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Restoring Our Maritime Strength By Jerry Hendrix & Brent Sadler


The “first hundred days” myth has had a hold on American politics ever since Franklin Roosevelt’s first inauguration. In March 1933, the president summoned Congress to a three-month special session in which it passed 15 major bills to correct the downward trends of the Great Depression. Nearly every Democratic president to succeed him, and even a handful of Republicans, has tried to recapture the magic of FDR’s accomplishment. As the nation confronts numerous threats amid a deteriorating security environment, that magic is needed more than ever.

The next administration, in its first hundred days, will face an urgent problem: the need to rebuild the U.S. Navy to deter China, which, in its global push for dominance, is backed by a rapidly expanding modern navy, maritime constabulary, and commercial fleet. But an effective effort will involve more than just the Navy. It will also require investing in the broader maritime industry and ensuring that the nation has adequate shipping in peacetime to prevent China from dictating our terms of trade and subordinating our economic interests to its own.

What would a successful maritime first hundred days look like?

It should begin well before the president takes office. The first thing that a president-elect must consider is the national-security team. As is often said, personnel is policy: Without the right people, good ideas remain just ideas. In his first term, despite a campaign commitment to increasing the Navy’s fleet to 350 ships, President Trump was never able to “build the bench” by fully staffing the Pentagon, including the Department of the Navy, and hence was never able to build the fleet that he had promised. As for President Joe Biden, the low priority he has placed on defense, and on the Navy specifically, resulted in a failure to staff the Navy’s political leadership before the final year of his term. Whether Trump or Kamala Harris wins the White House this time, the nation cannot afford to repeat such mistakes.

The secretary of defense and the senior civilian positions in the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force are important, but so too are the Senate-confirmed undersecretaries and assistant secretaries who implement decisions. The day after winning the election, the next president should begin building a national-security team supportive of his or her overall policy goals, possessed of the knowledge and experience to drive required changes through, and able to be confirmed by the Senate. A second priority during the transition should be to review all the Biden executive orders to ascertain whether they impeded the operational or material readiness of the fleet.

Restoring Deterrence Will Prevent Endless Wars Trump must remind Americans only by deterring enemies can he prevent endless wars. By Victor Davis Hanson


On January 3, 2020, the Trump administration conducted a drone strike near Baghdad International Airport, killing Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani.

Soleimani had a long record of waging surrogate wars against Americans, especially during the Iraq conflict and its aftermath.

After the Trump cancellation of the Iran Deal, followed by U.S. sanctions, Soleimani reportedly stepped up violence against regional American bases—most of which Trump himself ironically wished to remove.

A few days later, Iran staged a performance-art retaliatory strike against Americans in Iraq and Syria, assuming Trump had no desire for a wider Middle East war.

So, Iran launched 12 missiles that hit two U.S. airbases in Iraq. Supposedly, Tehran had warned the Trump administration of the impending attacks that killed no Americans. Later reports, however, suggested that some Americans suffered concussions, while more damage was done to the bases than was initially disclosed.

Nonetheless, this Iranian interlude seemed to reflect Trump’s agenda of avoiding “endless wars” in the Middle East while restoring deterrence that prevented, not prompted, full-scale conflicts.

Yet in a second Trump administration, rethreading the deterrence needle without getting into major wars may become far more challenging. The world of today is far more dangerous than when Trump left in 2021.

An inept Biden administration has utterly destroyed U.S. deterrence abroad through both actual and symbolic disasters: the Chinese dressing down of U.S. diplomats in Anchorage; the humiliating skedaddle from Afghanistan; the brazen flight of a Chinese spy balloon across the U.S.; the invasion of Ukraine by Russia; the October 7, 2023 massacre of 1200 Israelis; the serial Houthi attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea; the visible restraint of Israeli from fully replying to Iranian missile attacks on its homeland; and renewed bellicosity on the part of both North Korea and China toward American allies such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Milley-tary Madness Woke bigotry and white flag supremacy on full display. by Lloyd Billingsley


Joe Biden turns 82 on November 20 and until January 20 he is still president of the United States. In the wake of the Trump landslide, the senile Democrat may feel a need to regain the spotlight. Maybe some cracked general thinks Biden might attack, say, North Korea, and assure Kim Jong Un’s crew that if that were to happen he would tip them off. Such a thing did go down in 2020.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, likened President Donald Trump to Hitler and Trump supporters to brownshirts. No Joint Chiefs boss had ever done anything like that, and there was more to it. Gen. Milley also hinted that he would tip off China in the event of an American attack, which he thought Trump might be planning. Milley actually called Chinese Gen. Li Zuocheng and defended the call as conducting the duties of his office. In effect, Milley appointed himself commander-in-chief, a move not exactly authorized by the Uniform Code of Military Justice or consistent with common sense.  Like Biden, Milley must believe that the leaders of a genocidal Stalinist slave state are “not bad folks.”

