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Impeachment and Amnesia By Andrew Mccarthy


When it comes to executive excess, Trump lacks remorse and Democrats lack self-awareness.

‘If this had happened to President Obama, a lot of people would have been in jail by now.” So went President Trump’s morning-after remarks, following the GOP-controlled Senate’s acquittal vote, the denouement of the Democrat-controlled House’s approval of two thin-gruel articles of impeachment.

To say the president is defiant, that he is without remorse, understates the matter.

In a midweek speech explaining her not-guilty vote, Senator Susan Collins (R., Maine) maintained that the president had “learned his lesson.” By week’s end, she sheepishly allowed that her assessment had been “aspirational” — Collins’ aspiration, that is, not Trump’s.

The president would not pretend to be either sorry or grateful for his reprieve. This is a big part of what ardent Trump supporters love about their man. Alas, it is just as big a part of why the president’s approval numbers languish in the 40s when they ought to be in the 60s, with a humming economy, record low unemployment, and the nation at relative peace.

President Clinton was not sorry either — not really. As shown by his occasional outbursts in recent years, he internalized the storyline that he was the victim, not the villain, of the Lewinsky scandal that led to his impeachment. But 21 years ago, his peerless political instincts told him, a just-acquitted sitting president, that it was important to feign contrition. He apologized to the American people, conceding that his misdeeds were shameful and had put the country and the Congress through a painful ordeal.

Bernie Owes Obama Big Time Barack Obama set the stage for the Vermont socialist’s rise to national prominence. But the Democrat’s Marxist coming-out party happened too soon for America. Karin McQuillan


Those who are surprised by Bernie Sanders’ power in the Democrat primaries of 2016 and 2020 have not been paying attention. The self-styled “democratic socialist” from Vermont has inherited what President Obama sowed. Sanders is riding a wave of well-funded and highly trained young Marxists weaponized by President Obama. It is Obama’s hard work that allowed Bernie to jump from fringe character to viable presidential candidate.

These 21st-century progressives are not the loser SDS-types familiar to Baby Boomers. They know all about power. They are fundraising juggernauts on social media. Democratic candidates cater to them or drop out.

They foisted the “resistance” on traditional liberal Democrats. After Trump’s inauguration, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) were talking about working with the president. Hordes of activists descended on them, threatening their positions and threatening their homes.

The growing power of the hard Left within the Democratic Party’s ranks is not new. It is not the result of Trump derangement. It is the cause of Trump derangement.

Progressives punch way above their weight class, first writing the regulations as government bureaucrats and then using threats of lawsuits to control corporations and colleges. They write the federal and state regulations that require racial and gender quotas. They run the human resources departments to enforce compliance. Activists invade and intimidate boardrooms (one of the things Obama led and taught as a community organizer) insisting corporations adopt woke policies by accusing them of racism, homophobia, and misogyny, and threatening lawsuits.



Florida governor Ron DeSantis spoke to Rush Limbaugh last fall at a gala dinner for the National Review Institute. The radio host was there to receive the William F. Buckley Jr. award. “He actually gave me one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever had,” Limbaugh told his audience the next day. “He listed five great conservatives and put me in the list.” DeSantis’s pantheon: William F. Buckley Jr., Ronald Reagan, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Limbaugh.

Good list. No media figure since Buckley has had a more lasting influence on American conservatism than Limbaugh, whose cumulative weekly audience is more than 20 million people. Since national syndication in 1988, Limbaugh has been the voice of conservatism, his three-hour program blending news, politics, and entertainment in a powerful and polarizing cocktail. His shocking announcement this week that he has advanced lung cancer, and his appearance at the State of the Union, where President Trump awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, are occasions to reflect on his impact.

It’s one thing to excel in your field. It’s another to create the field in which you excel. Conservative talk radio was local and niche before Limbaugh. He was the first to capitalize on regulatory and technological changes that allowed for national scale. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 freed affiliates to air controversial political opinions without inviting government scrutiny. As music programming migrated to the FM spectrum, AM bandwidth welcomed talk. Listener participation was also critical. “It was not until 1982,” writes Nicole Hemmer in Messengers of the Right, “that AT&T introduced the modern direct-dial toll-free calling system that national call-in shows use.”

Donald Trump’s Huge, Incredible, Amazing, Very Good Week By Matt Margolis


Make no mistake about: President Trump has had a great week, and the Democrats had a lousy one. Not even the liberal media denies it. “Donald Trump is having a week that’s frustrating a lot of Democrats,” CNN’s Jake Tapper conceded as early as Tuesday. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed. “Democrats are reduced to hoping the president’s luck finally runs out,” wrote The Week’s Damon Linker. “It’s been a pretty good week for Donald Trump,” wrote David Graham of The Atlantic. “In fact, it’s hard to think of a better week in the Trump administration.”

