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Anti-Trump Whistleblower Wrote ‘Dramatic’ Memo After Ukraine Call; Has Ties to 2020 Dem Candidate


The anti-Trump “whistleblower” is a registered Democrat who reportedly has a significant tie to one of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Also, according to Fox News,  he wrote a “dramatic” but inaccurate two-page memo on July 26, the day after the Trump-Zelensky phone call.

Immediately following his chat with an unidentified White House official about President Trump’s telephone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,” the so-called IC whistleblower wrote what Fox News described as a “dramatic personal memo,” alleging that the White House official characterized the call as “crazy” and “frightening.”

The whistleblower alleged that Trump improperly pressured Zelensky to investigate potential 2020 election rival Joe Biden, whose son Hunter once sat on the board of a notoriously corrupt Ukrainian energy firm. The allegation helped spark House Democrats to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into the president, who is steadfastly denying any wrongdoing.

“The following is a record of a conversation I had this afternoon with a White House official about the telephone call yesterday morning between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,” the complainant wrote in his memo.

Sen. Cotton Calls Intel Community Watchdog ‘Evasive,’ ‘Insolent’ and ‘Obstructive’ in Scathing Letter Debra Heine


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) fired off a scathing letter to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Wednesday, calling his recent testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee “insolent and obstructive.”

ICIG Michael Atkinson is under fire for secretly altering intelligence community whistleblower complaint forms in September and backdating those changes to August when the anti-Trump “whistleblower” complaint was filed.

Under the new rules, whistleblowers are no longer required to provide first-hand information to support allegations of wrongdoing.

The ICIG admitted to lawmakers that the whistleblower forms and rules were changed in September, even though the new forms and guidance state that the changes were made in August. When asked to explain why the changes were backdated to August, Atkinson reportedly had no answer.

“Your disappointing testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on September 26 was evasive to the point of being insolent and obstructive,” Cotton, a Republican member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), wrote.

Cotton added that Atkinson refused to disclose to committee members why Atkinson determined the anti-Trump complainant had a partisan political bias against Trump.

Can We Keep Our Republic? If the Dems win, Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America will be complete. Bruce Thornton


When asked the type of government the Constitutional Convention had created, Benjamin Franklin famously replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin and the Founders understood that given a flawed human nature and its passion for power, no form of political order can survive if it is not continually maintained and defended against attempts to dismantle it in order to empower one faction at the expense of others, thus diminishing their freedom.

Since the election of Donald Trump, we have been watching one of the most serious assaults on the Constitutional Republic in our history. With the current efforts of the Democrat-controlled House to engineer public support for impeachment, this three-year attack is intensifying. The climactic battle will be fought on November 3, 2020 when America goes to the polls to select the president. On that day will be decided not just which party will take the White House, but which vision of government will rule us: The Constitutional order of popular sovereignty, federalism, and divided powers; or a technocratic oligarchy of centralized and concentrated power.

Or to put it more starkly: Can we keep our nation of free citizens, or will we become one of managed clients?

This competition of political philosophies is not about Donald Trump’s alleged violations of mythic “democratic norms” or “presidential decorum.” In fact, the bipartisan evocation of such codes of political manners reflects the preference for the technocratic oligarchy that has ruled and misruled the country since the Second World War. Its roots go back even farther than that. The first progressives of the late 19th century were frankly technocratic, disdainful of separated and balanced powers, and advocates of the new “human sciences” that they claimed had made obsolete the wisdom of the Founders, the guidance of tradition, and the lessons of history.

So who’s the Democratic candidate the ‘whistleblower’ had a ‘professional relationship’ with? By Monica Showalter


The Democrats’ impeachment show just keeps getting less and less credible, and more and more disgusting.

The latest is from Byron York at the Washington Examiner, who reports that the so-called “whistleblower” had a “professional relationship” with an unnamed Democratic Party presidential candidate:

Under questioning from Republicans during last Friday’s impeachment inquiry interview with [Michael] Atkinson, the [intelligence community’s] inspector general revealed that the whistleblower’s possible bias was not that he was simply a registered Democrat. It was that he had a significant tie to one of the Democratic presidential candidates currently vying to challenge President Trump in next year’s election.