Last year, China sent a surveillance balloon over most of the continental United States, including military bases. It was first sighted by a private citizen, picked up by national media, and only then acknowledged by the Biden-Harris administration. China claimed that the balloon was for “mainly meteorological purposes,” that the craft had “limited self-steering capability,” and that “westerlies” blew it off course.

Making America Safe Again Will be Donald Trump’s Highest Priority as President America’s enemies are not looking forward to January 20, 2025. By Fred Fleitz


In my opinion, the most important of all of Donald Trump’s promises during the 2024 presidential campaign was to “make America safe again” by restoring American leadership and peace through strength.

This is because Joe Biden will leave Trump with grave national security challenges around the world. U.S. weakness under Biden, Biden’s frivolous foreign policy that designated climate change as the top U.S. national security threat, and major foreign policy failures have caused U.S. and global security to seriously deteriorate since 2021.

The war in Ukraine, caused by Biden’s weak foreign policy and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, has become a stalemate and long-term war of attrition that could escalate, possibly with Russia using nuclear weapons, if Ukraine expands its attacks into Russian territory. President Biden and European leaders have no plan for a Ukrainian victory or ending the war and have instead promoted an endless war approach of arming Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”

U.S. relations with Russia and China plummeted during the Biden administration. Biden has not spoken to Russian President Putin since before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. There has been little meaningful U.S. diplomacy with China. Biden’s inept foreign policy has pushed Russia into the hands of China as part of a new anti-West axis that includes Iran and North Korea. Chinese military provocations against Taiwan and in the South China Sea soared during the Biden years with no serious response by the United States.

And then there is the Middle East, where Israel is facing a seven-front war in the aftermath of the horrendous October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorist attack. Increased instability in the Middle East since Biden became president was caused by his appeasement of Iran, which is $100 billion richer today due to Biden’s refusal to enforce oil sanctions against Iran. Weak U.S. leadership under Biden also caused tensions to explode in this region. This includes recent missile attacks by Iran and Israel against each other for the first time and huge advances in Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Without a return of American deterrence and a strong U.S. president, the Middle East is facing the prospect of a full-scale Israel-Iran war that could go nuclear.

Global Threat: The Biden-Harris Administration Is Enabling Iran to Become the Next Nuclear State by Majid Rafizadeh


Iran is now just a technical step away from acquiring a nuclear bomb, and these advances have been taking place while the Biden-Harris administration has done not a single thing to stop or even slow them.

Why are the US and its allies not alarmed?

The dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran are clear, particularly given the regime’s long-standing support for terror groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, as well as its history of muscular aggression into Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon, Africa, Argentina, Panama, Venezuela, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

[T]he Biden-Harris administration is paving the way for a future where Iran becomes a nuclear-armed state. This outcome would have catastrophic consequences for global security, not only the Middle East.

One of the most alarming features of the Biden-Harris administration is its permissive stance towards Iran’s nuclear program. When this administration came into power, they promised that they would effectively address and curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Yet, nearly four years into Biden’s term, US Secretary of Stare Antony Blinken announced that Iran is “probably 1-2 weeks” away from having nuclear weapons — and that was in July.

Iran is now just a technical step away from acquiring a nuclear bomb, and these advances have been taking place while the Biden-Harris administration has done not a single thing to stop or even slow them.

America’s Adversaries are Rooting for Kamala Harris In Kamala Harris, America’s adversaries see a president who would be substantially weaker Joe Biden, whom they can easily manipulate and defy to destroy the U.S.-led global order. By Fred Fleitz


Although America’s ferociously anti-Trump media refuses to admit it, there is a powerful group of people who cannot vote in the U.S. presidential election but are rooting for Kamala Harris to win: the leaders of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, terrorist groups, and other U.S. adversaries.

