Friday’s announcement by President Trump and China that they have reached a Phase One trade deal that includes canceling the imposition of new U.S. tariffs on Chinese products is good news for the American people. It is a huge deal, fulfilling yet another Trump campaign promise and confirming his strategy of using America’s enormous economic leverage to compel our trading partners to deal with us fairly.
“The China deal covers tremendous manufacturing, farming, a lot of rules, regulations,” the president said Friday.
Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen confirmed the deal, saying the two sides had made “significant progress” and that the deal will create “better conditions” for U.S.-China trade.
For many years, American politicians stood by and did nothing while other countries took advantage of our generous approach to international trade. During the 2016 campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump said he would change that.
A staunch advocate of reforming America’s trade policy for decades, candidate Trump warned of the dangers of massive trade deficits at a time when politicians from both parties – unable to figure out how to negotiate improved trade relations – chose to ignore the extent of the problem.
In his campaign to become president, Trump promised he would stop our trading partners from continuing to victimize American workers and businesses with abusive and illegal practices.