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U.S. Reports First Month in 70 Years as Net Exporter of Oil By Rick Moran


Remember a few years ago when the United States was heavily dependent on foreign oil and experts were telling us we’d be a slave to OPEC forever?

I remember it well. We fought wars for oil, undermined unfriendly governments for oil, but in the end, we were at the mercy of others for our oil supply. Our economy was held hostage by OPEC, as even a small change in the price of oil would send markets reeling and slow economic growth.

But in September, that all pretty much ended. For the first time since records were kept beginning in 1949, the United States became a net exporter of oil.


“The U.S. return to being a net exporter serves to remind how the oil industry can deliver surprises — in this case, the shale oil revolution – that upend global oil prices, production, and trade flows,” said Bob McNally, a former energy adviser to President George W. Bush and president of the consulting firm Rapidan Energy Group.

Soaring output from shale deposits led by the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico has been in main driver of the transition — but America’s status as a net exporter may be fragile. Many Texas wildcatters are predicting a rapid decline in production growth next year, while some Democratic contenders for the White House have called for a ban on fracking — the controversial drilling technique that unleashed the boom.

Genomic Science Kept My Boys from Going Blind A rare disease almost took their eyesight, but before their world went dark, a medical miracle happened. By Kristin Papiro


Nine years ago, my family attended a medical conference in Philadelphia for the genetically unblessed. My husband, Eddie, and I found kinship with the other parents there, born of shared purpose: We refused to accept the diagnosis that our child was going blind.

Not long after we brought my newborn son, Anthony, home from the hospital, we noticed his eyes kept darting to the nearest light. If left in a room alone, he couldn’t self-soothe unless we placed him beside a sunlit window out of which he would obsessively gaze. He was eventually diagnosed with Leber congenital amaurosis, or LCA, a rare retinal disease affecting one out of every 50,000 newborns.

If you think of your eye as a camera, LCA isn’t a problem with the lens; the camera itself is broken. The eye cannot properly transmit light and color to the brain. For Anthony, it was like viewing the world permanently through a pair of sunglasses. It was only a matter of time, the doctors agreed, before the lights went out completely.

In 2010 we had learned about promising animal research that was about to move into human clinical trials. At the conference we watched a presentation describing how scientists were injecting modified DNA into the eyes of dogs with LCA, stopping their vision loss. However, that research applied to only 8% of the patient population—those who had the RPE65 gene type.

We gathered in a breakout session with about 50 other parents after the presentation. A nice guy from a drug company went around the room, family by family, and chatted with us. Of all the LCA patients, he found only two kids with the lucky number 65 gene. One of them was ours.



Millenials…America’s Fifth Column? By Ray DiLorenzo

I’m aware that not every Millennial is a nut job. There are a multitude serving our country overseas, in responsible positions, right here, helping to right the ship of state, and large numbers of millennials just working by the rules to make a life for themselves. But, we are in trouble, big trouble, and we had better deal with it.

Millennials were born between 1981 – 1996. That makes them between 23 and 38 years old. They have been well indoctrinated in the Marxist religion disguised as liberalism since early grade school. Millennials look upon socialism as a giant IOU, advantage them, with little or no detriment. The more government, the better.


The farce of the ‘Anonymous’ Trump official
Roger Kimball

Remember ‘Anonymous’? He — or, of course, she (or ‘zhe’ or ‘they’, etc.) — was the person who, back in September 2018, wrote an anonymous op-ed for our former paper of record, ‘I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.’

‘Anonymous’ claimed to be a ‘senior Trump administration official’. He took to the pages of the official fish-wrap because he didn’t approve of President Trump. He and ‘like-minded colleagues…have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda’. Indeed, according to ‘Anonymous’, ‘many of the senior officials in [Trump’s] own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda.’

FBI Diagnosed With CIA Disease An inspector general’s report underscores how the FBI departed from its tradition of professionalism and honesty in pursuit of domestic political influence. Angelo Codevilla


The Justice Department’s inspector general this month reprimanded the FBI for the manner in which it recruits and supervises its “confidential human sources.” To the layman, this seems about technicalities. In fact, it shows that one of the CIA’s deadliest dysfunctions now infects the FBI as well.

This disease consists of choosing and rejecting sources for the purpose of indulging the agencies’ and their leaders’ private agendas rather than to further intelligence work on the public’s behalf. 

Necessarily, the language of the inspector general’s November 19 report is vague: “Ineffective management and oversight of confidential sources.” This means the FBI has failed to use “adequate controls” in its validation of human sources, which has resulted in “jeopardizing FBI operations, and placing FBI agents, sources, subjects of investigation, and the public in harm’s way.”