America’s adversaries took full advantage over the past three years of a sharp decline in American global influence and deterrence. This resulted in new wars and massive terrorist attacks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a surge in provocations and threats by China against Taiwan and in the South China Sea, the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre against Israel, a new 7-front war against Israel, a dangerous increase in Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism and major gains in its nuclear weapons program, a huge increase in North Korean missile tests, 11 million illegal migrants crossing our southern border, and other threats.

On top of this, a dangerous new Russia-China-Iran-North Korea axis began during the Biden years. Russia and China greatly strengthened their diplomatic, military, and economic ties. Iran has been providing Russia with missiles and drones for the Russian military to use in the war in Ukraine. North Korea has provided Russia with missiles, ammunition, and troops for this war. Russia has provided North Korea with missile technology. China, Russia, and Iran have held joint military exercises. There are reports these states may also hold a military exercise with North Korea.

However, despite the deterioration of the U.S.-led global order since 2021, America’s adversaries see even greater opportunities to exploit U.S. weakness under a Kamala Harris presidency.

There are two reasons for this. One reason is that the damage Joe Biden could do to U.S. national security was limited because many of President Trump’s successful national security policies were difficult for Biden to cancel or roll back. For example, the historic Abraham Accords, which normalized Israel’s relations with four Arab states, survived the Biden years despite President Biden’s inept, anti-Israel policies. The Biden administration wanted to move the U.S. embassy in Israel out of Jerusalem and create a consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians but was thwarted by opposition from Israeli officials and members of Congress. Although Biden criticized the Trump administration’s sanctions against Iran and tariffs against China during the 2020 presidential campaign, he kept most of them in place.

Similarly, although Biden strongly condemned Trump’s withdrawal from the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and could have rejoined it with the stroke of a pen, Biden instead unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran. This isn’t to say Biden’s policies to appease Iran and not enforce U.S. oil sanctions were not terrible—they were. But they could have been much worse.

How Woke Politics Are Endangering Our Military and Our Nation A review of one of the most important books of the last decade. Jason Hill


It is not often that I write a book review and find that the book has gotten under my skin, so to speak. When this happens, as was the case in reading Don’t Give up the Ship: Woke Politics are Endangering our Military and our Nation by The Calvert Task Group, it is because I felt as if I were in the presence of a rare and lost breed of military men: patriotic and possessed of punctilious courtesy, refined manners, liberal education, and personal honor.

Such is the nature of the men who are the authors of this unprecedented book. They are a group of Naval Academy graduates from the Class of 1969. The moniker for the group is derived from Vice Admiral James Calvert who was the inspirational Superintendent of the Naval academy during their attendance. As you read this stupendous book of personal stories, policy recommendations and, as importantly, an analysis of the way in which woke ideology is weakening our military and demoralizing the Department of Defense (DoD), you will witness a phalanx of honorable men, devoutly dedicated to the armed forces of America and to their country who are still putting up a brave fight. They have given every American a secular Bible functioning as a moral inoculant against the idea pathogens infecting our military.

The ultimate goal of the book is to describe and provide solutions for the manner in which Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies, and Critical Race Theory (CTR) are destroying our military.

A Great Reset is taking place in the military of our beleaguered republic. All this is happening while China and Russia are mocking the United States and expanding and accelerating their imperialist plans.

As two of the authors, Brent Ramsey and Michael D. Pefley, point out in one of the essays, Social Justice imposed by the state is annihilating the military. Despite the fact that 45% of the military identify as minorities, the DoD insists that DEI are military necessities.

Who Leaked U.S. Intelligence on a Possible Israel Attack on Iran? This type of intelligence compromise harms American national security because it discourages U.S. allies from sharing critical threat intelligence with our country. Fred Fleitz


Fred Fleitz previously served as National Security Council chief of staff, CIA analyst, and a House Intelligence Committee staff member. This article was cleared for classification purposes by the CIA Classification Prepublication Review Board.

A recent leak of U.S. intelligence analysis on how Israel might retaliate against Iran for a massive missile attack against the Jewish state on October 1 has outraged Biden/Harris administration critics and further damaged U.S.-Israel relations.

Given their opposition to an Israeli attack on Iran, Biden/Harris officials had a strong motive to leak this information. However, the huge number of U.S. government employees who likely had access to this intelligence means there are many other suspects.

The intelligence in question was a one-page classified analysis by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) titled “Israel: Air Force Continues Preparations for Strike on Iran and Conducts a Second Large-Force Employment Exercise, October 15-16, 2024.” This top-secret report was accompanied by a one-page chart that discussed the weaponry Israel might use to attack Iran.

