A $6 million day of fundraising elevated former Rep. Beto O’Rourke from the fringes of speculative Democratic presidential politics to can’t-be-ignored viability. Edging out Sen. Bernie Sanders’s record chummed a media feeding frenzy.
Mr. O’Rourke officially kicked off his campaign in El Paso, Texas, his hometown, Saturday. “This is a campaign for America, for everyone in America,” he said, sounding either breathtakingly aspirational or hopelessly naive.
Mr. O’Rourke is taking fire from people on the left, like me, who see him as all hat, no cattle. But he keeps rising in the polls. It is entirely possible to imagine him winning. And that’s thanks to the eternal appeal of a pretty face. He’s a rising star in today’s Democratic Party despite losing a Senate race, merely because he managed to keep it close. Where I come from, one who loses is a loser. And the loss was to Ted Cruz, who is highly intelligent but gleefully smug and was tarnished by the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Beto is young, has hardly any national political experience (six years each on the El Paso City Council and in Congress), and is an ideological cipher who evidently doesn’t know what he believes. Evoking Hillary Clinton’s “listening tour” of 2000, he plans to travel around to “listen to those who I seek to serve, to understand from your perspective how we can best meet these challenges.”
Mr. O’Rourke probably won’t be the nominee. There’s lots of competition to be the Democratic “fresh face,” including candidates such as Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg, who can credibly claim to have accomplished something. But Betomania is real and weird. Cory Booker didn’t get this much media love when he rescued a neighbor in Newark, N.J., from a burning building. CONTINUE AT SITE