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Kamala Harris: ‘It Is a Fact That We Can Change Human Behaviors’ on Climate Change By Tyler O’Neil


On Sunday, 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) again revealed her tyrannical desire to use government to “change human behaviors” on climate change. Since Harris has endorsed the shoddy and absurd Green New Deal concocted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), this is a truly radical declaration.

“It is a fact that we can change human behaviors without much change to our lifestyle and we can save the future generations of our country and this world,” Harris said in a video first published by The Hill. She argued that government is the problem — and the solution.

“There has been a failure to do that because this administration and the people who are part of it are in the pockets of big oil and are denying what we know is a reality around greenhouse gas emissions and what we need to do to curb those, what we need to do to focus on the fact that water is a precious resource,” Harris said, citing the climate change theories that warn of dire destruction based on climate models that fail to predict the future.

Ocasio-Cortez praises Ilhan Omar as one of the most ‘effective’ voices in politics by Chris Perez


Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to heap praise on fellow freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar early Sunday night — calling her “one of the most effective voices right now.”“Rep. Omar, a survivor of war, is one of the most effective voices right now at cutting through the authoritarian foreign policy tendencies of this administration,” tweeted Ocasio-Cortez.

She linked back to a post that the Minnesota lawmaker put up earlier in the evening criticizing President Trump’s handling of the crisis in Venezuela.“Trump and Elliott Abrams cannot be trusted to tell the truth about what’s happening in Venezuela,” Omar tweeted, along with a link to a New York Times story questioning the circumstances behind an alleged attack on a Venezuelan relief convoy.“We must continue to question the narratives they provide and promote dialogue instead of intervention,” Omar added.

Milwaukee selected to host 2020 Democratic National Convention


MILWAUKEE (AP) — Democrats selected Milwaukee to host their 2020 national convention Monday, setting up the party’s 2020 standard-bearer to accept the presidential nomination in the heart of the old industrial belt that delivered Donald Trump to the White House.Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez chose Milwaukee over Houston and Miami after deliberations lingered longer than party leaders or officials from the three finalist cities had expected.The convention is scheduled for July 13-16, 2020.

It will be the first time in over a century that Democrats will be in a Midwest city other than Chicago to nominate their presidential candidate. Instead, the political spotlight will shine for a week on a metro area of about 1.6 million people. Once dubbed as “The Machine Shop of the World,” the famously working-class city also is known for its long love affair with beer and as the birthplace of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Liberalism Then and Now By Mark Bauerlein


If you go back just a few decades, here is what liberals believed:
1.Everyone should be judged as an individual. To see someone as a representative of a group is to stereotype him.
2.People have a right to privacy, which means that what they do in their personal lives isn’t relevant to their public and work lives.
3.Free speech is the basis of a free society.
4.Journalists should act as nonpartisan watchdogs monitoring the halls of power.
5.Western civilization is the story of freedom and equality spreading to more and more people in the world.
6.The United States is a city on a hill.
7.Scientific findings should be examined on apolitical grounds of validity and method.
8.One must accept the results of fair elections.
9.The best art transcends politics.
10.We must stand up for the working man.

Those positions weren’t controversial back then, but they are worse than controversial now.

The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion By Victor Davis Hanson


What is strange about the new envisioned progressive agendas for 2020 is that no serious Democratic presidential candidate next year could ever run on them.Instead, what we will see over the next few months are insidious efforts to ignore, disown, or recant endorsements of Democratic candidates for president. And if not, Democrats will be trapped by their own rhetoric and virtue signaling—and end up going the full McGovern in 2020.

Venom. The new progressive Democratic Party is prepared for existential war. Vice President Mike Pence cannot be said to be a “decent guy.” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is old and in the way. America is not much above “garbage.” Immigrants arrive crushed that the “propaganda” did not match the reality of a pathological America. Yesterday’s condemnations from Jeremiah Wright’s pulpit sound mild today. In such a race to the bottom, expect in the next 22 months that each current slur and smear will be seen as counterrevolutionary within 24 hours. Yet most Americans do not appreciate their country being trashed by those who apparently know little about it.Green Deals. Much has been written about the “Green New Deal,” specifically its socialist redistribution schemes, and its notorious rapid phasing out of the internal combustion engine, which drew the polite ridicule from Feinstein and even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Omar and the Conspiracy Democrats Her colleagues portray the freshman as a naïf. But she has a clear and menacing modus operandi. By Elliot Kaufman


To hear Speaker Nancy Pelosi tell it, Rep. Ilhan Omar is a naïf. Nothing the Minnesota freshman has said was “intended in an anti-Semitic way,” Mrs. Pelosi explained last week. She merely “has a different experience in the use of words” and “doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning.” Yet Ms. Omar has been consistent not only in attacking the pro-Israel lobby, but in purveying a conspiratorial view of the world. The evidence-free accusation that illegitimate moneyed or foreign interests are corrupting her opponents and dictating U.S. policy is her modus operandi.

Before Ms. Omar was sworn in on Jan. 3, she had already been dogged by a menacing 2012 tweet, which she deleted late last month: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” That sounds like a classic conspiracy theory, with the evil force spreading false consciousness to keep its hand hidden.