The NGA assessment was made public after it was anonymously posted to a Telegram discussion group popular with Iranians.

Understandably, President Biden and other senior U.S. officials would want to know when Israel will attack Iran, what it will attack, the weapons it will use, and the timing of the attack. Normally, U.S. officials would just ask their Israeli counterparts for this information. However, because of the increasingly poor relationship between the Biden/Harris administration and the Netanyahu government and reported leaks to the press by White House officials of their confidential discussions with Israeli officials, the Israeli government does not trust the Biden/Harris administration. As a result, Israel has refused to share this type of sensitive Israeli national security information with the United States. The Biden/Harris administration, therefore, must rely on the U.S. Intelligence Community for information about Israeli plans to attack Iran.

There has been some speculation that a Biden/Harris administration official leaked the analysis to sabotage a possible Israeli attack on Iran that they fear could influence the November 5 presidential election. There is no evidence so far that any administration official was involved in such a gravely serious leak against Israel.

US national security mandates regime-change in Iran Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger,


The US State Department has rejected the regime-change option (which would gratify most Iranians) since 1978/79, when Iran’s Ayatollahs seized power, assisted by the State Department, which had stabbed the back of the Shah, who had been America’s Policeman in the Gulf.

Instead, the State Department has embraced the diplomatic option, which has generated hundreds of billions of dollars to the Ayatollahs – notwithstanding their systematically anti-US policies – facilitating their surge from a non-leadership regional stature in 1979 to global prominence, militarily and diplomatically in 2024. Furthermore, the diplomatic option has substantially upgraded the Ayatollahs’ support of terror entities such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis.

*In 2024, independent of potential nuclear capabilities, the conventional military capabilities of Iran’s Ayatollahs constitute the most critical epicenter of anti-US global terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and the proliferation of advanced missiles and predator unmanned aerial vehicles. 

The Ayatollahs’ conventional capabilities are a clear and present danger to the US homeland (e.g. proliferation of sleeper cells on US soil and the tight collaboration with Mexico’s drug cartels) and national security. Since the early 1980s, the Ayatollahs have severely eroded the US’ strategic posture in Latin America. In addition, the Ayatollahs pose an imminent lethal threat to every pro-US Arab regime, especially the oil-producing regimes (e.g., Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain), aiming to seize control of 48% of the global oil reserves.

*In 1978/79, the State Department deluded itself that Ayatollah Khomeini would be controlled by moderate advisors, distancing himself from Moscow, focusing on introducing liberty to the Iranian people, refraining from the exportation of the Islamic Revolution, evolving into an Iranian edition of Ghandi.

In 1978/79, the State Department policy doomed the pro-US Iran, transforming it into a venomous anti-US octopus with its tentacles stretched from the Persian Gulf, through the Middle East and Africa to Latin America and the US homeland.

North Korea And Iran: The Evil Axis Of Missiles ByBrent M. Eastwood


New ‘Partnership’ Of Evil: North Korea and Iran – It should not surprise us that Iran is acquiring technology and ballistic missiles from North Korea. The newly resurgent “Axis of Evil” is alive and well in 2024.

North Korea has always needed hard currency, and providing the missiles and technical know-how to Iran in exchange for monetary funding and goodwill is irresistible to diabolical North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Sadly, the DPRK has been working with Tehran on missile tech for years, and the results of that partnership could have wide-ranging impacts all over the Middle East and, specifically for Israel.

North Korea Aids Iran in Missile Development

Iran, for example, has a ballistic missile it calls the Emad. This model is actually a Shahab-3, which itself is a copy of the North Korean ballistic missile called NoDong. The Emad has a more extended range than the NoDong that enables it to strike Israel, and it is essential to note that the North Koreans have their fingerprints all over the Emad.

History of Iranian and North Korean Partnership

The North Korean and Iranian missile partnership has been active since the 1980s when Tehran acquired the Hwasong-5 missile from the DPRK for use in the Iran-Iraq War.

This led to the development and transfer of the improved Hwasong-6 from North Korea to Iran. In the 1990s, the North Korean Hwasong-7, with five times the range of the Hwasong-5, proliferated in Iran. This put American military installations in the Middle East, including the entirety of Israel, within range. The Hwasong-7 could hold more fuel and a bigger payload.