The inspector general’s concern with the FBI’s source management stems from the investigation into the FBI’s involvement in the 2016 presidential campaign, including by taking seriously the infamous Steele dossier that it knew was a fabrication as well as, likely, some Russian communication intercepts that also should have been rejected on strictly professional grounds. In short, the FBI departed from its tradition of professionalism and honesty in pursuit of domestic political influence.

Choosing and recruiting sources, validating and managing them, is the very heart of intelligence. Doing it badly, taking sources that come easy—especially dispensing with due skepticism about the ones that contribute to one’s own agendas—is professional corruption. But doing it right is hard. To the extent that intelligence agencies find it difficult to fulfill expectations, they are tempted to substitute such corruption for the competence they lack. The pursuit of agency interests or even personal agendas takes over.

CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy The conspiracy theory that exposes the Democrats’ desperation and panic. Oleg Atbashian


In the last few days, media talking heads have been saying the word “CrowdStrike” a lot, defining it as a wild conspiracy theory originating in Moscow. They were joined by Chris Wallace at Fox News, who informed us that president Trump and his ill-informed fans believe in a crazy idea that the DNC wasn’t hacked by the Russians but by some Ukrainian group named CrowdStrike that stole the DNC server and brought it to Ukraine , and that it was Ukraine that meddled in our 2016 election and not Russia.

A crazy idea indeed. Except that neither Trump nor his fans had ever heard of it until the Democrat-media complex condescendingly informed them that these are their beliefs.

Let’s look at the facts:

Fact 1. In 2016 the DNC hired the Ukrainian-owned firm CrowdStrike to analyze their server and investigate a data breach.

Fact 2. CrowdStrike experts determined that the culprit was Russia.

Fact 3. The FBI never received access to the DNC server, so the Russian connection was never officially confirmed and continues to be an allegation coming from the DNC and its Ukrainian-owned contractor.

Fact 4. Absent the official verdict, other theories continue to circulate, including the possibility that the theft was an inside job by a DNC employee, who simply copied the files to a USB drive and sent it to WikiLeaks.

None of these facts was ever disputed by anyone. The media largely ignored them except for the part about the Russian hackers, which boosted their own, now debunked, wild conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent.

The House I Live In: When even avowed Communists celebrated America and her principles. Fred Miller


There was a time when even avowed communists had a startling recognition among their utopian, delusional Soviet dreams that there was undeniable greatness at the heart of America. Take the case of Abel Meeropol, writing under the pen name Lewis Allan, who crafted the lyrics to the inspiring Frank Sinatra wartime movie short “The House I Live In.” The lyrics celebrate the America of small towns, big cities, “but especially the people” going about their business independently, FREELY. What American, liberal or conservative, could or can fault its sentiments and unabashed patriotism?

Meeropol would also write Billie Holiday’s harrowing “Strange Fruit,” a poetically graphic account of Black lynchings  in the Deep South. Clearly, he was a talented artist moved by both the soaring greatness and grave shortcomings of American life. And he should be remembered and honored as such. Both songs are still sung and worthy of their durability.

The Left claims to own such “protest” as exemplified by “Strange Fruit,” but factually no decent person anywhere on the political spectrum, then or now, could object to exposure and correction of  injustices and blatant flaws in our society. It remains a mystery of human complexity to explain the contradictions within each human soul, and none poses a bigger question than how Jewish Americans like Meeropol (or anyone FREELY enjoying the blessings of living in a FREE country like this) could embrace the Marxist ideology of mass human enslavement.

In Restoring Civics, Start with the Basics There is a lot to be said for students having the opportunity to write research papers or develop projects independently. But first they should have a base of knowledge from which to proceed. Robert Holland


In a bit of good news for this Thanksgiving, it appears that many would-be shapers of education policy are plugging for the return of civics to the curricula of schools and colleges.

The bad news is that many of the prime movers and shakers behind a “new civics” still cling to the old progressive hostility toward a knowledge-based approach to teaching and testing American students about representative government and its historical roots in this exceptional nation.

A little more bad news: A survey released this fall by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni added to a mountain of evidence that adults, including many who attend college, don’t command much civic knowledge. For example, fewer than half knew that John Roberts is the current chief justice of the United States. More than one-quarter thought Brett Kavanaugh was.

Term lengths of U.S. senators and representatives? That is a piece of information any informed voter should know; however, fewer than half of college graduates could give the correct numbers. (The answer, by the way, is six and two, respectively).

Now for some better news: Five years ago, a coalition of prominent leaders assembled by the Arizona-based Joe Foss Institute launched a Civics Education Initiative intended to ensure that all young Americans are taught basic civics and tested on their grasp of the fundamentals. Former U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Carl Bernstein were among the participants.

‘Bizarre delicacy is cruel’: De Blasio signs bill banning foie gras in NYC by Zachary Halaschak (???)