“Republicans say Donald Trump had perhaps the best week of his presidency, nine months before the election. And even some Democrats privately agree with that assessment,” wrote Scott Wong of The Hill.

Should Trump be re-elected in November, it’s no stretch of the imagination to predict that many pundits will point this past week as the moment his re-election became inevitable.

Let’s review what happened this week, and why Team Trump should be celebrating.


Trump’s tremendous week was foreshadowed by the disaster that became of the Democratic Iowa caucuses. Bernie Sanders came in with momentum and all eyes were on the Hawkeye State to see who would actually emerge victorious, as the caucuses have typically predicted which candidate will ultimately win the Democratic Party’s nomination.

Instead, results were delayed… and delayed… and delayed some more. Something went wrong, horribly wrong, which was traced back to problems with an app that was developed specifically for the caucuses to report results, prompting accusations of shenanigans designed to hurt Bernie Sanders and prevent him from declaring victory Monday evening.

Results wouldn’t come in until later in the week, and reports of errors in the numbers only added fuel to the fire that the Democratic Party is run by corrupt and incompetent people.

Worse yet, turnout for the Democrat caucuses was lower than expected, matching 2016 levels, as opposed to 2008 levels. Meanwhile, Trump broke a record for the most votes for an incumbent president in the Iowa caucuses.

George Parry :Saving Private Ciaramella The alleged “whistleblower” may get the whistle blown on himself.


When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
An’ go to your Gawd like a soldier.
— Rudyard Kipling, “The Young British Soldier”

So it’s over. The impeachment of President Trump, the latest and by no means last installment in the Democrats’ deranged and all-consuming effort to disenfranchise the 63 million unenlightened, Untermenschen Americans who had the bad taste not to vote for Hillary Clinton, has come to its completely predictable end. The House managers figuratively had their heads caved in and teeth scattered like bloody chiclets on the floor of the Senate as the president’s lawyers effortlessly and humiliatingly pureed their flimsy case and fed it back to them like so much rancid pablum.

As the impeachment case was publicly exposed as a corrupt and baseless frame-up, Trump’s approval ratings and campaign fundraising reached new heights. Similarly, according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump’s acquittal also enhanced the electoral prospects of Senate Republicans who face difficult races in November.

Moreover, to the undoubted surprise and consternation of the Democrat geniuses who ginned up Trump’s impeachment, his trial generated a bare minimum of public interest. Not only were there empty seats in the Senate gallery, but the trial also quickly turned into a television-ratings bust as well as a major irritant to potential voters who were deprived of their daily ration of soap operas and celebrity talk shows. As the impeachment farce played out, the vast majority of everyday Americans who have actual lives to lead ignored the Senate trial and attended to other, more important matters, such as rearranging their sock drawers and stenciling their driveways.



Trashing America as racist won’t help Democrats beat Trump John Podhoretz,

The Democrats are lucky the February debate in New Hampshire took place on a Friday night, when relatively few were watching — because if they wanted to deliver the message to the working-class white people who delivered the upper Midwest and the presidency to Donald Trump in 2016 that they should stick with him rather than voting blue in November, they did a brilliant job of it.

Tom Steyer, the billionaire who’s trying to buy a win Bloomberg-style in the South Carolina Democratic primary, issued a stark warning at the beginning of the Democratic debate Friday night in New Hampshire: Trump has the economic numbers that can help him get reelected, and Democrats are going to need to have a strong message to overwhelm it.

About an hour into the debate, they found their message: America, Bernie Sanders said, is “a racist society from top to bottom.”

One by one, the candidates echoed the message that “systemic racism” characterizes America.  continue reading…

The Left’s War on Free Speech: Battlefront Facebook To the Left, property is property, be it physical or intellectual, and confiscation is confiscation. They believe your property is theirs to confiscate. Thaddeus G. McCotter


One would think an editor of an online magazine would be a staunch defender of free speech. One would be wrong.

Keith A. Spencer, Salon’s senior editor responsible for its science, technology, health, and the economy coverage, once more reveals the elitist Left’s abject contempt for your ability to think for yourself and make your own decisions.

Spencer has spewed a diatribe against Facebook with a bitterly ironic title: “How Facebook Misunderstands Free Speech: Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Matter Much If Only the Wealthy and Corporations Can Afford to Proselytize.”

What set Spencer’s First Amendment-protected cyber pen to screen was Facebook’s decision that it will not ban, censor, or fact-check political ads. Simon deemed it a “universally-reviled announcement,” because the likes of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and some leftist twitter trolls brandishing a hashtag like an epee—and, of course, Spencer—didn’t dig it. (One senses Spencer’s universe is rather finite.)

As the Supreme Court has consistently ruled, however, political speech is the most highly protected form of speech. So one suspects someone might welcome Facebook’s decision.

