpatriotism, or a combination of the three. Because he is an Esperanto-speaking, United Nations-loving internationalist, Soros hurls the word “nationalism” as an epithet.

The White House Has Identified and Will Cut Ties With ‘Anonymous’ Resistance Official By Matt Margolis


The White House has identified and will be parting ways with the “anonymous” senior Trump administration official behind the critical editorial published in the New York Times editorial in September 2018, and a recently published book, A Warning, according to former U.S. attorney Joe diGenova, who made the claim Monday morning on WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall.”

Senior White House officials have declined to comment on the subject.

“I am part of the resistance inside the Trump Administration,” claimed the official in their anonymous NYT op-ed.

President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.

The dilemma — which he does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I would know. I am one of them.