“The IG said [the whistleblower] worked or had some type of professional relationship with one of the Democratic candidates,” said one person with knowledge of what was said.

“The IG said the whistleblower had a professional relationship with one of the 2020 candidates,” said another person with knowledge of what was said.

“What [Atkinson] said was that the whistleblower self-disclosed that he was a registered Democrat and that he had a prior working relationship with a current 2020 Democratic presidential candidate,” said a third person with knowledge of what was said.

All three sources said Atkinson did not identify the Democratic candidate with whom the whistleblower had a connection. It is unclear what the working or professional relationship between the two was.

Back to You, Nancy Trump calls the Speaker’s bluff on her impeachment tactics.


The White House letter late Tuesday telling Speaker Nancy Pelosi that President Trump won’t cooperate with her impeachment inquiry is causing heartburn among all the usual suspects. Readers should ignore the fainting spells over “a constitutional crisis” and keep in mind that this is largely a political response to a political attack by House Democrats.

“Your inquiry is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process,” wrote White House counsel Pat Cipollone, who lists the due-process protections that the House is denying Mr. Trump as it pursues impeachment. He’s right about due process but wrong to dress this up in constitutional clothes.

No doubt Mr. Cipollone is doing this for political effect, since he knows that under the Constitution the House can organize impeachment more or less as it wants. The House is under no constitutional obligation to allow Mr. Trump’s lawyers to cross-examine witnesses, as if impeachment were a criminal proceeding. Like the President’s pardon power, the House’s impeachment power is among the least fettered in America’s founding charter.

Mr. Cipollone is trying to make a political point about the unprecedented secret and unfair way the House is proceeding on impeachment, and on that he’s entirely correct. As we’ve been writing, Mrs. Pelosi has refused to let the House vote on a resolution authorizing an official impeachment inquiry with rules that define the scope and procedures.

This contrasts with how the House worked in both the Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton impeachments. Mr. Cipollone is now using the lack of a House vote to justify the White House refusal to cooperate with witnesses and documents “under these circumstances.” Mr. Cipollone holds out the prospect of cooperating if Mrs. Pelosi holds such a vote.

Think of this as a “back to you, Nancy” memo. She now faces a political choice of her own. She could treat Mr. Trump’s lack of cooperation as one more impeachable offense, add it to whatever the House decides to do about Mr. Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president, and impeach Mr. Trump on those grounds. Joe Biden endorsed impeachment on this basis Wednesday. But this rush to impeach might not persuade anyone who hasn’t wanted to oust Mr. Trump since January 2017.

On the other hand, Mrs. Pelosi could let the House vote to authorize an inquiry with regular order and rules that give the minority subpoena power and have everything done in public. This was the House standard for Nixon-Clinton. The risk for Mrs. Pelosi is that she might lose some House Democrats on such a vote without gaining many Republicans—which would make the partisan nature of the exercise clear and undermine its public credibility.

Extortion: Minneapolis Mayor Tries to Shut Down Trump Rally With ‘Outrageous’ Security Fee By Tyler O’Neil


Minneapolis’s liberal mayor, Jacob Frey, has demanded $530,000 in security costs for a Trump campaign rally this Thursday — 26 times the cost of security for a 2009 Obama rally. In violation of its contract, the Target Center threatened to cancel the rally unless the campaign forks over the cash.

“This is an outrageous abuse of power by a liberal mayor trying to deny the rights of his own city’s residents just because he hates the President,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. “People want to hear from their President, and no mayor looking to beef up his resume for a run for higher office should stand in the way.”

College campuses have imposed outrageous security costs as a pretext to shut down controversial speakers, often conservatives. In 2018, the University of Wisconsin tried to charge its College Republicans club $17,000 in security fees for a rally. The College Republicans sued, claiming a violation of their First Amendment free speech rights, and the college settled, paying the club $122,500 in legal fees.