Whew! We have until 2022! By then we may be dining by candlelight and using our fingers instead of utensils.rsk

Foie gras will soon be pulled from menus across New York City after Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation that bans sales of the French delicacy.

De Blasio signed the bill into law on Monday. It had been widely supported by the New York City Council, which voted overwhelmingly in favor of banning the food over concerns of animal cruelty. The ban will go into effect in 2022 and is expected to have an impact on the approximately 1,000 restaurants that serve the dish, according to the New York Times.

Foie gras, created through a process called gavage, is made from the liver of a duck or goose that is force-fed a fatty mixture through a tube inserted into its throat. During the 20-day feeding process, the bird’s liver becomes engorged for human consumption.

Allie Feldman Taylor, president of Voters for Animal Rights, hailed the decision.

“New York has sent a clear message to foie gras producers that shoving a foot-long pipe down a bird’s throat and intentionally diseasing and enlarging their liver up to ten times its normal size in order to create some bizarre delicacy is cruel and has no place in our compassionate city,” Taylor said in a press release.

Marco Moreira, the executive chef and owner of French restaurant Tocqueville, criticized the law and said that it would damage the city’s fine dining scene.

What We Wish Democrats Would Read Over The Thanksgiving Break


If the Democratic presidential candidates can take a break from their campaigns over the long holiday weekend, they should catch up on their reading. We have for them a few suggestions that might give them a new perspective.

Declaration of Independence. If they were to actually read and internalize this founding document, the Democrats might accidentally learn that the policies they are so set on imposing on this country are hardly different from many of the cruel acts committed by the crown the Founders rebelled against.

U.S. Constitution. There’s no greater reminder that we have guaranteed freedoms, that Congress’ power is limited, that this nation was intended to have a “republican form of government,” not a democracy, which is easily transformed into mob rule, than our Constitution.

“Economics in One Lesson,” Henry Hazlitt. This Thanksgiving happens to coincide with the 125th anniversary of Hazlitt’s birth. As Pepperdine University economist Gary Galles notes nearby, Hazlitt was one “of America’s most prolific public intellectuals (who) published roughly 10 million words as a journalist, literary critic, philosopher, and economist.” “Economics in One Lesson” ought to be required reading for Democrats. In this seminal work, Hazlitt explains in clear and compelling fashion why their prescriptions will make the country worse off. He also explains why we should be thankful for our free market system.

“Breaking Point,” C.J.Box. Washington needs to understand how its policies affect everyday people across the country and Box shows them. The novel is based on the Environmental Protection Agency’s vicious harassment of the Sacketts of Idaho, who, says Box, went through “a nightmare” just trying to build a modest home that was to be their dream house.

“The Permission Society: How the Ruling Class Turns Our Freedoms into Privileges and What We Can Do About It,” Timothy Sandefur. We should not have to have our rights cleared by government before we exercise them. This might seem like a new idea to the Democrats, who not only want to the authority to grant fundamental rights to petitioners, but wish to shut them down whenever possible.

Who Will Turn Over the 2016 Rocks? The republic can survive the truth, but the FBI and CIA probably can’t. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.


A forthcoming report by the Justice Department inspector general will look into the FBI’s formal handling of the Steele dossier and its launching of a counterintelligence investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. Far more consequential, though, was the FBI’s informal role in allowing itself to be used to inject the dossier into the political sphere to spark the Russia collusion folly.

And where is the similar report on the CIA under John Brennan ? His promotion of the Russia collusion canard was bad enough. Unexamined is his role in promoting the still-secret Russian “intelligence” used to justify FBI Director James Comey’s chaotic intercessions in the matter of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The story is worth retelling. Mr. Comey’s rationale, not disclosed until after the election, we may suppose was of crucial importance to somebody who makes himself out to be such a stickler for doing the right thing. Yet his public explanations have been a tissue of absurdities. He claims the secret Russian intelligence might have leaked and discredited a Justice Department decision to clear Mrs. Clinton, but how did his usurping the DOJ’s decision improve matters? The information still could have leaked. Plus didn’t his own actions discredit the DOJ?

He says he was protecting the FBI, that an FBI decision would be more credible than a Justice Department decision. This is laughable. On the eve of the convention, the FBI was going to deprive the president’s party of its nominee even as the reviled Mr. Trump was storming to the GOP nomination? It would have been institutional hara-kiri. Nobody believes the FBI’s decision was any less foreordained than the Justice Department’s.

Making further mincemeat of Mr. Comey’s rationale, the inspector general has revealed that his FBI colleagues judged the Russian intelligence to be “objectively false” and possibly a Kremlin plant. If the Russians can fake one email chain to discredit the Justice Department, they can fake another to discredit the FBI. Again, how did Mr. Comey fix any problem?