Dear Friend,
Today, we had planned to announce with some fanfare our having reached 8 million members. But instead we are informing you of our having reached this milestone in order to send a clear and unambiguous message: the Jewish people are not alone.
In recent days and weeks we’ve been horrified at the spate of attacks targeting our Jewish brothers and sisters in New York and New Jersey. These acts of terror are motivated by the dark and sinful evil of anti-Semitism. And they must be stopped.
Christians United for Israel is now 8 million members strong. This is a humbling milestone, but one we do not celebrate. Rather, it is the unrelenting march of anti-Semitism upon which we are focused. There are 8 million American Christian Zionists committed to confronting indifference, combatting anti-Semitism, and defending Israel but that is not enough.
There are millions of Christians across this country that are not yet members of CUFI and we must reach them. There are millions of college students across this country who are subject to anti-Semitic indoctrination on universities and we must educate them. And there are 535 Members of Congress who have seen their chambers paralyzed by partisanship and we must help them.
Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with those victimized by the attacks against the Jewish community in New York and New Jersey.
Christians United for Israel was created for such a time as this. We are here, 8 million strong, standing with the Jewish people. And we’ve only just begun.
Blessings to you and those you love,