On Jan. 15, not two weeks into the job, she tweeted about Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s turnabout to support President Trump: “They got to him, he is compromised!” Two days later, she mused on CNN that the senator was being blackmailed and it “has to do with his funding.” After repeated questioning, Ms. Omar admitted it was merely her “opinion” but claimed the truth was “visible” to her and that “there are lots of Americans who agree.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s failed company is a tax deadbeat: warrant filed over unpaid taxes to New York State By Thomas Lifson


Despite being the object of a huge amount of media attention, few people seem to know that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tried to be an entrepreneur and fell flat on her face. Her media pals certainly have no interest in publicizing the fact the she embraced socialism after she proved to be utterly, embarrassingly incompetent at earning her way. Monica Showalter asked the key question on these pages last summer: “Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist fanaticism come from bitter failure in business?
Now, thanks to digging by the New York Post, we know that:

Brook Avenue Press, a company she founded in 2012 to publish children’s books in The Bronx, owes the state $1,870.36 in corporate taxes, public records show.

The state slapped the company with a warrant on July 6, 2017, two months after Ocasio-Cortez announced her candidacy to run against Democratic incumbent Joe Crowley for the district that encompasses parts of Queens and The Bronx.

Will Ilhan Omar Finally Wake Up the Jewish People?By Eileen F. Toplansky

So many of us have tried to warn our liberal Jewish friends and family of the real dangers of anti-Semitism that began in earnest with the election of Barack Hussein Obama. We were met with derision, scorn, and outright antipathy. Yet we knew that this was the beginning, not the end of the resurgence of the oldest disease known to mankind.

After all, Obama warmly welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into the government. The Muslim Brotherhood made no secret of their wanting to become a political entity that rivals our constitutional one. Thus, it bears reiterating that “the Muslim Brotherhood, otherwise known as the Ikhwan believes that its purposes in the West are … better advanced by the use of non-violent, stealthy techniques. In that connection, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to establish relations with, influence and, wherever possible, penetrate government circles in executive and legislative branches at the federal, state, and local levels; the law enforcement community; intelligence agencies; the military; penal institutions, the media; think tanks and policy groups; academic institutions, non-Muslim religious communities; and other elites. The Brothers engage in all of these activities and more for one reason: to subvert the targeted communities in furtherance of the Muslim Brother’s primary objective — the triumph of shariah.”

Intersectional ‘Brotherhood’ Week By Michael Walsh


In just a few short months, the Muslima from Mogadishu who somehow represents the 5th congressional district in Minnesotastan, has made her stance perfectly clear: she hates Jews with the insouciant, casual fervor of a true Musselman. She hates the country of America-as-founded and, like her compatriots on the increasingly Marxist Left, would like to see it repealed and replaced with something else. For now, she is in an alliance of convenience with the politicians formerly known as “liberals.” But when the geriatric leadership, in the form of Maerose Prizzi (whose brother, Roosey, by the way, was once arrested for statutory rape and somehow skated — his father was the mayor of Baltimore at the time) attempted to rein in Ilhan Omar over her anti-Semitic tweeting, enough Democrats — including the Congressional Black Caucus — refused to support Pelosi’s boilerplate resolution against Jew hatred that it morphed into a generic resolution against “hate” of all kinds, including “Islamophobia.” There’s a word for this in Yiddish: chutzpah. There’s also a word for it in Arabic: taqiyya.

They’re not quite cognates, of course. “Chutzpah” translates best as “gall,” or “cheekiness.” The Arabic word means something more akin to “religiously sanctioned lying to advance the cause of Mohammedanism.” And, in any case, it’s worth remembering that Arabic is the official language of Islam everywhere, something that ought to offend proud, humiliatingly conquered cultures like the Persians, who have sacrificed their real faith — Zoroastrianism — and their language of worship to their Arab overlords. Whoever has been organizing the Iranian resistance against the mullahs — and their day will come — ought to appeal to Iranian history and patriotism and demand the overthrow of the Arab influence on Persian culture.

Democratic presidents behaved a lot worse than Trump in the White House Victor Davis Hanson,


Adapted excerpt from “The Case for Trump” by Victor Davis Hanson. Copyright © 2019. Available from Basic Books, an imprint of Perseus Books, a division of PBG Publishing, LLC, a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

It’s more likely history will judge President Trump for accomplishments in office than for character flaws.Progressives claim President Trump marks a new low in American political and presidential history, personifying a singularly odious message.But if we examine the present pantheon of progressive icons, and strip away their reliance on liberal-media protection and transfer them instead into the present age of tabloid promiscuity and cyber omnipresence, would we now have a very different view of their presidencies?

The progressive Woodrow Wilson administration likely would never have completed its two elected terms had it operated on media protocols common just a half-century later.For nearly a year during the failing health and death of First Lady Ellen Axson Wilson, the president fell into a state of debilitating depression, carefully hidden from the press. Much later, during the last 17 months of Wilson’s presidency, he was more or less unable to fulfill his duties due to a series of strokes that left him partially paralyzed and visually impaired. Those realities were carefully hidden from the public by the efforts of his second wife, Edith Bolling Wilson, and physician Dr. Cary Grayson.In the present case, we know that Trump is neither comatose nor is Melania running the country.

The country never learned the full extent of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s paralysis. Much less did it know of FDR’s past and ongoing affairs — the mechanics of which were sometimes carried out in the White House and with the skillful aid of his own daughter Anna. By fall 1944, Roosevelt, seeking a fourth term, was suffering from a series of life-threatening conditions. Worrying that the public would not vote yet again for a terminally ill president, sympathetic journalists and military physicians covered up Roosevelt’s illnesses — on the theory that FDR would survive long enough to get elected to a fourth term and ensure a continued Democratic administration.