The Trump campaign alleged that Frey “is abusing the power of his office and attempting to extort President Trump’s re-election campaign by conjuring a phony and outlandish bill for security in an effort to block a scheduled Keep America Great rally. Democrat Mayor Frey is using the bogus security charges to pressure the Target Center, site of the contracted October 10, 2019 rally, into preventing Minnesota residents from exercising their First Amendment rights in support of President Trump.”

Bombshell Admission: Clapper Says Obama Made Them Do It !!!!!


RUSH: Audio sound bite number 10, this morning on CNN Jim Sciutto is talking to James Clapper, who was as corrupt as Brennan, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence. And Jim Sciutto says, “Are you concerned that Barr or Durham’s investigation will find wrongdoing and seek to punish former intelligence officials like you?”

CLAPPER: The message I’m getting from all this is, apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and oh, by the way, blown off what the then commander in chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could that we had available to us —

RUSH: Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop the digital. Did you hear what he just said? He just said (imitating Clapper), “And, by the way, should we have just blown off what Obama told us to do?” Does he know what he’s just done here? Clapper on CNN today said Obama made us do it. Here, finish the bite or play it from the top, whichever you have ready to go.

CLAPPER: — and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration. And while we’re at it, declassify as much as we possibly could to make it public, and that’s what we did.

SCIUTTO: One issue I’m — (crosstalk)

CLAPPER: It’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for, you know having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president.

ICIG Atkinson Refuses to Tell Congress Why Whistleblower Rule Changes Were Backdated Debra Heine


Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG), reportedly refused to answer a key question during testimony before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) on Friday.

Atkinson met with members of the committee in a closed meeting to to answer questions related to the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

When asked to explain why his office made changes to its whistleblower forms in September and backdated those changes to August when the anti-Trump “whistleblower” complaint was filed, Atkinson had no answer, Sean Davis reported at the Federalist on Monday. He also reportedly admitted to lawmakers that the anti-Trump complainant had improperly concealed his previous secret interactions with House Democratic staff prior to submitting the complaint.

The Federalist first reported late last month that the ICIG secretly changed its whistleblower forms and internal rules in September to do away with a requirement that complainants provide first-hand evidence to support their allegations of wrongdoing.

The IC watchdog disclosed in a press release last week that the rule change was in response to an anti-Trump complaint filed on August 12. The whistleblower complaint was based on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false after President Trump ordered the declassification and release of his telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During Friday’s HPSCI committee oversight hearing, Atkinson admitted that the whistleblower forms and rules changes were made in September, even though the new forms and guidance state that they were changed in August, sources told the Federalist.

Despite having a full week to come up with explanations for his office’s decisions to secretly change its forms to eliminate the requirement for first-hand evidence and to backdate those changes to August, Atkinson refused to provide any explanation to lawmakers baffled by his behavior.


Graham: If Dems Move Forward With Impeachment, the Identities of Anonymous Whistleblowers Will Be Revealed


Ratcliffe: DOJ Inspector General’s Report On FISA Abuse Will Be Released Within Next “Week Or Two” Posted By Tim Hains 


One Year After Kavanaugh’s Confirmation, Protestors Gather Outside Supreme Court By Chrissy Clark


One year ago, then Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court after facing unsubstantiated allegations of sexual assault and weeks of vicious Senate confirmation hearings. Although the hearings concluded, the smears against Kavanaugh’s character did not.

The New York Times promulgated a story that sparked calls for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. Nearly every 2020 Democratic candidate called for Justice Kavanaugh to be impeached amid media attention of more unsubstantiated allegations.

Marking the anniversary Kavanugh’s swearing in, angry protestors gathered at the Supreme Court on Monday. Julio Rosas, a senior writer at Townhall, documented the displays of insanity. Here’s what he saw:

Warning: explicit language displayed in signs below.