After all, what is there “universally” to revile about it? Per Facebook, the company made the decision because “we don’t believe it’s an appropriate role for us to referee political debates and prevent a politician’s speech from reaching its audience and being subject to public debate and scrutiny.”

In conjunction with its announcement, Facebook also unveiled improvements to its Ad Library, which will allow users to see who is paying for the ad; why the user was targeted for the ad; and what other ads the candidate or organization is promoting.

So what’s the problem? None for free citizens of our free republic who believe in free speech. But the problem for Spencer and his fellow leftists is the lack of control they would have over the free speech you receive and disseminate.

Trump’s New War On Wasteful Spending — An Advance Draft Of The President’s Budget To Congress (FY2021) Adam Andrzejewski


President Donald Trump is taking action to declare war on waste.

This week, we reviewed an advance copy of the President’s Budget FY2021 that will be submitted to Congress on Monday, February 10th. The president’s budget includes a bold and detailed chapter on curbing waste, fraud, corruption, and taxpayer abuse.

… [a] bloated Federal Government, with duplicative programs and wasteful spending, remains a critical threat to America’s future.

President’s Budget FY2021 | Chapter: Stopping Wasteful And Unnecessary Spending, page 13

Our organization at OpenTheBooks.com has advocated these goals from the pages of The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. With the national debt standing at $23.2 trillion and annual budget deficits of over $1 trillion, we applaud the president for starting a war on waste.

Here are just three of the non-partisan reforms the president will highlight in his FY2021 budget to Congress:

1. End Improper Year-End Waste. The federal government’s use-it-or-lose-it year-end spending spree has been going on for years. In our recent oversight report, we found $97 billion spent by 67 federal agencies during the final month of fiscal year 2018. In the last week of the fiscal year, $53 billion in contracts went out the door – that’s one in every ten dollars spent in the entire year.

The Iowa App and the Clinton Cabal There’s money to be made in “progressive” politics. James Freeman


What do you get when you combine Team Clinton’s business savvy with panicked Democrats eager to counter Donald Trump’s use of digital technology? Behold the Iowa Democratic Party’s caucus reporting app.

In competitive elections, you win some and you lose some. But if you can create recurring revenue streams from both the national and state offices of one of America’s two leading political parties, you can win every time! For Democratic tech vendors, the timing is perfect as party officials look to digital investments to counter a perceived Trump advantage.

People will continue to debate which Democrats deserve the most blame for their worst-in-the-nation caucus performance on Monday. The latest twist in the tale comes from Jason Clayworth, who reports in the Des Moines Register:

The reporting app that is getting a large share of the blame for the chaos surrounding Monday’s Democratic caucus results was working until the national party required the installation of a security patch less than 48 hours before the first-in-the-nation contest, a recent member of the Iowa Democratic Central Committee said Thursday.

As for the creators of the app, people outside of the political world may find it increasingly difficult to understand how they were ever hired. The company charged with building the essential technology has a short and unsuccessful history. But it does have valuable connections.

Michael Biesecker and Brian Slodysko reported for the Associated Press on Tuesday:

The little-known technology start-up under scrutiny after the meltdown of the Iowa Democratic caucuses on Monday was founded little more than a year ago by veterans of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign who had presented themselves as gurus of campaigning in the digital era.

Trump dismisses Alexander Vindman, Yevgeny Vindman, and Gordon Sondland By Andrea Widburg


ABBA’s song “The Winner Takes It All” seems peculiarly appropriate for today’s news: “The winner takes it all, The loser’s standing small, Beside the victory, That’s [his] destiny.”

In this case, the winner was President Donald Trump, who emerged victorious from the Democrats’ ill-begotten impeachment debacle. The losers left standing small – and destined to be removed from their positions – were Alexander  Vindman and his twin brother Yevgeny, both of whom are out at the National Security Council, and Ambassador (now former Ambassador) to the European Union Gordon Sondland.

In normal times, dismissing these men from their positions would make perfect sense. All three serve at the President’s pleasure. Under the Constitution, Trump is responsible for foreign policy and is Commander in Chief. In the former role, he has wide latitude to choose and dismiss ambassadors. In the latter role, thousands of years of military tradition hold that officers can be dismissed – or worse – for insubordination.

Sondland came across as merely weak, but Alexander Vindman is a genuine piece of work. The fact that his commanding officer has a constitutional right (and duty) to set foreign policy did not weigh at all with him. He felt that, as a decorated bureaucrat,  his opinion matter more.

When the president ignored Vindman’s opinion, the latter violated national security to complain about Trump’s chosen policy approach. (And note, please that he did not protect himself by being an official whistleblower. Instead, he whined to someone else.) Then, when called before Congress, the man who wears a suit to work showed up in his uniform, evidently trying to put the military’s imprimatur on his personal mutiny.